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John Barrell's Plenary and Keynote Presentations

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Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Digital Approaches to Library History 30/05/2014-1/06/2014 01/06/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Community 23/01/2015-24/01/2015 23/01/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Julia Boffey sedearly London Medieval Society 70th Anniversary Conference: London and the World, Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2015-04/05/2015 01/05/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly Middle English Lyrics workshop: Form, Focus, Function, Queen Mary, University of London 21/02/2014 21/02/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly New Chaucer Society Biennial Congress, Queen Mary, University of London 10/07/2015-15/07/2015 10/07/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey and Rosamund Allen sedearly The First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower”, Queen Mary, University of London 12/07/2008-16/07/2008 12/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, Queen Mary University of London 08/09/2014-08/09/2014 08/09/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly The Third London Chaucer Conference, Institute for English Studies, Senate House 07/04/2011-08/04/2011 07/04/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin sedearly ‘Looking Before and After’: Cultural Exchange and the the Inheritance of Ideas, c.1200-1700, Christ Church College, Oxford 13/06/2009 13/06/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin, Ruth Ahnert and Francis Leneghan sedearly Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation, Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2013-17/07/2013 15/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly News and the Shape of Europe Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 26/07/2013-28/07/2013 26/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly A Range of International Workshops for News Networks 2011-2013 01/01/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly International Milton Conference, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 07/07/2008-08/07/2008 07/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies sedearly 'Diplomats, Agents, Adventurers and Spies: 1500-1700', University of Kent, Canterbury 17/09/2008-19/09/2008 17/09/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Digitizing Correspondence Workshop, sponsored by JISC 17/09/2009 17/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Footprints in the Butter: Looking for the Elephant in the Archives 18/09/2009 18/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Claire Preston sedearly The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 16/07/2014-17/07/2014 16/07/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly Van Dyck and his English Heirs, Queen Mary, University of London, and Tate Britain 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Markman Ellis and Ann Lewis sedmiddle Venal Bodies: Prostitutes and Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Culture 04/04/2009 04/04/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 10/06/2011 10/06/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle Vanderbilt University & Queen Mary, University of London Eighteenth-Century Studies Postgraduate Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 31/05/2013 31/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Andrew Lincoln sedmiddle War and British Culture: Living with War in the Eighteenth Century, symposium at the National Army Museum 06/07/2010 06/07/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Vernon Lee: Literary Revenant, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 10/06/2003 10/06/2003 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell, Stefano Evangelista and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Swinburne: A Centenary Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 10/07/2009-11/07/2009 10/07/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, c.1760s to c.1860s, Fourth Annual DWC Conference 17/05/2008 17/05/2008 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Church in Danger: Whiggery, Anticlericalism and Dissent, 1670s-1770s, Stephen Taylor Symposium 24/11/2007 24/11/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Women, Dissent, and Anti-Slavery in Britain and America, 1750-1865, Third Annual DWC Conference 19/05/2007 19/05/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn, Second Annual DWC Conference 20/05/2006 20/05/2006 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Scientist, Philosopher, Theologian, First Annual DWC Conference 05/05/2005 05/05/2005 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Bible, Fifth Annual DWC Conference 23/05/2009 23/05/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Shaping of Nonconformist Architecture, Sixth Annual DWC Conference 08/05/2010 08/05/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle John Locke: Theory, Power, and Publics, 1670s-1700s, Mark Goldie Symposium 20/11/2010 20/11/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Academies Libraries Workshop, Harris Manchester College, Oxford 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Heart Religion, Seventh Annual DWC Conference 21/05/2011 21/05/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Enlightenment, Dissent, and Toleration, Symposium 05/11/2011 05/11/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle 1662 Revisited, Eighth Annual DWC Conference 26/05/2012 26/05/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle 'Talking Books: A Gala Event Marking 80 Years of Service', International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay 13/09/2015 13/09/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and H. G. Cocks sedmiddle Margins of Print: Ephemera, Print Culture and Lost Histories of the Newspaper, Nottingham 15/01/2010 15/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Texts, Forms, Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France 22/05/2013-24/05/2013 22/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 29/06/2013 29/06/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and Barbara Taylor sedmiddle History, the Nation and the Schools, co-sponsored by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association 30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Barbara Taylor sedmiddle Psychoanalysis and History, Institute of Historical Research 15/05/2013 15/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, Tenth Annual Dr Williams's Centre Conference 10/05/2014 10/05/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Informal Romanticism, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 06/09/2011-09/09/2011 06/09/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Shandean Humour in Anglo-German Literature and Philosophy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge 2010 01/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Idea of Fall Workshop, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 2012 01/01/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Worship: The Contrasting Practices of Anglicans, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Unitarians over Three Centuries, Ninth Annual DWC Conference 11/05/2013 11/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse sedmiddle Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives of 18th Century Literature, Queen Mary, University of London 15/09/2012 15/09/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle The 10th Annual Literary London Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 09/07/2009-10/07/2009 09/07/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Mark Currie sedmodern Prediction, Memory Network, Cheltenham Literary Festival October 2013 01/10/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katherine Fleming sedmodern Seneca in the English Tradition, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 12/09/2012 12/09/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Great Expectations: Teaching Seminars in Higher Education, English Subject Centre Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 12/09/2008 12/09/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern ‘On the Circuit’, Woodberry Poetry Seminar, Harvard University 14/04/2015 14/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Teaching Performance Poetry, English Subject Centre 04/05/2011 04/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Morag Shiach sedmodern Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century, Queen Mary University of London 22/04/2015-24/04/2015 22/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson, Katy Price and Morag Shiach sedmodern Everydayness and the Event, MSA 15, Sussex 29/08/2013-01/09/2013 29/08/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson sedmodern Modernism Now!, BAMS International Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 26/06/2014-28/06/2014 26/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson and Celine Magot sedmodern Women and Speed, University of Toulouse 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Art of English, Queen Mary, University of London 21/06/2013 21/06/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katy Price sedmodern Altered Consciousness, 1918-1980, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2013-17/11/2013 16/11/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence: The Case of Earl Lovelace, Institute of Commonwealth Studies 2008 01/01/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Memory Today, Raphael Samuel History Centre, Institute of Historical Research 11/06/2010 11/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern In Conversation with Earl Lovelace, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2010 16/11/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern James Baldwin's Global Imagination, NYU and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 19/02/2011-20/02/2011 19/02/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with Brian Chikwava, ‘Migrant London in An Age of Neoliberalism’. Launch Event: Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary University of London 22 May 2014 22/05/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with George Szirtes: ‘Multilingual writing and translation’. Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing Seminar Series, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 12 March 2013 12/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire and the English Novel, Queen Mary, University of London April 2010 01/04/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire Symposium, British Academy 02/11/2011 02/11/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Valman sedmodern Willy Goldman's East End My Cradle, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2011 15/07/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imagination, Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 09/09/2015-11/09/2015 09/09/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern The Comic Mask: Theorizing Satire, Humour and Laughter in South African Culture, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, New York University 20/03/2014-23/03/2014 20/03/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern Contemporary South African Literature: Modernity, Futurity, Banality, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, Brown University 30/03/2012-01/04/2012 30/03/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Paddy and the Public Sphere: Print Culture and Politics in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland 28/06/2008 28/06/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Censored Ireland 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern The Provisional IRA: New Perspectives 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Bloody Sunday and the Saville Enquiry 25/06/2010 25/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Popular Culture and Revolution 20/06/2009 20/06/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Marina Warner, 'Oriental Masquerade: Fiction and Fantasy in the Wake of the Arabian Nights' 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Rahsid Khalidi, ‘Human Dignity in Jerusalem’ 31/05/2011 31/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Ahdaf Soueif, ‘Mina’s Banner: Edward Said and the Egyptian Revolution' 24/05/2012 24/05/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Noam Chomsky, ‘Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East’ 18/03/2013 18/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature

Filter by Research Group:

Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Digital Approaches to Library History 30/05/2014-1/06/2014 01/06/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Community 23/01/2015-24/01/2015 23/01/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Julia Boffey sedearly London Medieval Society 70th Anniversary Conference: London and the World, Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2015-04/05/2015 01/05/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly Middle English Lyrics workshop: Form, Focus, Function, Queen Mary, University of London 21/02/2014 21/02/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly New Chaucer Society Biennial Congress, Queen Mary, University of London 10/07/2015-15/07/2015 10/07/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey and Rosamund Allen sedearly The First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower”, Queen Mary, University of London 12/07/2008-16/07/2008 12/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, Queen Mary University of London 08/09/2014-08/09/2014 08/09/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly The Third London Chaucer Conference, Institute for English Studies, Senate House 07/04/2011-08/04/2011 07/04/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin sedearly ‘Looking Before and After’: Cultural Exchange and the the Inheritance of Ideas, c.1200-1700, Christ Church College, Oxford 13/06/2009 13/06/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin, Ruth Ahnert and Francis Leneghan sedearly Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation, Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2013-17/07/2013 15/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly News and the Shape of Europe Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 26/07/2013-28/07/2013 26/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly A Range of International Workshops for News Networks 2011-2013 01/01/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly International Milton Conference, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 07/07/2008-08/07/2008 07/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies sedearly 'Diplomats, Agents, Adventurers and Spies: 1500-1700', University of Kent, Canterbury 17/09/2008-19/09/2008 17/09/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Digitizing Correspondence Workshop, sponsored by JISC 17/09/2009 17/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Footprints in the Butter: Looking for the Elephant in the Archives 18/09/2009 18/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Claire Preston sedearly The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 16/07/2014-17/07/2014 16/07/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly Van Dyck and his English Heirs, Queen Mary, University of London, and Tate Britain 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Markman Ellis and Ann Lewis sedmiddle Venal Bodies: Prostitutes and Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Culture 04/04/2009 04/04/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 10/06/2011 10/06/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle Vanderbilt University & Queen Mary, University of London Eighteenth-Century Studies Postgraduate Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 31/05/2013 31/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Andrew Lincoln sedmiddle War and British Culture: Living with War in the Eighteenth Century, symposium at the National Army Museum 06/07/2010 06/07/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Vernon Lee: Literary Revenant, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 10/06/2003 10/06/2003 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell, Stefano Evangelista and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Swinburne: A Centenary Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 10/07/2009-11/07/2009 10/07/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, c.1760s to c.1860s, Fourth Annual DWC Conference 17/05/2008 17/05/2008 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Church in Danger: Whiggery, Anticlericalism and Dissent, 1670s-1770s, Stephen Taylor Symposium 24/11/2007 24/11/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Women, Dissent, and Anti-Slavery in Britain and America, 1750-1865, Third Annual DWC Conference 19/05/2007 19/05/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn, Second Annual DWC Conference 20/05/2006 20/05/2006 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Scientist, Philosopher, Theologian, First Annual DWC Conference 05/05/2005 05/05/2005 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Bible, Fifth Annual DWC Conference 23/05/2009 23/05/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Shaping of Nonconformist Architecture, Sixth Annual DWC Conference 08/05/2010 08/05/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle John Locke: Theory, Power, and Publics, 1670s-1700s, Mark Goldie Symposium 20/11/2010 20/11/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Academies Libraries Workshop, Harris Manchester College, Oxford 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Heart Religion, Seventh Annual DWC Conference 21/05/2011 21/05/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Enlightenment, Dissent, and Toleration, Symposium 05/11/2011 05/11/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle 1662 Revisited, Eighth Annual DWC Conference 26/05/2012 26/05/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle 'Talking Books: A Gala Event Marking 80 Years of Service', International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay 13/09/2015 13/09/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and H. G. Cocks sedmiddle Margins of Print: Ephemera, Print Culture and Lost Histories of the Newspaper, Nottingham 15/01/2010 15/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Texts, Forms, Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France 22/05/2013-24/05/2013 22/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 29/06/2013 29/06/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and Barbara Taylor sedmiddle History, the Nation and the Schools, co-sponsored by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association 30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Barbara Taylor sedmiddle Psychoanalysis and History, Institute of Historical Research 15/05/2013 15/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, Tenth Annual Dr Williams's Centre Conference 10/05/2014 10/05/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Informal Romanticism, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 06/09/2011-09/09/2011 06/09/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Shandean Humour in Anglo-German Literature and Philosophy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge 2010 01/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Idea of Fall Workshop, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 2012 01/01/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Worship: The Contrasting Practices of Anglicans, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Unitarians over Three Centuries, Ninth Annual DWC Conference 11/05/2013 11/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse sedmiddle Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives of 18th Century Literature, Queen Mary, University of London 15/09/2012 15/09/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle The 10th Annual Literary London Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 09/07/2009-10/07/2009 09/07/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Mark Currie sedmodern Prediction, Memory Network, Cheltenham Literary Festival October 2013 01/10/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katherine Fleming sedmodern Seneca in the English Tradition, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 12/09/2012 12/09/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Great Expectations: Teaching Seminars in Higher Education, English Subject Centre Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 12/09/2008 12/09/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern ‘On the Circuit’, Woodberry Poetry Seminar, Harvard University 14/04/2015 14/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Teaching Performance Poetry, English Subject Centre 04/05/2011 04/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Morag Shiach sedmodern Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century, Queen Mary University of London 22/04/2015-24/04/2015 22/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson, Katy Price and Morag Shiach sedmodern Everydayness and the Event, MSA 15, Sussex 29/08/2013-01/09/2013 29/08/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson sedmodern Modernism Now!, BAMS International Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 26/06/2014-28/06/2014 26/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson and Celine Magot sedmodern Women and Speed, University of Toulouse 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Art of English, Queen Mary, University of London 21/06/2013 21/06/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katy Price sedmodern Altered Consciousness, 1918-1980, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2013-17/11/2013 16/11/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence: The Case of Earl Lovelace, Institute of Commonwealth Studies 2008 01/01/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Memory Today, Raphael Samuel History Centre, Institute of Historical Research 11/06/2010 11/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern In Conversation with Earl Lovelace, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2010 16/11/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern James Baldwin's Global Imagination, NYU and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 19/02/2011-20/02/2011 19/02/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with Brian Chikwava, ‘Migrant London in An Age of Neoliberalism’. Launch Event: Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary University of London 22 May 2014 22/05/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with George Szirtes: ‘Multilingual writing and translation’. Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing Seminar Series, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 12 March 2013 12/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire and the English Novel, Queen Mary, University of London April 2010 01/04/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire Symposium, British Academy 02/11/2011 02/11/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Valman sedmodern Willy Goldman's East End My Cradle, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2011 15/07/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imagination, Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 09/09/2015-11/09/2015 09/09/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern The Comic Mask: Theorizing Satire, Humour and Laughter in South African Culture, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, New York University 20/03/2014-23/03/2014 20/03/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern Contemporary South African Literature: Modernity, Futurity, Banality, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, Brown University 30/03/2012-01/04/2012 30/03/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Paddy and the Public Sphere: Print Culture and Politics in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland 28/06/2008 28/06/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Censored Ireland 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern The Provisional IRA: New Perspectives 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Bloody Sunday and the Saville Enquiry 25/06/2010 25/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Popular Culture and Revolution 20/06/2009 20/06/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Marina Warner, 'Oriental Masquerade: Fiction and Fantasy in the Wake of the Arabian Nights' 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Rahsid Khalidi, ‘Human Dignity in Jerusalem’ 31/05/2011 31/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Ahdaf Soueif, ‘Mina’s Banner: Edward Said and the Egyptian Revolution' 24/05/2012 24/05/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Noam Chomsky, ‘Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East’ 18/03/2013 18/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Name Project Amount and Source of Award Start Date Date
Rehana Ahmed sedmodern Muslims Writing Britain and Beyond: Faith, Class and Multicultural Politics £48,062, Early Career Research Fellowship, Arts and Humanities Research Council, Teesside University 01/09/2011 September 2011-May 2012
Peter Howarth sedmodern   £44,994, Leverhulme Research Fellowship 01/01/2014 2014
Peter Howarth sedmodern   £10,000, National Teaching Fellowship 01/01/2012 2012
Peter Howarth sedmodern Archival research in Moore archive, Rosenbach Museum, Philadelphia, and Pacifica Radio archives, Los Angeles £1524, British Academy Small Grant 01/01/2010 2010
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival £10,386, Arts Council England 01/11/2015 June 2015-November 2015
Andrea Brady sedmodern Research Fellowship c. £45,000, Leverhulme Trust 01/06/2015 June – November 2015
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival £16,000, QMUL Centre for Public Engagement 01/10/2014 1 September 2014 – 1 September 2015
Andrea Brady sedmodern Collaborative Doctoral Award: British Poetry in Performance, 1960-present c. £50,000, in partnership with Steve Cleary, Sound Archive, British Library 01/06/2014 1 June 2014 – 30 November 2015
Andrea Brady sedmodern Archive of the Now £7040, QMUL Innovation Fund 01/10/2008 October 2008-October 2012
Andrea Brady sedmodern Archive of the Now £8730, QMUL Centre for Public Engagement 01/09/2013 September 2013-June 2014
Andrea Brady sedmodern Archive of the Now £6500, Westfield Trust 01/08/2010 August 2010-August 2011
Andrea Brady sedmodern Barque Press £12,600, Arts Council 01/06/2005 June 2005-December 2006
van der Vlies, Andrew and Dr Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imaginary £74,000, British Academy Newton Advanced Fellowship 31/01/2015 March 2015-March 2017
Barrett, Michèle sedmodern Imperial War Graves, 1918-1939 £3,941, British Academy 01/02/2007 February 2007-December 2007
Rivers, Isabel sedmiddle Visiting Fellowship 2005-06: Alison Searle £20,515, Leverhulme Trust 01/01/2006 January-June 2006
Preston, Claire sedearly The Complete Works of Sir Thomas Browne £929,000, AHRC Research Grant 01/02/2013 February 2013- February 2018
Boffey, Julia sedearly   Huntington Library Fellowship 01/04/2016 April 2016
Boffey, Julia sedearly Visiting Fellowship: Stephanie Downes £7, 500, British Academy/Leverhulme Trust 01/08/2010 August 2010-February 2011
Boffey, Julia sedearly Manuscript and printed books in London c. 1475-1530 £46,483, British Academy Senior Research Fellowship 01/01/2010 January 2010-February 2011
Boutcher, Warren sedearly Translation and the making of early modern English print culture (1473-1660) £10,000, Canadian Social Sciences and Research Council Research Programme 01/01/2014 2014
Atkin, Tamara sedearly For work on current book project, 'Drama, Reading and the Invention of the Literary in Tudor England' (forthcoming with Ashgate) Bibliographic Society of America Fellowship 01/01/2015 2016
Atkin, Tamara sedearly For work on current book project, 'Drama, Reading and the Invention of the Literary in Tudor England' (forthcoming with Ashgate) Folger Library Short Term Fellowship 01/01/2015 2016
Atkin, Tamara sedearly For work on current book project, 'Drama, Reading and the Invention of the Literary in Tudor England' (forthcoming with Ashgate) Huntington Library Short Term Fellowship 01/01/2015 2016
Atkin, Tamara sedearly For work on current book project, 'Drama, Reading and the Invention of the Literary in Tudor England' (forthcoming with Ashgate) Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship 01/01/2015 2016
Boutcher, Warren sedearly Attending Renaissance Society of America Conference, Los Angeles £500, British Academy Overseas Conference Grant 01/01/2009 2009
Boutcher, Warren sedearly The School of Montaigne: Rethinking the Origins of the Modern Critical Reader £5,000, University of London 01/05/2007 May 2007-March 2008
Brotton, Jerry sedearly Shakespeare in the Early Modern Global World £15,301, AHRC Research Leave Scheme 01/09/2006 Septepmber 2006-June 2007
Brotton, Jerry sedearly Mapping the Globe £26,533, AHRC Research Leave Scheme 01/09/2010 September 2010-December 2010
Colclough, David sedearly Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis: a scholarly edition £15,301, AHRC Research Leave Scheme 01/09/2006 September 2006-December 2006
Colclough, David sedearly John Donne’s Sermons £18,172, AHRC Research Leave Scheme 01/09/2010 September 2010-December 2010
Ellis, Markman sedmiddle The Social Space of Criticism in Mid Eighteenth-Century London £24,321, Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship 01/12/2006 December 2006-June 2008
Ellis, Markman sedmiddle Salon Sociability in the Montagu Correspondence Mayer Fellowship, Huntington Library California 01/03/2007 March 2007-May 2007
Ellis, Markman sedmiddle The Letter and the Salon $5000 Drake Fellowship, Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN 01/03/2012 March 2012
Hiatt, Alfred sedearly Dislocations: reading medieval maps £15,934, Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship 01/02/2012 February 2012-June 2012
Hiatt, Alfred sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, 1100-1600 £44,567, Leverhulme Trust International Network Grant 01/09/2013 September 2013-2015
Maxwell, Catherine sedmiddle Research Leave Award to complete monograph, The Female Sublime from Milton to Swinburne: Bearing Blindness (MUP, 2001) AHRB 01/09/1999 Autumn 1999
Maxwell, Catherine sedmiddle Scents and Sensibility: Perfume in Victorian Literary Culture £105,812, Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship 01/09/2014 September 2014-August 2016
Maxwell, Catherine sedmiddle Research Leave Award to complete monograph Second Sight: The Visionary Imagination in Late Victorian Literature (MUP, 2008) £28,477, AHRC 01/01/2007 January 2007-October 2007
Rivers, Isabel sedmiddle Dissenting Academy Libraries and their Readers, 1720-1860 £366,269 AHRC 01/06/2009 June 2009-June 2011
Rivers, Isabel sedmiddle A History of the Dissenting Academies in the British Isles, 1660-1860 £247,173 Leverhulme Trust (including £108,663 to the Sussex Centre for Intellectual History) 01/06/2008 June 2008-November 2011
Rivers, Isabel sedmiddle Private Books for Educational Use - the Formation of the Northern Congregational College Library £95,821 AHRC 01/03/2012 March 2012-February 2013
Rubery, Matthew sedmiddle The Untold Story of the Talking Book £38,169, American Academy of Arts and Sciences Visiting Scholarship 01/09/2011 August 2011-April 2012
Rubery, Matthew sedmiddle   Being Human: A Festival of the Humanities Funding Award 01/01/2014 2014
Rubery, Matthew sedmiddle   Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorship 01/01/2014 2014
Rubery, Matthew sedmiddle   British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship 01/01/2014 2014
Rubery, Matthew sedmiddle   National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Fellowship 01/01/2014 2014
Rubery, Matthew sedmiddle   Wellcome Trust Small Grant for the Medical Humanities 01/01/2013 2013
Rubery, Matthew sedmiddle   Bibliographical Society of America-Mercantile Library Fellowship in North American Bibliography 01/01/2013 2013
Rubery, Matthew sedmiddle   Edison Fellowship at the British Library 01/01/2012 2012
Rubery, Matthew sedmiddle   Leverhulme Research Fellowship 01/01/2012 2012
Rubery, Matthew sedmiddle   American Academy of Arts and Sciences Visiting Scholar 01/01/2011 2011
Rubery, Matthew sedmiddle   Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Research Leave Award 01/01/2008 2008
Rubery, Matthew sedmiddle   Oregon State University Center for the Humanities Visiting Research Fellowship 01/09/2011 2008
Rubery, Matthew sedmiddle   Dean’s Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities (University of Pennsylvania) 01/09/2011 2004
Rubery, Matthew sedmiddle The Untold Story of the Talking Book £38,681, Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship 01/05/2012 May 2012-February 2013
Schwarz, Bill sedmodern Visions of black: How Britons came to know US civil rights £30,262, AHRC 01/08/2008 August 2008-June 2009
Schwarz, Bill sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence £1,026, British Academy 01/09/2006 September 2006-April 2007
Schwarz, Bill (with Kaplan, Cora) sedmodern James Baldwin: Work, Life and Legacies International Conference supported by: Arts Council of England, British Academy, European Collegium for African-American Research, Ford Foundation, Institute for the Study of the Americas, Westfield Trust 01/06/2007 June 2007
Shiach, Morag sedmodern 2006 Fellowship £30,000, Leadership Foundation for Higher Education 01/07/2006 July 2006-February 2008
Shiach, Morag sedmodern Creativeworks London (PI) £4 million, AHRC 01/01/2012 2012-2016
Shiach, Morag sedmodern London Creative and Digital Fusion (CI) £670,000, ERDF 01/01/2012 2012-2015
Shiach, Morag sedmodern Creative Economy Showcase (PI) £18,500, AHRC 01/01/2014 2014
Shiach, Morag sedmodern Creative Hubs and Urban Development Goals (UK/Brazil) (PI) £80,000, AHRC 01/01/2016 2016-17
Shiach, Morag sedmodern Social Change and Creativity (Brazil) (PI) £225,000, AHRC/Newton Fund 01/01/2015 2015-16
van der Vlies, Andrew sedmodern The Postcolonial Obscene: ethics, aesthetics, & “obscenity” in contemporary South African literary and performance cultures £6,857, British Academy Small Research Grant 01/06/2009 June 2009-May 2011
van der Vlies, Andrew sedmodern On Hope and Disappointment in Contemporary South African Literature and Art £44,547, Leverhulme Trust 01/09/2013 September 2013-August 2014
Wills, Clair sedmodern The Vanished Generation: Irish literature and emigration in the 1940s and 1950s £32,216, British Academy Senior Research Fellowship 01/07/2006 July 2006-Febaury 2008
Wills, Clair sedmodern The Irish in Britain: A Social and Cultural History £158,480, Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship 1/10/2010 October 2010-September 2013

Filter by Research Group:

Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Digital Approaches to Library History 30/05/2014-1/06/2014 01/06/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Community 23/01/2015-24/01/2015 23/01/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Julia Boffey sedearly London Medieval Society 70th Anniversary Conference: London and the World, Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2015-04/05/2015 01/05/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly Middle English Lyrics workshop: Form, Focus, Function, Queen Mary, University of London 21/02/2014 21/02/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly New Chaucer Society Biennial Congress, Queen Mary, University of London 10/07/2015-15/07/2015 10/07/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey and Rosamund Allen sedearly The First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower”, Queen Mary, University of London 12/07/2008-16/07/2008 12/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, Queen Mary University of London 08/09/2014-08/09/2014 08/09/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly The Third London Chaucer Conference, Institute for English Studies, Senate House 07/04/2011-08/04/2011 07/04/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin sedearly ‘Looking Before and After’: Cultural Exchange and the the Inheritance of Ideas, c.1200-1700, Christ Church College, Oxford 13/06/2009 13/06/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin, Ruth Ahnert and Francis Leneghan sedearly Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation, Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2013-17/07/2013 15/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly News and the Shape of Europe Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 26/07/2013-28/07/2013 26/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly A Range of International Workshops for News Networks 2011-2013 01/01/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly International Milton Conference, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 07/07/2008-08/07/2008 07/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies sedearly 'Diplomats, Agents, Adventurers and Spies: 1500-1700', University of Kent, Canterbury 17/09/2008-19/09/2008 17/09/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Digitizing Correspondence Workshop, sponsored by JISC 17/09/2009 17/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Footprints in the Butter: Looking for the Elephant in the Archives 18/09/2009 18/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Claire Preston sedearly The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 16/07/2014-17/07/2014 16/07/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly Van Dyck and his English Heirs, Queen Mary, University of London, and Tate Britain 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Markman Ellis and Ann Lewis sedmiddle Venal Bodies: Prostitutes and Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Culture 04/04/2009 04/04/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 10/06/2011 10/06/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle Vanderbilt University & Queen Mary, University of London Eighteenth-Century Studies Postgraduate Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 31/05/2013 31/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Andrew Lincoln sedmiddle War and British Culture: Living with War in the Eighteenth Century, symposium at the National Army Museum 06/07/2010 06/07/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Vernon Lee: Literary Revenant, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 10/06/2003 10/06/2003 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell, Stefano Evangelista and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Swinburne: A Centenary Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 10/07/2009-11/07/2009 10/07/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, c.1760s to c.1860s, Fourth Annual DWC Conference 17/05/2008 17/05/2008 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Church in Danger: Whiggery, Anticlericalism and Dissent, 1670s-1770s, Stephen Taylor Symposium 24/11/2007 24/11/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Women, Dissent, and Anti-Slavery in Britain and America, 1750-1865, Third Annual DWC Conference 19/05/2007 19/05/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn, Second Annual DWC Conference 20/05/2006 20/05/2006 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Scientist, Philosopher, Theologian, First Annual DWC Conference 05/05/2005 05/05/2005 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Bible, Fifth Annual DWC Conference 23/05/2009 23/05/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Shaping of Nonconformist Architecture, Sixth Annual DWC Conference 08/05/2010 08/05/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle John Locke: Theory, Power, and Publics, 1670s-1700s, Mark Goldie Symposium 20/11/2010 20/11/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Academies Libraries Workshop, Harris Manchester College, Oxford 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Heart Religion, Seventh Annual DWC Conference 21/05/2011 21/05/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Enlightenment, Dissent, and Toleration, Symposium 05/11/2011 05/11/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle 1662 Revisited, Eighth Annual DWC Conference 26/05/2012 26/05/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle 'Talking Books: A Gala Event Marking 80 Years of Service', International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay 13/09/2015 13/09/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and H. G. Cocks sedmiddle Margins of Print: Ephemera, Print Culture and Lost Histories of the Newspaper, Nottingham 15/01/2010 15/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Texts, Forms, Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France 22/05/2013-24/05/2013 22/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 29/06/2013 29/06/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and Barbara Taylor sedmiddle History, the Nation and the Schools, co-sponsored by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association 30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Barbara Taylor sedmiddle Psychoanalysis and History, Institute of Historical Research 15/05/2013 15/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, Tenth Annual Dr Williams's Centre Conference 10/05/2014 10/05/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Informal Romanticism, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 06/09/2011-09/09/2011 06/09/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Shandean Humour in Anglo-German Literature and Philosophy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge 2010 01/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Idea of Fall Workshop, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 2012 01/01/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Worship: The Contrasting Practices of Anglicans, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Unitarians over Three Centuries, Ninth Annual DWC Conference 11/05/2013 11/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse sedmiddle Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives of 18th Century Literature, Queen Mary, University of London 15/09/2012 15/09/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle The 10th Annual Literary London Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 09/07/2009-10/07/2009 09/07/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Mark Currie sedmodern Prediction, Memory Network, Cheltenham Literary Festival October 2013 01/10/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katherine Fleming sedmodern Seneca in the English Tradition, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 12/09/2012 12/09/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Great Expectations: Teaching Seminars in Higher Education, English Subject Centre Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 12/09/2008 12/09/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern ‘On the Circuit’, Woodberry Poetry Seminar, Harvard University 14/04/2015 14/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Teaching Performance Poetry, English Subject Centre 04/05/2011 04/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Morag Shiach sedmodern Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century, Queen Mary University of London 22/04/2015-24/04/2015 22/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson, Katy Price and Morag Shiach sedmodern Everydayness and the Event, MSA 15, Sussex 29/08/2013-01/09/2013 29/08/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson sedmodern Modernism Now!, BAMS International Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 26/06/2014-28/06/2014 26/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson and Celine Magot sedmodern Women and Speed, University of Toulouse 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Art of English, Queen Mary, University of London 21/06/2013 21/06/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katy Price sedmodern Altered Consciousness, 1918-1980, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2013-17/11/2013 16/11/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence: The Case of Earl Lovelace, Institute of Commonwealth Studies 2008 01/01/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Memory Today, Raphael Samuel History Centre, Institute of Historical Research 11/06/2010 11/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern In Conversation with Earl Lovelace, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2010 16/11/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern James Baldwin's Global Imagination, NYU and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 19/02/2011-20/02/2011 19/02/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with Brian Chikwava, ‘Migrant London in An Age of Neoliberalism’. Launch Event: Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary University of London 22 May 2014 22/05/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with George Szirtes: ‘Multilingual writing and translation’. Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing Seminar Series, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 12 March 2013 12/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire and the English Novel, Queen Mary, University of London April 2010 01/04/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire Symposium, British Academy 02/11/2011 02/11/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Valman sedmodern Willy Goldman's East End My Cradle, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2011 15/07/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imagination, Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 09/09/2015-11/09/2015 09/09/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern The Comic Mask: Theorizing Satire, Humour and Laughter in South African Culture, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, New York University 20/03/2014-23/03/2014 20/03/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern Contemporary South African Literature: Modernity, Futurity, Banality, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, Brown University 30/03/2012-01/04/2012 30/03/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Paddy and the Public Sphere: Print Culture and Politics in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland 28/06/2008 28/06/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Censored Ireland 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern The Provisional IRA: New Perspectives 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Bloody Sunday and the Saville Enquiry 25/06/2010 25/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Popular Culture and Revolution 20/06/2009 20/06/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Marina Warner, 'Oriental Masquerade: Fiction and Fantasy in the Wake of the Arabian Nights' 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Rahsid Khalidi, ‘Human Dignity in Jerusalem’ 31/05/2011 31/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Ahdaf Soueif, ‘Mina’s Banner: Edward Said and the Egyptian Revolution' 24/05/2012 24/05/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Noam Chomsky, ‘Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East’ 18/03/2013 18/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature

Filter by Research Group:

Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Digital Approaches to Library History 30/05/2014-1/06/2014 01/06/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Community 23/01/2015-24/01/2015 23/01/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Julia Boffey sedearly London Medieval Society 70th Anniversary Conference: London and the World, Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2015-04/05/2015 01/05/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly Middle English Lyrics workshop: Form, Focus, Function, Queen Mary, University of London 21/02/2014 21/02/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly New Chaucer Society Biennial Congress, Queen Mary, University of London 10/07/2015-15/07/2015 10/07/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey and Rosamund Allen sedearly The First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower”, Queen Mary, University of London 12/07/2008-16/07/2008 12/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, Queen Mary University of London 08/09/2014-08/09/2014 08/09/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly The Third London Chaucer Conference, Institute for English Studies, Senate House 07/04/2011-08/04/2011 07/04/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin sedearly ‘Looking Before and After’: Cultural Exchange and the the Inheritance of Ideas, c.1200-1700, Christ Church College, Oxford 13/06/2009 13/06/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin, Ruth Ahnert and Francis Leneghan sedearly Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation, Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2013-17/07/2013 15/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly News and the Shape of Europe Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 26/07/2013-28/07/2013 26/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly A Range of International Workshops for News Networks 2011-2013 01/01/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly International Milton Conference, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 07/07/2008-08/07/2008 07/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies sedearly 'Diplomats, Agents, Adventurers and Spies: 1500-1700', University of Kent, Canterbury 17/09/2008-19/09/2008 17/09/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Digitizing Correspondence Workshop, sponsored by JISC 17/09/2009 17/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Footprints in the Butter: Looking for the Elephant in the Archives 18/09/2009 18/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Claire Preston sedearly The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 16/07/2014-17/07/2014 16/07/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly Van Dyck and his English Heirs, Queen Mary, University of London, and Tate Britain 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Markman Ellis and Ann Lewis sedmiddle Venal Bodies: Prostitutes and Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Culture 04/04/2009 04/04/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 10/06/2011 10/06/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle Vanderbilt University & Queen Mary, University of London Eighteenth-Century Studies Postgraduate Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 31/05/2013 31/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Andrew Lincoln sedmiddle War and British Culture: Living with War in the Eighteenth Century, symposium at the National Army Museum 06/07/2010 06/07/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Vernon Lee: Literary Revenant, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 10/06/2003 10/06/2003 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell, Stefano Evangelista and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Swinburne: A Centenary Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 10/07/2009-11/07/2009 10/07/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, c.1760s to c.1860s, Fourth Annual DWC Conference 17/05/2008 17/05/2008 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Church in Danger: Whiggery, Anticlericalism and Dissent, 1670s-1770s, Stephen Taylor Symposium 24/11/2007 24/11/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Women, Dissent, and Anti-Slavery in Britain and America, 1750-1865, Third Annual DWC Conference 19/05/2007 19/05/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn, Second Annual DWC Conference 20/05/2006 20/05/2006 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Scientist, Philosopher, Theologian, First Annual DWC Conference 05/05/2005 05/05/2005 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Bible, Fifth Annual DWC Conference 23/05/2009 23/05/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Shaping of Nonconformist Architecture, Sixth Annual DWC Conference 08/05/2010 08/05/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle John Locke: Theory, Power, and Publics, 1670s-1700s, Mark Goldie Symposium 20/11/2010 20/11/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Academies Libraries Workshop, Harris Manchester College, Oxford 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Heart Religion, Seventh Annual DWC Conference 21/05/2011 21/05/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Enlightenment, Dissent, and Toleration, Symposium 05/11/2011 05/11/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle 1662 Revisited, Eighth Annual DWC Conference 26/05/2012 26/05/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle 'Talking Books: A Gala Event Marking 80 Years of Service', International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay 13/09/2015 13/09/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and H. G. Cocks sedmiddle Margins of Print: Ephemera, Print Culture and Lost Histories of the Newspaper, Nottingham 15/01/2010 15/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Texts, Forms, Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France 22/05/2013-24/05/2013 22/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 29/06/2013 29/06/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and Barbara Taylor sedmiddle History, the Nation and the Schools, co-sponsored by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association 30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Barbara Taylor sedmiddle Psychoanalysis and History, Institute of Historical Research 15/05/2013 15/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, Tenth Annual Dr Williams's Centre Conference 10/05/2014 10/05/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Informal Romanticism, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 06/09/2011-09/09/2011 06/09/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Shandean Humour in Anglo-German Literature and Philosophy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge 2010 01/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Idea of Fall Workshop, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 2012 01/01/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Worship: The Contrasting Practices of Anglicans, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Unitarians over Three Centuries, Ninth Annual DWC Conference 11/05/2013 11/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse sedmiddle Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives of 18th Century Literature, Queen Mary, University of London 15/09/2012 15/09/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle The 10th Annual Literary London Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 09/07/2009-10/07/2009 09/07/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Mark Currie sedmodern Prediction, Memory Network, Cheltenham Literary Festival October 2013 01/10/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katherine Fleming sedmodern Seneca in the English Tradition, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 12/09/2012 12/09/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Great Expectations: Teaching Seminars in Higher Education, English Subject Centre Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 12/09/2008 12/09/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern ‘On the Circuit’, Woodberry Poetry Seminar, Harvard University 14/04/2015 14/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Teaching Performance Poetry, English Subject Centre 04/05/2011 04/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Morag Shiach sedmodern Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century, Queen Mary University of London 22/04/2015-24/04/2015 22/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson, Katy Price and Morag Shiach sedmodern Everydayness and the Event, MSA 15, Sussex 29/08/2013-01/09/2013 29/08/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson sedmodern Modernism Now!, BAMS International Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 26/06/2014-28/06/2014 26/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson and Celine Magot sedmodern Women and Speed, University of Toulouse 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Art of English, Queen Mary, University of London 21/06/2013 21/06/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katy Price sedmodern Altered Consciousness, 1918-1980, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2013-17/11/2013 16/11/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence: The Case of Earl Lovelace, Institute of Commonwealth Studies 2008 01/01/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Memory Today, Raphael Samuel History Centre, Institute of Historical Research 11/06/2010 11/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern In Conversation with Earl Lovelace, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2010 16/11/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern James Baldwin's Global Imagination, NYU and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 19/02/2011-20/02/2011 19/02/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with Brian Chikwava, ‘Migrant London in An Age of Neoliberalism’. Launch Event: Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary University of London 22 May 2014 22/05/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with George Szirtes: ‘Multilingual writing and translation’. Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing Seminar Series, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 12 March 2013 12/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire and the English Novel, Queen Mary, University of London April 2010 01/04/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire Symposium, British Academy 02/11/2011 02/11/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Valman sedmodern Willy Goldman's East End My Cradle, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2011 15/07/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imagination, Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 09/09/2015-11/09/2015 09/09/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern The Comic Mask: Theorizing Satire, Humour and Laughter in South African Culture, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, New York University 20/03/2014-23/03/2014 20/03/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern Contemporary South African Literature: Modernity, Futurity, Banality, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, Brown University 30/03/2012-01/04/2012 30/03/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Paddy and the Public Sphere: Print Culture and Politics in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland 28/06/2008 28/06/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Censored Ireland 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern The Provisional IRA: New Perspectives 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Bloody Sunday and the Saville Enquiry 25/06/2010 25/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Popular Culture and Revolution 20/06/2009 20/06/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Marina Warner, 'Oriental Masquerade: Fiction and Fantasy in the Wake of the Arabian Nights' 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Rahsid Khalidi, ‘Human Dignity in Jerusalem’ 31/05/2011 31/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Ahdaf Soueif, ‘Mina’s Banner: Edward Said and the Egyptian Revolution' 24/05/2012 24/05/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Noam Chomsky, ‘Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East’ 18/03/2013 18/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature

Filter by Research Group:

Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Digital Approaches to Library History 30/05/2014-1/06/2014 01/06/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Community 23/01/2015-24/01/2015 23/01/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Julia Boffey sedearly London Medieval Society 70th Anniversary Conference: London and the World, Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2015-04/05/2015 01/05/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly Middle English Lyrics workshop: Form, Focus, Function, Queen Mary, University of London 21/02/2014 21/02/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly New Chaucer Society Biennial Congress, Queen Mary, University of London 10/07/2015-15/07/2015 10/07/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey and Rosamund Allen sedearly The First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower”, Queen Mary, University of London 12/07/2008-16/07/2008 12/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, Queen Mary University of London 08/09/2014-08/09/2014 08/09/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly The Third London Chaucer Conference, Institute for English Studies, Senate House 07/04/2011-08/04/2011 07/04/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin sedearly ‘Looking Before and After’: Cultural Exchange and the the Inheritance of Ideas, c.1200-1700, Christ Church College, Oxford 13/06/2009 13/06/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin, Ruth Ahnert and Francis Leneghan sedearly Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation, Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2013-17/07/2013 15/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly News and the Shape of Europe Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 26/07/2013-28/07/2013 26/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly A Range of International Workshops for News Networks 2011-2013 01/01/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly International Milton Conference, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 07/07/2008-08/07/2008 07/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies sedearly 'Diplomats, Agents, Adventurers and Spies: 1500-1700', University of Kent, Canterbury 17/09/2008-19/09/2008 17/09/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Digitizing Correspondence Workshop, sponsored by JISC 17/09/2009 17/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Footprints in the Butter: Looking for the Elephant in the Archives 18/09/2009 18/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Claire Preston sedearly The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 16/07/2014-17/07/2014 16/07/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly Van Dyck and his English Heirs, Queen Mary, University of London, and Tate Britain 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Markman Ellis and Ann Lewis sedmiddle Venal Bodies: Prostitutes and Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Culture 04/04/2009 04/04/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 10/06/2011 10/06/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle Vanderbilt University & Queen Mary, University of London Eighteenth-Century Studies Postgraduate Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 31/05/2013 31/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Andrew Lincoln sedmiddle War and British Culture: Living with War in the Eighteenth Century, symposium at the National Army Museum 06/07/2010 06/07/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Vernon Lee: Literary Revenant, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 10/06/2003 10/06/2003 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell, Stefano Evangelista and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Swinburne: A Centenary Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 10/07/2009-11/07/2009 10/07/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, c.1760s to c.1860s, Fourth Annual DWC Conference 17/05/2008 17/05/2008 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Church in Danger: Whiggery, Anticlericalism and Dissent, 1670s-1770s, Stephen Taylor Symposium 24/11/2007 24/11/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Women, Dissent, and Anti-Slavery in Britain and America, 1750-1865, Third Annual DWC Conference 19/05/2007 19/05/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn, Second Annual DWC Conference 20/05/2006 20/05/2006 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Scientist, Philosopher, Theologian, First Annual DWC Conference 05/05/2005 05/05/2005 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Bible, Fifth Annual DWC Conference 23/05/2009 23/05/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Shaping of Nonconformist Architecture, Sixth Annual DWC Conference 08/05/2010 08/05/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle John Locke: Theory, Power, and Publics, 1670s-1700s, Mark Goldie Symposium 20/11/2010 20/11/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Academies Libraries Workshop, Harris Manchester College, Oxford 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Heart Religion, Seventh Annual DWC Conference 21/05/2011 21/05/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Enlightenment, Dissent, and Toleration, Symposium 05/11/2011 05/11/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle 1662 Revisited, Eighth Annual DWC Conference 26/05/2012 26/05/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle 'Talking Books: A Gala Event Marking 80 Years of Service', International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay 13/09/2015 13/09/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and H. G. Cocks sedmiddle Margins of Print: Ephemera, Print Culture and Lost Histories of the Newspaper, Nottingham 15/01/2010 15/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Texts, Forms, Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France 22/05/2013-24/05/2013 22/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 29/06/2013 29/06/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and Barbara Taylor sedmiddle History, the Nation and the Schools, co-sponsored by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association 30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Barbara Taylor sedmiddle Psychoanalysis and History, Institute of Historical Research 15/05/2013 15/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, Tenth Annual Dr Williams's Centre Conference 10/05/2014 10/05/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Informal Romanticism, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 06/09/2011-09/09/2011 06/09/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Shandean Humour in Anglo-German Literature and Philosophy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge 2010 01/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Idea of Fall Workshop, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 2012 01/01/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Worship: The Contrasting Practices of Anglicans, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Unitarians over Three Centuries, Ninth Annual DWC Conference 11/05/2013 11/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse sedmiddle Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives of 18th Century Literature, Queen Mary, University of London 15/09/2012 15/09/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle The 10th Annual Literary London Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 09/07/2009-10/07/2009 09/07/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Mark Currie sedmodern Prediction, Memory Network, Cheltenham Literary Festival October 2013 01/10/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katherine Fleming sedmodern Seneca in the English Tradition, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 12/09/2012 12/09/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Great Expectations: Teaching Seminars in Higher Education, English Subject Centre Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 12/09/2008 12/09/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern ‘On the Circuit’, Woodberry Poetry Seminar, Harvard University 14/04/2015 14/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Teaching Performance Poetry, English Subject Centre 04/05/2011 04/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Morag Shiach sedmodern Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century, Queen Mary University of London 22/04/2015-24/04/2015 22/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson, Katy Price and Morag Shiach sedmodern Everydayness and the Event, MSA 15, Sussex 29/08/2013-01/09/2013 29/08/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson sedmodern Modernism Now!, BAMS International Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 26/06/2014-28/06/2014 26/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson and Celine Magot sedmodern Women and Speed, University of Toulouse 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Art of English, Queen Mary, University of London 21/06/2013 21/06/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katy Price sedmodern Altered Consciousness, 1918-1980, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2013-17/11/2013 16/11/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence: The Case of Earl Lovelace, Institute of Commonwealth Studies 2008 01/01/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Memory Today, Raphael Samuel History Centre, Institute of Historical Research 11/06/2010 11/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern In Conversation with Earl Lovelace, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2010 16/11/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern James Baldwin's Global Imagination, NYU and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 19/02/2011-20/02/2011 19/02/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with Brian Chikwava, ‘Migrant London in An Age of Neoliberalism’. Launch Event: Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary University of London 22 May 2014 22/05/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with George Szirtes: ‘Multilingual writing and translation’. Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing Seminar Series, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 12 March 2013 12/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire and the English Novel, Queen Mary, University of London April 2010 01/04/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire Symposium, British Academy 02/11/2011 02/11/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Valman sedmodern Willy Goldman's East End My Cradle, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2011 15/07/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imagination, Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 09/09/2015-11/09/2015 09/09/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern The Comic Mask: Theorizing Satire, Humour and Laughter in South African Culture, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, New York University 20/03/2014-23/03/2014 20/03/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern Contemporary South African Literature: Modernity, Futurity, Banality, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, Brown University 30/03/2012-01/04/2012 30/03/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Paddy and the Public Sphere: Print Culture and Politics in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland 28/06/2008 28/06/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Censored Ireland 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern The Provisional IRA: New Perspectives 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Bloody Sunday and the Saville Enquiry 25/06/2010 25/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Popular Culture and Revolution 20/06/2009 20/06/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Marina Warner, 'Oriental Masquerade: Fiction and Fantasy in the Wake of the Arabian Nights' 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Rahsid Khalidi, ‘Human Dignity in Jerusalem’ 31/05/2011 31/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Ahdaf Soueif, ‘Mina’s Banner: Edward Said and the Egyptian Revolution' 24/05/2012 24/05/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Noam Chomsky, ‘Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East’ 18/03/2013 18/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature

Filter by Research Group:

Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Digital Approaches to Library History 30/05/2014-1/06/2014 01/06/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Community 23/01/2015-24/01/2015 23/01/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Julia Boffey sedearly London Medieval Society 70th Anniversary Conference: London and the World, Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2015-04/05/2015 01/05/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly Middle English Lyrics workshop: Form, Focus, Function, Queen Mary, University of London 21/02/2014 21/02/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly New Chaucer Society Biennial Congress, Queen Mary, University of London 10/07/2015-15/07/2015 10/07/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey and Rosamund Allen sedearly The First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower”, Queen Mary, University of London 12/07/2008-16/07/2008 12/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, Queen Mary University of London 08/09/2014-08/09/2014 08/09/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly The Third London Chaucer Conference, Institute for English Studies, Senate House 07/04/2011-08/04/2011 07/04/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin sedearly ‘Looking Before and After’: Cultural Exchange and the the Inheritance of Ideas, c.1200-1700, Christ Church College, Oxford 13/06/2009 13/06/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin, Ruth Ahnert and Francis Leneghan sedearly Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation, Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2013-17/07/2013 15/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly News and the Shape of Europe Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 26/07/2013-28/07/2013 26/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly A Range of International Workshops for News Networks 2011-2013 01/01/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly International Milton Conference, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 07/07/2008-08/07/2008 07/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies sedearly 'Diplomats, Agents, Adventurers and Spies: 1500-1700', University of Kent, Canterbury 17/09/2008-19/09/2008 17/09/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Digitizing Correspondence Workshop, sponsored by JISC 17/09/2009 17/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Footprints in the Butter: Looking for the Elephant in the Archives 18/09/2009 18/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Claire Preston sedearly The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 16/07/2014-17/07/2014 16/07/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly Van Dyck and his English Heirs, Queen Mary, University of London, and Tate Britain 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Markman Ellis and Ann Lewis sedmiddle Venal Bodies: Prostitutes and Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Culture 04/04/2009 04/04/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 10/06/2011 10/06/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle Vanderbilt University & Queen Mary, University of London Eighteenth-Century Studies Postgraduate Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 31/05/2013 31/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Andrew Lincoln sedmiddle War and British Culture: Living with War in the Eighteenth Century, symposium at the National Army Museum 06/07/2010 06/07/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Vernon Lee: Literary Revenant, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 10/06/2003 10/06/2003 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell, Stefano Evangelista and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Swinburne: A Centenary Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 10/07/2009-11/07/2009 10/07/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, c.1760s to c.1860s, Fourth Annual DWC Conference 17/05/2008 17/05/2008 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Church in Danger: Whiggery, Anticlericalism and Dissent, 1670s-1770s, Stephen Taylor Symposium 24/11/2007 24/11/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Women, Dissent, and Anti-Slavery in Britain and America, 1750-1865, Third Annual DWC Conference 19/05/2007 19/05/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn, Second Annual DWC Conference 20/05/2006 20/05/2006 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Scientist, Philosopher, Theologian, First Annual DWC Conference 05/05/2005 05/05/2005 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Bible, Fifth Annual DWC Conference 23/05/2009 23/05/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Shaping of Nonconformist Architecture, Sixth Annual DWC Conference 08/05/2010 08/05/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle John Locke: Theory, Power, and Publics, 1670s-1700s, Mark Goldie Symposium 20/11/2010 20/11/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Academies Libraries Workshop, Harris Manchester College, Oxford 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Heart Religion, Seventh Annual DWC Conference 21/05/2011 21/05/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Enlightenment, Dissent, and Toleration, Symposium 05/11/2011 05/11/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle 1662 Revisited, Eighth Annual DWC Conference 26/05/2012 26/05/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle 'Talking Books: A Gala Event Marking 80 Years of Service', International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay 13/09/2015 13/09/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and H. G. Cocks sedmiddle Margins of Print: Ephemera, Print Culture and Lost Histories of the Newspaper, Nottingham 15/01/2010 15/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Texts, Forms, Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France 22/05/2013-24/05/2013 22/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 29/06/2013 29/06/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and Barbara Taylor sedmiddle History, the Nation and the Schools, co-sponsored by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association 30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Barbara Taylor sedmiddle Psychoanalysis and History, Institute of Historical Research 15/05/2013 15/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, Tenth Annual Dr Williams's Centre Conference 10/05/2014 10/05/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Informal Romanticism, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 06/09/2011-09/09/2011 06/09/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Shandean Humour in Anglo-German Literature and Philosophy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge 2010 01/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Idea of Fall Workshop, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 2012 01/01/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Worship: The Contrasting Practices of Anglicans, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Unitarians over Three Centuries, Ninth Annual DWC Conference 11/05/2013 11/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse sedmiddle Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives of 18th Century Literature, Queen Mary, University of London 15/09/2012 15/09/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle The 10th Annual Literary London Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 09/07/2009-10/07/2009 09/07/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Mark Currie sedmodern Prediction, Memory Network, Cheltenham Literary Festival October 2013 01/10/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katherine Fleming sedmodern Seneca in the English Tradition, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 12/09/2012 12/09/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Great Expectations: Teaching Seminars in Higher Education, English Subject Centre Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 12/09/2008 12/09/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern ‘On the Circuit’, Woodberry Poetry Seminar, Harvard University 14/04/2015 14/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Teaching Performance Poetry, English Subject Centre 04/05/2011 04/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Morag Shiach sedmodern Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century, Queen Mary University of London 22/04/2015-24/04/2015 22/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson, Katy Price and Morag Shiach sedmodern Everydayness and the Event, MSA 15, Sussex 29/08/2013-01/09/2013 29/08/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson sedmodern Modernism Now!, BAMS International Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 26/06/2014-28/06/2014 26/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson and Celine Magot sedmodern Women and Speed, University of Toulouse 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Art of English, Queen Mary, University of London 21/06/2013 21/06/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katy Price sedmodern Altered Consciousness, 1918-1980, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2013-17/11/2013 16/11/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence: The Case of Earl Lovelace, Institute of Commonwealth Studies 2008 01/01/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Memory Today, Raphael Samuel History Centre, Institute of Historical Research 11/06/2010 11/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern In Conversation with Earl Lovelace, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2010 16/11/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern James Baldwin's Global Imagination, NYU and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 19/02/2011-20/02/2011 19/02/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with Brian Chikwava, ‘Migrant London in An Age of Neoliberalism’. Launch Event: Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary University of London 22 May 2014 22/05/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with George Szirtes: ‘Multilingual writing and translation’. Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing Seminar Series, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 12 March 2013 12/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire and the English Novel, Queen Mary, University of London April 2010 01/04/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire Symposium, British Academy 02/11/2011 02/11/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Valman sedmodern Willy Goldman's East End My Cradle, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2011 15/07/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imagination, Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 09/09/2015-11/09/2015 09/09/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern The Comic Mask: Theorizing Satire, Humour and Laughter in South African Culture, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, New York University 20/03/2014-23/03/2014 20/03/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern Contemporary South African Literature: Modernity, Futurity, Banality, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, Brown University 30/03/2012-01/04/2012 30/03/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Paddy and the Public Sphere: Print Culture and Politics in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland 28/06/2008 28/06/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Censored Ireland 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern The Provisional IRA: New Perspectives 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Bloody Sunday and the Saville Enquiry 25/06/2010 25/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Popular Culture and Revolution 20/06/2009 20/06/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Marina Warner, 'Oriental Masquerade: Fiction and Fantasy in the Wake of the Arabian Nights' 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Rahsid Khalidi, ‘Human Dignity in Jerusalem’ 31/05/2011 31/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Ahdaf Soueif, ‘Mina’s Banner: Edward Said and the Egyptian Revolution' 24/05/2012 24/05/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Noam Chomsky, ‘Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East’ 18/03/2013 18/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature

Filter by Research Group:

Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Digital Approaches to Library History 30/05/2014-1/06/2014 01/06/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Community 23/01/2015-24/01/2015 23/01/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Julia Boffey sedearly London Medieval Society 70th Anniversary Conference: London and the World, Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2015-04/05/2015 01/05/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly Middle English Lyrics workshop: Form, Focus, Function, Queen Mary, University of London 21/02/2014 21/02/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly New Chaucer Society Biennial Congress, Queen Mary, University of London 10/07/2015-15/07/2015 10/07/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey and Rosamund Allen sedearly The First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower”, Queen Mary, University of London 12/07/2008-16/07/2008 12/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, Queen Mary University of London 08/09/2014-08/09/2014 08/09/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly The Third London Chaucer Conference, Institute for English Studies, Senate House 07/04/2011-08/04/2011 07/04/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin sedearly ‘Looking Before and After’: Cultural Exchange and the the Inheritance of Ideas, c.1200-1700, Christ Church College, Oxford 13/06/2009 13/06/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin, Ruth Ahnert and Francis Leneghan sedearly Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation, Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2013-17/07/2013 15/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly News and the Shape of Europe Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 26/07/2013-28/07/2013 26/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly A Range of International Workshops for News Networks 2011-2013 01/01/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly International Milton Conference, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 07/07/2008-08/07/2008 07/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies sedearly 'Diplomats, Agents, Adventurers and Spies: 1500-1700', University of Kent, Canterbury 17/09/2008-19/09/2008 17/09/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Digitizing Correspondence Workshop, sponsored by JISC 17/09/2009 17/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Footprints in the Butter: Looking for the Elephant in the Archives 18/09/2009 18/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Claire Preston sedearly The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 16/07/2014-17/07/2014 16/07/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly Van Dyck and his English Heirs, Queen Mary, University of London, and Tate Britain 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Markman Ellis and Ann Lewis sedmiddle Venal Bodies: Prostitutes and Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Culture 04/04/2009 04/04/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 10/06/2011 10/06/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle Vanderbilt University & Queen Mary, University of London Eighteenth-Century Studies Postgraduate Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 31/05/2013 31/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Andrew Lincoln sedmiddle War and British Culture: Living with War in the Eighteenth Century, symposium at the National Army Museum 06/07/2010 06/07/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Vernon Lee: Literary Revenant, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 10/06/2003 10/06/2003 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell, Stefano Evangelista and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Swinburne: A Centenary Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 10/07/2009-11/07/2009 10/07/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, c.1760s to c.1860s, Fourth Annual DWC Conference 17/05/2008 17/05/2008 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Church in Danger: Whiggery, Anticlericalism and Dissent, 1670s-1770s, Stephen Taylor Symposium 24/11/2007 24/11/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Women, Dissent, and Anti-Slavery in Britain and America, 1750-1865, Third Annual DWC Conference 19/05/2007 19/05/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn, Second Annual DWC Conference 20/05/2006 20/05/2006 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Scientist, Philosopher, Theologian, First Annual DWC Conference 05/05/2005 05/05/2005 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Bible, Fifth Annual DWC Conference 23/05/2009 23/05/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Shaping of Nonconformist Architecture, Sixth Annual DWC Conference 08/05/2010 08/05/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle John Locke: Theory, Power, and Publics, 1670s-1700s, Mark Goldie Symposium 20/11/2010 20/11/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Academies Libraries Workshop, Harris Manchester College, Oxford 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Heart Religion, Seventh Annual DWC Conference 21/05/2011 21/05/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Enlightenment, Dissent, and Toleration, Symposium 05/11/2011 05/11/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle 1662 Revisited, Eighth Annual DWC Conference 26/05/2012 26/05/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle 'Talking Books: A Gala Event Marking 80 Years of Service', International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay 13/09/2015 13/09/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and H. G. Cocks sedmiddle Margins of Print: Ephemera, Print Culture and Lost Histories of the Newspaper, Nottingham 15/01/2010 15/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Texts, Forms, Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France 22/05/2013-24/05/2013 22/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 29/06/2013 29/06/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and Barbara Taylor sedmiddle History, the Nation and the Schools, co-sponsored by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association 30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Barbara Taylor sedmiddle Psychoanalysis and History, Institute of Historical Research 15/05/2013 15/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, Tenth Annual Dr Williams's Centre Conference 10/05/2014 10/05/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Informal Romanticism, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 06/09/2011-09/09/2011 06/09/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Shandean Humour in Anglo-German Literature and Philosophy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge 2010 01/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Idea of Fall Workshop, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 2012 01/01/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Worship: The Contrasting Practices of Anglicans, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Unitarians over Three Centuries, Ninth Annual DWC Conference 11/05/2013 11/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse sedmiddle Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives of 18th Century Literature, Queen Mary, University of London 15/09/2012 15/09/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle The 10th Annual Literary London Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 09/07/2009-10/07/2009 09/07/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Mark Currie sedmodern Prediction, Memory Network, Cheltenham Literary Festival October 2013 01/10/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katherine Fleming sedmodern Seneca in the English Tradition, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 12/09/2012 12/09/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Great Expectations: Teaching Seminars in Higher Education, English Subject Centre Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 12/09/2008 12/09/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern ‘On the Circuit’, Woodberry Poetry Seminar, Harvard University 14/04/2015 14/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Teaching Performance Poetry, English Subject Centre 04/05/2011 04/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Morag Shiach sedmodern Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century, Queen Mary University of London 22/04/2015-24/04/2015 22/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson, Katy Price and Morag Shiach sedmodern Everydayness and the Event, MSA 15, Sussex 29/08/2013-01/09/2013 29/08/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson sedmodern Modernism Now!, BAMS International Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 26/06/2014-28/06/2014 26/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson and Celine Magot sedmodern Women and Speed, University of Toulouse 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Art of English, Queen Mary, University of London 21/06/2013 21/06/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katy Price sedmodern Altered Consciousness, 1918-1980, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2013-17/11/2013 16/11/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence: The Case of Earl Lovelace, Institute of Commonwealth Studies 2008 01/01/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Memory Today, Raphael Samuel History Centre, Institute of Historical Research 11/06/2010 11/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern In Conversation with Earl Lovelace, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2010 16/11/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern James Baldwin's Global Imagination, NYU and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 19/02/2011-20/02/2011 19/02/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with Brian Chikwava, ‘Migrant London in An Age of Neoliberalism’. Launch Event: Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary University of London 22 May 2014 22/05/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with George Szirtes: ‘Multilingual writing and translation’. Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing Seminar Series, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 12 March 2013 12/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire and the English Novel, Queen Mary, University of London April 2010 01/04/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire Symposium, British Academy 02/11/2011 02/11/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Valman sedmodern Willy Goldman's East End My Cradle, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2011 15/07/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imagination, Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 09/09/2015-11/09/2015 09/09/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern The Comic Mask: Theorizing Satire, Humour and Laughter in South African Culture, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, New York University 20/03/2014-23/03/2014 20/03/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern Contemporary South African Literature: Modernity, Futurity, Banality, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, Brown University 30/03/2012-01/04/2012 30/03/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Paddy and the Public Sphere: Print Culture and Politics in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland 28/06/2008 28/06/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Censored Ireland 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern The Provisional IRA: New Perspectives 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Bloody Sunday and the Saville Enquiry 25/06/2010 25/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Popular Culture and Revolution 20/06/2009 20/06/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Marina Warner, 'Oriental Masquerade: Fiction and Fantasy in the Wake of the Arabian Nights' 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Rahsid Khalidi, ‘Human Dignity in Jerusalem’ 31/05/2011 31/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Ahdaf Soueif, ‘Mina’s Banner: Edward Said and the Egyptian Revolution' 24/05/2012 24/05/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Noam Chomsky, ‘Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East’ 18/03/2013 18/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature

Filter by Research Group:

Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Digital Approaches to Library History 30/05/2014-1/06/2014 01/06/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Community 23/01/2015-24/01/2015 23/01/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Julia Boffey sedearly London Medieval Society 70th Anniversary Conference: London and the World, Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2015-04/05/2015 01/05/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly Middle English Lyrics workshop: Form, Focus, Function, Queen Mary, University of London 21/02/2014 21/02/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly New Chaucer Society Biennial Congress, Queen Mary, University of London 10/07/2015-15/07/2015 10/07/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey and Rosamund Allen sedearly The First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower”, Queen Mary, University of London 12/07/2008-16/07/2008 12/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, Queen Mary University of London 08/09/2014-08/09/2014 08/09/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly The Third London Chaucer Conference, Institute for English Studies, Senate House 07/04/2011-08/04/2011 07/04/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin sedearly ‘Looking Before and After’: Cultural Exchange and the the Inheritance of Ideas, c.1200-1700, Christ Church College, Oxford 13/06/2009 13/06/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin, Ruth Ahnert and Francis Leneghan sedearly Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation, Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2013-17/07/2013 15/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly News and the Shape of Europe Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 26/07/2013-28/07/2013 26/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly A Range of International Workshops for News Networks 2011-2013 01/01/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly International Milton Conference, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 07/07/2008-08/07/2008 07/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies sedearly 'Diplomats, Agents, Adventurers and Spies: 1500-1700', University of Kent, Canterbury 17/09/2008-19/09/2008 17/09/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Digitizing Correspondence Workshop, sponsored by JISC 17/09/2009 17/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Footprints in the Butter: Looking for the Elephant in the Archives 18/09/2009 18/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Claire Preston sedearly The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 16/07/2014-17/07/2014 16/07/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly Van Dyck and his English Heirs, Queen Mary, University of London, and Tate Britain 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Markman Ellis and Ann Lewis sedmiddle Venal Bodies: Prostitutes and Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Culture 04/04/2009 04/04/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 10/06/2011 10/06/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle Vanderbilt University & Queen Mary, University of London Eighteenth-Century Studies Postgraduate Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 31/05/2013 31/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Andrew Lincoln sedmiddle War and British Culture: Living with War in the Eighteenth Century, symposium at the National Army Museum 06/07/2010 06/07/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Vernon Lee: Literary Revenant, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 10/06/2003 10/06/2003 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell, Stefano Evangelista and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Swinburne: A Centenary Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 10/07/2009-11/07/2009 10/07/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, c.1760s to c.1860s, Fourth Annual DWC Conference 17/05/2008 17/05/2008 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Church in Danger: Whiggery, Anticlericalism and Dissent, 1670s-1770s, Stephen Taylor Symposium 24/11/2007 24/11/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Women, Dissent, and Anti-Slavery in Britain and America, 1750-1865, Third Annual DWC Conference 19/05/2007 19/05/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn, Second Annual DWC Conference 20/05/2006 20/05/2006 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Scientist, Philosopher, Theologian, First Annual DWC Conference 05/05/2005 05/05/2005 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Bible, Fifth Annual DWC Conference 23/05/2009 23/05/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Shaping of Nonconformist Architecture, Sixth Annual DWC Conference 08/05/2010 08/05/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle John Locke: Theory, Power, and Publics, 1670s-1700s, Mark Goldie Symposium 20/11/2010 20/11/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Academies Libraries Workshop, Harris Manchester College, Oxford 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Heart Religion, Seventh Annual DWC Conference 21/05/2011 21/05/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Enlightenment, Dissent, and Toleration, Symposium 05/11/2011 05/11/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle 1662 Revisited, Eighth Annual DWC Conference 26/05/2012 26/05/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle 'Talking Books: A Gala Event Marking 80 Years of Service', International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay 13/09/2015 13/09/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and H. G. Cocks sedmiddle Margins of Print: Ephemera, Print Culture and Lost Histories of the Newspaper, Nottingham 15/01/2010 15/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Texts, Forms, Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France 22/05/2013-24/05/2013 22/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 29/06/2013 29/06/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and Barbara Taylor sedmiddle History, the Nation and the Schools, co-sponsored by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association 30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Barbara Taylor sedmiddle Psychoanalysis and History, Institute of Historical Research 15/05/2013 15/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, Tenth Annual Dr Williams's Centre Conference 10/05/2014 10/05/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Informal Romanticism, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 06/09/2011-09/09/2011 06/09/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Shandean Humour in Anglo-German Literature and Philosophy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge 2010 01/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Idea of Fall Workshop, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 2012 01/01/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Worship: The Contrasting Practices of Anglicans, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Unitarians over Three Centuries, Ninth Annual DWC Conference 11/05/2013 11/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse sedmiddle Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives of 18th Century Literature, Queen Mary, University of London 15/09/2012 15/09/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle The 10th Annual Literary London Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 09/07/2009-10/07/2009 09/07/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Mark Currie sedmodern Prediction, Memory Network, Cheltenham Literary Festival October 2013 01/10/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katherine Fleming sedmodern Seneca in the English Tradition, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 12/09/2012 12/09/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Great Expectations: Teaching Seminars in Higher Education, English Subject Centre Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 12/09/2008 12/09/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern ‘On the Circuit’, Woodberry Poetry Seminar, Harvard University 14/04/2015 14/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Teaching Performance Poetry, English Subject Centre 04/05/2011 04/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Morag Shiach sedmodern Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century, Queen Mary University of London 22/04/2015-24/04/2015 22/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson, Katy Price and Morag Shiach sedmodern Everydayness and the Event, MSA 15, Sussex 29/08/2013-01/09/2013 29/08/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson sedmodern Modernism Now!, BAMS International Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 26/06/2014-28/06/2014 26/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson and Celine Magot sedmodern Women and Speed, University of Toulouse 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Art of English, Queen Mary, University of London 21/06/2013 21/06/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katy Price sedmodern Altered Consciousness, 1918-1980, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2013-17/11/2013 16/11/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence: The Case of Earl Lovelace, Institute of Commonwealth Studies 2008 01/01/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Memory Today, Raphael Samuel History Centre, Institute of Historical Research 11/06/2010 11/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern In Conversation with Earl Lovelace, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2010 16/11/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern James Baldwin's Global Imagination, NYU and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 19/02/2011-20/02/2011 19/02/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with Brian Chikwava, ‘Migrant London in An Age of Neoliberalism’. Launch Event: Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary University of London 22 May 2014 22/05/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with George Szirtes: ‘Multilingual writing and translation’. Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing Seminar Series, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 12 March 2013 12/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire and the English Novel, Queen Mary, University of London April 2010 01/04/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire Symposium, British Academy 02/11/2011 02/11/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Valman sedmodern Willy Goldman's East End My Cradle, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2011 15/07/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imagination, Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 09/09/2015-11/09/2015 09/09/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern The Comic Mask: Theorizing Satire, Humour and Laughter in South African Culture, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, New York University 20/03/2014-23/03/2014 20/03/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern Contemporary South African Literature: Modernity, Futurity, Banality, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, Brown University 30/03/2012-01/04/2012 30/03/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Paddy and the Public Sphere: Print Culture and Politics in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland 28/06/2008 28/06/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Censored Ireland 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern The Provisional IRA: New Perspectives 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Bloody Sunday and the Saville Enquiry 25/06/2010 25/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Popular Culture and Revolution 20/06/2009 20/06/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Marina Warner, 'Oriental Masquerade: Fiction and Fantasy in the Wake of the Arabian Nights' 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Rahsid Khalidi, ‘Human Dignity in Jerusalem’ 31/05/2011 31/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Ahdaf Soueif, ‘Mina’s Banner: Edward Said and the Egyptian Revolution' 24/05/2012 24/05/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Noam Chomsky, ‘Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East’ 18/03/2013 18/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature

Filter by Research Group:

Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Digital Approaches to Library History 30/05/2014-1/06/2014 01/06/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Community 23/01/2015-24/01/2015 23/01/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Julia Boffey sedearly London Medieval Society 70th Anniversary Conference: London and the World, Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2015-04/05/2015 01/05/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly Middle English Lyrics workshop: Form, Focus, Function, Queen Mary, University of London 21/02/2014 21/02/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly New Chaucer Society Biennial Congress, Queen Mary, University of London 10/07/2015-15/07/2015 10/07/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey and Rosamund Allen sedearly The First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower”, Queen Mary, University of London 12/07/2008-16/07/2008 12/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, Queen Mary University of London 08/09/2014-08/09/2014 08/09/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly The Third London Chaucer Conference, Institute for English Studies, Senate House 07/04/2011-08/04/2011 07/04/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin sedearly ‘Looking Before and After’: Cultural Exchange and the the Inheritance of Ideas, c.1200-1700, Christ Church College, Oxford 13/06/2009 13/06/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin, Ruth Ahnert and Francis Leneghan sedearly Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation, Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2013-17/07/2013 15/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly News and the Shape of Europe Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 26/07/2013-28/07/2013 26/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly A Range of International Workshops for News Networks 2011-2013 01/01/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly International Milton Conference, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 07/07/2008-08/07/2008 07/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies sedearly 'Diplomats, Agents, Adventurers and Spies: 1500-1700', University of Kent, Canterbury 17/09/2008-19/09/2008 17/09/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Digitizing Correspondence Workshop, sponsored by JISC 17/09/2009 17/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Footprints in the Butter: Looking for the Elephant in the Archives 18/09/2009 18/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Claire Preston sedearly The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 16/07/2014-17/07/2014 16/07/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly Van Dyck and his English Heirs, Queen Mary, University of London, and Tate Britain 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Markman Ellis and Ann Lewis sedmiddle Venal Bodies: Prostitutes and Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Culture 04/04/2009 04/04/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 10/06/2011 10/06/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle Vanderbilt University & Queen Mary, University of London Eighteenth-Century Studies Postgraduate Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 31/05/2013 31/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Andrew Lincoln sedmiddle War and British Culture: Living with War in the Eighteenth Century, symposium at the National Army Museum 06/07/2010 06/07/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Vernon Lee: Literary Revenant, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 10/06/2003 10/06/2003 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell, Stefano Evangelista and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Swinburne: A Centenary Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 10/07/2009-11/07/2009 10/07/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, c.1760s to c.1860s, Fourth Annual DWC Conference 17/05/2008 17/05/2008 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Church in Danger: Whiggery, Anticlericalism and Dissent, 1670s-1770s, Stephen Taylor Symposium 24/11/2007 24/11/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Women, Dissent, and Anti-Slavery in Britain and America, 1750-1865, Third Annual DWC Conference 19/05/2007 19/05/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn, Second Annual DWC Conference 20/05/2006 20/05/2006 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Scientist, Philosopher, Theologian, First Annual DWC Conference 05/05/2005 05/05/2005 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Bible, Fifth Annual DWC Conference 23/05/2009 23/05/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Shaping of Nonconformist Architecture, Sixth Annual DWC Conference 08/05/2010 08/05/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle John Locke: Theory, Power, and Publics, 1670s-1700s, Mark Goldie Symposium 20/11/2010 20/11/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Academies Libraries Workshop, Harris Manchester College, Oxford 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Heart Religion, Seventh Annual DWC Conference 21/05/2011 21/05/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Enlightenment, Dissent, and Toleration, Symposium 05/11/2011 05/11/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle 1662 Revisited, Eighth Annual DWC Conference 26/05/2012 26/05/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle 'Talking Books: A Gala Event Marking 80 Years of Service', International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay 13/09/2015 13/09/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and H. G. Cocks sedmiddle Margins of Print: Ephemera, Print Culture and Lost Histories of the Newspaper, Nottingham 15/01/2010 15/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Texts, Forms, Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France 22/05/2013-24/05/2013 22/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 29/06/2013 29/06/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and Barbara Taylor sedmiddle History, the Nation and the Schools, co-sponsored by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association 30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Barbara Taylor sedmiddle Psychoanalysis and History, Institute of Historical Research 15/05/2013 15/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, Tenth Annual Dr Williams's Centre Conference 10/05/2014 10/05/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Informal Romanticism, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 06/09/2011-09/09/2011 06/09/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Shandean Humour in Anglo-German Literature and Philosophy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge 2010 01/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Idea of Fall Workshop, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 2012 01/01/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Worship: The Contrasting Practices of Anglicans, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Unitarians over Three Centuries, Ninth Annual DWC Conference 11/05/2013 11/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse sedmiddle Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives of 18th Century Literature, Queen Mary, University of London 15/09/2012 15/09/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle The 10th Annual Literary London Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 09/07/2009-10/07/2009 09/07/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Mark Currie sedmodern Prediction, Memory Network, Cheltenham Literary Festival October 2013 01/10/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katherine Fleming sedmodern Seneca in the English Tradition, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 12/09/2012 12/09/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Great Expectations: Teaching Seminars in Higher Education, English Subject Centre Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 12/09/2008 12/09/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern ‘On the Circuit’, Woodberry Poetry Seminar, Harvard University 14/04/2015 14/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Teaching Performance Poetry, English Subject Centre 04/05/2011 04/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Morag Shiach sedmodern Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century, Queen Mary University of London 22/04/2015-24/04/2015 22/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson, Katy Price and Morag Shiach sedmodern Everydayness and the Event, MSA 15, Sussex 29/08/2013-01/09/2013 29/08/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson sedmodern Modernism Now!, BAMS International Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 26/06/2014-28/06/2014 26/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson and Celine Magot sedmodern Women and Speed, University of Toulouse 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Art of English, Queen Mary, University of London 21/06/2013 21/06/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katy Price sedmodern Altered Consciousness, 1918-1980, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2013-17/11/2013 16/11/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence: The Case of Earl Lovelace, Institute of Commonwealth Studies 2008 01/01/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Memory Today, Raphael Samuel History Centre, Institute of Historical Research 11/06/2010 11/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern In Conversation with Earl Lovelace, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2010 16/11/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern James Baldwin's Global Imagination, NYU and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 19/02/2011-20/02/2011 19/02/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with Brian Chikwava, ‘Migrant London in An Age of Neoliberalism’. Launch Event: Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary University of London 22 May 2014 22/05/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with George Szirtes: ‘Multilingual writing and translation’. Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing Seminar Series, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 12 March 2013 12/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire and the English Novel, Queen Mary, University of London April 2010 01/04/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire Symposium, British Academy 02/11/2011 02/11/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Valman sedmodern Willy Goldman's East End My Cradle, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2011 15/07/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imagination, Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 09/09/2015-11/09/2015 09/09/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern The Comic Mask: Theorizing Satire, Humour and Laughter in South African Culture, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, New York University 20/03/2014-23/03/2014 20/03/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern Contemporary South African Literature: Modernity, Futurity, Banality, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, Brown University 30/03/2012-01/04/2012 30/03/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Paddy and the Public Sphere: Print Culture and Politics in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland 28/06/2008 28/06/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Censored Ireland 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern The Provisional IRA: New Perspectives 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Bloody Sunday and the Saville Enquiry 25/06/2010 25/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Popular Culture and Revolution 20/06/2009 20/06/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Marina Warner, 'Oriental Masquerade: Fiction and Fantasy in the Wake of the Arabian Nights' 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Rahsid Khalidi, ‘Human Dignity in Jerusalem’ 31/05/2011 31/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Ahdaf Soueif, ‘Mina’s Banner: Edward Said and the Egyptian Revolution' 24/05/2012 24/05/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Noam Chomsky, ‘Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East’ 18/03/2013 18/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature

Filter by Research Group:

Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Digital Approaches to Library History 30/05/2014-1/06/2014 01/06/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Community 23/01/2015-24/01/2015 23/01/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Julia Boffey sedearly London Medieval Society 70th Anniversary Conference: London and the World, Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2015-04/05/2015 01/05/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly Middle English Lyrics workshop: Form, Focus, Function, Queen Mary, University of London 21/02/2014 21/02/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly New Chaucer Society Biennial Congress, Queen Mary, University of London 10/07/2015-15/07/2015 10/07/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey and Rosamund Allen sedearly The First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower”, Queen Mary, University of London 12/07/2008-16/07/2008 12/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, Queen Mary University of London 08/09/2014-08/09/2014 08/09/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly The Third London Chaucer Conference, Institute for English Studies, Senate House 07/04/2011-08/04/2011 07/04/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin sedearly ‘Looking Before and After’: Cultural Exchange and the the Inheritance of Ideas, c.1200-1700, Christ Church College, Oxford 13/06/2009 13/06/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin, Ruth Ahnert and Francis Leneghan sedearly Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation, Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2013-17/07/2013 15/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly News and the Shape of Europe Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 26/07/2013-28/07/2013 26/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly A Range of International Workshops for News Networks 2011-2013 01/01/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly International Milton Conference, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 07/07/2008-08/07/2008 07/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies sedearly 'Diplomats, Agents, Adventurers and Spies: 1500-1700', University of Kent, Canterbury 17/09/2008-19/09/2008 17/09/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Digitizing Correspondence Workshop, sponsored by JISC 17/09/2009 17/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Footprints in the Butter: Looking for the Elephant in the Archives 18/09/2009 18/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Claire Preston sedearly The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 16/07/2014-17/07/2014 16/07/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly Van Dyck and his English Heirs, Queen Mary, University of London, and Tate Britain 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Markman Ellis and Ann Lewis sedmiddle Venal Bodies: Prostitutes and Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Culture 04/04/2009 04/04/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 10/06/2011 10/06/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle Vanderbilt University & Queen Mary, University of London Eighteenth-Century Studies Postgraduate Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 31/05/2013 31/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Andrew Lincoln sedmiddle War and British Culture: Living with War in the Eighteenth Century, symposium at the National Army Museum 06/07/2010 06/07/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Vernon Lee: Literary Revenant, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 10/06/2003 10/06/2003 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell, Stefano Evangelista and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Swinburne: A Centenary Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 10/07/2009-11/07/2009 10/07/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, c.1760s to c.1860s, Fourth Annual DWC Conference 17/05/2008 17/05/2008 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Church in Danger: Whiggery, Anticlericalism and Dissent, 1670s-1770s, Stephen Taylor Symposium 24/11/2007 24/11/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Women, Dissent, and Anti-Slavery in Britain and America, 1750-1865, Third Annual DWC Conference 19/05/2007 19/05/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn, Second Annual DWC Conference 20/05/2006 20/05/2006 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Scientist, Philosopher, Theologian, First Annual DWC Conference 05/05/2005 05/05/2005 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Bible, Fifth Annual DWC Conference 23/05/2009 23/05/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Shaping of Nonconformist Architecture, Sixth Annual DWC Conference 08/05/2010 08/05/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle John Locke: Theory, Power, and Publics, 1670s-1700s, Mark Goldie Symposium 20/11/2010 20/11/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Academies Libraries Workshop, Harris Manchester College, Oxford 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Heart Religion, Seventh Annual DWC Conference 21/05/2011 21/05/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Enlightenment, Dissent, and Toleration, Symposium 05/11/2011 05/11/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle 1662 Revisited, Eighth Annual DWC Conference 26/05/2012 26/05/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle 'Talking Books: A Gala Event Marking 80 Years of Service', International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay 13/09/2015 13/09/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and H. G. Cocks sedmiddle Margins of Print: Ephemera, Print Culture and Lost Histories of the Newspaper, Nottingham 15/01/2010 15/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Texts, Forms, Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France 22/05/2013-24/05/2013 22/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 29/06/2013 29/06/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and Barbara Taylor sedmiddle History, the Nation and the Schools, co-sponsored by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association 30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Barbara Taylor sedmiddle Psychoanalysis and History, Institute of Historical Research 15/05/2013 15/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, Tenth Annual Dr Williams's Centre Conference 10/05/2014 10/05/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Informal Romanticism, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 06/09/2011-09/09/2011 06/09/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Shandean Humour in Anglo-German Literature and Philosophy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge 2010 01/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Idea of Fall Workshop, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 2012 01/01/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Worship: The Contrasting Practices of Anglicans, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Unitarians over Three Centuries, Ninth Annual DWC Conference 11/05/2013 11/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse sedmiddle Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives of 18th Century Literature, Queen Mary, University of London 15/09/2012 15/09/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle The 10th Annual Literary London Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 09/07/2009-10/07/2009 09/07/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Mark Currie sedmodern Prediction, Memory Network, Cheltenham Literary Festival October 2013 01/10/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katherine Fleming sedmodern Seneca in the English Tradition, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 12/09/2012 12/09/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Great Expectations: Teaching Seminars in Higher Education, English Subject Centre Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 12/09/2008 12/09/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern ‘On the Circuit’, Woodberry Poetry Seminar, Harvard University 14/04/2015 14/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Teaching Performance Poetry, English Subject Centre 04/05/2011 04/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Morag Shiach sedmodern Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century, Queen Mary University of London 22/04/2015-24/04/2015 22/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson, Katy Price and Morag Shiach sedmodern Everydayness and the Event, MSA 15, Sussex 29/08/2013-01/09/2013 29/08/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson sedmodern Modernism Now!, BAMS International Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 26/06/2014-28/06/2014 26/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson and Celine Magot sedmodern Women and Speed, University of Toulouse 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Art of English, Queen Mary, University of London 21/06/2013 21/06/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katy Price sedmodern Altered Consciousness, 1918-1980, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2013-17/11/2013 16/11/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence: The Case of Earl Lovelace, Institute of Commonwealth Studies 2008 01/01/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Memory Today, Raphael Samuel History Centre, Institute of Historical Research 11/06/2010 11/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern In Conversation with Earl Lovelace, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2010 16/11/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern James Baldwin's Global Imagination, NYU and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 19/02/2011-20/02/2011 19/02/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with Brian Chikwava, ‘Migrant London in An Age of Neoliberalism’. Launch Event: Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary University of London 22 May 2014 22/05/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with George Szirtes: ‘Multilingual writing and translation’. Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing Seminar Series, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 12 March 2013 12/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire and the English Novel, Queen Mary, University of London April 2010 01/04/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire Symposium, British Academy 02/11/2011 02/11/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Valman sedmodern Willy Goldman's East End My Cradle, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2011 15/07/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imagination, Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 09/09/2015-11/09/2015 09/09/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern The Comic Mask: Theorizing Satire, Humour and Laughter in South African Culture, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, New York University 20/03/2014-23/03/2014 20/03/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern Contemporary South African Literature: Modernity, Futurity, Banality, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, Brown University 30/03/2012-01/04/2012 30/03/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Paddy and the Public Sphere: Print Culture and Politics in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland 28/06/2008 28/06/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Censored Ireland 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern The Provisional IRA: New Perspectives 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Bloody Sunday and the Saville Enquiry 25/06/2010 25/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Popular Culture and Revolution 20/06/2009 20/06/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Marina Warner, 'Oriental Masquerade: Fiction and Fantasy in the Wake of the Arabian Nights' 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Rahsid Khalidi, ‘Human Dignity in Jerusalem’ 31/05/2011 31/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Ahdaf Soueif, ‘Mina’s Banner: Edward Said and the Egyptian Revolution' 24/05/2012 24/05/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Noam Chomsky, ‘Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East’ 18/03/2013 18/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature

Filter by Research Group:

Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Digital Approaches to Library History 30/05/2014-1/06/2014 01/06/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Community 23/01/2015-24/01/2015 23/01/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Julia Boffey sedearly London Medieval Society 70th Anniversary Conference: London and the World, Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2015-04/05/2015 01/05/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly Middle English Lyrics workshop: Form, Focus, Function, Queen Mary, University of London 21/02/2014 21/02/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly New Chaucer Society Biennial Congress, Queen Mary, University of London 10/07/2015-15/07/2015 10/07/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey and Rosamund Allen sedearly The First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower”, Queen Mary, University of London 12/07/2008-16/07/2008 12/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, Queen Mary University of London 08/09/2014-08/09/2014 08/09/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly The Third London Chaucer Conference, Institute for English Studies, Senate House 07/04/2011-08/04/2011 07/04/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin sedearly ‘Looking Before and After’: Cultural Exchange and the the Inheritance of Ideas, c.1200-1700, Christ Church College, Oxford 13/06/2009 13/06/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin, Ruth Ahnert and Francis Leneghan sedearly Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation, Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2013-17/07/2013 15/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly News and the Shape of Europe Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 26/07/2013-28/07/2013 26/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly A Range of International Workshops for News Networks 2011-2013 01/01/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly International Milton Conference, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 07/07/2008-08/07/2008 07/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies sedearly 'Diplomats, Agents, Adventurers and Spies: 1500-1700', University of Kent, Canterbury 17/09/2008-19/09/2008 17/09/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Digitizing Correspondence Workshop, sponsored by JISC 17/09/2009 17/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Footprints in the Butter: Looking for the Elephant in the Archives 18/09/2009 18/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Claire Preston sedearly The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 16/07/2014-17/07/2014 16/07/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly Van Dyck and his English Heirs, Queen Mary, University of London, and Tate Britain 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Markman Ellis and Ann Lewis sedmiddle Venal Bodies: Prostitutes and Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Culture 04/04/2009 04/04/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 10/06/2011 10/06/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle Vanderbilt University & Queen Mary, University of London Eighteenth-Century Studies Postgraduate Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 31/05/2013 31/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Andrew Lincoln sedmiddle War and British Culture: Living with War in the Eighteenth Century, symposium at the National Army Museum 06/07/2010 06/07/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Vernon Lee: Literary Revenant, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 10/06/2003 10/06/2003 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell, Stefano Evangelista and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Swinburne: A Centenary Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 10/07/2009-11/07/2009 10/07/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, c.1760s to c.1860s, Fourth Annual DWC Conference 17/05/2008 17/05/2008 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Church in Danger: Whiggery, Anticlericalism and Dissent, 1670s-1770s, Stephen Taylor Symposium 24/11/2007 24/11/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Women, Dissent, and Anti-Slavery in Britain and America, 1750-1865, Third Annual DWC Conference 19/05/2007 19/05/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn, Second Annual DWC Conference 20/05/2006 20/05/2006 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Scientist, Philosopher, Theologian, First Annual DWC Conference 05/05/2005 05/05/2005 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Bible, Fifth Annual DWC Conference 23/05/2009 23/05/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Shaping of Nonconformist Architecture, Sixth Annual DWC Conference 08/05/2010 08/05/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle John Locke: Theory, Power, and Publics, 1670s-1700s, Mark Goldie Symposium 20/11/2010 20/11/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Academies Libraries Workshop, Harris Manchester College, Oxford 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Heart Religion, Seventh Annual DWC Conference 21/05/2011 21/05/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Enlightenment, Dissent, and Toleration, Symposium 05/11/2011 05/11/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle 1662 Revisited, Eighth Annual DWC Conference 26/05/2012 26/05/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle 'Talking Books: A Gala Event Marking 80 Years of Service', International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay 13/09/2015 13/09/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and H. G. Cocks sedmiddle Margins of Print: Ephemera, Print Culture and Lost Histories of the Newspaper, Nottingham 15/01/2010 15/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Texts, Forms, Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France 22/05/2013-24/05/2013 22/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 29/06/2013 29/06/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and Barbara Taylor sedmiddle History, the Nation and the Schools, co-sponsored by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association 30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Barbara Taylor sedmiddle Psychoanalysis and History, Institute of Historical Research 15/05/2013 15/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, Tenth Annual Dr Williams's Centre Conference 10/05/2014 10/05/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Informal Romanticism, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 06/09/2011-09/09/2011 06/09/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Shandean Humour in Anglo-German Literature and Philosophy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge 2010 01/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Idea of Fall Workshop, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 2012 01/01/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Worship: The Contrasting Practices of Anglicans, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Unitarians over Three Centuries, Ninth Annual DWC Conference 11/05/2013 11/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse sedmiddle Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives of 18th Century Literature, Queen Mary, University of London 15/09/2012 15/09/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle The 10th Annual Literary London Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 09/07/2009-10/07/2009 09/07/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Mark Currie sedmodern Prediction, Memory Network, Cheltenham Literary Festival October 2013 01/10/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katherine Fleming sedmodern Seneca in the English Tradition, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 12/09/2012 12/09/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Great Expectations: Teaching Seminars in Higher Education, English Subject Centre Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 12/09/2008 12/09/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern ‘On the Circuit’, Woodberry Poetry Seminar, Harvard University 14/04/2015 14/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Teaching Performance Poetry, English Subject Centre 04/05/2011 04/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Morag Shiach sedmodern Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century, Queen Mary University of London 22/04/2015-24/04/2015 22/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson, Katy Price and Morag Shiach sedmodern Everydayness and the Event, MSA 15, Sussex 29/08/2013-01/09/2013 29/08/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson sedmodern Modernism Now!, BAMS International Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 26/06/2014-28/06/2014 26/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson and Celine Magot sedmodern Women and Speed, University of Toulouse 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Art of English, Queen Mary, University of London 21/06/2013 21/06/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katy Price sedmodern Altered Consciousness, 1918-1980, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2013-17/11/2013 16/11/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence: The Case of Earl Lovelace, Institute of Commonwealth Studies 2008 01/01/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Memory Today, Raphael Samuel History Centre, Institute of Historical Research 11/06/2010 11/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern In Conversation with Earl Lovelace, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2010 16/11/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern James Baldwin's Global Imagination, NYU and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 19/02/2011-20/02/2011 19/02/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with Brian Chikwava, ‘Migrant London in An Age of Neoliberalism’. Launch Event: Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary University of London 22 May 2014 22/05/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with George Szirtes: ‘Multilingual writing and translation’. Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing Seminar Series, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 12 March 2013 12/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire and the English Novel, Queen Mary, University of London April 2010 01/04/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire Symposium, British Academy 02/11/2011 02/11/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Valman sedmodern Willy Goldman's East End My Cradle, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2011 15/07/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imagination, Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 09/09/2015-11/09/2015 09/09/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern The Comic Mask: Theorizing Satire, Humour and Laughter in South African Culture, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, New York University 20/03/2014-23/03/2014 20/03/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern Contemporary South African Literature: Modernity, Futurity, Banality, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, Brown University 30/03/2012-01/04/2012 30/03/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Paddy and the Public Sphere: Print Culture and Politics in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland 28/06/2008 28/06/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Censored Ireland 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern The Provisional IRA: New Perspectives 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Bloody Sunday and the Saville Enquiry 25/06/2010 25/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Popular Culture and Revolution 20/06/2009 20/06/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Marina Warner, 'Oriental Masquerade: Fiction and Fantasy in the Wake of the Arabian Nights' 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Rahsid Khalidi, ‘Human Dignity in Jerusalem’ 31/05/2011 31/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Ahdaf Soueif, ‘Mina’s Banner: Edward Said and the Egyptian Revolution' 24/05/2012 24/05/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Noam Chomsky, ‘Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East’ 18/03/2013 18/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature

Filter by Research Group:

Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Digital Approaches to Library History 30/05/2014-1/06/2014 01/06/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Community 23/01/2015-24/01/2015 23/01/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Julia Boffey sedearly London Medieval Society 70th Anniversary Conference: London and the World, Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2015-04/05/2015 01/05/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly Middle English Lyrics workshop: Form, Focus, Function, Queen Mary, University of London 21/02/2014 21/02/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly New Chaucer Society Biennial Congress, Queen Mary, University of London 10/07/2015-15/07/2015 10/07/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey and Rosamund Allen sedearly The First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower”, Queen Mary, University of London 12/07/2008-16/07/2008 12/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, Queen Mary University of London 08/09/2014-08/09/2014 08/09/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly The Third London Chaucer Conference, Institute for English Studies, Senate House 07/04/2011-08/04/2011 07/04/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin sedearly ‘Looking Before and After’: Cultural Exchange and the the Inheritance of Ideas, c.1200-1700, Christ Church College, Oxford 13/06/2009 13/06/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin, Ruth Ahnert and Francis Leneghan sedearly Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation, Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2013-17/07/2013 15/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly News and the Shape of Europe Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 26/07/2013-28/07/2013 26/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly A Range of International Workshops for News Networks 2011-2013 01/01/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly International Milton Conference, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 07/07/2008-08/07/2008 07/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies sedearly 'Diplomats, Agents, Adventurers and Spies: 1500-1700', University of Kent, Canterbury 17/09/2008-19/09/2008 17/09/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Digitizing Correspondence Workshop, sponsored by JISC 17/09/2009 17/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Footprints in the Butter: Looking for the Elephant in the Archives 18/09/2009 18/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Claire Preston sedearly The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 16/07/2014-17/07/2014 16/07/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly Van Dyck and his English Heirs, Queen Mary, University of London, and Tate Britain 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Markman Ellis and Ann Lewis sedmiddle Venal Bodies: Prostitutes and Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Culture 04/04/2009 04/04/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 10/06/2011 10/06/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle Vanderbilt University & Queen Mary, University of London Eighteenth-Century Studies Postgraduate Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 31/05/2013 31/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Andrew Lincoln sedmiddle War and British Culture: Living with War in the Eighteenth Century, symposium at the National Army Museum 06/07/2010 06/07/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Vernon Lee: Literary Revenant, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 10/06/2003 10/06/2003 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell, Stefano Evangelista and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Swinburne: A Centenary Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 10/07/2009-11/07/2009 10/07/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, c.1760s to c.1860s, Fourth Annual DWC Conference 17/05/2008 17/05/2008 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Church in Danger: Whiggery, Anticlericalism and Dissent, 1670s-1770s, Stephen Taylor Symposium 24/11/2007 24/11/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Women, Dissent, and Anti-Slavery in Britain and America, 1750-1865, Third Annual DWC Conference 19/05/2007 19/05/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn, Second Annual DWC Conference 20/05/2006 20/05/2006 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Scientist, Philosopher, Theologian, First Annual DWC Conference 05/05/2005 05/05/2005 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Bible, Fifth Annual DWC Conference 23/05/2009 23/05/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Shaping of Nonconformist Architecture, Sixth Annual DWC Conference 08/05/2010 08/05/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle John Locke: Theory, Power, and Publics, 1670s-1700s, Mark Goldie Symposium 20/11/2010 20/11/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Academies Libraries Workshop, Harris Manchester College, Oxford 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Heart Religion, Seventh Annual DWC Conference 21/05/2011 21/05/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Enlightenment, Dissent, and Toleration, Symposium 05/11/2011 05/11/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle 1662 Revisited, Eighth Annual DWC Conference 26/05/2012 26/05/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle 'Talking Books: A Gala Event Marking 80 Years of Service', International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay 13/09/2015 13/09/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and H. G. Cocks sedmiddle Margins of Print: Ephemera, Print Culture and Lost Histories of the Newspaper, Nottingham 15/01/2010 15/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Texts, Forms, Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France 22/05/2013-24/05/2013 22/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 29/06/2013 29/06/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and Barbara Taylor sedmiddle History, the Nation and the Schools, co-sponsored by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association 30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Barbara Taylor sedmiddle Psychoanalysis and History, Institute of Historical Research 15/05/2013 15/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, Tenth Annual Dr Williams's Centre Conference 10/05/2014 10/05/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Informal Romanticism, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 06/09/2011-09/09/2011 06/09/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Shandean Humour in Anglo-German Literature and Philosophy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge 2010 01/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Idea of Fall Workshop, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 2012 01/01/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Worship: The Contrasting Practices of Anglicans, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Unitarians over Three Centuries, Ninth Annual DWC Conference 11/05/2013 11/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse sedmiddle Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives of 18th Century Literature, Queen Mary, University of London 15/09/2012 15/09/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle The 10th Annual Literary London Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 09/07/2009-10/07/2009 09/07/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Mark Currie sedmodern Prediction, Memory Network, Cheltenham Literary Festival October 2013 01/10/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katherine Fleming sedmodern Seneca in the English Tradition, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 12/09/2012 12/09/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Great Expectations: Teaching Seminars in Higher Education, English Subject Centre Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 12/09/2008 12/09/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern ‘On the Circuit’, Woodberry Poetry Seminar, Harvard University 14/04/2015 14/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Teaching Performance Poetry, English Subject Centre 04/05/2011 04/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Morag Shiach sedmodern Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century, Queen Mary University of London 22/04/2015-24/04/2015 22/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson, Katy Price and Morag Shiach sedmodern Everydayness and the Event, MSA 15, Sussex 29/08/2013-01/09/2013 29/08/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson sedmodern Modernism Now!, BAMS International Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 26/06/2014-28/06/2014 26/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson and Celine Magot sedmodern Women and Speed, University of Toulouse 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Art of English, Queen Mary, University of London 21/06/2013 21/06/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katy Price sedmodern Altered Consciousness, 1918-1980, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2013-17/11/2013 16/11/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence: The Case of Earl Lovelace, Institute of Commonwealth Studies 2008 01/01/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Memory Today, Raphael Samuel History Centre, Institute of Historical Research 11/06/2010 11/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern In Conversation with Earl Lovelace, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2010 16/11/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern James Baldwin's Global Imagination, NYU and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 19/02/2011-20/02/2011 19/02/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with Brian Chikwava, ‘Migrant London in An Age of Neoliberalism’. Launch Event: Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary University of London 22 May 2014 22/05/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with George Szirtes: ‘Multilingual writing and translation’. Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing Seminar Series, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 12 March 2013 12/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire and the English Novel, Queen Mary, University of London April 2010 01/04/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire Symposium, British Academy 02/11/2011 02/11/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Valman sedmodern Willy Goldman's East End My Cradle, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2011 15/07/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imagination, Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 09/09/2015-11/09/2015 09/09/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern The Comic Mask: Theorizing Satire, Humour and Laughter in South African Culture, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, New York University 20/03/2014-23/03/2014 20/03/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern Contemporary South African Literature: Modernity, Futurity, Banality, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, Brown University 30/03/2012-01/04/2012 30/03/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Paddy and the Public Sphere: Print Culture and Politics in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland 28/06/2008 28/06/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Censored Ireland 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern The Provisional IRA: New Perspectives 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Bloody Sunday and the Saville Enquiry 25/06/2010 25/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Popular Culture and Revolution 20/06/2009 20/06/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Marina Warner, 'Oriental Masquerade: Fiction and Fantasy in the Wake of the Arabian Nights' 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Rahsid Khalidi, ‘Human Dignity in Jerusalem’ 31/05/2011 31/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Ahdaf Soueif, ‘Mina’s Banner: Edward Said and the Egyptian Revolution' 24/05/2012 24/05/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Noam Chomsky, ‘Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East’ 18/03/2013 18/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature

Filter by Research Group:

Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Digital Approaches to Library History 30/05/2014-1/06/2014 01/06/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Community 23/01/2015-24/01/2015 23/01/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Julia Boffey sedearly London Medieval Society 70th Anniversary Conference: London and the World, Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2015-04/05/2015 01/05/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly Middle English Lyrics workshop: Form, Focus, Function, Queen Mary, University of London 21/02/2014 21/02/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly New Chaucer Society Biennial Congress, Queen Mary, University of London 10/07/2015-15/07/2015 10/07/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey and Rosamund Allen sedearly The First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower”, Queen Mary, University of London 12/07/2008-16/07/2008 12/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, Queen Mary University of London 08/09/2014-08/09/2014 08/09/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly The Third London Chaucer Conference, Institute for English Studies, Senate House 07/04/2011-08/04/2011 07/04/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin sedearly ‘Looking Before and After’: Cultural Exchange and the the Inheritance of Ideas, c.1200-1700, Christ Church College, Oxford 13/06/2009 13/06/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin, Ruth Ahnert and Francis Leneghan sedearly Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation, Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2013-17/07/2013 15/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly News and the Shape of Europe Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 26/07/2013-28/07/2013 26/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly A Range of International Workshops for News Networks 2011-2013 01/01/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly International Milton Conference, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 07/07/2008-08/07/2008 07/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies sedearly 'Diplomats, Agents, Adventurers and Spies: 1500-1700', University of Kent, Canterbury 17/09/2008-19/09/2008 17/09/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Digitizing Correspondence Workshop, sponsored by JISC 17/09/2009 17/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Footprints in the Butter: Looking for the Elephant in the Archives 18/09/2009 18/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Claire Preston sedearly The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 16/07/2014-17/07/2014 16/07/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly Van Dyck and his English Heirs, Queen Mary, University of London, and Tate Britain 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Markman Ellis and Ann Lewis sedmiddle Venal Bodies: Prostitutes and Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Culture 04/04/2009 04/04/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 10/06/2011 10/06/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle Vanderbilt University & Queen Mary, University of London Eighteenth-Century Studies Postgraduate Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 31/05/2013 31/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Andrew Lincoln sedmiddle War and British Culture: Living with War in the Eighteenth Century, symposium at the National Army Museum 06/07/2010 06/07/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Vernon Lee: Literary Revenant, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 10/06/2003 10/06/2003 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell, Stefano Evangelista and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Swinburne: A Centenary Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 10/07/2009-11/07/2009 10/07/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, c.1760s to c.1860s, Fourth Annual DWC Conference 17/05/2008 17/05/2008 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Church in Danger: Whiggery, Anticlericalism and Dissent, 1670s-1770s, Stephen Taylor Symposium 24/11/2007 24/11/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Women, Dissent, and Anti-Slavery in Britain and America, 1750-1865, Third Annual DWC Conference 19/05/2007 19/05/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn, Second Annual DWC Conference 20/05/2006 20/05/2006 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Scientist, Philosopher, Theologian, First Annual DWC Conference 05/05/2005 05/05/2005 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Bible, Fifth Annual DWC Conference 23/05/2009 23/05/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Shaping of Nonconformist Architecture, Sixth Annual DWC Conference 08/05/2010 08/05/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle John Locke: Theory, Power, and Publics, 1670s-1700s, Mark Goldie Symposium 20/11/2010 20/11/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Academies Libraries Workshop, Harris Manchester College, Oxford 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Heart Religion, Seventh Annual DWC Conference 21/05/2011 21/05/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Enlightenment, Dissent, and Toleration, Symposium 05/11/2011 05/11/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle 1662 Revisited, Eighth Annual DWC Conference 26/05/2012 26/05/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle 'Talking Books: A Gala Event Marking 80 Years of Service', International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay 13/09/2015 13/09/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and H. G. Cocks sedmiddle Margins of Print: Ephemera, Print Culture and Lost Histories of the Newspaper, Nottingham 15/01/2010 15/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Texts, Forms, Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France 22/05/2013-24/05/2013 22/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 29/06/2013 29/06/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and Barbara Taylor sedmiddle History, the Nation and the Schools, co-sponsored by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association 30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Barbara Taylor sedmiddle Psychoanalysis and History, Institute of Historical Research 15/05/2013 15/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, Tenth Annual Dr Williams's Centre Conference 10/05/2014 10/05/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Informal Romanticism, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 06/09/2011-09/09/2011 06/09/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Shandean Humour in Anglo-German Literature and Philosophy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge 2010 01/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Idea of Fall Workshop, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 2012 01/01/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Worship: The Contrasting Practices of Anglicans, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Unitarians over Three Centuries, Ninth Annual DWC Conference 11/05/2013 11/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse sedmiddle Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives of 18th Century Literature, Queen Mary, University of London 15/09/2012 15/09/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle The 10th Annual Literary London Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 09/07/2009-10/07/2009 09/07/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Mark Currie sedmodern Prediction, Memory Network, Cheltenham Literary Festival October 2013 01/10/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katherine Fleming sedmodern Seneca in the English Tradition, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 12/09/2012 12/09/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Great Expectations: Teaching Seminars in Higher Education, English Subject Centre Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 12/09/2008 12/09/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern ‘On the Circuit’, Woodberry Poetry Seminar, Harvard University 14/04/2015 14/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Teaching Performance Poetry, English Subject Centre 04/05/2011 04/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Morag Shiach sedmodern Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century, Queen Mary University of London 22/04/2015-24/04/2015 22/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson, Katy Price and Morag Shiach sedmodern Everydayness and the Event, MSA 15, Sussex 29/08/2013-01/09/2013 29/08/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson sedmodern Modernism Now!, BAMS International Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 26/06/2014-28/06/2014 26/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson and Celine Magot sedmodern Women and Speed, University of Toulouse 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Art of English, Queen Mary, University of London 21/06/2013 21/06/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katy Price sedmodern Altered Consciousness, 1918-1980, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2013-17/11/2013 16/11/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence: The Case of Earl Lovelace, Institute of Commonwealth Studies 2008 01/01/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Memory Today, Raphael Samuel History Centre, Institute of Historical Research 11/06/2010 11/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern In Conversation with Earl Lovelace, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2010 16/11/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern James Baldwin's Global Imagination, NYU and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 19/02/2011-20/02/2011 19/02/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with Brian Chikwava, ‘Migrant London in An Age of Neoliberalism’. Launch Event: Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary University of London 22 May 2014 22/05/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with George Szirtes: ‘Multilingual writing and translation’. Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing Seminar Series, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 12 March 2013 12/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire and the English Novel, Queen Mary, University of London April 2010 01/04/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire Symposium, British Academy 02/11/2011 02/11/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Valman sedmodern Willy Goldman's East End My Cradle, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2011 15/07/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imagination, Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 09/09/2015-11/09/2015 09/09/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern The Comic Mask: Theorizing Satire, Humour and Laughter in South African Culture, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, New York University 20/03/2014-23/03/2014 20/03/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern Contemporary South African Literature: Modernity, Futurity, Banality, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, Brown University 30/03/2012-01/04/2012 30/03/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Paddy and the Public Sphere: Print Culture and Politics in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland 28/06/2008 28/06/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Censored Ireland 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern The Provisional IRA: New Perspectives 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Bloody Sunday and the Saville Enquiry 25/06/2010 25/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Popular Culture and Revolution 20/06/2009 20/06/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Marina Warner, 'Oriental Masquerade: Fiction and Fantasy in the Wake of the Arabian Nights' 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Rahsid Khalidi, ‘Human Dignity in Jerusalem’ 31/05/2011 31/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Ahdaf Soueif, ‘Mina’s Banner: Edward Said and the Egyptian Revolution' 24/05/2012 24/05/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Noam Chomsky, ‘Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East’ 18/03/2013 18/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature

Filter by Research Group:

Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Digital Approaches to Library History 30/05/2014-1/06/2014 01/06/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Community 23/01/2015-24/01/2015 23/01/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Julia Boffey sedearly London Medieval Society 70th Anniversary Conference: London and the World, Queen Mary, University of London 01/05/2015-04/05/2015 01/05/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly Middle English Lyrics workshop: Form, Focus, Function, Queen Mary, University of London 21/02/2014 21/02/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey sedearly New Chaucer Society Biennial Congress, Queen Mary, University of London 10/07/2015-15/07/2015 10/07/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
Julia Boffey and Rosamund Allen sedearly The First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower”, Queen Mary, University of London 12/07/2008-16/07/2008 12/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, Queen Mary University of London 08/09/2014-08/09/2014 08/09/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Alfred Hiatt sedearly The Third London Chaucer Conference, Institute for English Studies, Senate House 07/04/2011-08/04/2011 07/04/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin sedearly ‘Looking Before and After’: Cultural Exchange and the the Inheritance of Ideas, c.1200-1700, Christ Church College, Oxford 13/06/2009 13/06/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Tamara Atkin, Ruth Ahnert and Francis Leneghan sedearly Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation, Charterhouse Square, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2013-17/07/2013 15/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly News and the Shape of Europe Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 26/07/2013-28/07/2013 26/07/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
Joad Raymond sedearly A Range of International Workshops for News Networks 2011-2013 01/01/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly International Milton Conference, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 07/07/2008-08/07/2008 07/07/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies sedearly 'Diplomats, Agents, Adventurers and Spies: 1500-1700', University of Kent, Canterbury 17/09/2008-19/09/2008 17/09/2008 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Digitizing Correspondence Workshop, sponsored by JISC 17/09/2009 17/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
CELL sedearly Footprints in the Butter: Looking for the Elephant in the Archives 18/09/2009 18/09/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Claire Preston sedearly The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 16/07/2014-17/07/2014 16/07/2014 Medieval and Early Modern
Kevin Sharpe sedearly Van Dyck and his English Heirs, Queen Mary, University of London, and Tate Britain 06/03/2009 06/03/2009 Medieval and Early Modern
Markman Ellis and Ann Lewis sedmiddle Venal Bodies: Prostitutes and Prostitution in Eighteenth Century Culture 04/04/2009 04/04/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 10/06/2011 10/06/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle Vanderbilt University & Queen Mary, University of London Eighteenth-Century Studies Postgraduate Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 01/06/2012 01/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle New Directions in Eighteenth Century Studies, Queen Mary Graduate Conference 31/05/2013 31/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Andrew Lincoln sedmiddle War and British Culture: Living with War in the Eighteenth Century, symposium at the National Army Museum 06/07/2010 06/07/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Vernon Lee: Literary Revenant, Institute of English Studies, Senate House 10/06/2003 10/06/2003 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Catherine Maxwell, Stefano Evangelista and Patricia Pulham sedmiddle Swinburne: A Centenary Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 10/07/2009-11/07/2009 10/07/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, c.1760s to c.1860s, Fourth Annual DWC Conference 17/05/2008 17/05/2008 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Church in Danger: Whiggery, Anticlericalism and Dissent, 1670s-1770s, Stephen Taylor Symposium 24/11/2007 24/11/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Women, Dissent, and Anti-Slavery in Britain and America, 1750-1865, Third Annual DWC Conference 19/05/2007 19/05/2007 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn, Second Annual DWC Conference 20/05/2006 20/05/2006 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Scientist, Philosopher, Theologian, First Annual DWC Conference 05/05/2005 05/05/2005 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Bible, Fifth Annual DWC Conference 23/05/2009 23/05/2009 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle The Shaping of Nonconformist Architecture, Sixth Annual DWC Conference 08/05/2010 08/05/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle John Locke: Theory, Power, and Publics, 1670s-1700s, Mark Goldie Symposium 20/11/2010 20/11/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissenting Academies Libraries Workshop, Harris Manchester College, Oxford 08/03/2011 08/03/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Heart Religion, Seventh Annual DWC Conference 21/05/2011 21/05/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle Enlightenment, Dissent, and Toleration, Symposium 05/11/2011 05/11/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Isabel Rivers and David Wykes sedmiddle 1662 Revisited, Eighth Annual DWC Conference 26/05/2012 26/05/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle 'Talking Books: A Gala Event Marking 80 Years of Service', International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay 13/09/2015 13/09/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and H. G. Cocks sedmiddle Margins of Print: Ephemera, Print Culture and Lost Histories of the Newspaper, Nottingham 15/01/2010 15/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Texts, Forms, Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries), Université du Maine, Le Mans, France 22/05/2013-24/05/2013 22/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 29/06/2013 29/06/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery sedmiddle Digital Victorians, London Nineteenth Century Studies Seminar, Institute of English Studies 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Matthew Rubery and Barbara Taylor sedmiddle History, the Nation and the Schools, co-sponsored by the Raphael Samuel History Centre, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association 30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Barbara Taylor sedmiddle Psychoanalysis and History, Institute of Historical Research 15/05/2013 15/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, Tenth Annual Dr Williams's Centre Conference 10/05/2014 10/05/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Informal Romanticism, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 06/09/2011-09/09/2011 06/09/2011 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Shandean Humour in Anglo-German Literature and Philosophy, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge 2010 01/01/2010 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus sedmiddle Idea of Fall Workshop, Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München 2012 01/01/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Worship: The Contrasting Practices of Anglicans, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Unitarians over Three Centuries, Ninth Annual DWC Conference 11/05/2013 11/05/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse sedmiddle Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives of 18th Century Literature, Queen Mary, University of London 15/09/2012 15/09/2012 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Markman Ellis sedmiddle The 10th Annual Literary London Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 09/07/2009-10/07/2009 09/07/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Mark Currie sedmodern Prediction, Memory Network, Cheltenham Literary Festival October 2013 01/10/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katherine Fleming sedmodern Seneca in the English Tradition, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 12/09/2012 12/09/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Great Expectations: Teaching Seminars in Higher Education, English Subject Centre Conference, Queen Mary, University of London 12/09/2008 12/09/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern ‘On the Circuit’, Woodberry Poetry Seminar, Harvard University 14/04/2015 14/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Teaching Performance Poetry, English Subject Centre 04/05/2011 04/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Morag Shiach sedmodern Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century, Queen Mary University of London 22/04/2015-24/04/2015 22/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson, Katy Price and Morag Shiach sedmodern Everydayness and the Event, MSA 15, Sussex 29/08/2013-01/09/2013 29/08/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson sedmodern Modernism Now!, BAMS International Conference, Institute of English Studies, London 26/06/2014-28/06/2014 26/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Suzanne Hobson and Celine Magot sedmodern Women and Speed, University of Toulouse 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Peter Howarth sedmodern Art of English, Queen Mary, University of London 21/06/2013 21/06/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Katy Price sedmodern Altered Consciousness, 1918-1980, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2013-17/11/2013 16/11/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Caribbean Literature after Independence: The Case of Earl Lovelace, Institute of Commonwealth Studies 2008 01/01/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern Memory Today, Raphael Samuel History Centre, Institute of Historical Research 11/06/2010 11/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern In Conversation with Earl Lovelace, Queen Mary, University of London 16/11/2010 16/11/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz sedmodern James Baldwin's Global Imagination, NYU and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 19/02/2011-20/02/2011 19/02/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with Brian Chikwava, ‘Migrant London in An Age of Neoliberalism’. Launch Event: Centre for the Study of Migration, Queen Mary University of London 22 May 2014 22/05/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rachael Gilmour sedmodern In conversation with George Szirtes: ‘Multilingual writing and translation’. Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing Seminar Series, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 12 March 2013 12/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire and the English Novel, Queen Mary, University of London April 2010 01/04/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Bill Schwarz and Rachael Gilmour sedmodern End of Empire Symposium, British Academy 02/11/2011 02/11/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Valman sedmodern Willy Goldman's East End My Cradle, Queen Mary, University of London 15/07/2011 15/07/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Deborah Seddon sedmodern An Arc to the Future: Preserving and Promoting Orature in the South African Literary Imagination, Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 09/09/2015-11/09/2015 09/09/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern The Comic Mask: Theorizing Satire, Humour and Laughter in South African Culture, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, New York University 20/03/2014-23/03/2014 20/03/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrew van der Vlies and Rita Barnard sedmodern Contemporary South African Literature: Modernity, Futurity, Banality, Seminar strand, ACLA Convention, Brown University 30/03/2012-01/04/2012 30/03/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Paddy and the Public Sphere: Print Culture and Politics in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland 28/06/2008 28/06/2008 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Censored Ireland 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern The Provisional IRA: New Perspectives 17/06/2011 17/06/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Bloody Sunday and the Saville Enquiry 25/06/2010 25/06/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Clair Wills sedmodern Popular Culture and Revolution 20/06/2009 20/06/2009 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Marina Warner, 'Oriental Masquerade: Fiction and Fantasy in the Wake of the Arabian Nights' 17/05/2010 17/05/2010 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Rahsid Khalidi, ‘Human Dignity in Jerusalem’ 31/05/2011 31/05/2011 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Ahdaf Soueif, ‘Mina’s Banner: Edward Said and the Egyptian Revolution' 24/05/2012 24/05/2012 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Jacqueline Rose sedmodern Part of Edward E. Said Lecture Series: Noam Chomsky, ‘Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East’ 18/03/2013 18/03/2013 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature

Filter by Research Group:

Name Event Date Date Hidden Subject Area
Rehana Ahmed and Rachel Carroll (Teesside) sedmodern British Culture after 9/11 conference, Teesside University June 2014 27/06/2014 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Rehana Ahmed, Nadia Valman, and Sumita Mukherjee (KCL) sedmodern Whitechapel Encounters: Tracing Migrant Lives in the Pre-War East End conference, Teesside University 19 April 2015 19/04/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Warren Boutcher sedearly Roundtables on transnational literatures at the Renaissance Society of America 2014 (New York), 2015 (Berlin), 2016 (Boston) 01/01/2016 2014-16 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Nadia Atia, with Lindsey Moore (Lancaster) sedmodern Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies, Queen Mary University of London 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
Andrea Brady sedmodern Globe Road Poetry Festival, Queen Mary University of London 13/11/2015-15/11/2015 13/11/2015 Twentieth century, Contemporary and World Literature
David Colclough sedearly Reconsidering Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 23/03/2015-24/03/2015 23/03/2015 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Place and Preaching, St Paul’s Cathedral, London 06/09/2013-07/09/2013 06/09/2013 Medieval and Early Modern
David Colclough sedearly Editing Donne, Lincoln College, Oxford 26/03/2011 26/03/2011 Medieval and Early Modern
James Vigus and David Wykes sedmiddle Dissent and the Representation of War, Eleventh Annual Dr Williams’s Centre Conference 16/05/2015 16/05/2015 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Writing and Religion Research Network 07/12/2013 07/12/2013 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse Libraries in the Atlantic World 24/01/2014-25/01/2014 24/01/2014 Eighteenth Century, Romanticism and Nineteenth Century
Tessa Whitehouse