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English and Drama

Professor Andrea Brady, BA (Columbia) PhD (Cambridge)


Professor of Poetry

Telephone: +44 (0)207 882 2855
Room Number: ArtsOne 3.10B
Office Hours: See QMPlus


I was born in Philadelphia and studied at Columbia University in New York City.  After working in publishing for a few years I came to the UK to study in Cambridge.  I started off as an early modernist, and wrote a PhD on the funeral elegy in the seventeenth century, though now my interests range across British and American poetry more broadly.  I am a poet, and work closely with contemporary poets in the UK and abroad.  I have performed throughout the UK, Europe, Canada, the US, Lebanon, and Chile, and have been invited to speak about poetry by the British Academy, British Council, the BBC, the Arts Council, and the Poetry Society.  My work has been translated into French, German, Spanish, Slovene, Slovak, Finnish, Greek, Catalan, and Croatian, and has been the subject of a large number of critical essays.


Research Interests:

  • Poetry and poetics
  • Early modern literature
  • Contemporary avant-garde poetries
  • African-American poetry and poetics
  • Poetry and politics

Recent and On-Going Research

Poetry and Bondage: A History of Lyric and Constraint (Cambridge University Press, 2021) began with the realisation that poets have for millennia compared the experience of writing formal verse to being in chains, prisons, cells, or enslaved. But as I traced this metaphor, I realised that it often serves to obscure actual conditions of bondage. My book explores poetry by canonical figures, as well as lesser-known or anonymous poetries and contemporary practices, to ask: how might our understanding of the lyric tradition change if we look to those poetries which have been produced in bondage, and take seriously their contributions to the theorisation of the lyric?  Poetry and Bondage argues that the poems and songs composed in the cell, on the plantation and in the BDSM dungeon provide radical new perspectives on the dialectic of freedom and constraint which is central to the idea and practice of lyric writing.

This book was begun with a fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust, and completed during a fellowship at the National Humanities Center in North Carolina, USA.  I discuss it in a podcast produced by the NHC.

My seventh book of poems, The Blue Split Compartments, was published by Wesleyan University Press in August 2021. The book draws on extensive research into drone operations to analyse prosthetic violence and the necropolitics of the American imperium.  It draws on personal experience to rethink the position of the ‘split’ subject amidst the detritus of class, distance, gender, myth, and America’s perverse eroticism of the gun. Desiring Machines, my most recent collection of poems, followed in November 2021.

I am very keen to support experimental poetry in the UK, and particularly emerging writers.  With Keston Sutherland, I established the small poetry press Barque in 1995. In 2005 I founded the 'Archive of the Now', the UK’s largest digital archive of performances by experimental poets. In addition to recordings of hundreds of poets, the Archive has hosted a poet-in-residence, workshops for secondary school students, and a project to establish best practice protocols for digital archive metadata. In 2013 I established the QMUL Centre for Poetry, which hosted the Globe Road Poetry festival, a three-day international festival of performance, screenings, workshops, debates and experiments which I curated in November 2015.


Scholarly Books


Books of Poetry


Journal Articles

  • ‘The Determination of Love’, The Journal of the British Academy 5 (2018): 271-308.  This article is the text of the Warton Lecture on English Poetry, which I delivered at the British Academy on 25 April 2017. A podcast of that lecture can be heard here:
  • ‘Drone Poetics’, New Formations 89/90 (June 2017): 116-13
  • ‘From Grief to Leisure: Lycidas in the Eighteenth Century’, Modern Language Quarterly 77.1 (2016): 41-63
  • ‘Hubbub and Satire’, Renaissance Studies 30.1 (2016): 120-136
  • ‘The Subject of Sacrifice in Proud Flesh and Down to Earth by John Wilkinson’, Textual Practice 28.1 (2014): 57-78
  • ‘The Physics of Melting in Early Modern Love Poetry’, Cerae 1 (October 2014): 22-52. Winner of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies at the University of Western Australia Essay Prize
  • ‘Echo, Irony and Repetition in the Writings of Denise Riley’, Contemporary Women’s Writing 7.2 (2013): 138-156
  • ‘The Platonic Poetry of Katherine Philips’, The Seventeenth Century 25.2 (January 2011): 300-322
  • ‘Making Use of the Pain: the John Wieners Archives’, Paideuma 36 (July 2010): 131-179
  • “‘Without welt, gard, or embroidery”: A Funeral Elegy for Cicely Ridgeway, Countess of Londonderry (1628)’, Huntington Library Quarterly 72.3 (September 2009): 373-395
  • ‘Shadowy Figures in Quill, Solitary Apparition by Barbara Guest’, Chicago Review 53.4 and 54.1/2 (2008): 120-125
  • “Dying with Honour: Literary propaganda and the second English Civil War’, Journal of Military History 70.1 (Jan. 2006): 9-30. Winner of the Moncado Prize 2007
  • ‘Grief Work in a War Economy’, Radical Philosophy 114 (July/Aug. 2002): 7-12


Book Chapters

  • ‘Elegy: Love and Death’, in The Oxford History of Poetry in English, vol. 4: Sixteenth-Century British Poetry, ed. Patrick Cheney and Catherine Bates (Oxford University Press, 2022), pp. 316–333
  • ‘Funeral Elegy’, The Blackwell Companion to Renaissance Poetry, ed. Catherine Bates (Blackwell, 2017)
  • ‘To Weep Irish: The Politics of Early Modern Keening’, Law and Mourning, ed. Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas, and Martha Merrill Umphrey (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2017)
  • ‘The Principles of Song: On Denise Riley’, Toward. Some. Air., ed. Fred Wah and Amy De’Ath (Banff: Banff Centre Press, 2015)
  • ‘The Loneliness of the Long Distance Poet’, The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary British and Irish Poetry, ed. Peter Robinson (Oxford UP, 2013), 707-726
  • ‘Ghostly Authorities and the British Popular Press’, in Gothic Renaissance, ed. Elisabeth Bronfen and Beate Neumeier (Manchester: Manchester UP, 2014), 180-196
  • ‘Distraction and Absorption on Second Avenue’, in Frank O'Hara Now: New Essays on the New York Poet, eds. Will Montgomery and Robert Hampson (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, February 2010), 59-69
  • ‘“These Dear Relicks”: Abiding Grief in Reformation England’ in The Reformation Unsettled: Pre-Reformation Religious Culture in Early Modern British Literature, 1560- 1660, ed. J.-F. van Dijkhuizen (Leiden: Brepols, 2009), 183-203
  • ‘The Gift of Mourning: Death in the Early Modern Household’ in Emotions in the Household, 1200-1900, ed. Susan Broomhall (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008), 185-202
  • ‘On Poetry and Public Pleasure: a reading of Tom Raworth’, in Poetry and Public Language, ed. Tony Lopez and Anthony Caleshu (Exeter: Shearsman, 2007), 25-36
  • ‘The Other Poet: John Wieners, Frank O’Hara, and Charles Olson’ in Don’t Ever Get Famous: Essays on New York Writing after the New York School, ed. Daniel Kane (Illinois State University: Dalkey Archive Press, Dec. 2006) 317-347; reprinted in Jacket 32 (April 2007)
  • ‘Zero Longitude: Notes on Kevin Nolan’s Elegiac Centres’, The Paper 5 (Oct. 2002): 27- 35; reprinted in Necessary Steps: Poetry, Elegy, Walking, Spirit, ed. David Kennedy (Exeter: Shearsman, 2007), 11-27
  • ‘No Turning Back: Acrylic Tips’, Quid 17: for J. H. Prynne, in Celebration (24 June 2006): 80-83
  • ‘For Immediate Delivery: on the semiotics of blogs’ in Put About: a critical anthology on independent publishing, ed. Maria Fusco and Ian Hunt (London: Book Works, 2004)
  • Entries for all contemporary American and British poets, The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English, gen. ed. Dominic Head (Cambridge UP, 2004)


Magazine and internet articles


Review Articles

  • Review of Sarah Covington, Wounds, Flesh, and Metaphor in 17th Century England (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) for Renaissance Quarterly 63.3 (Fall 2010): 992-3.
  • Review of Peter Sherlock, Monuments and Memory in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2008, 296 pp.) for H-Albion (January 2010)
  • Review of Poetry magazine, Times Literary Supplement, March 2005
  • ‘The Same War Continues: Denise Levertov, New Selected Poems’, Poetry Review 94.2 (2004): 76-8
  • ‘Object Lessons: George Oppen, New Collected Poems’, Poetry Review 94.1 (Spring 2004): 64-70
  • ‘Walking and Standing Still in Suffolk: RF Langley, More or Less’, Poetry Review 93.1 (2003): 67-73
  • 'Out of This World: Peter Robinson, Poetry, Poets, Readers: Making Things Happen’, Poetry Review 92.4 (Winter 2002): 96-99
  • ‘The Middle Distance: Lorine Niedecker, Collected Poems’, Poetry Review 92.3 (2002): 87-91
  • Review of Left Under a Cloud by Stephen Rodefer, Jacket 15; ‘Brief Notes on Reverses by John Wilkinson’, Jacket 9


Poetry Chapbooks

  • Tom Get Shrunk (Run Amok Press, 2021) – benefit for the Poets’ Hardship Fund
  • Dompteuse (Toronto: Book*hug, 2014, 40pp)
  • Cold Calling (Cambridge: Barque, 2004)
  • Liberties (New York: Potes & Poets, 1999)
  • Cranked Foil (Cambridge: Poetical Histories, 1997)


Poetry Translated into Foreign Languages

  • Translated into Catalan, Llengues de foc: Antologia de poesia anglesa actual, trans. Jessica Pujol (Mallorca: Lleonard Muntaner, 2021)
  • Translated into Croatian, ‘Suvremeno britansko pjesnitstvo’ (feature on contemporary British poetry, POEZIJA (Summer 2015)
  • '40 Days and 40 Nights’ translated into Greek, a glimpse of 16 (2014)
  • Translated into Slovene, Slovak and Finnish, 11th annual The Golden Boat poetry and translation residency (September 2013)
  • Translated into German for the magazine Schreibheft: Zeitschrift für Literatur 80 (Feb. 2013): 155-166 by Léonce W. Lupette, Christian Lux and Susanna Mewe.
  • Translated into Spanish for the anthology La Isla Tuerta: 49 poetas britanicos (1946- 2006) (Madrid: Lumeneditorial, 2009)
  • Translated into French for cipM 147 (Marseille, May 2006)


Poetry magazine publications



  • Wretched Strangers, ed. Ãgnes Lehõczky and J. T. Welsch (Norwich: Boiler House Press, 2018)
  • The World Speaking Back to Denise Riley, ed. Agnes Lehoczky and Zoë Skoulding (Norwich: Boiler House Press, 2018), 143-4
  • The Caught Habits of Language: An Entertainment for W.S. Graham for Him Having Reached One Hundred, ed. Rachael Boast, Andy Ching and Nathan Hamilton (Norwich: Boiler House Press, 2018), 142-3
  • women – poetry – migration: An Anthology, ed. Jane Joritz-Nakagawa (Palmyra, NY: theenk books, 2017), 13-18
  • Atlantic Drift: An Anthology of Poetry and Poetics, ed. James Byrne and Robert Sheppard (Todmorden: Arc, and Omskirk: Edge Hill University Press, 2017), 43-54
  • Out of Everywhere 2, ed. Emily Critchley (Hastings: Reality Street, 2015)
  • For the Children of Gaza, ed. Matthew Staunton and Rethabile Masilo (Oxford: Onslaught Press, 2014)
  • The Dark Would: anthology of language art, ed. Philip Davenport (Apple Pie Editions, 2013)
  • The Wolf: A Decade (Poems 2002-2012), ed. James Byrne (2012).
  •  Infinite Difference, an anthology of women’s writing, ed. Carrie Etter (Shearsman, 2010)




Essays on my poetry

  • My work was the subject of the seventh annual Kent-Royal Holloway Poetics Seminar at the ICA, London, 25 May 2017.
  • A one-day colloquium about my work, ‘A Copia of Words’, was held at Birkbeck College, 13th December 2014.
  • Jennifer Cooke, 'The Violations of Empathy', New Formations 89/90 (Autumn/Winter 2016)
  • Niamh O'Mahony, "'Releasing the Chaos of Energies': Communicating the Concurrences in Trevor Joyce's Appropriative Poems', Irish University Review 46/1 (2016): 119-131
  • Lucy Collins, ‘An etiology of metaphors: toxic discourse and poetic form in Andrea Brady’s Wildfire,’ Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism (Dec. 2016)
  • Michael Peverett, ‘Andrea Brady: Cut from the Rushes, etc.’, Intercapillary Space (October 2015)
  • Gareth Prior, ‘The Fault of Language’,, 29 July 2014 
  • Sophie Read, ‘Awake for Ever: An Essay’, prac crit 1 (July 2014)
  • Ashleigh Lambert, Review of Mutability, The Rumpus (8 January 2014)
  • Andrew Spragg, Review of Cut from the Rushes, HixEros (January 2014)
  • Vicky Sparrow, Review of Mutability, The Literateur (6 December 2013)
  • David Kennedy and Christine Kennedy, Women’s Experimental Poetry in Britain 1970–2010: Body, Time and Locale (Liverpool University Press, 2013, ISBN: 9781846319778)
  • Jeremy Noel-Tod and Ian Hamilton, eds., The Oxford Companion to Modern Poetry in English, second ed. (Oxford University Press, 2013, ISBN 9780199640256)
  • Brian M. Reed, ‘Andrea Brady’s Peculiar Dissidence’, in Nobody's Business: Twenty-First Century Avant-Garde Poetics (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2013, ISBN 978-0-8014-5157-7 )
  • Joel Duncan, ‘She Has Been Enlisted in the Choir Under Compulsion’, Notre Dame Review, 36 (Summer/Fall 2013): 207-210
  • Alex Latter, ‘Extraordinary Renditions: Voicing Opposition to War,’ Alluvium, Vol. 1, No. 6 (1 November 2012)
  • Some Short Foule Field Notes: John DeWitt, Lisa Jeschke, Andrea Brady', 14th Cambridge, January 2012’
  • Mandy Bloomfield, ‘Revolution in Spatial Poetics’, at ‘Poetry and Revolution’ (Birkbeck 2012):
  • John Sears, ‘Andrea Brady's Wildfire: Generation’, Tempmorel: revue littéraire & artistique (29 April 2012)
  • Review of Wildfire by Ange Mlinko, Chicago Review 56.4 (Winter 2012): 122-124.
  • Jennifer Cooke, ‘Poetry and Knowledge: the Exhibition of Andrea Brady’s Wildfire’; Scott Thurston, ‘Talking Poetics: Dialogues in Innovative Poetry’; Romana Huk, ‘New British Schools’ – all at ‘Legacies of Modernism: The State of British Poetry Today’, UFR Etudes-Anglophones, Université Paris-Diderot, 9-11 June 2011.
  • Review of Wildfire by Catherine Wagner, Poetry Project Newsletter (April-May 2011): 17-18
  • Daniel C. Remein, ‘Kinesis of Nothing and the Ousia of Poetry (Part Review Essay, Part Notes on a Poetics of Auto-Commentary’, on Wildfire, Glossator: Practice and Theory of the Commentary 3 (2010): 67-94.
  • Scott Thurston, ‘Innovative Poetry in Britain Today’, Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses (April 2010): 15-30.
  • Marc Porée, ‘Contemporary British Women Poets (1985-2005): A New Legislature’, E-rea: Revue électronique d’études sur le monde Anglophone 6.1 (October 2008)
  • Thom Donovan, Introduction for Andrea Brady, Segue Reading Series, New York
  • Jon Clay, Sensation, Contemporary Poetry and Deleuze: Transformative Intensities (Continuum, 2010).
  • Sophie Mayer, Review of Andrea Brady's Wildfire and Simon Perrill's Nitrate, Hand+Star
  • Richard Owens, 'Working Notes: Andrea Brady's Wildfire,' Damn the Caesars
  • Amica Dall, 'Trying to Look Correctly at the Subjects of Andrea Brady's 'Saw Fit', Hot Gun 1 (Summer 2009): 22-28.
  • Nicky Marsh, ‘Going “Glocal”: The Local and the Global in Recent Experimental Women's Poetry’, Contemporary Women's Writing 1 (2007): 192-202.
  • Simon Perril, ‘Two Slices of Toast: Emptiness and Disappointment in Recent Works by Peter Manson and Andrea Brady’, Symbiosis 11.1 (April 2007): 75-88.
  • Tom Jones, ‘Andrea Brady’s Elections’, Litteraria Pragensia (December 2007): 139-147.
  • Josh Robinson, ‘“Abject Self on Patrol”: Immaterial Labour, Affect, and Subjectivity in Andrea Brady’s Cold Calling’, Litteraria Pragensia (December 2007): 148-157.
  • John Wilkinson, ‘Off the Grid’, Chicago Review 53.1 (Spring 2007): 95-115, reprinted in The Lyric Touch (Cambridge: Salt, 2007).
  • Marianne Morris, ‘Behind the Veil’, Review of Embrace, Jacket 29 (April 2006)
  • Keston Sutherland, University of Sussex: ‘Vocal Stupor 2: Notes on Love Poetry’, and Jonathan Clay, Birkbeck, University of London: ‘Andrea Brady’s ‘Saw Fit’: Poetic Innovation and Politics’ (New Readings of British Contemporary Poetry, University of Dundee, 3 June 2006)
  • Robin Purves, ‘American Change: A Note on Andrea Brady and the Language of Consumption’, Edinburgh Review 114 (2004): 177-185.
  • Stuart Kelly, ‘All lines are busy’, Review of Cold Calling, Poetry Review 94.2 (Summer 2004): 95-7.
  • John Hall, ‘Eluded readings: trying to tell stories about reading some recent poems’, The Gig 15 (Sept. 2003).
  • Reviews of Vacation of a Lifetime: Publishers Weekly 23/9/02; Keith Elliot, Terrible Work
  • Reviews of Liberties: Nada Gordon, readme

See also my Queen Mary Research Publications profile


I would welcome enquiries from potential doctoral students interested in any of the areas of my research.

I have supervised the following successful PhD projects:

  • Katy Lewis-Hood, ‘Overlapping Currents: Watery Geographies, Black and Indigenous Poetics, and the Anthropocene’ (2022)
  • Sophie Seita, ‘Proto-Forms of the Avant-Garde: Little Magazines as Communities of Print, 1914-2016’ (2016)
  • Stephen Willey, 'Bob Cobbing 1950-1978: Performance, Poetry and the Institution', co-supervised with Peter Howarth (2012)

Public Engagement

Media Appearances:

  • Documentary on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, for the Korean Broadcasting Service
  • Documentary on Creativity and Artificial Intelligence, for TV Chosun, South Korea (interviewed 15 March 2016; broadcast May 2016)
  • The Exponential Horn’, one-hour live broadcast from the Science Museum’s Virgin Media Lab and on Resonance 104.4 FM (6 June 2014)
  • ‘A Few Don’ts’, BBC Radio 4, contributor (broadcast 2 December 2012)
  • Podcast about poetry, constraint and conceptualism, in conversation with dance critic David Jays and the director of Arts Admin, Judith Knight, for Chris Goode and Company (8 October 2012)

Podcasts and Public Talks

  • On Bob Kaufman, Pathologies of Solitude (2020)
  • The Determination of Love’, Warton Annual Lecture, British Academy (25 April 2017), chaired by Prof. Isobel Armstrong. Listen to the podcast
  • No Art: Discussion with Ben Lerner, LRB Bookshop (11 October 2016)
  • Roundtable on poetry and politics in Beirut, Lebanon (8 May 2015)
  • ‘Death and the Contemporary' panel discussion, Inside-Out Festival, Somerset House (23 October 2012)
  • ‘A Change of Culture’, HowTheLightGetsIn Philosophy and Music Festival, Hay on Wye (7 June 2012)
  • Commissioned to write and perform a poem on the day’s news events for National Poetry Day on ‘World Update’ with Dan Damon, BBC World Service (6 October 2005)
  • Poetry Publishing Panel with Michael Schmidt (Carcanet) and Matthew Hollis (Faber), New Writing Types, Arts Council England East (Norwich, 10-14 November 2004)

Recent Performances

I have given readings at a variety of venues throughout Europe, the US, Canada, and the Middle East. Recent highlights include:

  • 2021 Brooklyn Rail New Social Environment #288: Conversation between Jessica Morgan and Helen Lee. Reading starts at 1:40:00 (30 April)
  • 2019 Counterpath, Denver (28 April)
  • 2019 Boise State University (27 April)
  • 2019 City of Asylum, Pittsburgh (27 February)
  • 2019 Alley Cat Books, San Francisco (15 February)
  • 2019 Holloway Poetry Reading Series, University of California, Berkeley (13 February)
  • 2019 Eastern Michigan University (7 February)
  • 2019 Valparaíso, Chile (5 January)
  • 2019 Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile (3 January)
  • 2018 Miami University of Ohio (4 October)
  • 2018 Café Oto Project space (15 July)
  • 2018 Theologies of Reading, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge (24 May)
  • 2018 Hard to Get, Queens’ College Oxford (11 May)
  • 2018 Stillpoint, London (15 April)
  • 2018 Salon, University of Westminster (13 March)
  • 2018 London Review of Books Bookshop (5 February)
  • 2017 Edinburgh International Book Festival (19 August)
  • 2017 Bethlem Gallery, Kent (3 June)
  • 2017 Hi Zero, The Hope and Ruin, Brighton (30 May)
  • 2017 Reading and symposium on my poetry, ICA, London (co-hosted by the University of Kent at Canterbury and Royal Holloway University of London; 25 May)
  • 2017 One Day Without Us, I-Klectic, London (20 February)
  • 2017 Contraband, Charterhouse Bar, London (12 January)
  • 2016 Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow (5 October)
  • 2016 ICA, London (24 July)
  • 2016 Yale University, New Haven, CT (4 April)
  • 2016 Zinc Bar, New York, NY (1 April)
  • 2015 Beyt el Kottab, the International Writer’s House, Beirut, Lebanon (8 May)
  • 2015 University of East Anglia Poetry Festival (18 April)
  • 2015 St George English Bookshop, Berlin, Germany (25 March)
  • 2014 University of Sheffield (26 November)
  • 2014 Foundation Louis Vuitton, Paris (13 November)
  • 2014 Serpentine Gallery, London (1 November)
  • 2014 Helsinki Poetics Conference, Antikvariaatti Sofiassa (21 October); Bookcafe, Turku, Finland (24 October)
  • 2014 HiZero, The Hope, Brighton (14 October)
  • 2014 The Jericho Tavern, Oxford (5 October)
  • 2014 ‘Petrarch’, RichMix Cultural Centre, London (28 June)
  • 2014 Polyply, Centre for Collaborative Exchange, University of London (5 June) 
  • 2014 University of Chicago (9 May)
  • 2014 Princeton University (16 April)
  • 2014 Amid the Ruins, Daniel Blau Gallery, Hoxton Square (5 March)
  • 2014  Department of Literature, Film and Theatre Studies, University of Essex (5 February)
  • 2013 The Golden Boat poetry and translation residency, Škocjan and Ljubljana, Slovenia (1-8 September)
  • 2013 Feelings at Vogue Fabrics, Dalston (15 August)
  • 2013 SoundEye festival, Cork, Ireland (5-7 July)
  • 2012 Hay Poetry Jamboree, Hay on Wye (7 June)
  • 2012 HiZero, The Hope, Brighton (25 April)
  • 2012 The Other Room, Manchester (29 February)
  • 2012 Lyric and Polis, University College Falmouth (18 February)
  • 2012 3 AM Magazine’s Maintenant Camarade, Rich Mix Centre, London (11 February)
  • 2012 Foule Reading Series, Pembroke College, Cambridge (14 January)
  • 2011 City Art Centre, Edinburgh (22 January)
  • 2010 Segue Reading Series, Bowery Poetry Club, New York (18 December 2010)
  • 2010 Centre for Creative Collaboration, University of London (14 October)
  • 2010 Double Change, Paris (23 September)
  • 2010 Intimacies conference, University of Loughborough (10-12 September)
  • 2010 Hiding Place gallery, Philadelphia, USA (5 August)
  • 2010 London Cross-Genre Festival, University of Greenwich (14-16 July)
  • 2010 Memorial readings for Goran Printz-Pahlson, University of Cambridge (28 June)
  • 2010 Sussex Poetry Festival, University of Sussex and Nightingale Theatre, Brighton (16-18 April)
  • 2010 Queens’ College, Cambridge (29 January)
  • 2009 Openned, The Foundry, London (1 November)
  • 2009 Cafe Oto, London (15 May)
  • 2009 Parasol Unit Gallery, London (30 April)
  • 2007 Reading at Berlin Poetry Hearings
  • 2007 Readings at the Notre Dame University, South Bend, IN; University of Chicago; Miami University of Ohio; SUNY Buffalo; Harvard; New York and Philadelphia. This reading tour was sponsored by the Chicago Review, to coincide with a special issue dedicated to Andrea’s work and three other poets.
  • 2006 Reading at the Centre Internationale de Poésie Marseille.
  • 2005 Reading and paper in Vancouver, Canada, sponsored by the British Council and the Kootenay School of Writing.
  • 2005 Commissioned to write and perform a poem on the day’s news events for National Poetry Day on ‘World Update’ with Dan Damon, BBC World Service.


  • 'Poetry and Bondage’, Solitude Project, QMUL (8 December 2019)
  • The Sound Came from Everywhere and Nowhere: African-American Songmaking, The Collectors, and the Fantasy of Origins in Twentieth-Century Lyric’, University of Coimbra, Portugal (6 November 2019)
  • Poetry and Bondage: Constraint and the practice of lyric’, University of Lisbon, Portugal (5 November 2019)
  • ‘Poetry and Bondage: Solitude and Solidarity in the 19th Century and Contemporary Prison’, Lecture, Colorado University, Boulder (29 April 2019)
  • ‘“The Sound Came from Everywhere and Nowhere”: African-American Songmaking, The Collectors, and the Fantasy of Origins in Twentieth-Century Lyric’, Lecture at the University of Chicago (24 April 2019)
  • ‘The Music of Fetters: Thomas Wyatt and the Beginning of English Carceral Lyric’, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (7 March 2019)
  • ‘Poetry and Bondage’, Lecture, Centre for Humanities, University of Pittsburgh (28 February 2019)
  • ‘Poetry and Bondage: M. NourbeSe Philip, and the Story that Cannot be Told’, Lecture, Eastern Michigan University (7 February 2019)
  • ‘Poetry and Bondage’, Po-Ex Symposium, Keynote; at Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile (3 January 2019)
  • ‘Only the Soldered Mouth Can Tell: Emily Dickinson, M. NourbeSe Philip, and the Story that Cannot be Told’, Rushton Lecture, University of Virginia (7-8 November 2018)
  • ‘Theologies of Reading’, CRASSH, University of Cambridge (24 May 2018)
  • ‘Poetry and the Pleasures of Bondage’, Kings College London (8 November 2016)
  • ‘Poetry and Bondage, Halpern to Wyatt’, Yale University (4 April 2016)
  • ‘Poetry and Bondage, Halpern to Wyatt’, New York University (1 April 2016)
  • ‘Poetry and Bondage’, University of Kent (10 December 2014)
  • ‘Conceptual Writing and Bondage’, University of Reading Graduate Seminar (4 February 2013)
  • ‘To Weep Irish: Mourning and the Law’ (Department of Law, Jurisprudence and Social Science, Amherst College, Massachusetts, 28 November 2012)
  • ‘On Poetry and Public Pleasure: a reading of Tom Raworth’, Poetry and Public Language (University of Exeter and Dartington College of Arts, 30-31 March 2007)
  • ‘Melting in Renaissance Poetry’, University of Bristol (1 May 2012)
  • ‘Echo, Irony and Repetition in the Poetry of Denise Riley and John James’, Institute for English Studies (17 November 2010)
  • ‘“I am in the place of equivalence”: Subjects and their Objects in Recent British Poetry’, St John’s College, Cambridge (20 October 2010)
  • ‘Frank O’Hara, Distraction and Absorption on Second Avenue’, University of London, Paris (24 September 2010)
  • ‘Animate Work’, University of Aberystwyth (30 March 2009)
  • ‘Frank O’Hara, Distraction and Absorption on Second Avenue’, University of Sussex (April 2008)
  • ‘Making Use of This Pain: A Report from the John Wieners Archives’, Birkbeck (April 2008)
  • ‘Poetry and Globalisation’, University of Southampton (January 2008)
  • ‘An Interpretation of (some early modern) Dreams’, University of Sussex (7 February 2007)
  • ‘Personalism and Abstraction and Some Contemporary Poetry’, Kootenay School of Writing (Vancouver, 18 September 2005). Sponsored by the British Council
  • ‘Outcast Freaks and Womanish Hearts’, University of East Anglia (February 2005)
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