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The Queen Mary Centre for Religion and Literature in English

Enlightenment and Dissent 7 (1988)

Enlightenment and Dissent 7(1988) [PDF 21,193KB]

Editorial, 1-2


Controversy and conciliation in the English Catholic Enlightenment, 1790-1840, Brian Carter, 3-24

The idea of nationalism in Belfast in the late eighteenth century, Simon Davies, 25-34

Varieties of candour: English and Scottish style, Martin Fitzpatrick, 35-56

Joseph Priestley in cultural context: philosophic spectacle, popular belief and popular politics in eighteenth-century Birmingham.

Part One, John Money, 57-82

William Godwin: social critique in philosophy and fiction, Ken Edward Smith, 83-92


Mind over matter: an anecdote concerning Thomas Holcroft, Warwick G Foster, 93-95


J C D Clark, Revolution and rebellion: state and society in England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, James E Bradley, 96-104

James J Hoecker, Joseph Priestley and the idea of progress, Margaret Canovan. 105-7

Whitney D Jones, David Williams: the anvil and the hammer, James Dybikowski, 108-115

Gordon E Michalson Jr., Lessing’s ‘Ugly Ditch’: a study of theology and history, Ann Loades, 116-18

Alan Kors and Paul Korshin, eds., Anticipations of the Enlightenment in England, France and Germany, Karl Tilman Winkler, 119-24

Communication from Chester Chapin, 125


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