The finance group’s research covers a wide spectrum of topics including empirical and theoretical asset pricing, empirical and theoretical corporate finance, market microstructure, financial econometrics, organizational economics, and banking. More recently, faculty have worked in topics examining the pricing of volatility risk, FX carry trades, corporate governance and activism, private equity, labor and finance, and law and finance.
Members of the group have published in leading journals including The Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and Management Science. Faculty members frequently present at international conferences including the annual meetings of the American Finance Association, Western Finance Association, and European Finance Association, plus NBER and CEPR meetings.
Senior Lecturer
Manju Puri (Duke, Fuqua School of Business)
Title: TBA
Thierry Foucault (HEC Paris)
Bruno Bias (HEC Paris)
Federica Zeni (EPFL)
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