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Collecting your Student ID Card

You can collect your ID card from the Mile End Campus. The guidance below is subject to change so please check this page and your email regularly for the latest information.

Collecting your Student ID Card

Your ID card will provide access to the Library and other buildings and facilities for those students on campus. Please be advised that the guidance below is subject to change so please check this page and your email regularly for the latest information.

You must be either fully or temporary enrolled before attempting to collect your ID card. Guidance on how you can find out your enrolment status can be found in our FAQ titled 'How can I check my enrolment status?'.

When you visit us you will need to tell us your student ID number. This is a 9 digit number which, for new students starting in 2024/25, starts with '24' or '25' e.g., '241234567'.

Where and When to collect your Student ID Card

In order to collect your card you will need to have completed Pre-Enrolment and be Fully or Temporary Enrolled and be able to show/tell us your student ID number.

Please do not attempt to collect your ID card if you have not been granted full or temporary enrolment as we will not be able to print it for you. Please bring confirmation of your enrolment with you - your Enrolment Status is shown on your MySIS homepage so please be ready to show this to us on your electronic device.

For Pre-sessional and Summer School programmes, ID cards will be handed to students who are either Fully or Temporary Enrolled on your programme start date. For those that complete the Pre-enrolment after this date your ID card will be available to collect from the Student Enquiry Centre (SEC). No appointment is necessary but please check the SEC website for opening hours. SEC is located in Ground Floor, iQ East Court, Mile End Campus (building 64 on the map).

Guidance on when and where to collect your student ID card has been separated by programme level:

    • Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students refers to those on programmes such as a BSc, MA, MSc, LLM, PgCert/Dip, FdCert, GradDip & Undergraduate/Postgraduate Associates (Study Abroad & Exchange students). 
    • Postgraduate Research Students refers to those on programmes such as a PhD, MD(Res), MPhil, DClinDent, DEng & Research Associates.

Undergraduate & Postgraduate Taught Students Starting on 12 September or Earlier

This guidance is only applicable to fully or temporary enrolled undergraduate and postgraduate taught students based on campus who have a programme start date of 12 September 2024 or earlier. If your programme starts on Monday 16 September or later, please see the guidance further down this page as this information is not applicable to you.

Unless your School/Institute has advised you that they have arranged an early ID card collection session for you, or that they will be providing you with your card during an induction session, you can visit the Mile End Campus to collect your card.

Once you have received confirmation that you are fully or temporary enrolled you should visit the Mile End Campus to collect your card. Please do not attend campus to collect your card before you have been enrolled as we will not be able to print a card for you.

When and Where

Please read on for details of where you should go depending on the date:

Card collection until Thursday 12 September:

If you are fully or temporary enrolled, please drop-in to the Student Enquiry Centre (SEC) to collect your card - no appointment necessary. SEC is open Monday - Friday at 10:00 - 16:00 but please check the SEC website for confirmation of opening hours before attending. SEC is located in Ground Floor, iQ East Court, Mile End Campus (building 64 on the map).

From Friday 13 - Wednesday 25 September:

If you are fully or temporary enrolled, you can drop-in to The Octagon, Queens' Building, Mile End Campus (19a on the map) on weekdays between 10:00 - 16:00* to collect your card (note the Octagon will close at 13:00 on Wednesday 25 September). Please enter via the back of the building (north entrance). No appointment is necessary but please be advised to expect queues.

From Wednesday 25 September (afternoon) onwards:

From 13:00 on Wednesday 25 September, ID card collection will return to the Student Enquiry Centre (SEC). If you are fully or temporary enrolled, please visit SEC to collect your card - no appointment necessary. SEC is open Monday - Friday at 10:00 - 16:00 but please check the SEC website for confirmation of opening hours before attending. SEC is located in Ground Floor, iQ East Court, Mile End Campus (building 64 on the map).

Please do not try and collect your ID card until you have been fully or temporary enrolled. We will not be able to enrol you at the point you arrive to collect your card and we will not be able to print it for you.

Undergraduate & Postgraduate Taught Students Starting on 16 September or Later

Please be advised that we expect to start sending email invitations to Allocated Timeslot and Drop-In Session ID Card Collection from Wednesday 11 September. The email will contain guidance on when you should collect your card. In order to collect your card you must be fully or temporary enrolled at the point of collection. We cannot print a card for you if you are still Pre-Enrolled or Cleared to Enrol and we cannot enrol you if you turn up. Please wait for us to email you about where and when to collect your ID card.

Please bring confirmation of your full/temporary enrolment with you - your MySIS homepage displays your current enrolment status.

Early ID Card Collection

Please be advised that the Early ID Card Collection booking task is now closed. However, spaces are available only to students who have full or temporary enrolment. If your Enrolment Status on your MySIS homepage confirms either of these status' then you are welcome to drop-in to collect your ID card, 10:00-17:00 on Friday 13 or Saturday 14 September in The Octagon, Queens' Building, Mile End Campus (building 19 on the map). 

Please be reminded that all enrolments take place remotely and we cannot enrol you on campus so please do not attend if you are still Pre-Enrolled.

Allocated Timeslots during Welcome Week

Emails informing fully and temporary enrolled students of their personal timeslot during Welcome Week were sent out on Wednesday 11 September. Allocated timeslots are scheduled between Monday 16 - Wednesday 18 September in The Octagon, Queens' Building, Mile End Campus (building 19 on the map). Please arrive at the exact time of your allocated timeslot and remember to have proof of your full or temporary enrolment status to show us upon entry. Unfortunately we are unable to change your time so if you are unable to attend then please come to a drop-in session instead.

If you did not receive an email about a personal timeslot: Students not eligible for an ID Card such as those who have an enrolment status of Pre-Enrolled have not been invited to an allocated timeslot because we will not be able to print your card just yet.  Don't worry - once your enrolment has progressed and we can print your ID card, we will email you to invite you to a drop-in session instead.

Drop-in Card Collection Sessions

You may be invited to attend a drop-in session to collect your card or, if you are unable to attend your allocated timeslot or did not receive an invite, you can collect it during the times below - no appointment necessary. 

Please remember, you must have full or temporary enrolment in order to collect your card - your MySIS homepage displays your current enrolment status.

Drop-ins are in The Octagon, Queens' Building, Mile End Campus (building 19 on the map) during the following times:

  • Thursday 19 September: 10:00 - 16:00
  • Friday 20 September: 10:00 - 16:00
  • Monday 23 September: 09:00 - 16:00
  • Tuesday 24 September: 10:00 - 16:00
  • Wednesday 25 September: 10:00 - 13:00

Card Collection from Wednesday 25 September (afternoon)

From the afternoon of Wednesday 25 September (13:00 onwards), you will be able to collect your ID card from the Student Enquiry Centre (SEC). No appointment is necessary but please check the SEC website for opening hours. SEC is located in Ground Floor, iQ East Court, Mile End Campus (building 64 on the map).

Please do not try and collect your ID card from SEC until 13:00 on Wednesday 25 September at the earliest as you will be directed to the drop-in sessions in the Octagon.

Please note that for security reasons we do not post ID cards.

Postgraduate Research Students

This information is applicable only to students who are studying on a Postgraduate Research programme. You may see them referred to 'PGR'. They include Research Associates, DClinDent and PhD - a doctoral research degree which is the highest level of academic qualification you can achieve. View our A-Z of postgraduate research programmes. Please note that Research Associates are different from Undergraduate Associates. If you are on a Study Abroad or Exchange programme then this information is not applicable to you and you should see the guidance for 'Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students' further up this page.

Once you have been granted Full or Temporary Enrolment, you will receive an email which confirms that you are eligible to collect your ID Card - no appointment necessary.

Students with Full or Temporary Enrolment can drop-in to collect their ID card from The Octagon, Queens' Building, Mile End Campus (19a on the map) during the following times:

  • Thursday 19 September: 10:00 - 16:00
  • Friday 20 September: 10:00 - 16:00
  • Monday 23 September: 09:00 - 16:00
  • Tuesday 24 September: 10:00 - 16:00
  • Wednesday 25 September: 10:00 - 13:00

If you cannot attend during one of the above days or you are do not yet have Full or Temporary Enrolment, you can still collect your card at a later date - please read on for details:

Card Collection from Wednesday 25 September (afternoon)

From the afternoon of Wednesday 25 September (13:00 onwards), you will be able to collect your ID card from the Research Degrees Office (RDO). No appointment is necessary but please check the RDO website for opening hours. The RDO is located in 213 (Second Floor), Graduate Centre, Mile End Campus (building 18 on the map).

Please do not try and collect your ID card from RDO until 13:00 on Wednesday 25 September at the earliest as you will be directed to the drop-in sessions in the Octagon.

Please note that for security reasons we do not post ID cards.

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