Xinyue Bei (University of Texa at Austin)
"Inference on Union Bounds"
Kevin Reffett (Arizona State University)
Title: TBA
Niko P. Hauzenberger (Strathclyde)
"Nowcasting with Mixed Frequency Data Using Gaussian Processes"
Anais Fabre (LMU Munich)
"The Geography of Higher Education and Spatial Inequalities"
Gabriel Carroll (University of Toronto)
"Is Equal Opportunity Different from Welfarism?"
Vasco Carvalho (University of Cambridge)
"An Analytic Theory of Frictional Firm Dynamics" (with Hanbaek Lee)
Pierre Mabille (INSEAD)
"Unlocking Mortgage Lock-In: Evidence From a Spatial Housing Ladder Model"
Fabrizio Mazzonna (Università della Svizzera Italiana)
"Health and labor market consequences of low-value care: The role of practice style"
Alkis Georgiadis-Harris (University of Warwick)
"Smart Banks"
Matteo Barigozzi (Università di Bologna)
"Quasi maximum likelihood estimation of high-dimensional approximate dynamic matrix factor models via the EM algorithm" (joint with Luca Trapin)
Pascal Paul (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
"A Macroeconomic Model of Central Bank Digital Currency"
Vesa Pursiainen (University of St. Gallen and Swiss Finance Institute)
"Retail Customer Reactions to Private Equity Acquisitions"
Julio Davila (Nazarbayev University)
"Ultra-low rates: anomaly or destiny?"
Leah Boustan (Princeton University)
"Intergenerational Mobility of Immigrants in 15 Destination Countries"
Frank Yang (Stanford University)
Katerina Petrova (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
"Inference with Local Projections"
Laurent Calvet (SKEMA Business School)
Mu Zhang (University of Michigan)
"Decision Making Under Multidimensional Risk" (joint with Shaowei Ke)
Seula Kim (Pennsylvania State University)
"Workers' Job Prospects and Young Firm Dynamics"
Rhys Bidder (King’s College London)
"Whose asset sales matter?"
Deborah Kim (University of Warwick)
"Testing Sign Agreement"
James Duffy (University of Oxford)
"Common Trends and Long-Run Multipliers in Nonlinear Structural VARs"
Danial Lashkari (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
"Growth Through Innovation Bursts"
Robert Metcalfe (Columbia University)
"A Welfare Analysis of Policies Impacting Climate Change"
Marta Morazzoni (University College London)
"Sorting of Entrepreneurial Teams"
Kfir Eliaz (Tel Aviv University)
Frédéric Warzynski (LMU Munich)
"Process vs. Product Innovation: Evidence from Danish Producer Level Data"
Luana Zaccaria (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance)
"Changing the Board Game: Horizontal Spillovers of Gender Quotas"
Vasiliki Skreta (University College London and University of Texas Austin)
"Selling Diversity"
Edoardo Teso (Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University)
Title: TBC
Andrea Galeotti (London Business School)
"Robust Market Intervention"
Debopam Bhattacharya (University of Cambridge)
"Welfare Analysis with Nonlinear Budgets"
Isabelle Méjean (Sciences Po)
"Firms' Supply Chain Adaptation to Carbon Taxes"
Rafael Jimenez (Bocconi)
"Toxic content and user engagement on social media: Evidence from a field experiment"
Xiaomei Sui (Hong Kong University)
"Financial Development, Innovation, and Aggregate Productivity Gap across Countries"
Peter Wolstencroft (Manchester Met Uni)
"Achieving Teaching Excellence - Developing your TEF Profile and Beyond"
Samuel Lee (Santa Clara University)
Tite: TBA
Dominic Rohner (HEC Lausanne)
Peter Hoffmann (Imperial)
Paul Ehling (BI Norwegian Business School)
Elisabeth Kempf (Harvard Business School)
Cyril Monnet (University of Bern)
Carolina Arteaga (Universtiy of Toronto)
Laura Doval (Columbia Business School)
The Core of Bayesian Persuasion [PDF 201KB]
Andrea Gazzani (Bank of Italy)
"The Asymmetric Effects of Commodity Price Shocks in Emerging Economies"
Nicholas Kozeniauskas (Bank of Portugal)
"Demand Learning, Customer Capital, and Exporter Dynamics"
Hyungseok Joo (University of Surrey)
"Fiscal Austerity and Sovereign Debt Restructurings"
Dacheng Xiu (University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
"Expected Returns and Large Language Models"
Dimitris Papanikolaou (Kellogg) (joint with Finance)
"Time-Varying Risk Premia, Labor Market Dynamics,and Income Risk"
Michela Tincani (UCL)
"How Far Can Inclusion Go? The Long-term Impacts of Preferential College Admissions"
Alessandro Lizzeri (Princeton University)
"Facts and Opinions"
Abhimanyu Gupta (Essex)
Zoe Cullen (Harvard Business School)
Sydney Ludvigson (joint with Finance) (NYU) (joint with Finance)
Helene Ollivier (Paris School of Economics)
Ryota Iijima (Yale University)
Oyebola Okunogbe (The World Bank)
"Becoming Legible to the State: The Role of Identification and Collection Capacity in Tax Compliance"
Gabriel Kreindler (Harvard University)
"Demand for Urban Exploration: Evidence from Nairobi"
Yang Lu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
"Evolving Reputation for Commitment: The Rise, Fall and Stabilization of US inflation"
Nicolas Vieille (HEC Paris)
Stationary social learning in a changing world [PDF 312KB] (joint with Raphaël Levy and Marcin Peski)
Vanessa Smith (University of York)
Wolfgang Pesendorfer (Princeton University)
"Lorenz Expected Utility"
Gavin (Guanhao) Feng (City University of Hong Kong)
"Illusion of Stock Return Predictability"
Binta Zahra Diop (Stanford)
Larbi Alaoui (Pombeu Fabra University, Barcelona)
"Attitudes towards success and failure"
Ran Spiegler (Tel-Aviv University and UCL)
News Media as Suppliers of Narratives (and Information) [PDF 269KB] (joint with Kfir Eliaz)
Fabrizio Core (SE Rotterdam)
"Advantageous Selection in Fintech Loans"
Simon Quinn (Imperial College Business School)
Yuval Salant (MEDS Kellog, Northwestern University)
"Complexity and Satisficing: Theory with Evidence from Chess"
Emircan Yurdagul (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Peter Klibanoff (MEDS Kellog, Northwestern University)
"Persuasion with Ambiguous Communication" joint with Xiaoyu Cheng, Sujoy Mukerji and Ludovic Renou
Roland Rathelot (ENSAE)
Stephen Szaura (BI Norwegian Business School)
Sudipta Sarangi (Virginia Tech)
"Social Networks and Intergenerational Mobility"
Leeat Yariv (Princeton University)
"Strategic Decentralized Matching: The Effects of Information Frictions" (joint with Andrew Ferdowsian and Muriel Niederle)
Jeanne Commault (Sciences Po)
"Heterogeneity in MPC Beyond Liquid Wealth: The Role of Persistent Earnings"
Marcelo Medeiros, joint with Bayes (UIUC)
"Cost-aware portfolios in a large universe of assets"
Mariassunta Giannetti (Stockholm School of Economics)
"Supply Chain Shortages, Large Firms' Market Power, and Inflation" (joint with Francesco A. Franzoni, Roberto Tubaldi)
John Morrow (King's College)
Minchul Yum (University of Southampton)
Matthew Turner (Brown University)
"The Value of Piped Water and Sewers: Evidence from 19th Century Chicago"
Laurent Barras (Université du Luxembourg)
Is it Alpha or Beta? Decomposing Hedge Fund Returns When Models are Misspecified [PDF 512KB]
Kim Fe Cramer (LSE)
Cramer Bank Presence and Health [PDF 714KB]
Edouard Schaal (CREi)
"Political Preferences and the Spatial Distribution of Infrastructure: Evidence from California's High-Speed Rail ("
Michèle Belot (Cornell University)
"Gender Diversity and Diversity of Ideas” (joint with Madina Kurmangaliyeva and Johanna Reuter)
Patrick Augustin (McGill University)
Sara Casella (IIES / LUISS)
Martin Hackmann (UCLA)
Eric Renault (Warwick/Brown)
Efficient estimation of regression models [PDF 297KB]
Sandro Ambuehl (University of Zurich)
"Competing Casual Interpretations: An Experimental Study"
Sebastian Findeisen (Universitat Konstanz)
Deniz Kattwinkel (UCL)
"Allocation with Correlated Information: Too good to be true"
Christian Wolf (MIT)
"From Policy Shocks to Counterfactuals: Extrapolating Policy Transmission" (joint with Tomas Caravello and Alisdair McKay)
Jean Sebastien Fontaine (Bank of Canada)
“What do Bond Investors Learn from Macroeconomics News”
Clara Santamaria (Sciences Po)
Florian Huber (University of Salzberg)
"Bayesian Nonlinear Regression using Sums of Simple Functions"
Carola Frydman (Northwestern University)
“The Value of Ratings: Evidence from their Introduction in Securities Markets”
Shaoda Wang (University of Chicago)
Yusufcan Masatlioglu (University of Maryland)
"Attention Overload [PDF 315KB]"
Ao Wang (Warwick University)
"A BLP Demand Model of Product-Level Market Shares with Complementarity"
Davide Tomio (University of Virginia)
Central Bank Driven Mispricing [PDF 1,377KB]
Miguel Faria-e-Castro (Washington University)
Patrick Gagliardini (University of Lugano)
Title : TBA
Mike Chernov (UCLA)
"What do financial markets say about the exchange rate?"
Ina Taneva (The University of Edinburgh)
"Strategic Ignorance [PDF 198KB]"
Scott Yonker (Cornell University)
“What Drives Racial Diversity on U.S. Corporate Boards?”
Robert (Bob) Miller (Carnegie Mellon)
"Long-term Contracts in Executive Compensation"
Pedro Barroso (Catolica Lisbon School of Business and Economics)
Elena Simintzi (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
"Women in the Financial Sector" (joint with S. Lagaras, M. Marchica and M. Tsoutsoura)
Raffaele Saggio (University of British Columbia)
"Disentangling the Effects of Domestic Outsourcing: Evidence from Italy"
Clément de Chaisemartin (Sciences Po)
Title: tba
Angelo Ranaldo (University of St.Gallen)
Leopoldo Fergusson (Universidad de los Andes)
Speaker: TBD
Igor Cunha (University of Kentucky)
Isaac Baley (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
"Self-Insurance in Turbulent Labor Markets" (joint with Ana Figueiredo, Cristiano Mantovani and Alireza Sepahsalari)
Ludvig Sinander (University of Oxford)
"Comparative statics with adjustment costs and the le Chatelier principle" (joint with Eddie Dekel and John K.-H. Quah)
Julieta Caunedo (Toronto, Rotman School of Management)
"Capital-embodied Technical Change"
Ethan Kaplan (University of Maryland)
“Political Control Over Redistricting and the Partisan Balance in Congress [PDF 317KB]"
Cristián Aguilera-Arellano (University of Minnesota)
"The China Shock and Job Loss in Mexico"
Silvia Miranda-Agrippino (Bank of England)
"The Aggregate Consequences of Overreaction” (joint with A. Cesa-Bianchi)
Matthias Doepke (LSE)
“It Takes a Village - The Economics of Parenting with Neighborhood and Peer Effects [PDF 469KB]”
Franz Ostrizek (Sciences Po)
Vague by Design - Performance Evaluation and Learning from Wages [PDF 794KB]
Andres Erosa (UC3M - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Rahul Deb (University of Toronto)
"How Informed Do You Want Your Principal To Be?" (joint with Mallesh Pai and Anne-Katrin Roesler)
Jeremy Fox (Rice University)
"Estimating Matching Games with Profit and Price Data"
Fabrizio Zilibotti (Yale)
Philippe Mueller (Warwick Business School)
"Breaking the Correlation between Corporate bonds and Stocks: The Role of Asset Variance"
Namrata Kala (MIT)
"Money (Not) to Burn Payments for Ecosystem Services to Reduce Crop Residue Burning"
Bart Lipman (Boston University)
"Sequential Mechanisms for Evidence Acquisition"
Christine Braun (Warwick)
David Ahn (Washington University in St. Louis)
Imran Rasul (UCL)
Jeanne Hagenbach (Sciences Po)
Laurent Bouton (Georgetown University)
Agathe Pernoud (Stanford University)
Mikhail Mamonov (CERGE-EI - Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute)
“'Crime and Punishment'? How Banks Anticipate and Propagate Global Financial Sanctions"
Andrea Lanteri (Duke University)
Andrew Ellis (LSE)
Nail Kashaev (Western Ontario)
Peer Effects in Random Consideration Sets [PDF 326KB]
Nickolay Gantchev (University of Warwick)
Ttitle: tba
Zsofia Barany (CEU)
"Technological changes and the labor market - A general equilibrium model with multidimensional skills"
Ernst Maug (University of Mannheim)
"Post-merger Restructuring of the Labor Force [PDF 426KB]"
Michele Fioretti (Sciences Po)
"Saving for a Dry Day: Coal, Dams and the Energy Transition" (joint with Jorge Tamayo)
Paul Voss (Central European University)
"The Evolution of the Market for Corporate Control"
Alessandra Peter (NYU)
"Nonlinear Pricing and Misallocation [PDF 406KB]"
Federico Carlini (Luiss)
Neeltje van Horen (Bank of England)
Alexandre Gaillard (Brown)
Clare Balboni (MIT)
"Firm adaptation in production networks: evidence from extreme weather events in Pakistan"
Rossella Argenziano (University of Essex)
"Data Linkages and Privacy Regulation"
Theodore Papageorgiou (Boston College)
"Understanding Port Performance and the Role of Infrastructure"
Nicola Limodio (Bocconi University)
Christian Bontemps (Toulouse School of Economics)
Marcin Kacperczyk (Imperial College London)
Pedro Sant'Anna (Microsoft)
Ramon Marimon (UPF)
Julien Sauvagnat (Bocconi University)
"Hiring Difficulties and Firm Performance [PDF 3,235KB]"
Ben Brooks (Chicago University)
Valentina Corradi (Surrey)
Predictive Ability Tests with Possibly Overlapping Models
Rainer Haselmann (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Margaret Meyer (Oxford University)
A Welfare Analysis of a Steady-State Model of Observational Learning [PDF 83KB]
Soohun Kim (KAIST)
Basil Williams (NYU)
"Incentive Design for Talent Discovery"
Timothy Christensen (NYU/UCL)
"Externally Valid Policy Choice"
Vincent Sterk (UCL)
"Monetary Policy during a Cost-of-Living Crisis"
Kemal Yildiz (Bilkent University)
"Modular and equitable stable matching rules [PDF 357KB]"
Kenichi Nagasawa (Warwick University)
"Treatment effect estimation with noisy conditioning variables"
Alex Hsu (Georgia Institute of Technology)
"Monetary Policy, Market Risk Premium, and Firm Investment"
Yunmi Kong (Rice University)
Risk and Information in Dispute Resolution: An Empirical Study of Arbitration [PDF 362KB]
Maryam Farboodi (MIT)
Valuing Financial Data [PDF 269KB]
Luca Braghieri (Ludwig Maximilian University)
"Social Media and Mental Health"
Xiaoxia Shi (Univesity of Wisconsin - Madison)
Nandini Gupta (Indiana University)
Political Polarization in Financial News [PDF 418KB]
Mingli Chen (University of Warwick)
"High Dimensional Latent Panel Quantile Regression with an Application to Asset Pricing"
Nathan Lane (University of Oxford)
Pedro Sant'Anna (Vanderbilt)
"Conditional Treatment Effects in Difference in Differences Designs" (joint with Brantly Callaway and Xiaohong Chen).
Adriano Rampini (Duke University)
"Collateral and Secured Debt"
Hakki Yazici (University of Bristol)
"Taxation, Redistribution and Frictional Labor Supply"
Marleen Marra (Sciences Po)
"Competitive award of scarce airport slots: an empirical analysis"
Michael Weber (Chicago Booth)
Missing Data in Asset Pricing Panels [PDF 5,110KB]
Cevat Giray Aksoy (King's College London)
"(Successful) Democracies Breed Their Own Support"
Andras Fulop (ESSEC Business School)
Real-Time Macro Information and Bond Return Predictability A Weighted Group Deep Learning Approach [PDF 312KB]
Per Stromberg (Stockholm School of Economics)
Wei Cui (UCL)
Endogenous Liquidity And Capital Reallocation [PDF 794KB]
Melanie Xue (LSE)
"High-Value Work and the Rise of Women: The Cotton Revolution and Gender Equality in China"
Lucie Gadenne (University of Warwick)
"Informality, Consumption Taxes and Redistribution"
Alessandro Iaria (University of Bristol)
An Empirical Model of Quantity Discounts with Large Choice Sets [PDF 499KB]
Alexandre Belloni (Duke University)
Subvector Inference in Partially Identified Models with Many Moment Inequalities
Ramon Marimon (European University Institute)
Pamela Giustinelli (Bocconi)
"SeaTE: Subjective ex ante Treatment Effect of Health on Retirement"
Paweł Dziewulski (University of Sussex)
Comparative statics with linear objectives normal demand, monotone marginal costs, and ranking multi-prior beliefs [PDF 393KB]
Arun Chandrasekhar (Stanford University)
"Effects of Caste-Based Affirmative Action in Governance on Socio-Economic Networks and Resource Provision"
Edouard Challe (European University Institute)
"Inequality and Optimal Exchange Rate Policy"
Barbara Biasi (Yale University)
"The Education-Innovation Gap"
Paula Onuchic (University of Oxford)
"Signaling and Discrimination in Collaborative Projects"
Guillaume Chevillon (ESSEC Business School)
We modeled long memory with just one lag [PDF 590KB]
Svetlana Bryzgalova (London Business School)
Retail Trading in Options and the Rise of the Big Three Wholesalers
Mar Reguant (Northwestern University)
"The Value of Infrastructure and Market Integration: evidence from Renewable Expansion in Chile"
Andy Zapechelnyuk (University of St Andrews)
“A model of debates: Moderation vs Free Speech”
Almuth Scholl (University of Konstanz)
"Taxation of Top Incomes and Tax Avoidance"
Aditya V. Kuvalekar (University of Essex)
Curtailing Competition [PDF 231KB]
Tatiana Komarova (LSE)
Giorgia Barboni (Warwick Business School)
“Behavioural Nudges and Credit Repayment”
Johannes Boehm (Sciences Po)
"Growth and the Fragmentation of Production"
Piotr Dworczak (Northwestern University)
"Redistributive Allocation Mechanisms"
Davide Pettenuzzo (Brandeis University)
"Dividend Suspensions and Cash Flows During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Dynamic Econometric Model"
John Morrow (King's College London)
"The Comparative Advantage of Firms"
Francesca Monti (Université catholique de Louvain)
Heterogeneous beliefs and the Phillips curve [PDF 1,267KB]
Florin Bilbiie (University of Lausanne)
Aggregate-demand amplification of supply disruptions: the entry-exit multiplier (joint with Marc Melitz)
Joan Monras (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Immigration and Spatial Equilibrium: the Role of Expenditures in the Country of Origin
Mounu Prem (Universidad del Rosario)"Landmines: The Local Effects of Demining"
Sebastián Otero (UC Berkeley, Columbia)
“Affirmative Action in Centralized College Admission Systems”
Gaetan Bakalli (Auburn University)
"A Penalized Two-Pass Regression to Predict Stock Returns with Time-Varying Risk Premia"
Marco Giacoletti (USC Marshall School of Business)
"Using High-Frequency Evaluations to Estimate Discrimination: Evidence from Mortgage Loan Officers [PDF 714KB]"
Thiemo Fetzer (University of Warwick)
"How Big is the Media Multiplier? Evidence from Dyadic News Data"
Daniel Garrett (University of Essex)
"Relational contracts: Public versus private savings"
Victor Rios Rull (University of Pennsylvania)
"Wealth, Wages, and Employment" (joint with Per Krusell and Jinfeng Luo)
Ceren Baysan (University of Essex)
"Persistent Polarizing Effects of Persuasion: Experimental Evidence from Turkey"
Friederike Mengel (University of Essex)
"Non - Bayesian Statistical Discrimination"
Federica Romei (University of Oxford)
"Why Does Capital Flow from Equal to Unequal Countries? [PDF 461KB]"
Amrita Kulka (University of Warwick)
"Local Barriers to Housing Density and Reducing Costs [PDF 4,913KB]"
Giuseppe Cavaliere (University of Bologna)
"Bootstrap Inference in the Presence of Bias" (joint with Sílvia Goncalves and Morten Orregaard Nielsen)
Julia Fonseca (University of Illinois)
"The Real Effects of Banking the Poor: Evidence from Brazil [PDF 631KB]" (joint with Adrien Matray)
Gustavo de Souza (Institute for International Economic Studies)
"The Labor Market Consequences of Appropriate Technology"
Ameet Morjaria (Northwestern University)
"Acquisitions, Management, and Efficiency in Rwanda's Coffee Industry"
Myrto Kalouptsidi (Harvard University)
"Counterfactual Analysis for Structural Dynamic Discrete Choice Models [PDF 1,196KB]" (joint with Yuichi Kitamura, Lucas Lima, and Eduardo Souza-Rodrigues)
Turan Bali (Georgetown University)
"In Search of a Factor Model for Optionable Stocks [PDF 448KB]" (joint with Scott Murray)
Daniel Reck (LSE)
"The Welfare Economics of Reference Dependence" (joint with Arthur Seibold)
Jun Yu (Singapore Management School)
"Different Strokes for Different Folks: Long Memory and Roughness" (joint with Shuping Shi)
"Decision Making with Recommendation" (joint with Paul Cheung)
Lorenzo Magnolfi (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
"Estimation of Games under No Regret" (joint with Niccolo Lomys and Nicola Roncoroni)
Adrien Verdelhan (MIT)
"FX Transaction and Translation Risk [PDF 2,691KB]" (joint with Patrick Adams)
Marcelo Medeiros (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro)
"Bridging Factor And Sparse Models [PDF 1,711KB]" (joint with Jianqing Fan and Ricardo Masini)
Elisa Keller (University of Exeter)
"Occupational exposure to capital-embodied technical change [PDF 717KB]" (joint with Julieta Caunedo and David Jaume)
Camille Terrier (HEC)
"From Immediate Acceptance to Deferred Acceptance: Effects on School Admissions and Achievement in England [PDF 6,394KB]" (joint with PA Pathak and K Ren)
Helios Herrera (Warwick University)
"Echo Chamber Elections" (joint with Ravideep Sethi)
Claire Celerier (Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto)
"The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Minorities: Evidence from the Freedman's Savings Bank"
Balázs Szentes (LSE)
"Smart Contracts and the Coase Conjecture"
Francesca Molinari (Cornell University)
"Information Based Inference with Set-valued Predictions or Observations [PDF 61KB]" (joint with Hiroaki Kaido)
Arpad Abraham (University of Bristol)
"On the optimal design of a Financial Stability Fund"
Roger Moon (University of Southern California)
"Robust Forecasting [PDF 974KB]" (joint with Timothy Christensen and Frank Schorfheide)
Paola Sapienza (Northwestern University)
"Taste for competition and the gender gap among young business professionals" (joint with Ernesto Reuben and Luigi Zingales)
Markus Pelger (Stanford University)
"Large Dimensional Latent Factor Modeling with Missing Observations and Applications to Causal Inference"
Song Ma (Yale University)
"Obsolete Firms"
Olivier Scaillet (University of Geneva)
"A penalized two-pass regression to predict stock returns with time-varying risk premia [PDF 593KB]" (joint with Gaetan Bakalli and Stéphane Guerrier)
Thomas Sampson (LSE)
"Import Liberalization as Export Destruction? Evidence from the United States"
Mara Squicciarini (Bocconi University)
"Technology Adoption and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Industrialisation in France" (joint with Reka Juhasz and Nico Voigtlaender)
Christian Matthes (Indiana University)
"Economic Theories and Macroeconomic Reality" (joint with Francesca Loria and Mu-Chun Wang)
Rachel Ngai (LSE)
"A Multisector Perspective on Wage Stagnation" (joint with Orhun Sevinc)
Carlos M Carvalho (University of Texas Austin, McCombs School of Business)
"Searching for Dusty Corners: Understanding the Prediction of the Cross Section of Returns"
Christian Opp (University of Rochester)
"Private Renegotiations and Government Interventions in Debt Chains"
Manolis Galenianos (Royal Holloway)
"Regulatory Interventions in Consumer Financial Markets: The Case of Credit Cards" (joint with Alessandro Gavazza)
Andrey Malenko (University of Michigan)
"Creating Controversy in Proxy Voting Advice"
Amitabh Chandra (Harvard Kennedy School)
"The health costs of cost sharing"
Loriano Mancini (USI)
"Portfolio choice when stock returns may disappoint: An empirical analysis based on L-moments"
Christian Brownlees (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
"Performance of Empirical Risk Minimization for Linear Regression with Dependent Data" (joint with Gudmundur Stefan Gudmundsson)
David Schoenherr (Princeton University)
"Financial Access and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Credit Lotteries"
Guy Michaels (LSE)
"Cities and the Sea Levels" (joint with Yatang Lin and Thomas K.J. McDermott)
Jihyun Kim (Toulouse School of Economics)
"Unit Root, Mean Reversion and Nonstationarity in Financial Time Series"
Konrad Burchardi (Stockholm IIES)
"Credit Constraints and Capital Allocation in Agriculture: Theory and Evidence from Uganda"
Roberto Weber (University of Zurich)
"What Money Can Buy: How Market Exchange Promotes Values" (joint with Sili Zhang)
Aytek Malkhozov (Federal Reserve Board)
"Demand-supply imbalance risk and long-term swap spreads"
Andre Lucas (VU University Amsterdam)
"Tail Heterogeneity for Dynamic Covariance-Matrix-Valued Random Variables: the F-Riesz Distribution"
Priit Jeenas (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
"Q-Monetary Transmission" (joint with Ricardo Lagos)
Giovanni Ricco (University of Warwick)
"The Global Transmission of U.S. Monetary Policy" (joint with Ricardo Degasperi and Seokki Simon Hong)
Miklos Koren (Central European University)
"Foreign Owners and Managers Help Firms Enter Foreign Markets" (joint with Krisztina Orbán and Álmos Telegdy)
Golvine De Rochambeau (Sciences Po)
"Informational Barriers to Market Access: Experimental Evidence from Liberian Firms"
Dezső Szalay (University of Bonn)
"Communication in the shadow of catastrophe" (joint with Inga Deimen)
Victoria Vanasco (CREi)
"Security Design in Non-Exclusive Markets with Asymmetric Information (joint with Vladimir Asriyan and Victoria Vanasco) [PDF 516KB]"
Sarah Auster (University of Bonn)
"Simultaneous Search and Adverse Selection" (joint work with Piero Gottardi and Ronald Wolthoff)
Modibo Sidibe (Duke University)
"Police Officer Assignment Mechanisms and Neighborhood Crime"
Lasse Pedersen (Copenhagen Business School)
"Game On: Social Networks and Markets"
Ralf Martin (Imperial College)
Santiago Oliveros (University of Bristol)
"Endogenous Contribution Cycles" (joint with Matias Iaryczower and Parth Parihar)
Clara Martinez-Toledano (Paris School of Economics)
"Paraísos Fiscales, Wealth Taxation and Mobility"
Marc Fleurbaey (Paris School Economics)
"Universal social welfare orderings and risk" (joint with Stephane Zuber)
Marijn Bolhuis (University of Toronto)
"Financial Linkages and the Global Business Cycle"
Benjamin Knox (Copenhagen Business School)
"Asset Driven Insurance Policy"
Philippe Goulet Coulombe (University of Pennsylvania)
"The Macroeconomy as a Random Forest"
Miguel Zerecero (Toulouse School of Economic)
"The Birthplace Premium"
Maxime Couvert (EPFL - Swiss Finance Institute)
"What Is the Impact of Mutual Funds' ESG Preferences on Portfolio Firms?"
Federico Gavazzoni (Carnegie Mellon University)
"Concealed Carry"
Yenan Wang (Duke University)
"High-Frequency Trading, Endogenous Capital Commitment and Market Quality [PDF 936KB]"
Pedro Souza (University of Warwick)
"Identifying Network Ties from Panel Data"
Sung Hoon Choi (Rutgers University)
"Feasible Weighted Projected Principal Component Analysis for Factor Models with an Application to Bond Risk Premia"
Andreas Tischbirek (University of Lausanne)
"The Transmission of Monetary Policy under the Microscope"
Rustam Jamilov (London Business School)
"A Macroeconomic Model with Heterogeneous Banks"
Swapnika Rachapalli (University of Toronto)
"Learning Between Buyers and Sellers Along the Global Value Chain"
Lukas Hoesch (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
"Specification Tests Robust to Multiple Instabilities"
Solo Zerbo (University of Montreal)
"Systemic risk-shifting"
Shuyi Ge (University of Cambridge)
"Text-Based Linkages and Local Risk Spillovers in the Equity Market"
Fernando Arce (University of Minnesota)
"Private Overborrowing under Sovereign Risk"
Chi-Yang Tsou (Hong Kong University)
"Learning and the Anatomy of the Profitability Premium"
Paul Voss (University of Bonn)
"Shareholder Governance and Debt Maturity Structure"
Sergio Villalvazo (University of Pennsylvania)
"Inequality and Asset Prices during Sudden Stops"
Cristina Gualdani (Toulouse School of Economics)
"Identification in discrete choice models with imperfect information"
Jan Bakker (UCL)
"Trade and Agglomeration: Theory and Evidence from France"
Mitch Downey (Stockholms IIES)
"Limiting Bureaucratic Discretion: Evidence from Federal Prosecutors" (joint with Ben Grunwald)
Pedro CL Souza (Warwick University)
"Security Transitions and Identifying Network Ties from Panel Data"
Simon Mongey (Chicago University)
"Unbundling Labor" (joint with Chris Edmond)
Benjamin Marx (Sciences Po)
"Islam and the State: Religious Education in the Age of Mass Schooling" (joint with Samuel Bazzi and Masyhur Hilmy)
Aislinn Bohren (University of Pennsylvania)
"Misinterpreting Social Outcomes and Information Campaigns" (joint with Daniel Hauser)
Ivan Petrella (Warwick Business School)
"Dividend Momentum and Stock Return Predictability: A Bayesian Approach" (joint with Juan Antolin-Diaz and Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez)
Cecilia Bustamente (University of Maryland)
"Knowledge Cycles and Corporate Investment" (joint with Julien Cujean and Laurent Fresard)
Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis (UAB and Barcelona GSE)
"A Quantitative Theory of the HIV Epidemic: Education, Risky Sex and Asymmetric Learning" (joint with Christian Aleman and Daniela Iorio)
Peter Nilsson (Stockholm University)
"What Happens when Discrimination in Academia Becomes Salient?"
Mallesh Pai (Rice University)
"Optimal Incentives for Financial Analysts" (joint with Rahul Deb and Maher Said)
Ruixuan Liu (Emory University)
"Bayesian estimation and inference with generated regressors"
Pascual Restrepo (Boston University)
"Task Displacement and Wage Inequality" (joint with Daron Acemoglu)
Motohiro Yogo (Princeton University)
"Exchange Rates and Asset Prices in a Global Demand System"
Alexandra Roulet (INSEAD)
"Revisiting the Contribution of Firm Pay Policies to the Gender Wage Gap"
Todd Sarver (Duke University)
"An Evolutionary Perspective on Updating Risk andAmbiguity Preferences"
Michele Modugno (Federal Reserve Board)
"Monetary Policy Uncertainty and Monetary Policy Surprises"
Matthew Rognlie (Northwestern University)
"Micro Jumps, Macro Humps: Monetary Policy and Business Cycles in an Estimated HANK Model" (joint with Adrien Auclert and Ludwig Straub)
Laura Starks (University of Texas at Austin)
"Economic Policy Uncertainty and Learning: Theory and Evidence on Mutual Funds" (joint with Erica Jiang and Sophia Sun)
Anne Brockmeyer (World Bank/IFS)
"Taxing Property in Developing Countries:Theory and Evidence from Mexico"
Nageeb Ali (Pennsylvania State University)
"How to Sell Hard Information"
Kaiji Chen (Emory University)
"Aggregate and distributional impacts of LTV policy: Evidence from China’s micro data" (joint with Qing Wang, Tong Xu and Tao Zha)
Alberto Rossi (Georgetown University)
"Who Benefits from Robo-advising? Evidence from Machine Learning"
Monika Martinez-Bravo (CEMFI)
"Political Power, Elite Control, and Long-Run Development: Evidence from Brazil" (joint with Claudio Ferraz and Federico Finan)
Nina Bobkova (Rice University)
"Diversity and Evidence in Minipublics"
Mark Shepard (Harvard Kennedy School)
"Automatic Enrolment in Health Insurance: Evidence and Policy Trade-offs"
Yingni Guo (Northwestern University)
"Robust Monopoly Regulation" (joint with Eran Shmaya)
Karim Chalak (University of Virginia)
"Gini-Frisch Bounds: Generalizations and Applications"
Nicola Pavoni (Bocconi University)
"Optimal Delegation and Information Transmission under Limited Awareness, with an Application to Financial Intermediation" (joint with Sarah Auster)
Ian Ball (Microsoft/MIT)
"Scoring Strategic Agents"
"Identification and inference in discrete choice models with imperfect information"
Ernest Liu (Princeton University)
"International Friends and Enemies" (joint with Benny Kleinman and Stephen Redding)
Mike Callan (London School of Economics)
"Does Revolution Work? Evidence from the Birth of Nepal's Federal Democracy" (joint with Rohini Pande, Bhishma Bhusal, Saad Gulzar, Soledad Artiz Prillaman, and Deepak Singhania)
Colin Raymond (Purdue University)
"Don't Stop Believing: Information, Dynamics and Distorted Beliefs" (joint with Yusufcan Masatlioglu and Evan Piermont)
Robin Bruan (Bank of England)
"The importance of supply and demand for oil prices: evidence from a SVAR identified by non-Gaussianity"
Virgiliu Midrigan (New York University)
"Efficient Redistribution" (joint with Corina Boar)
Christophe Gaillac (Toulouse School of Economics)
"Robust Ecological Inference with an Application to Voting Experiments"
Johannes Stroebel (New York University)
"Five Facts About Beliefs and Portfolios" (joint with Stefano Giglio, Matteo Maggiori, and Stephen Utkus)
Nezih Guner (CEMFI)
"Rethinking the Welfare State" (joint with Remzi Kaygusuz and Gustavo Ventura)
Stephen Terry (Boston University)
"Real Credit Cycles" (joint with Pedro Bodarlo, Nicola Gennaioli and Andrei Shleifer)
Tania Babina (Columbia University)
Francisco Buera (Washington University)
"Big Push in Distorted Economics" (joint with Yongseok Shin, Hugo Hopenhayn, Nicholas Trachter)
Shan Ge (New York University, Stern School of Business)
"Conflicting Interests and the Effect of Fiduciary Duty - Evidence from Variable Annuities"
Maria Guadalupe (INSEAD)
"Learning, Clarity and Credibility in Teams: Evidence from an Agile Organization"
Anna Cieslak (Duke University)
"Common Shocks in Stocks and Bonds"
Oriana Bandiera (LSE)
"Why do people stay poor?"
Marco Tabellini (Harvard Business School)
Sandra Sequeira (London School of Economics)
"Identity, Media and Consumer Behaviour"
Jan Eeckhout (Pompeu Fabra)
"Quantifying Market Power and Wage Inequality"
Ming Yang (Duke University)
"Dynamic Contracting with Flexible Monitoring" (joint with Liang Dai and Yenan Wang)
Nadya Malenko (Boston College)
"Trading and Shareholder Democracy (joint with Doron Levit and Ernst Maug) [PDF 359KB]"
Guillermo Cruces (CEDLAS-UNLP and University of Nottingham)
"Low Take-Up and Financial Inclusion: Experimental Evidence from Argentina’s Cash Transfers"
Patrick Coen (LSE)
"A Structural Model of Interbank Network Formation and Contagion"
Anastasia Girshina (Stockholm School of Economics)
"Wealth, Savings, and Returns Over the Life Cycle: The Role of Education [PDF 1,652KB]"
Bruno Ferman (Sao Paulo School of Economics)
"On the properties of the synthetic control estimator"
Paul Beaumont (Paris Dauphine University)
"Building a Customer Base under Liquidity Constraints [PDF 1,294KB]"
Sukjin Han (University of Texas)
"Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes and Partial Welfare Ordering [PDF 564KB]"
Clement Imbert (University of Warwick)
"Migrants and Firms: Evidence from China [PDF 2,569KB]"
Ruslan Sverchkov (University of Pennsylvania)
"Selling to Investor Network: Allocations in the Primary Corporate Bond Market"
Stefano Fiorin (University of California)
"Reporting Peers’ Wrongdoing: Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Financial Incentives on Morally Controversial Behavior [PDF 672KB]"
Anouch Missirian (Columbia University)
"Yes, in your backyard: Forced technological adoption and spatial externalities"
Joshua Lanier (European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics)
"A Luce Model for Continuous Consumption"
Devaki Ghose (University of Virginia)
"Trade, Internal Migration, and Human Capital: Who Gains from India's IT Boom?"
Gabriel Ziegler (Northwestern University)
"Adversarial Bilateral Information Design [PDF 808KB]"
Vladimir Smirnyagin (University of Minnesota)
"Compositional Nature of Firm Growth and Aggregate Fluctuations [PDF 2,262KB]"
Fan Wang (HEC Paris)
"Comparative Ambiguity Attitudes [PDF 624KB]"
Denis Shishkin (Princeton University)
"Evidence Acquisition and Voluntary Disclosure [PDF 248KB]"
Harold Chiang (Vanderbilt University)
"Many average partial effects: with an application to text regression [PDF 660KB]"
Xuetao Shi (University of Washington)
"Testing When Parameters are Subject to Linear Inequality Constraints [PDF 797KB]"
Diogo Mendes (Imperial College)
"Financial Constraints and Product Market Decisions: the Role of Production Cycles [PDF 2,250KB]"
John Spray (University of Cambridge)
"Search Externalities in Firm-to-Firm Trade"
Pekka Honkanen (HEC Paris)
"Securities Lending and Trading by Active and Passive Funds [PDF 1,104KB]"
Clemence Tricaud (Ecole Polytechnique)
"Better Alone? Evidence on the Costs of Intermunicipal Cooperation [PDF 3,561KB]"
Seok Young Hong (University of Nottingham)
"Nonparametric estimation of infinite order regression and its application to risk-return tradeoff [PDF 1,991KB]"
Evan Friedman (Columbia University)
"Stochastic Choice and Noisy Beliefs in Games: an Experiment"
Zafer Kanik (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
"From Lombard Street to Wall Street: Systemic Risk, Rescues, and Stability in Financial Networks [PDF 1,122KB]"
Andrea Passalacqua (Harvard University)
"The Real Effects of Bank Supervision [PDF 2,443KB]"
Alessandro Ferrari (European University Institute)
"Global Value Chains and the Business Cycle [PDF 1,827KB]"
Magdalena Rola-Janicka (University of Amsterdam)
"The Political Economy of Prudential Regulation [PDF 398KB]"
Carlo Schwarz (University of Warwick)
"From Hashtag to Hate Crime: Twitter and Anti-Minority Sentiment [PDF 2,652KB]"
Martin Almuzara (CEMFI)
"Heterogeneity in Transitory Income Risk"
Simon Smith (University of Southern California)
"Break Risk [PDF 1,995KB]"
Xuan Wang (University of Oxford)
"When Do Currency Unions Benefit From Default? [PDF 2,069KB]"
Felipe Alves (New York University)
"Job Ladder and Business Cycles"
Dita Eckardt (LSE)
"Are Chemists Good Bankers? Returns to the Match between Training and Occupation [PDF 1,806KB]"
Jose Pablo Vasquez-Carajal (University of California)
"The Effects of Multinationals on Workers: Evidence from Costa Rica" (joint with Alonso Alfaro-Urena and Isabela Manelici)
Selim Gulesci (University of Bocconi)
"Repayment Flexibility and Risk Taking: Experimental Evidence from Credit Contracts" (joint with Marianna Battaglia and Andreas Madestam)
Guilherme Lichand (Univeristy of Zurich)
"Harming to Signal" (joint with Simon Haenni)
Menelaos Karanasos (Brunel University London)
"A Theory for the ARMA(infinity,q) model" (joint work with Baillie R., Paraskevopoulos A., Sibbertsen P.)
Thomas Pugh (Bank of Canada)
'Wealth and Mobility: Returns, Discount Factors and Superstars'.
Rhys Bidder (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
"De-leveraging or de-risking? How banks cope with loss [PDF 1,400KB]"
Stephen J. Machin (LSE)
"Jihadi Attacks, Media and Local Hate Crime" (joint with Ria Ivandic and Tom Kirchmaier)
Mira Frick (Yale University)
"Stability and Robustness in Misspecified Learning Models" (joint with Ryota Iijima and Yuhta Ishii)
Carlos Velasco (University Carlos III de Madrid)
"Identification of possibly nonfundamental Structural VARMA models using higher order moments"
Adrien Vigier (Norwegian Business School)
"Who Acquires Information in Dealer Markets? [PDF 411KB]" (joint with Jesper Rudiger)
Claudio Michelacci (EIEF)
"The Extensive Margin of Aggregate Consumption Demand" (joint with Andrea Pozzi and Luigi Paciello)
Stefano Caria (University of Bristol)
"Captured Labor Markets: Social Structure and Labor Market Performance in the Philippines" (joint with Julien Lebonne)
David Dillenberger (University of Pennsylvania)
"Time Lotteries and Stochastic Impatience" (joint with Patrick DeJarnette, Daniel Gottlieb and Pietro Ortoleva)
Kaveh Majlesi (Lund University)
"Importing Political Polarization? The Electoral Consequences of Rising Trade Exposure [PDF 2,814KB]"
Vladimir Asriyan (CREi)
"Collateral Booms and Information Depletion" (joint with Luc Laeven and Alberto Martin)
Sushant Acharya (NY Fed)
"Understanding HANK: Insights from a PRANK" (joint with Keshav Dogra)
Archishman Chakraborty (Yeshiva University)
"Subversive Conversations" (joint with Nemanju Anti and Rick Harbaugh)
Saleem Bahaj (Bank of England)
"Central Bank Swap Lines: Evidence on the Effects of the Lender of Last Resort" (joint with Ricardo Reis)
Antonia Diaz (Universidad Carlos III)
"Housing prices and credit constraints in competitive search" (joint with Belén Jerez, and Juan P. Rincón-Zapatero)
Camille Landais (LSE)
"Retirement Consumption and Optimal Pension Design" (joint with J. Kolsrud, D. Reck and J. Spinnewijn)
Riccardo Masolo (Bank of England)
"Ambiguity, Monetary Policy and Trend Inflation [PDF 537KB]"
Morris Davis (Rutgers)
"The Long-Run Effects of Low-Income Housing on Neighborhood Composition" (joint with Jesse Gregory and Daniel A. Hartley)
Ilaria Piatti (Oxford University Said Business School)
"Subjective Bond Risk Premia and Belief Aggregation" (joint Andrea Buraschi and Paul Whelan)
Willie Fuchs (McCombs School of Business)
"Optimal Arrangements for Distribution in Developing Markets: Theory and Evidence" (joint with Brett Green and David I. Levine)
Weining Wang (City, University of London)
"Inference of Break-Points in High-Dimensional Time Series"
John Knowles (Simon Fraser University)
"Savings and Attitudes: An Intergenerational Analysis" (joint with Andy Postlewaite)
Mark Stabile (INSEAD)
"The Effects of Self and Temporary Employment on Mental Health: The role of the Gig Economy in the UK" (joint with Bénédicte Apouey)
Omer Tamuz (Caltech)
"Blackwell Dominance in Large Samples" (joint with Xiaosheng Mu, Luciano Pomatto and Phillip Strack)
Joseba Martinez (LBS)
"Automation, Growth and Factor Shares"
Hannu Vartiainen (University of Helsinki)
"Super strong history dependent stable set as a solution to abstract decision problems".
Ryo Okui (Seoul National University)
"Estimation of a break point in group membership structure" (joint with Robin L. Lumsdaine and Wendun Wang)
John Van Reenen (LSE)
“The Fall of the labor share and the rise of superstar firms”
George Kapetanios (King's College London)
"Making text count"
Felipe Varas (Duke University)
"A Dynamic Theory of Learning and Relationship Lending" (joint with Yunzhi Hu)
Mirko Draca (Warwick)
"How Polarised are Citizens? Measuring Ideology from the Ground-Up" (joint with Carlo Schwarz)
Jay Lu (UCLA)
"Repeated Choice: A Theory of Stochastic Intemporal Preferences" (joint with Kota Saito)
Albert Marcet (UCL)
"Optimal Policy with General Signal Extraction" (joint with Esther Hauk and Andrea Lanteri)
Han Ozsoylev (KOC University)
"Trading ambiguity: a tale of two heterogeneities"
Berthold Herrendorf (Arizona State)
"Structural Change in Investment and Consumption-A Unified Analysis" (joint with Richard Rogerson and Akos Valentinyi)
Ruixue Jia (UC San Diego)
"Student Quality, College Selectivity and the Birth of Firms" (joint with Chong-en Bai, Hongbin Li and Xin Wang)
Philipp Strack (Berkeley)
"The Cost of Information"
Joachim Freyberger (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
"Inference under shape restriction"
Jerome Adda (Bocconi University and IGIER)
“There’s More to Marriage than Love: The Effect of Legal Status and Cultural Distance on Intermarriages and Separations” (joint with Paolo Pinotti and Giulia Tura)
Filip Matejka (Cerge-Ei)
"An Attention-Based Theory of Mental Accounting" (joint with Botond Koszegi)
Ronand Gallant (Penn State University)
"Cash Flows Discounted Using a Model Free SDF Extracted under a Yield Curve Prior"
Andrés Rodríguez-Clare (Berkeley)
"The Textbook Case for Industrial Policy: A Quantitative Exploration" (joint with Dominick Bartelme, Arnaud Costinot and Dave Donaldso)
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya (PSE)
"Diffusion of Gender Norms: Evidence from Stalin’s Ethnic Deportations"
Thorsten Beck (City University)
"The Economics of Supranational Bank Supervision" (joint with Consuelo Silva-Buston and Wolf Wagner)
Mathias Thoenig (UNIL)
"The Refugee’s Dilemma - Jewish Outmigration from Nazi Germany"
Yuichi Kitamura (Yale University)
"Methods for nonparametric counterfactual analysis with (or without) convex structure"
Jesse Davis (UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School)
"Choosing to Disagree in Financial Markets" (joint with Snehal Banerjee and Naveen Gondhi)
Refet Gurkaynak (Bilkent)
"Missing Events in Event Studies: Identifying the Effects of Partially-Measured News Surprises" (joint with Burcin Kisacikoglu and Jonathan H. Wright)
Majid Al Sadoon (Durham University)
"The Identification Problem for Linear Rational Expectation Models"
Nicolae Garleanu (University of California)
"Active and Passive Investing" (joint with Lasse Heje Pedersen)
Jan Beran (University of Konstanz)
"On ridge estimation for strongly dependent data"
Isaac Hacamo (Indiana University)
"Peers, Preferences, and Entrepreneurship" (joint with Kristoph Kleiner)
Albrecht Glitz (UPF)
"Labor Market Competition and the Assimilation of Immigrants"
Arturas Juodis (University of Groningen)
"The Incidental Parameters Problem in Testing for Remaining Cross-section Correlation"
Peter Neary (Oxford)
"Gravity without Apologies: The Science of Elasticities, Distance, and Trade"
Michele Pellizzari (UNIGE)
"Distance Learning in Higher Education: Evidence from a Randomised Experiment" (joint with Paula Cacault, Christian Hildebrand and Jeremy Laurent-Lucchetti)
Andrew McClellan (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
"Which Models to Trust?"
Roger Koenker (UCL)
"Nonparametric maximum likelihood methods for binary response models with random coefficients"
Moritz Kuhn (Bonn)
"Which Ladder to Climb? Evidence on wages of workers, jobs, and plants" (joint with Christian Bayer)
Dana Foarta (Stanford GSB)
"Wait-and-See or Step in? Dynamics of Interventions [PDF 549KB]"
"Quantile Graphical Models: Prediction and Conditional Independence with Applications to Systemic Risk"
Yi Huang (The Graduate Institute)
"FinTech Credit, Financial Inclusion and Entrepreneurial Growth"
Rigas Oikonomou (Université Catholique de Louvain)
"Union Debt Management"
Francesco Sobbrio (LUISS)
"War of the Waves: Radio and Resistance During World War II" (joint with Stefano Gagliarducci, Massimiliano Gaetano Onorato, and Guido Tabelli)
Alessandra Casella (Columbia)
"Trading Votes for Votes: An Experimental Study [PDF 855KB]"
Matthias Doepke (Northwestern)
"Employment Protection, Investment in Job-Specific Skills, and Inequality Trends in the United States and Europe (joint with Ruben Gaetani) [PDF 359KB]"
Michaela Kesina (ETH)
"Estimation of models with an endogenous spatial weights matrix - transformation approaches for cross-sectional and panel data"
Wendun Wang (EUR)
"Latent Group Structures with Heterogeneous Distributions: Identification and Estimation"
Sylvain Carre (EPFL)
"Disclosures, Rollover Risk, and Debt Runs [PDF 942KB]"
Peter Zimmerman (Oxford)
"Blockchain structure and cryptocurrency prices"
Su Wang (LSE)
"Young Firm Manager Turnover and Performance"
Alexey Makarin (Northwestern University)
"Trading with the Enemy: The Impact of Conflict on Trade in Non-Conflict Areas [PDF 5,748KB]"
Valentina Raponi (Imperial)
"Testing Beta-Pricing Models Using Large Cross-Sections [PDF 872KB]"
Quoc Anh Do (Sciences Po)
"Friendship Networks and Political Opinions: A Natural Experiment among Future French Politicians"
Jonas Tungodden (Berkeley)
"Preferences for Competition: Children Versus Parents [PDF 2,551KB]"
Alessio Piccolo (Oxford)
"Executive Compensation and Short-Termism"
Giulia Giupponi (LSE)
"When Income Effects are Large: Labor Supply Responses and the Value of Welfare Transfers"
Thomas Rivera (HEC Paris)
"Bank Regulation Under Adverse Selection and the Cost of Capital [PDF 418KB]"
Giuseppe Sorrenti (University of Zurich)
"Money vs. Time: Family Income, Maternal Labor Supply, and Child Development [PDF 2,593KB]"
Vimal Balasubramaniam (University of Warwick)
"The Effect of Lifespan Expectations on Financial Decisions: Evidence from Mass Shootings and Natural Disaster experiences [PDF 1,952KB]"
Valeria Rueda (University of Oxford)
"Sex and the Mission: The conflicting effects of early Christian missions on HIV in sub-Saharan Africa"
Shan Aman-Rana (LSE)
"Meritocracy in Bureaucracy? Evidence from Pakistan"
Irina Zviadadze (Stockholm School of Economics)
"Term structure of risk in expected returns [PDF 989KB]"
Yapei Zhang (HEC Paris)
"Seeking Skewness [PDF 1,572KB]"
David Skeie (Mays Business School)
"Digital Currency Runs [PDF 378KB]"
Simon Franklin (LSE)
"The demand for government housing: Evidence from lotteries for 200,000 homes in Ethiopia [PDF 1,989KB]"
Moqi Xu (LSE)
"Pay for future returns" (joint with Yiqing Lu)
Dimitris Papadimitriou (LSE)
"Trading under Uncertainty about other Market Participants [PDF 1,026KB]"
Francois Gerard (Columbia University)
"Job Displacement Insurance and Consumption: Evidence from Brazil"
Gabriel Ulyssea (University of Oxford)
"Formal and Informal Firm Dynamics"
Ian Jewitt (Oxford)
“Optimal Selection from an Endogenous Pool of Applicants”
Lorenzo Bretscher (LBS)
"News Shocks and Asset Prices" (joint with Aytek Malkhozo and Andrea Tamoni)
B Ravikumar (St Louis Fed)
"Capital Accumulation and Dynamic Gains from Trade"
Wendun Wang (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
"Heterogeneous structural breaks in panel data models" (joint with Ryo Okui)
Pedro Saffi (Cambridge University)
"The Rise of the Equity Lending Market: Implications for Corporate Policies [PDF 736KB]"
Timo Boppart (IIES Stockholm)
"A theory of falling growth and rising rents"
Tobias Klein (Tilburg University)
"Does the framing of patient cost-sharing incentives matter? The effects of deductibles vs. no-claim refunds"
John Gathergood (University of Nottingham)
"Naive Buying Diversification and Narrow Framing Among Individual Investors" (joint with David Hirshleifer, David Leake, Hiroaki Sakaguchi and Neil Stewart)
Shin Kanaya (University of Aarhus)
"Demand and Welfare Analysis in Discrete Choice Models under Social Interactions" (joint with Debopam Bhattacharya and Pascaline Dupas)
Attila Lindner (UCL)
"Skill-Biased Innovation Activities: Evidence from Hungarian Firms"
Juuso Välimäki (Aalto)
"'All-Pay Auctions with Affiliated Values [PDF 804KB]" (joint with Chang Koo Chi and Pauli Murto)
Ivan Fernandez-Val (Boston University)
"Distribution Regression with Sample Selection, with an Application to Wage Decompositions in the UK" (joint with Victor Chernozhukov and Siyi Luo)
Benjamin Moll (Princeton)
"Saving Behavior Across the Wealth Distribution" (joint with Andreas Fagereng, Martin Holm and Gisle Natvik)
Tommaso Porzio (UC San Diego)
"Labor Reallocation and Convergence: Evidence from East Germany"
Sinem Hidir (Warwick)
"The Race to the Base"
Andrea Tamoni (London School of Economics)
"Mind the (Convergence) Gap: Forward Rates Strike Back! [PDF 787KB]"
Ludwig Straub (Harvard)
"Consumption, Savings, and the Distribution of Permanent Income"
Roland Benabou (Princeton)
"Narratives, Imperatives, and Moral Reasoning [PDF 505KB]"
Juliana Salomao (University of Minnesota)
"Decomposing Firm Value [PDF 460KB]"
David Yanagizawa-Drott (University of Zurich)
"Misperceived Social Norms: Female Labor Force Participation in Saudi Arabia"
Doruk Cetemen (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
"Moral Hazard and Time Inconsistency: Dynamic Contracting with Non-exponential Discounting [PDF 112KB]" (joint with Felix Feng and Can Urgun)
Stefan Hubner (University of Oxford)
"It’s complicated: A Non–parametric Test of Preference Stability between Singles and Couples [PDF 313KB]"
Scott Nelson (MIT)
"Private Information and Price Regulation in the US Credit Card Market"
Pierpaolo Battigalli (Bocconi)
"Beliefs, Plans, and Perceived Intentions in Dynamic Games [PDF 470KB]"
Daniele Bianchi (Warwick Business School)
"Large-Scale Dynamic Predictive Regressions [PDF 1,958KB]"
Giorgia Piacentino (Columbia Business School)
"Conflicting Priorities: A Theory of Covenants and Collateral [PDF 318KB]"
Todd Schoellman (Minneapolis Fed)
"Labor Market Flows and Development [PDF 2,364KB]"
Prajit Dutta (Columbia)
"Asynchronous Games with Transfers: Optimality and Uniqueness"
Klaus Adam (Mannheim)
"Leaning Against Housing Prices as Robustly Optimal Monetary Policy" (joint with Michael Woodford)
Andrea Weber (CEU)
"Job Displacement, Family Dynamics, and Spousal Labor Supply" (joint with Martin Halla and Julia Schmieder)
Benjamin Born (University of Bonn)
“The Costs of Economic Nationalism: Evidence from the Brexit Experiment”
Emanuele Tarantino (University of Mannheim)
"Trade Credit and Competition in Downstream Markets" (joint with Mariassunta Giannetti and Nicolas Serrano Velarde)
Philippe Aghion (Harvard University)
Christiane Baumeister (University of Notre Dame)
Inference in Structural Vector Autoregressions When the Identifying Assumptions are Not Fully Believed: Re-evaluating the Role of Monetary Policy in Economic Fluctuations [PDF 904KB] (joint with James D Hamilton)
Vincenzo Quadrini (University of Southern California)
"Banks Interconnectivity and Leverage" (joint with Laura Moretti and Alessandro Barattieri)
Stan Zin (NYU)
"Identifying monetary policy in macro-finance models"
Dirk Krueger (University of Pennsylvania)
"Intergenerational Redistribution in the Great Recession"
Elias Papaioannou (London Business School)
"Inequality and Intergenerational Mobility in Africa" (joint with Alberto Alesina, Sebastian Hohmann, Stelios Michalopoulos)
Stefania Minardi (HEC)
"Time for Memorable Consumption"
Gabriella Conti (UCL)
"Workforce Quality in Early Years Interventions: Evidence from a Large-Scale Home Visiting Program" (joint with Sarah Cattan and Nicolas Libuy)
Toru Kitagawa (UCL)
"Equality-minded treatment choice" (joint with Aleksey Tetenov)
Ian Martin (LSE)
"The Quanto Theory of Exchange Rates"
Aline Buetikofer (NHH Norwegian School of Economics)
"The Impact of Paid Maternity Leave on Maternal Health."
Katerina Petrova (University of St Andrews)
"Robust Bayesian inference in the presence of distributional misspecification in VAR models"
Jack Fanning (Brown University)
"Mediation in reputational bargaining"
Adrien Auclert (Stanford University)
"The Intertemporal Keynesian Cross" (joint with Matthew Rognlie and Ludwig Straub)
Will Goetzmann (Yale)
"Negative Bubbles: What happens after a crash" (joint with Dasol Kim)
Kelly Shue (Yale)
"Money Illusion in Asset Pricing" (joint with Richard R. Townsend)
Noam Yuchtman (UC Berkeley)
"Political Identity: Experimental Evidence on Anti-Americanism in Pakistan"
Johannes Abeler (Oxford University)
"Preferences for Truth Telling" (joint with Daniele Nosenzo)
Christina Felfe (St. Gallen)
"More Opportunity, More Cooperation? Birthright Citizenship and "Us Versus Them" Among Immigrant Youth"
Jean-Michel Zakoian (CREST)
"Noncausal heavy-tailed autoregressive process and the modeling of bubbles"
Shengwu Li (Harvard)
"Credible Mechanisms" (joint with Mohammed Akbarpour)
Irene Botosaru (University of Bristol)
"Binarization for panel models with fixed effects"
Nikita Roketskiy (UCL)
"Dynamic Demand and Sequential Monopoly: A Model of Endogenous Screening" (joint with V Bhaskar)
Jaume Ventura (CREI)
"Monetary Policy for a Bubbly World"
Carol Propper (Imperial Business School and University of Bristol)
"Internet and Health Choices: Evidence from the UK"
Benedikt Pötscher (University of Vienna)
"Controlling the Size of Autocorrelation Robust Tests" (joint with David Preinerstorfer)
Jose Apesteguia (ICREA-UPF and Barcelona GSE)
"Seperating predicted randomness from noise"
Josep Pijoan-Mas (CEMFI)
"Investment Demand and Structural Change" (joint with Manuel Garcia-Santana and Lucciano Villacorta)
Cisil Sarisoy (Northwestern University)
"Variance Dynamics in Term Structure Models"
Ansgar Walther (University of Warwick)
"Does Size Matter? Bailouts with Large and Small Banks [PDF 1,065KB]"
Yu Zheng (City University of Hong Kong)
"The Price of Growth: Consumption Insurance in China 1989-2009 [PDF 797KB]" (joint with Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis)
Elena Gerko (London Business School)
"Expectations and Monetary Policy"
Ioannis Branikas (Princeton University)
"Advertising Exposure and Portfolio Choice: Estimates Based on Sports Sponsorships [PDF 764KB]"
Sule Alan (University of Essex)
"Belief in Hard Work and Altruism: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment [PDF 1,797KB]"
John Morrow (Birkbeck University of London)
"Swimming Upstream: Input-Output Linkages and the Direction of Product Adoption"
Christian Fons-Rosen (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
"Foreign Investment and Domestic Productivity: Identifying Knowledge Spillovers and Competition Effects [PDF 1,250KB]"
Florin Bilbiie (Paris School of Economics)
"A Catch-22 for Hank Models: No Puzzles, No Amplification"
"Protests as Strategic Games: Experimental Evidence from Hong Kong’s Democracy Movement"
Jeroen Daldeop (University of Cambridge)
"Estimating Policy Functions Implicit in Asset Prices"
Didier Nibbering (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
"A high-dimensional multinomial choice model with an application to holiday destinations"
Mathieu Couttenier (University of Geneva)
"The Violent Legacy of Victimization: Post-Conflict Evidence on Asylum Seekers, Crimes and Public Policy in Switzerland"
Ekaterina Smetanina (University of Cambridge)
"Forecast Evaluation Tests - A New Approach"
Andre Silva (Cass Business School)
"Strategic Liquidity Mismatch and Financial Sector Stability"
Paola Pederzoli (University of Geneva and Swiss Finance Institute)
"Crash Risk in Individual Stocks [PDF 741KB]"
Michel Serafinelli (University of Toronto)
"Politico-economic Regimes and Attitudes: Female Workers under State-socialism" (joint with Pamela Campa)
Martijn F. Boons (Nova School of Business and Economics)
"Value Timing: Risk and Return Across Asset Classes"
Tim Lee (Toulouse School of Economics)
"Horizontal and Vertical Polarization: Task-Specific Technological Change in a Multi-Sector Economy"
Harald Fadinger (University of Mannheim)
"The real exchange rate, innovation and productivity"
Emanuele Bacchiocchi (University of Milan)
"Uncertainty across volatility regimes"
Karl Schmedders (University of Zurich)
"Re-Use of Collateral: Leverage, Volatility, and Welfare [PDF 449KB]"
Franck Portier (University College London)
"Putting the Cycle Back into Business Cycle Analysis"
Uta Schönberg (UCL)
"Technological and Organizational Change and the Careers of Workers"
Pasquale Della Corte (Imperial College)
"Currency Mispricing and Dealer Balance Sheets"
Tarun Ramadorai (Imperial College London)
"Predictably Unequal? The Effects of Machine Learning on Credit Markets"
Alexander Wolitzky (MIT)
"Revelation Principles in Multistage Games"
Thiemo René Fetzer (University of Warwick)
"Does Democracy Moderate Resource-induced Conflicts?" (joint with Stephan Kyburz)
Italo Colantone (Bocconi)
"The Trade Origins of Economic Nationalism: Import Competition and Voting Behavior in Western Europe."
Stephen Morris (Princeton)
"Crises: Equilibrium Shifts and Large Shocks"
Jungyoon Lee (Royal Holloway)
"Adaptive estimation and testing in pure spatial models"
Mehmet Ekmekci (Boston College)
"Costly advice, protests and nonbinding voting" (joint with Stephan Lauermann)
Andrea Ichino (EUI)
"The cognitive cost of daycare 0–2 for children in advantaged families"
Jordi Blanes I Vidal (LSE)
"Face-to-Face Communication in Organisations"
George Kapetanios (King's College)
"Topics in time varying coefficient models"
Juliane Begenau (Stanford)
"Financial Regulation in a Quantitative Model of the Modern Banking System"
Julien Labonne (University of Oxford)
"Making policies matter: Voter responses to campaign promises" (joint with Cesi Cruz, Phil Keefer and Francesco Trebbi)
Enrique Schroth (Cass)
"Liquidity Provision on the Secondary Market for Private Equity Fund Stakes"
Dario Caldara (The Fed)
"Measuring Geopolitical Risk"
Christian Brownlees (University Pompeu Fabra)
"Detecting Granular Time Series in Large Panels" (joint with Geert Mesters)
Ian Dew-Becker (Northwestern University)
"How do investors perceive the risks from macroeconomic and financial uncertainty? Evidence from 19 option markets"
Shaowei Ke (University of Michigan)
"Social Discounting and Individual Long-Run Discounting"
Wouter den Haan (LSE)
"Agnostic structural disturbances: Detecting and reducing misspecification in macroeconomic models" (joint with Thomas Drechsel)
Claire Lim (Cornell University)
"The Political Economy of Medicaid: Ideology, Eligibility, and the Consequences of Cost-Saving Measures"
Andreas Fuster (New York FED)
"Home Price Expectations and Behavior: Evidence from a Randomized Information Experiment"
Abhimanyu Gupta (University of Essex)
"Nonparametric specification testing via the trinity of tests"
Bård Harstad (University of Oslo)
"Pledge-and-Review Bargaining"
Axelle Ferriere (European University Institute)
"The Heterogeneous Effects of Government Spending: It’s All about Taxes" (joint with Gaston Navarro)
Ron Smith (Birkbeck University of London)
"Tests of Policy Interventions in DSGE Models" (joint with Hashem Pesaran)
Akos Valentinyi (University of Manchester)
"Structural Change within the Service Sector and the Future of Baumol's Disease"
Max Bruche (Cass Business School)
"Pipeline Risk in Leveraged Loan Syndication" (joint with Fredric Malherbe and Ralf R. Meisenzahl)
David Pearce (NYU)
"Reputation and information Design" (joint with Laurent Mathevet and Ennio Stacchetti)
Juanita Gonzales-Uribe (LSE)
"How Sensitive is Young Firm Investment to the Cost of Outside Equity? Evidence from a UK Tax Relief"
"Optimal Monitoring Design" (joint with George Georgiadis)
Martin Uribe / Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe (Columbia University)
"The Neo-Fisher Effect in the United States and Japan"
Giacomo De Giorgi (University of Geneva)
"Necessity is the mother of invention: The emergence of the reluctant entrepreneur"
Walter Distaso (Imperial College Business School)
"Testing for jump spillovers without testing for jumps"
Frederic Malherbe (London Business School)
"A positive analysis of bank behaviour under capital requirements"
Jakub Steiner (University of Edinburgh)
"On Second Thoughts, Selective Memory, and Resulting Behavioral Biases"
Debraj Ray (New York University)
Colin Stewart (Toronto)"Rational Inattention Dynamics"
Davide Cantoni (Munich University)"The Effects of Anticipated Election Closeness on Voter Turnout"
Alex Kontoghiorghes (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Pricey Puts and Return Predictability"
Nico Voigtlander (UCLA)"The Medieval Roots of Inclusive Institutions: From the Norman Conquest of England to the Great Reform Act*"
Chuanping Sun (QMUL - PhD student)"Model selection with spurious factors in an SDF setting"
Johan Hombert (HEC)"Incentive Constrained Risk Sharing, Segmentation, and Asset Pricing"
Keith Kuester (University of Bonn)"Doves for the Rich, Hawks for the Poor? Distributional Consequences of Monetary Policy"
Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia University)"Intergenerational Wealth Formation over the Life Cycle: Evidence from Danish Wealth Records 1984-2013"
Rachel Griffith (Institute of Fiscal Studies)"How well targeted are soda taxes?"
Kurt Mitman (Stockholm University)"The Fiscal Multiplier"
Alessandro Bonatti (MIT)"The Design and Price of Information"
Nejat Anbarci (Deakin University)"Attraction Effect Heuristics [PDF 297KB]"
Dominic Rohner (University of Lausanne)"The Violent Legacy of Victimization: Post-Conflict Evidence on Asylum Seekers, Crimes and Public Policy in Switzerland [PDF 664KB]
Francisco Gomes (London Business School)Title: TBA
David Myatt (LBS)"Strategic Voting in Plurality Rule Elections"
Guy Michaels (London School of Economics)"Upgrade slums or invest before they form? Evidence from Tanzania"
Imran Rasul (UCL)Title: TBA
Mathias Trabandt (Freie Universitat Berlin)"Should We Use Linearized Models To Calculate Fiscal Multipliers?"
Matt Elliott (Caltech)
"Commitment and (In)Efficiency: a Bargaining Experiment"
Paola Conconi (Université Libre de Bruxelles)"Abortion, Environment and Guns: How Single-Minded Voters Shape Politicians’ Decisions"
Frank Riedel (Bielefeld University)Title: TBA
Anja Prummer (QMUL)"Voter turnout and polarization cycles"
Melissa Prado (Nova School of Business and Economics)"Basis Momentum in the futures curve and volatility risk"
Abhijeet Singh (UCL)"Learning more with every year: School year productivity and international learning gaps"
Giorgio Chiovelli (London Business School)“Land Mines and Spatial Development”
Krysztof Karbownik (Northwestern University)"Long-run Consequences of Exposure to Natural Disasters"
Jason Sturgess (DePaul University)"Information Sharing and Rating Manipulation"
Anna Raute (University of Mannheim)"Who benefits from universal childcare? Estimating marginal returns to early childcare attendance"
Andre Veiga (Oxford)"The Impact of Price Discrimination in Market with Adverse Selection"
Martin Kaae Jensen (University of Leicester)"Distributional Issues in Macroeconomics"
Evi Pappa (European University Institute)"Fiscal Consolidation in a Low Inflation Environment: Pay Cuts versus Lost Jobs"
Sarolta Laczo (University of Surrey)"Pareto-Improving Optimal Capital and Labour Taxes"
Gino Gancia (CREI and Barcelona GSE)"Globalization and Political Structure"
Kathy Yuan (LSE)"Network Risk and Key Players: A Structural Analysis of Interbank Liquidity"
Alessandro Iaria (CREST-ENSAE)"Demand Estimation with Unobserved Choice Set Heterogeneity"
Alex Kontoghiorghes (QMUL - PhD Student)"Pricing Kernel Dynamics and Their Predictive Properties"
Filippos Papakonstantinou (Imperial College London)"History-dependent risk preferences: Evidence from individual choices and implications for the disposition effect"
Alessandra Bonfiglioli (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)"Trade, Finance and Endogenous Firm Heterogeneity [PDF 451KB]"
Daniel Sturm (London School of Economics)Title: TBA
Paolo Vitale (University "G. d'Annunzio")"Robust Trading for Ambiguity-averse Insiders''
Antonio Penta (Wisconsin - Madison)
"Full Implementation and Belief Restrictions"
Ricardo Reis (London School of Economics)"Achieving Price Stability by Manipulating the Central Bank's Payment on Reserves"
Joao Cocco (London Business School)
"Expenditures and financial well-being [PDF 298KB]"
Vincent Sterk (UCL)"Macroeconomic Fluctuations with HANK & SAM: an Analytical Approach"
Juan Ortner (Boston University)"Collusion in Auctions with Constrained Bids: Theory and Evidence from Public Procurement [PDF 830KB]" (joint with Sylvain Chassang)
Bent Nielsen (Oxford University)"Testing for Normality in Robust Regressions" (joint with Vanessa Berenguer Rico)
Ricardo Nunes ( Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)"Designing a Simple Loss Function for the Fed: Does the Dual Mandate Make Sense? [PDF 1,449KB]"
Martin Oehmke (Columbia Business School)"Bank Resolution and the Structure of Global Banks [PDF 398KB]"
Kazuhiro Hiraki (QMUL - PhD Student)“Implementing a bubble factor asset pricing model using option prices” (joint with George Skiadopoulos)
Stéphane Guiband (SciencesPo)"Agency, Firm Growth, and Managerial Turnover [PDF 816KB]"
Sonia R Bhalotra (Essex)"Maternal depression impacts on parenting and child human capital- evidence from a randomized control trial"
Marciano Siniscalchi (Northwestern University)"Structural Rationality in Dynamic Games"
Terri Kneeland (University College London)"Bounded Reasoning: Rationality or Cognition? [PDF 667KB]"
Francois Maniquet (Universite Caholique de Louvain)"Well-Being, Poverty and Labor Income Taxation : Theory and Application to Europe and the U.S."
Bram De Rock (ECARES)"Marital Matching, Economies of Scale and Intrahousehold Allocations [PDF 243KB]"
Raffaella Giacomini (UCL)"Uncertain identification" (joint with Toru Kitagawa and Alessio Volpicella)
Yanos Zylberberg (Bristol University)"East Side Story: Historical Pollution and Persistent Neighbourhood Sorting [PDF 5,625KB]"
Anisha Ghosh (Carnegie Mellon University) "An Information-Theorestic Asset Pricing Model [PDF 821KB]"
Sydney Ludvigson (New York University)"Capital Share Risk and Shareholder Heterogeneity in U.S. Stock Pricing"
Jan Stuhler (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)"Shift-Share Instruments and the Impact of Immigration"
Oguzhan Karakas (Boston College)"Earnings and the Value of Voting Rights"
Serdar Ozkan (University of Toronto)"What Do Data on Millions of U.S. Workers Reveal about Life-Cycle Earnings Risk?"
Joshua Angrist (MIT)"Radical recipes for school reform: testing takeovers in New Orleans and Boston"
Ludovic Renou (University of Essex)"Revealed Preferences over Risk and Uncertainty"
Jacopo Ponticelli (Chicago Booth)"Capital Allocation Across Regions, Sectors and Firms: Evidence from a Commodity Boom in Brazil [PDF 2,091KB]"
Vasco Carvalho (University of Cambridge)"Supply Chain Disruptions: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake"
Dennis Kristensen (UCL)"Bayesian Indirect Inference and the Approximate Bayesian Computation of GMM"
Jan Wrampelmeyer (University of Saint Gallen)"Fragility of Money Markets"
Yoram Halevy (University of British Columbia)"Parametric Recovery of Preferences: Theory and Experiments"
Leonardo Melosi (Chicago FED)"Signalling Effects of Monetary Policy"
Andrew Ellis (London School of Economics)"Complexity, Correlation and Choice" (joint with Michele Piccione)
Timothy Harris (QMUL - PhD Student)"European Municipal Bond Yields and Their Determinants"
Harjoat Bhamra (Imperial College)"Does Household Finance Matter? Small Financial Errors with Large Social Costs [PDF 840KB]"
Leonardo Bursztyn (UCLA Anderson)"Status Goods: Experimental Evidence from Platinum Credit Cards"
Fernanda Brollo (University of Warwick)
"The Political Economy of Enforcing Conditional Welfare Programs: Evidence from Brazil"
Gary Charness (UCSB)Creativity and Financial Incentives [PDF 4,183KB]"
Peter Eso (University of Oxford)
"Persuasion and Pricing"
Howard Kung (London Business School)"Competition, Markups, and Predictable Returns"
Alessandro Tarozzi (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)"Child Nutritional Status and Intergenerational Transmission of Health: Evidence from Indian Migrants in England"
Etienne Wasmer (Sciences Po)"Capital is Heterogeneous: tax Land rather than Wealth and Investment"
Alessandro Mennuni (University of Southampton)"Liquidity as a residual store of value"
Taisuke Otsu (LSE)"Measurement Errors in Non/Semiparametric Econometric Problems"
Matteo Cervellati (University of Bologna)"Malaria Risk and Civil Violence: A Disaggregated Analysis for Africa"
Jawwad Noor (Boston University)"Bounded Attention in Intertemporal Choice [PDF 210KB]" (joint with Norio Takeoka)
Marco Battaglini (Cornell University)"Influencing Connected Legislators"
Rocco Macchiavello (University of Warwick)"Supply Assurance, Relational Contracts and Vertical Integration: Evidence from Costa Rica's Coffee Chain"
David Dorn (University of Zurich)"Foreign Competition and Domestic Innovation: Evidence from U.S. Patents"
Joan Monras (Sciences Po)"Immigration and Wage Dynamics: Evidence from the Mexican Peso Crisis"
Peter Wakker (Erasmus University)"Measuring Ambiguity Attitudes for All (Natural) Events [PDF 398KB]"
Julia Cajal Grossi (University of Warwick)
"Searching for Trade Partners in Developing Countries: Testing Firms in the ?Fast Fashion? Industry [PDF 990KB]"
Gabriella Santangelo (Yale University)"Firms and Farms: The Impact of Agricultural Productivity on the Local Indian Economy [PDF 1,682KB]"
Giacomo Candian (Boston College)
"Information Frictions and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics [PDF 500KB]"
Mario Alloza (University College London)
"The Impact of Taxes on Income Mobility [PDF 3,579KB]"
Anja Prummer (University of Cambridge)"Spatial Advertisement in Political Campaigns [PDF 1,580KB]"
Sebastian Axbard (Uppsala University)
"Income Opportunities and Sea Piracy in Indonesia: Evidence from Satellite Data [PDF 1,460KB]"
Nicholas Lawson (Aix-Marseille School of Economics)"Taxing the Job Creators: Efficient Taxation with Wage Bargaining [PDF 1,475KB]"
Stephen Hansen (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)"Transparency and Deliberation on the FOMC: a Computational Linguistics Approach [PDF 3,273KB]"
Sofia Priazhkina (Indiana University)"Liquidity channels and stability of shadow banking [PDF 1,248KB]"
Fanny Camara (Goethe University)"Pre-emption and Forecast Accuracy: A Structural Approach"
Peter Denderski (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)"A Model of Confounded Entrepreneurial Choice [PDF 764KB]"
Francesco Cerigioni (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)"Dual Decision Processes: Retrieving Preferences when some Choices are Intuitive [PDF 433KB]"
Bryony Reich (UCL)"The Diffusion of Innovations in Social Networks [PDF 3,248KB]"
Konstantinos E. Zachariadis (LSE)"Multi-Asset Noisy Rational Expectations Equilibrium with Contingent Claims [PDF 759KB]"
Alp Atakan (Koc University)"Market Selection and the Information Content of Prices" (joint work with Mehmet Ekmekci)
Tommaso Valletti (Imperial College)"Internet and Politics: Evidence from U.K. Local Elections and Local Government Policies [PDF 2,290KB]"
Mark Jensen (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)"Cross-Sectional Mutual Fund Performance"
Ian Crawford (University of Oxford)
"Non-parametric analysis of reference dependence"
James Sefton (Imperial College)"Tactical and Strategic Asset Allocation in Life-Cycle Funds"
Pietro Biroli (University of Zurich)"Genetic and economics interaction in the formation of health: the case of obesity"
Uzi Segal (Boston College)
"Preferences over Allocation Mechanisms and Recursive Utility" (joint with David Dillenberger)
Christian Bayer (University of Bonn)"Precautionary Savings, Illiquid Assets, and the Aggregate Consequences of Shocks to Household Income Risk [PDF 1,385KB]"
Lien Laureys (Bank of England)"Optimal monetary policy in the presence of human capital depreciation during unemployment"
Joyee Deb (Yale University)"Reputation building under uncertain monitoring" (joint with Yuhta Ishii)
Abderrahim Taamouti (Durham University)"Measuring Nonlinear Granger Causality in Mean"
Erik Snowberg (California Institute of Technology)
"Experimenting with Measurement Error: Techniques with Applications to the Caltech Cohort Study"
Kaivan Munshi (University of Cambridge)"Insiders and Outsiders: Local Ethnic Politics and Public Good Provision [PDF 571KB]"
Piero Gottardi (European University Institute)"Can there be a Market for Cheap Talk Information? Some Experimental Evidence" (joint with Antonio Cabrales, Francesco Feri and Miguel Melendez)
Tomas Rodriguez Barraquer (Autonomous University of Barcelona)"Classification versus Ranking: A model of competitive signaling [PDF 264KB]"
Marcus Hagedorn (University of Oslo)"Demand Stimulus, Inflation and Marginal Costs: Empirical Evidence"
Sven Rady (University of Bonn)
"Strongly Symmetric Equilibria in Bandit Games"
Dragana Cvijanovic (UNC Kenan-Flagler)"When Pay for Luck is Pay for Action: CEO Compensation and Real Estate Prices"
Offer Lieberman (Bar-Ilan University)"A Multivariate Stochastic Unit Root Model with an Application to Derivative Pricing [PDF 38KB]"
Juan Jose Dolado (European University Institute)"Moving towards a Single Labour Contract: Transition vs. Steady State [PDF 292KB]"
Hyungsik Roger Moon (University of Southern Califonia)"Estimation of Random Coefficients Logit Demand Models with Interactive Fixed Effects [PDF 548KB]"
Melissa Dell (Harvard University)"State Capacity, Local Governance, and Economic Development in Vietnam"
John E. Roemer (Yale University)"How we cooperate ? perhaps [PDF 5,979KB]"
David Cooper (Florida State University and University of East Anglia)"Silence is Golden: Communication Costs and Team Problem Solving"
"Skewed Noise"
Eduardo Perez-Richet (Ecole Polytechnique)"Communication with Evidence in the Lab"
Ruben Durante (Sciences Po)
"Attack When the World is Not Watching? International Media and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict"
Barbara Rossi (University Pompeu Fabra)"Alternative Tests for Correct Specification ofConditional Predictive Densities"
Peter Buisseret (Warwick)"Dynamics of Policymaking: Stepping Back to Leap Forward, Stepping Forward to Keep Back"
Guilhem Cassan (University of Namur)"Affirmative Action, Education and Gender: Evidence from India"
Thomas Dohmen (Uni Bonn)
"Patience and The Wealth of Nations [PDF 2,034KB]"
Lucie Gadenne (UCL)"Non-linear commodity taxation in developing countries: theory and an application to India"
Steffen Altmann (University of Copenhagen)"Limited Memory, Deadlines, and Incentives"
Paolo Pinotti (Universita' Bocconi)
"Equality of opportunity for immigrant students: Evidence from a large-scale field experiment"
Hannes Mueller (IAE-CSIC)
"Predation or Protection: A Firm Level Perspective"
Gianluca Benigno (LSE)"Stagnation Traps"
Ana Mauleon (Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles)"Stability of Networks under Level-K Farsightedness"
Timo Terasvirta (Aarhus University)
"A Smooth Transition Logit Model of the Effects of Deregulation in the Electricity Market"
Daniel Martin (Paris School of Economics)"To Disclose or To Hide? Experimental Evidence"
Joel Shapiro (Said School of Business)
"Credit Ratings and Structured Finance"
Felipe Valencia Caicedo (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
"The Mission: Human Capital Transmission, Economic Persistence and Culture in South America"
Benjamin Connault (Princeton University)"Hidden Rust Models"
Stefano Gagliarducci (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)"Gender Differences in Cooperative Environments: Evidence from the US Congress"
Hening Liu (Manchester Business School)"Variance Risk Premium and the Business Cycle"
Elise Gourier (Princeton University)"Pricing of Idiosyncratic Equity and Variance Risks"
Paolo Surico (London Business School)"Housing debt and the transmission of monetary policy"
Ricardo Serrano-Padial (University of Wisconsin)"Financial Contracting with Enforcement Externalities"
Moshe Hazan (Tel Aviv University)"The Baby Boom and World War II: A Macroeconomic Analysis"
Helios Herrera (Columbia University)"Turnout Across Democracies"
Thomas Le Barbanchon (Harvard University)"Optimal Partial Unemployment Insurance: Evidence from Bunching in the U.S"
Tatsuro Senga (Ohio State University)"A New Look at Uncertainty Shock: Imperfect Information and Misallocation"
Sohnke Bartram (Warwick Business School)Title: N/A
Cesare Robotti (Imperial College London)"Spurious Inference in Unidentified Asset-Pricing Models"
Collin Raymond (University of Oxford)"A Behavioral Analysis of Stochastic Reference Dependence"
Marti Subrahmanyam (NYU Stern)
"Informed Options Trading prior to M&A Announcements: Insider Trading"
Katja Kaufmann (IGIER)
"Marriage-Market and Intergenerational Effects of Elite Higher Education: Evidence from Chile"
Alexander Teytelboym (MIT)
"Cascades in networks: a simple theory and applications"
Victor Rios Rull (University of Minnesota)"Financial frictions, asset prices and the great recession"
Mariya Teteryatnikova (University of Vienna)
"Stability of Networks with Continuous Stream of Payoffs: A Theory and Experiment"
Oskar Nordstrom Skans (IFAU)
"Mismatch of Talent? Evidence on Match Quality, Job Mobility, and Entry Wages"
Valentino Dardanoni (Università degli Studi di Palermo)
"The Welfare Cost of Unpriced Heterogeneity in Insurance Markets"
Manolis Galenianos (Royal Holloway)Title: TBA
Roland Rathelot (Warwick)
"Mismatch Unemployment and the Geography of Job Search."
Amanda Friedenberg (Arizona State University)
"Bargaining Under Strategic Uncertainty"
Dawei Fang (University of Gothenburg)
"Dry powder sometimes explodes: contracting on fund size and duration in venture capital."
Nick Baigent (University of Graz)
"Total Violence."
Jean-Pierre Benoit (London Business School)
"Attitude polarization - theory and evidence."
Robert Dur (The Erasmus School of Economics)
"Team Incentives, Social Cohesion, and Performance: A Natural Field Experiment."
Neil Pearson (College of Business Illinois)
"Option Trading Costs Are Lower Than You Think."
Santiago Oliveros (University of Essex)
"Competing for Loyalty: The dynamics of Political Support" (joint with Matias Iaryczower)
Hamish Low (University of Cambridge)
David Martimort (AI)
Mariacristina De Nardi
Luigi Pascali (Warwick)
"The Wind of Change: Maritime Technology, Trade and Economic Development"
Robert Axtel (AI)
Gabrielle Fack (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
"Improving College Access and Success for Low-Income Students: Evidence from a Large French Need-based Grant Program."
Erik Eyster (AI)
Christophe Spaenjers (HEC)