The recruitment process is grouped into 8 distinctive and sequential stages. Each stage can be reviewed separately below or you can download the full Recruitment and Selection Policy [PDF 302KB].
1. Introduction
1.1 Queen Mary University of London (Queen Mary) is committed to attracting, recruiting, developing and nurturing a talented and diverse workforce.
1.2 Queen Mary will select and recruit people with the right skills, knowledge and experience, through a fair recruitment process in accordance with its core values, as outlined in the Queen Mary 2019-2030 Strategy.
1.3 Heads/Directors of Departments/Schools/Institutes are responsible for the proper conduct of the recruitment and selection for all posts within their area and for ensuring that Hiring Managers complete the relevant mandatory training.
1.4 Line Managers of staff using this policy are also responsible for ensuring that their staff and any external participants are aware of the policy and receive training where
1.5 All staff involved in recruitment and selection are responsible and accountable for ensuring that the principles of this policy are maintained by adhering to its standards throughout the recruitment and selection process.
1.6 All staff who participate in recruitment and selection activities must have completed Queen Mary’s recruitment and selection training. It is recommended that refresher training is undertaken every two years.
2. Scope and Terminology
2.1 This policy applies to all Queen Mary staff involved in any form of recruitment and selection activity at Queen Mary.
2.2 The policy will be reviewed annually to keep it current with relevant employment legislation, changes in Queen Mary policy and its recruitment practices.
2.3 Queen Mary may exercise discretion in its application of the recruitment and selection process, where it deems it appropriate.
2.4 The following terns will be used throughout the policy:
3. Policy Statement and Commitments
3.1 Queen Mary will apply its recruitment practices, equitably and in line with the Equality Act 2010, ensuring that staff and candidates are not subject to any detriment, in respect of protected characteristics that are, or may be construed, as discriminatory.
3.2 This policy has been developed in accordance with current employment legislation, and sets out clearly defined guidelines, which will be used for all staff recruitment and selection activities.
3.3 Queen Mary constitutes “fair and equitable” recruitment and selection practices as those that promote both reasonable and balanced actions and outcomes.
3.4 Queen Mary will make reasonable adjustments for candidates who declare a disability under the Equality Act 2010 as requested throughout all the stages of the recruitment process, where applicable and where it is reasonable or possible to do so. The Hiring Manager must speak to the Employee Relations team in the first instance for advice on reasonable adjustments.
3.5 Queen Mary can take positive action to help or encourage job applicants who may be at a disadvantage because of a protected characteristic, are under-represented or have specific needs connected to a protected characteristic. Queen Mary may apply positive action during the recruitment process, on a case-by-case basis. This can include, but is not limited to, equality statements, targeted advertising and equal merit provisions. The Hiring Manager must seek advice from the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team (Human Resources) to agree an appropriate plan of action.
3.6 When using external recruitment experts and agencies, Queen Mary will ensure that external agencies provide evidence of their success in managing fair and equitable recruitment campaigns, including the appointing of underrepresented groups.
4. Roles and Responsibilities
The recruitment process involves a number of critical key stakeholders. Whilst it is recognised that responsibilities for specific actions may be delegated, each role remains accountable for delivery of the responsibility. The list below is not exhaustive but outlines the primary role and responsibility of each stakeholder:
5.1 STAGE 1: Establishing a Need: Identifying a Vacancy
5.1.1 The Hiring Manager must fully review the need for new or replacement posts in conjunction with requirements and existing staffing and For the avoidance of doubt, positions made vacant due to staff leaving need to be fully assessed and approved to see if the position is required. This includes consideration of the hours (FTE) required, flexible working arrangements, duration of the position, work locations, structures and level of post required.
5.1.2 The Hiring Manager must consider the total potential cost of creating any new position. The total cost includes the relevant basic salary appropriate to the grade of the post, on-costs including pension and NI contributions, and where applicable, the potential need to factor in a market supplement (as evidenced against benchmarking) to attract talent against current market rates.
5.1.3 Staff eligible for redeployment must be given prior access to vacancies before they are advertised. The Hiring Manager must consult the Reorganisation, Redundancy and Redeployment policy for further information, and speak to the Employee Relations Team to check the redeployment register before advertising a post.
5.1.4 The Hiring Manager should consider whether the post could be an Apprentice post. Apprenticeship programmes are available in over 650 occupations from level 2 (equivalent to GCSE) to level 6 and 7 (equivalent to degree or masters). Apprenticeships can increase attraction and retention and allow you to develop staff with organisational and industry specific skills.
5.2 Recruitment Agencies and Executive Search
5.2.1 Recruitment agencies should only be used in exceptional cases, supported by a robust business case, authorised via the e-recruitment system, to justify the significant increases in recruitment costs.
5.2.2 Where executive search and selection firms are used for senior and/or difficult to fill vacancies, advice and guidance must be sought from the relevant Strategic HR Partner before proceeding with the procurement process and any formal engagement.
5.2.3 Where executive search agencies are engaged (see section 5.2 above), they will be responsible for running the advertisement on behalf of Queen Mary. Where this is the case, such third-party organisations will be expected to advertise vacancies in line with all relevant employment legislation and Queen Mary’s commitment to fair and equitable recruitment practices.
5.3 STAGE 2: Creating the Job Pack
5.3.1 The Hiring Manager must produce a Job Pack which will include a Job Description and Person Specification for the position.
5.3.2 A Job Pack must detail a fair and accurate representation of the position, including the required essential and desirable criteria for the role. The Hiring Manager must adhere to the format which is laid out in the Job Pack templates.
5.3.3 Job packs for Clinical Consultant level posts within the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, must be agreed by the relevant Royal College before advertising. Evidence of the relevant Royal College agreement must be retained and uploaded onto the e-recruitment system.
5.3.4 For externally funded posts, the Hiring Manager must ensure that the prescribed duties/responsibilities and the funders’ requirements are included in the Job Description and Person Specification
5.3.5 The Job Description must clearly outline the main duties and responsibilities of the role.
5.3.6 The Person Specification must clearly outline the essential and desirable criteria required to deliver the role effectively. Criteria will include qualifications, skills, experience, and knowledge. Essential criteria are the minimum requirements needed to undertake the role. Desirable criteria are requirements that would be optimal but not critical to the role.
5.3.7 The inclusion of too many desirable criteria may discourage suitable applicants from applying. Where there are multiple candidates who meet the essential criteria, the panel may use the desirable criteria, where available, to determine which candidates to shortlist.
5.3.8 Certain posts will be eligible for Point Based sponsorship under the Home Office immigration system. Typically, such posts will allow Queen Mary to consider overseas/international candidates for employment, subject to specific criteria. The Hiring Manager should (advised to) contact the HR Recruitment Team for further information.
5.4 Job Evaluation Process
5.4.1 All newly created positions (i.e. not a replacement post) are subject to job evaluation to determine an appropriate grade. Where a job pack has been significantly altered (i.e. a change in scope of required duties or grade) these must be evaluated by an Employee Relations Manager. Job evaluation must take place before the authorisation process outlined in Stage 3 (see 5.5) below.
5.4.2 Queen Mary uses a job evaluation process as a fair and objective way to evaluate posts across the university. Any new or significantly altered posts must go through this process to ensure parity and consistency in grade and salary. Job evaluation feedback/outcomes is provided directly to the Hiring Manager by HR.
5.4.3 Positions must not be advertised until the appropriate grade has been confirmed by the evaluation Where a post is found to have been advertised without going through the job evaluation process, it will be withdrawn from advertising until the correct evaluation has been completed.
5.5 STAGE 3: Raising a Vacancy Request/Authorisations
5.5.1 Once the Job Pack has been finalised, the Hiring Manager must raise a vacancy request via the Queen Mary e-recruitment system. The system will require the Hiring Manager to detail essential vacancy information including the job title, budget code(s), grade/salary, location, type and duration of employment contract.
5.5.2 All vacancies require authorisation and cannot be advertised or recruited to until this is obtained. To request authorisation to recruit into a new or vacant position, the Hiring Manager must obtain approval from both the Faculty/ Professional Services Directorate and the relevant finance colleague (Finance or the Joint Research Management Office (JRMO). All approvals must be sought and obtained via the e-recruitment system.
5.5.3 Once the required authorisers have approved the request and the approval process is complete, one of two routes are permissible:
5.5.4 Regardless of the duration of a position, the Hiring Manager must ensure that all vacancies are visible, and individuals have a fair opportunity to apply. The Hiring Manager must continue to follow a transparent and equitable process in accordance with the principles of this policy.
5.6 Candidate Application Forms and the use of CVs
5.6.1 All applicants are required to complete an online application form. The online form will direct applicants and prompt them to provide the following mandatory information:
5.6.2 The option to recruit using CVs only (without the requirement for an applicant to submit a standard application form) is permissible but restricted to specific types of recruitment. A “CV only” approach is best deployed where the use of an application form is not considered effective or suitable for the type of role. The Hiring Manager must ensure approval is obtained from the relevant Faculty Strategic HR Partner prior to commencing “CV only” recruitment.
5.7 STAGE 4: The Advertising Process
5.7.1 All positions (with the exception of named researcher positions) must be advertised. Where a position is for a duration of six months or less, and where there is no expectation that a position will be extended beyond a six-month period, a restricted process may be followed (see 5.5.4).
5.7.2 Typically, positions are advertised internally and externally concurrently. Posts may be advertised internally only, following a discussion with the relevant Strategic HR Partner to identify whether a suitable internal pool of candidates exists.
5.7.3 Positions subject to a formal restructure and/or consultation may not need to be advertised. The Hiring Manager must speak to the Employee Relations Team for further advice prior to any recruitment decisions.
5.7.4 Where the Hiring Manager is aware from the outset that the post will be for a period of six months or longer, or if there is a reasonable prospect of the position being extended beyond six months in duration, the position must be advertised internally and externally.
5.7.5 Positions advertised externally will be published in appropriate media. These include a combination of but may not be limited to: Find A Job, Queen Mary website, and other specialist targeted publications/ media.
5.7.6 To encourage a diverse pool of applicants and applications from underrepresented groups, consideration should be given to additional specialist publications, media or networks. Such advertising is typically organised and funded by the relevant Hiring departments/schools/institutes.
5.8 The Advert
5.8.1 The Hiring Manager is responsible for writing the advert text. The purpose of the advert text is to clearly outline the requirements of the position. All Queen Mary adverts must contain the following information:
5.8.2 At a minimum, positions must be advertised for at least two weeks (i.e. 14 calendar days). The Hiring Manager may advertise for a longer period if required.
5.8.3 The Hiring Manager must carefully consider the language and composition of the advert and may choose to use the gender decoder tool within the e-recruitment system. The gender decoder tool is not prescriptive, and is made available to highlight terminology for consideration.
5.8.4 The closing date for an advert may be extended where circumstances require. The Hiring Manager must review the number of applications received for a vacancy prior to the closing date of the advert to assess whether there are sufficient applications to merit closure or extension of advertisement period.
5.8.5 In exceptional circumstances, a ‘live’ advert may be withdrawn. The Hiring Manager must seek advice from the HR Recruitment Team should they wish to withdraw an advert from live publication.
5.9 STAGE 5: The Shortlisting and Selection Process
5.9.1 After the closing date of the advert, the applicant shortlisting exercise should (will) commence, and the shortlisting decision must be recorded within the e-recruitment system. It is recommended that the shortlisting process be completed within 5 to 10 days after the vacancy has closed.
5.9.2 As a minimum, the shortlisting panel will comprise no fewer than two people and must be gender diverse. Where possible, shortlisting panels should include individuals of different ethnicities.
5.9.3 The shortlisting process must be conducted fairly, using only the essential and desirable criteria (see 5.3.6 above) as set out in the advertised Job Pack. Additional criteria must not be retrospectively included or used after the vacancy has closed to applications.
5.9.4 Close professional, personal or familial relationships between selection panel members and candidates must be declared in advance of participation in any selection process. The Chair of the selection panel must record this on the Interview Record Form via the e-recruitment system and ensure that all panel members are aware. Advice should (must) be sought from the Employee Relations team should (where there is a ) there be any perceived conflicts of interest within the recruitment process. Non-disclosure of a potential conflict of interest may result in disciplinary action.
5.9.5 After the shortlisting exercise is complete, candidates must be invited to an interview as soon as reasonably possible. It is equally important to ensure candidates are given sufficient notice to attend the interview. Five calendar days is the recommended minimum notice period to attend interview.
5.9.6 Where there is a delay to the shortlisting process, it is the responsibility of the Hiring Manager to ensure that candidates are contacted by email via the e-recruitment system to inform them of the delay, with an indicative timeline of when they will be notified of the outcome of their application.
5.9.7 The Hiring Manager may revisit the pool of applicants, or interviewed candidates, for up to 12 weeks from the closing date of advertising, where the same position become available again.
5.9.8 Once shortlisting is complete, the Hiring Manager must ensure that all internal candidates (not shortlisted) are provided with relevant feedback. External candidates, not shortlisted, will be notified of such but detailed feedback is typically only given on request.
5.10 STAGE 6: Interview Panel, Chair of Panel and Selection/Assessments
5.10.1 All interviews must be set up within the e-recruitment system.
5.10.2 Interview Panel Composition
5.10.3 Interview selection panels must adhere to the Composition of Selection Panels (see Appendix 1). This includes the requirement to have a mixed-gender Where possible, panels should also include individuals of different ethnicities.
5.10.4 Where existing Queen Mary staff (internal candidates) are invited to interview, and some or all panel members have close working relationships with the candidate, external representation must be sought to form part of the interview panel. This could be any relevant Queen Mary staff member that is external to the hiring school/department, and one considered less known to the internal candidate. The composition of the interview panel must be consistent for all candidates.
5.10.5 HR may monitor the composition of interview panels for audit purposes and may carry out spot checks to assess whether the university’s panel composition requirements are being followed.
5.10.6 Interview selection panels should not include the current incumbent of a post (unless there is clear and demonstrable reason to do so).
5.10.7 Chair of the Panel
5.10.8 The Chair of the interview selection panel is accountable for the overall management of the interview process.
5.10.9 Where a candidate has made adjustment requests for an interview, it is the responsibility of the Chair to ensure that the adjustments request has been considered, and where reasonable and appropriate, implemented. HR advice must be sought where an adjustment request has been made prior to any communication with the requestee.
5.10.10 It is the responsibility of the Chair to ensure competency-based and structured questions are produced and agreed with the interview panel members in advance of the interview.
5.10.11 The Chair will ensure that the questions focus on the skills, knowledge and experience required by the post as outlined in the Person Specification.
5.10.12 The Chair will ensure all candidates are asked structured and consistent questions. The Interview Record Form must be used for assessment purposes. The Chair must ensure that the Interview Record Form is completed in the e- recruitment system.
5.10.13 Where the Hiring Manager wishes to invite a candidate to informally meet with members of the School/Institute/Department, this must be carefully managed and the meeting must not form part of the formal selection process. This must be made clear to both the candidate and those staff members involved.
5.10.14 Methods of Assessment
5.10.15 Selection interviews may be held virtually (i.e. video calls) or in person.
5.10.16 Direct telephone interviews (i.e. audio-only) are not permitted.
5.10.17 Prior to the selection process, the Hiring Manager must determine the most appropriate method of assessment for the role, taking into account the essential and desirable criteria (see 3.6). The Organisational and Professional Development team can provide professional advice on selection methods.
5.10.18 Several assessment and selection tools are available to ensure a valid and fair method of supporting the selection process. Assessments should (can) be used in order to evaluate shortlisted candidates’ suitability for a position.
5.10.19 Candidates must be given adequate information and time to prepare for any assessments requiring advance preparation.
5.10.20 Methods of assessment can include:
5.11 Interview Attendance
5.11.1 Existing Queen Mary staff (internal candidates) who have been invited for assessment and/or interviews and give adequate notice to their line manager, will be given reasonable time off to attend the assessment or interview.
5.11.2 Virtual interview and assessment methods may be offered to candidates that are unable to attend interviews in person.
5.12 Travel Expenses
5.12.1 Reasonable economy class travel expenses may be reimbursed by the relevant School /Institute/Department where candidates are required to travel to any of Queen Mary’s campuses to attend assessments or interviews.
5.12.2 In such cases, the Hiring Manager will discuss the terms of travel, costs and associated expenses with the candidate ahead of the interview date. All such costs must be authorised/paid for by the Hiring Department. Candidates are expected to seek and use the most economic means of travel.
5.12.3 In the spirit of Queen Mary’s green agenda, and to keep travel costs to a minimum, Virtual interviews are recommended in the first instance, where candidates are based overseas, or required to travel a significant distance.
5.13 STAGE 7: Making Selection Decisions
5.13.1 Following the completion of interviews, the Chair of the selection panel must lead the discussion to gain feedback from the other panel members. The selection panel must decide which candidates are appointable and which candidates are not appointable.
5.13.2 The Panel composition for additional rounds of interviews must adhere to the same interview panel composition requirements as set out in this policy (Appendix 1), Typically, both the Hiring Manager and the (original) Chair will attend, providing consistency and continuation between the two separate rounds of interviews.
5.13.3 The successful candidate will be the individual that best demonstrates they meet the published criteria for the position. Where a consensus cannot be reached, the Chair of the selection panel will make a final decision whether to appoint or not appoint, liaising if necessary, with the appropriate Vice-Principal (or nominated person) for academic vacancies or to the Head of Department / School / Institute for all other vacancies for advice.
5.13.4 There may be instances where more than one candidate is appointable in which case the selection panel may wish to identify one or more reserve candidates, in the event that the first-choice candidate does not accept the job offer. The names of reserve candidates must be indicated on the Interview Feedback form in the e-recruitment system. Reserve lists can be used in instances where:
5.13.5 Reserve lists can only be used if the advertising closing date was within the last 12 weeks or less.
5.13.6 Where there is evidence of underrepresentation of particular groups in a Department / School / Institute, the selection panel may consider selecting a candidate on the basis of a protected characteristic (positive action) where two candidates are equally qualified/scored on merit. It is important that the panel seek advice from Human Resources before taking positive action.
5.13.7 If no candidate is appointable, the Hiring Manager will decide whether to:
5.13.8 If a decision to re-advertise is made, a review of the advertising scope, advert text and design of the selection and assessment process must be undertaken to determine whether the original approach is fit for purpose.
5.14 Candidate Interview Feedback
5.14.1 Feedback is typically only provided for those candidates unsuccessful at the interview stage, and usually not the shortlisting stage (unless a candidate makes a specific request). This does not apply to internal candidates where the Hiring Manager is required to provide constructive feedback at both the shortlisting and interview stage.
5.14.2 The Chair or Hiring Manager must provide verbal feedback to unsuccessful candidates or nominate another member of the selection panel to do so. Feedback should be provided as soon as it is reasonably practicable and ideally within ten working days of the interview.
5.14.3 Where applicable, the feedback will cover any assessments taken, as well as the details of the interview.
5.15 STAGE 8: Offer of Employment
5.15.1 There are typically three stages to an offer of employment: the Verbal Offer, the Conditional Offer and the Unconditional Offer.
5.15.2 The offer of employment should be made verbally to the successful candidate by the Hiring Manager or a nominated member of the interview selection panel.
5.15.3 The Verbal Offer must be conditional and subject to the completion of mandatory pre-employment checks (see section 5.16). A verbal offer must only reflect the details that were approved at the vacancy authorisation stage and must include the following details;
5.15.4 The relocation policy outlines the circumstances in which a relocation package may be offered.
5.15.5 The Conditional Offer is the written offer that is sent to successful candidates. The offer outlines the relevant mandatory pre-employment checks the candidate is required to meet before they can start employment. The conditional offer is issued by the HR Recruitment Team via the e-recruitment system, prior to commencement of the relevant mandatory pre-employment checks.
5.15.6 The Unconditional Offer of employment is the written contract of employment that includes the full terms and conditions associated with the employment. The unconditional offer is issued by the HR Recruitment Team via the e-recruitment system once all mandatory checks are successfully completed.
5.15.7 Salary offers are typically offered at the minimal spinal point of the evaluated grade for the position. Higher spinal point offers, up to the midpoint, are permissible, and the Hiring Manager will be required to provide justification.
5.15.8 Any salaries offered above the midpoint must be approved by the Strategic HR Partner prior to the salary offer, and are contingent on the Hiring Manager evidencing that the candidate demonstrates the requisite level of experience, skill and/or expertise.
5.15.9 A fair and equitable approach must be applied to all salary offers. The salary offer must be considered within a wider context, which includes the impact it may have on current staff and with fairness in mind.
5.15.10 All conditional offers of employment are subject to the following pre-employment checks:
5.15.11 Conditional Offers of employment may be withdrawn at any time where candidates have not satisfied any or all the conditions above or where a candidate has provided misleading, false or deliberately incorrect information in order to secure employment. Before withdrawing any offer of employment, the Hiring Manager must speak to the HR Employee Relations Team or HR Recruitment Manager.
5.16 STAGE 9: Pre-employment Checks
5.16.1 All successful candidates are required to complete full pre-employment checks ahead of joining Queen Mary (as outlined in 5.15.11). Once all pre-employment checks are complete and satisfactory, the HR Recruitment Team will generate an unconditional offer letter.
5.16.2 Right to Work Checks
5.16.3 All prospective new employees are required to provide evidence of their eligibility to work in the UK prior to commencement of employment. All right to work checks will be completed by our third-party provider, TrustID, who will verify an individual’s eligibility to work within the UK via the e-recruitment system.
5.16.4 The Hiring Manager must ensure that they complete a verification check as part of the digital right to work checking process.
5.16.5 Reference Checks
5.16.6 All conditional offers are subject to receipt of satisfactory references. Typically, references are requested via the e-recruitment system. The following mandatory requirements apply:
5.16.7 Typically, references are accepted from the following:
5.16.8 Where Queen Mary is unable to obtain a reference for a candidate, the candidate must be given the opportunity to provide an alternative (but suitable) referee.
5.16.9 Referees must not be contacted without the candidate’s permission and until the conditional offer has been accepted.
5.16.10 For academic roles, references may be sought before an interview, provided the candidate has given their explicit consent.
5.16.11 Where a Hiring Manager receives a reference that is deemed to be unsatisfactory (or there are concerns in relation to a reference), the Employee Relations Team or HR Recruitment Manager must be contacted for further advice.
5.16.12 Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks
5.16.13 There are roles within Queen Mary that require screening from the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS). The Hiring Manager is responsible for assessing whether a position requires a DBS check and must use the DBS eligibility tool to determine what level of DBS is appropriate for the post.
Where a DBS check is required for a position, the Hiring Manager is obliged to indicate the level of DBS check at the point of raising the vacancy request form in the e-recruitment system.
5.16.14 Where a position requires a DBS check, the HR Recruitment Team will initiate, review, and confirm the DBS check status prior to the candidate's employment start date.
5.16.15 Where there is a legitimate business need to commence employment prior to the completion of a DBS check, and in agreement with the Head of School/Institute/PS Directorate, the Hiring Manager may request a temporary DBS waiver to allow commencement of employment.
5.16.16 Once the DBS waiver is approved, the Hiring Manager must ensure safeguards are put in place and adhered to, including but not limited to:
5.16.17 The Hiring Manager is responsible for ensuring that the new employee does not work unsupervised in activities requiring DBS clearance, and until such clearance is given.
5.16.18 In instances where a DBS certificate contains relevant conviction and/or caution information, the HR Recruitment Team will inform the Hiring Manager directly. A subsequent meeting must be arranged with the Hiring Manager, candidate, and the appropriate Strategic HR Partner/ Employee Relations Manager to assess the information, and the potential associated risks. The Hiring Manager and Strategic HR Partner/Employee Relations Manager will decide whether to continue with the offer of employment or to rescind the offer of employment. The outcome and actions of the meeting must be recorded in writing.
5.16.19 Professional Registration and Qualification Checks
5.16.20 Where professional registration and qualifications are an essential/statutory requirement for the position (as listed in the Person Specification), the Hiring Manager must check and verify the candidate’s qualification/s and professional registration to ensure that they are satisfactory. Relevant regulatory bodies include:
5.16.21 If the Person Specification allows for “near completion” of a particular qualification as part of the essential criteria the timeframe to obtain the qualification must be included in the contract and made clear to the candidate.
5.16.22 Documents accepted as proof of a PhD award are as follows;
a) copy of the award certificate or;
b) a copy of the formal award letter, confirming the award date and title of thesis (this is appropriate
where receipt of the degree certificate is pending).
For the avoidance of doubt, PhD candidates who have completed their oral exam and are in the process of corrections (minor or substantial), are still subject to formal approval for a degree. At this stage, a degree has not been awarded.
5.16.23 International Qualification Checks
5.16.24 International qualifications must be verified to ensure that they meet the equivalent standards as required within the United Kingdom. Where unclear, the National Information Centre (Ecctis) website provides additional information . Advice can be sought from the HR Recruitment Manager.
5.16.25 Occupational Health (OH) Checks
5.16.26 All successful candidates are subject to the completion of an Occupational Health check. The check is mandatory. The status of OH checks are confirmed by the HR Recruitment Team via the e-recruitment system.
5.16.27 Where Occupational Health recommend that special and/or reasonable adjustments are required to be put in place for the new employee, the Hiring Manager must assess the details of the recommendations and make a decision as to whether the requirements are reasonable and practical to implement.
6. Overseas Working
6.1 Queen Mary is a UK employer and the work location for a post is automatically set to London, UK.
6.2. Where there might be a business requirement for a post to be based either substantively or temporarily overseas, the Hiring Manager must seek advice from the Strategic HR Partner at the earliest stages of the recruitment process and prior to the set-up of the vacancy on the e-recruitment system.
6.3. All requests for a post to be based either substantively or temporarily overseas, must be subject to a third party tax assessment to establish any potential and additional overseas tax and social security liabilities/costs.
6.4 The Hiring Manager is not authorised to confirm or commence any period of overseas working until explicit permission has been given by the Strategic HR Partner.
7. Recruiting Agency Workers
7.1 Temporary agency workers should only be used to provide short-term resource in the following scenarios:
7.2 Agency workers must be recruited from the University’s preferred supplier list. More information on recruiting agency workers and regulations can be found here.
7.3 For all agency recruitment, a request must be raised on the e-recruitment system to seek approval.
7.4 The approval request on the system must include the following:
7.5 Recruiting Agency Workers as Substantive Employees
7.6 When considering making a substantive offer to an agency worker, the Hiring Manager must consider the agency’s terms and conditions of the business to ascertain the transfer fee and any other contractual obligations and make the appropriate decision. Click here for further information and guidance.
8. Recruitment Complaints 8.1 Should (where) a job applicant wish to make a complaint; they may do so at any stage of the recruitment process. Complaints should be submitted in writing to the Recruitment Team via
8.2 The complaint will then be forwarded to the HR Recruitment Manager.8.3 The following details should be provided in the written complaint:
8.4 The HR Recruitment Manager will ensure that they or another appropriate colleague explores the complaint, attempts to resolve it and/or determines any action required and provide the applicant with a written response at the earliest opportunity.8.5 Current Queen Mary employees, may also choose to pursue the complaint through the University's grievance procedure for the relevant staff group in the event that they are dissatisfied with the response that they have received.
9. Recruitment Monitoring and Storage of Records
9.1 All elements of the recruitment and selection process which are recorded, e.g. notes by the selection panel on presentations, written test results produced by the candidates, any grading sheets or summary of outcomes used to inform the panel's decision-making process must be retained securely by the Hiring Manager.
9.2 All recruitment-related documentation must be retained for six months following the appointment start date to justify objective decision-making if a claim of unfair discrimination is made.
9.3 After the six-month period, recruitment documentation must be securely destroyed (see exception in 8.1.4). Further information regarding Queen Mary’s retention of documents can be found here: Records Retention Schedule.
9.4 For posts that have required Tier 2 sponsorship, documentation will be retained by HR for the duration stipulated by UK immigration rules.
9.5 Personal information relating to ethnicity, gender, marital status and age are not disclosed to members of the interview panel. Depersonalised statistics obtained from the recruitment process, will be retained for the purposes of monitoring recruitment trends or informing Queen Mary policy.
9.6 Candidate information is never passed on to third parties unless for compliance with the applicable Data Protection and GDPR Regulations, immigration legislation or to fulfil other legal or industry regulation, relating to a position.
9.7 Where candidates have been successful in obtaining a position, their recruitment records will be stored on their electronic personnel file created at the time of employment.
9.8 All personnel records are kept safe, secure and treated confidentially, at all times, in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and 2018 GDPR Regulations.
Appendix 1 - Composition of Selection Panels (Table):
Important Notice: All shortlisting and interview panels are required to have a mixed-gender composition. Where possible, panels should also include individuals of different ethnicities.
Academic panel configuration/membership may be modified, where required, by and with the prior permission of the Principal and President. Such permission will be confirmed in writing (email) and retained for audit purposes.
Post Type
Panel Membership required for Interviews/Selection exercises
Interview Panel Composition:
a) Principal or Nominated Deputy selected by Principal (Chair)
b) Vice-Principal and Executive Dean/Vice Principal
c) Head of School/Institute Director/URI Director (or delegated)
d) At least one other academic members of staff from School
e) 1-2academics external to Queen Mary, expert in the discipline concerned.
FMD Clinical Posts with Honorary Consultant Contract additional requirements:
a) Academic from another Institute
b) Trust/NHS representative
c) Chief Officer of the Trust
d) Trust Medical/Dental Director of the trust
(or a person who acts in a similar capacity at the Trust) or, where the appointment is to a consultant post in public health medicine, the Director of Public Health in the Trust in which the duties of the post will mainly be carried out
e) Trust consultant in relevant specialty
f) A professional member who practices in the relevant specialty appointed after consultation with the relevant Royal College
Shortlisting Panel:
Minimum of 2 people from a-d above
a) Faculty Dean or for URI appointments, the Vice Principal Research & Innovation (Chair) (URI Dir)
b) Head of School/URI Director (or delegated At least one other academic members of staff from School
c) 1-2 academics external to Queen Mary, expert in the discipline concerned.
SMD Clinical Posts with Honorary Consultant Contract additional requirements:
e) Trust consultant in relevant speciality
Shortlisting Panel
Minimum of 2 people from a-d above.
Senior Lecturer/ Lecturer
a) Dean, Deputy Dean or Head of School from another School or Vice Principal Research & Innovation(Chair)
b) Head of School/URI Director (or delegate)
c) Head of Group/Department/Centre Lead/Director of Education/Research
d) Academic from School or another School where collaboration would be expected.
SMD Clinical Posts (at Senior Lecturer Level) with Honorary Consultant Contract additional requirements:
Research (e.g.) PDRA
a) Principal Investigator for Project (Chair)
b) Minimum of two- maximum of four others from the research area, this may include one external collaborator
Minimum of 2 people from a-b above
Professional Services post- grade 7 and above
a) COO or Director of area (Chair)
b) Senior member of staff from other Directorate
c) 1-3 other senior staff members, typically one of whom must be key customer/collaborator
d) For posts such as Director/Assistant Director a Senior Academic must be on the panel
Professional Services, Technical and Support Services Grade 6 and below
a) Hiring Manager (Chair)
b) 2-3 other people from the department and (normally) customer group