Julia Hörnle, LLB (Leeds), PhD (London), Solicitor, MCIArbProfessor of Internet LawEmail: j.hornle@qmul.ac.ukTelephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8064Room Number: Lincoln's Inn FieldsProfileTeachingResearchPublicationsSupervisionPublic EngagementProfileProfessor Julia Hörnle has held the Chair of Internet Law at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary, University of London since 2013. Her research areas are Cyberspace Law & Digital Rights, Internet Regulation, Jurisdiction of States Online and Online Dispute Resolution. She examines from a critical-analytical perspective the law related to the internet, cloud computing, social media and artificial intelligence. Recent research focuses on the regulation of social media, the liability of intermediaries for user-generated content, and the use of artificial intelligence for content moderation online. She has held visiting research and teaching positions at the at the Max Planck Institute for International and Comparative Criminal Law, at the Institute for Telecommunications and Media Law, University of Münster, at the European University Institute, Singapore Management University, the National University of Singapore and Georgetown University Washington DC. She was educated at the University of Göttingen, the University of Leeds (1995) and the University of Hamburg, Germany (1996). She trained with the lawfirm of Eversheds in London and Brussels and qualified as a solicitor in 1999. She gained a University of London PhD in 2008 with a thesis on Online Dispute Resolution which was published as a book, Cross-border Internet Dispute Resolution by Cambridge University Press in 2009. Professor Hörnle has chartered the jurisdictional challenges of the internet in her ground-breaking new book published by Oxford University Press in February 2021: Internet Jurisdiction Law & Practice. Professor Hörnle’s research has been impactful: the research on ODR led to impact on the UK government, UNCITRAL, the Council of Europe (European Committee on Legal Co-operation (CDCJ)) and the European Commission on ODR, leading to a Directive on ADR and a Regulation on ODR. The ODR Research was submitted as an Impact Case Study in the REF 2014 receiving the highest impact score (4*). Her book Cross-border Online Gambling Law & Practice (Edward Elgar 2010) and subsequent research on the regulation of online gambling has led to a 2018 European Commission Study leading to her Impact Case Study for the REF 2021.Postgraduate Teaching SOLM207 Cybercrime Substantive Offences SOLM208 Cybercrime: Forensic Investigations SOLM211 Internet Jurisdiction SOLM212 Illegal Speech, Censorship and Digital Rights: Social Media vs Old Media CCDM010 Online Dispute Resolution in E-commerce CCDM018 Internet Content Regulation CCDM020 Internet Jurisdictional Issues and Dispute Resolution in E-commerce CCDM038 Regulation of Cross-border Online Gambling ResearchResearch Interests:Featured research Preventing Online Gambling Harm Through Better Regulation Research grants EUROPEAN COMMISSION- Multi-disciplinary Study on Online Gambling Regulation (January-December 2018) German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)- Internet Jurisdiction and Choice of Law in Privacy & Defamation Cases- Comparing Germany and England- Research Grant for Research Stay at Münster University (September 2017) Max Planck Gesellschaft Research Grant for Research on Criminal Jurisdiction- Stay at MPI in Freiburg (2018) Council of Europe Technical Study on Online Dispute Resolution (2016-2018) Government of Singapore, Attorney General’s Chambers, Teaching Grant for Specialist Course on Digital Investigations & Cybercrime Legal Frameworks (2015) UK Government (Department of Business Innovation & Skills) Research Report on Consumer Demand for ADR/ODR (Empirical Work on Stakeholder Views) (2012) European Commission Technical Study in Preparation of the Drafts for a Directive on ADR for Consumer Disputes 2013/11/EC and ODR Regulation EU/524/2013 (2011-2012) Responsible Gambling Fund Research Funding for a PhD Scholarship with the title “Children and Online Gambling- Attitudes, Behaviour, Harm, Prevention, Educational and Regulatory Responses” (2011), carried out under my supervision by Margaret Carran (2011-2014) and resulting in her 2018 book UK Government (Department of Business Innovation & Skills) International & Comparative Study for the 2010 White Paper on the Reform of Consumer Enforcement (2009) PublicationsBooks Internet Jurisdiction Law & Practice, Oxford University Press 2021 (Authored) 545 pages Cross-border Online Gambling-Law & Policy, Edward Elgar 2010 (Authored with Brigitte Zammit) 336 pages Cross-border Internet Dispute Resolution, Cambridge University Press 2009 (Authored) 318 pages (Cited by 149 24. March 2021) E-commerce Law and Practice in Europe, Woodhead Publishing 2001 (Editor with Ian Walden) Journals, peer-reviewed “The Role of Social Media Companies in the Regulation of Online Hate Speech” (2021) 85 Studies in Law, Politics and Society (with Chara Bakalis) 75-100 “The Conundrum of Internet Jurisdiction and How US Law Has Influenced the Jurisdiction Analysis In India” (2020) 14 (2) Indian Journal of Law and Information Technology 183-211 “Preventing risks from illegal online gambling using effective legal design on landing pages” (2019) 7 (1) Journal of Open Access to Law 1-22 “Regulating Online Advertising for Gambling- Once the Genie is out of the Bottle…” (2019) 28 (3) Information and Communications Technology Law 311-334 (with other authors) “Juggling More Than Three Balls At Once: Multi-level Jurisdictional Challenges in EU Data Protection Regulation” (2019) 27 (2) International Journal of Law and Information Technology 142-170 “A Sieve that Does Hold a Little Water - Gambling Advertising and Protection of the Vulnerable in the UK” (2018) 38 (4) Legal Studies 529-548 (with Margaret Carran) “Global social media vs local values: Private international law should protect local consumer rights by using the public policy exception?” (2018) 34 (2) Computer Law and Security Review 391-397 'Encouraging Online Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the EU and Beyond’ (2013) 38 (2) European Law Review 187-209 Cited by 10 ‘Data Protection Jurisdiction and Cloud Computing –When are Cloud Users and Providers Subject to EU Data Protection Law?’ (with W Kuan Hon and C Millard) (2012) 26 (2) International Review of Law, Computers and Technology 129-164. ‘Online Gambling in the European Union: a Tug of War without a Winner?’ in (2011) 30 (1) Yearbook of European Law (OUP) 255-297 ‘Countering the Dangers of Online Pornography- shrewd regulation of lewd content?’ (2011) 2 (1) European Journal of Law and Information Technology 1-26 Shorter Academic Articles OUP Blog “The Jurisdictional Challenge of Internet Regulation” (24 March 2021) ‘EU-Kommissionsstudie zur Durchsetzung von Online-Glücksspielregulierung: Kanalisierung des Spielbetriebs hin zu kontrollierten Angeboten’ (2019) ZfWG 1-9 (with Maria Schmidt-Kessen) ‘Evaluation of Regulatory Tools for Enforcing Online Gambling Rules and Channelling Demand Towards Controlled Offers: An Overview of the Report Completed for the European Commission’ (2019) 6 Gaming Law Review 1-10 (with Alan Littler) ‘Online Gambling: Children among Easy Prey for Advertisers who Face Few Sanctions’ The Conversation 12 June 2019 ‘European Court of Human Rights on Finding the Right Balance in Respect of Employer Email Monitoring – An Opportunity Missed!’ Spring 2017 14 (1) SCRIPTED 100-112 OUP Blog “Just a Face in the Crowd” (with Niloufer Selvadurai- 19 June 2015) SupervisionPhD supervision Michaela MacDonald “The Case for Virtual Property” (2011-2015) Margaret Carran “Children and Gambling: Attitudes, Behaviour, Harm Prevention and Regulatory Responses” (2011-2015) Stephan Buck “Virtual Worlds, Copyright and Virtual Property Rights” (part-time 2010-2016) Eranjan Padumadasa “How and Why the Cookie Crumbles- Negotiating Online Privacy” (2013-2017) Elif Mendos Kuskonmaz “Reviewing the Compatibility of EU-US Passenger Name Records Agreement with the Right to Privacy and Data Protection” (2015-2018) Peter Michael Kalule “Incitement to Terror: From a UK Perspective” (2016-2019) Rachel Alkaley “Online Intermediaries and Copyright Liability” (2016-2020) Jessica Shurson “Foreign Service Providers and Extraterritorial Access to Data by Law Enforcement” (2018- Dave Michels “Property Rights in Digital Assets- A Little Plot of Cyberspace” (2019- Jingxi Liu “Gender Bias in Artificial Intelligence in the Employment Context” (2020- Zoe Asser “The Constancy of Image Based Sexual Abuse: Assessing the impact of Intermediary liability on the removal of IBSA online. A Study of IBSA content removal in England & Wales and South Korea” (2020- Public EngagementProfessor Hörnle contributed to the comparative analysis of the Law Commission’s Scoping Report on Abusive and Offensive Online Communications investigating criminal offences in respect of hateful speech (2018). She was a non-executive Director of the Authority for TV on Demand (ATVOD) 2010-2014 applying critical and sound judgment to questions on how to regulate online pornography. She was an Expert in the Committee of Intermediary & Platform Liability of the Media & Internet Division of the Council of Europe (2016-18) producing a Study on AI and a Council of Ministers Recommendation on hateful speech online. In a separate Council of Europe project (2015-2019) she has led three researchers producing a Technical Study on Online Dispute Resolution. Professor Hörnle has acted as principal investigator in a number of publicly funded research projects managing a number of researchers. Most recently for the European Commission, leading a team of five researchers producing a multi-disciplinary Study on the challenges of enforcing national gambling regulation in the EU and EEA States, focusing on internet access blocking, payment blocking, advertising regulation and sanctions and advising a number of gambling regulators across the EU on enforcement issues. The quality of the research resulted in an invitation to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Social and Economic Impact of the Gambling Industry to give oral and written evidence (2019). Professor Hörnle has appeared on TV (most recently twice on the panel of The Roundtable, TRT “Policing the Internet: Who Should Do It?” March 2020 and “Policing the Internet: Is the UK Playing Politics with Internet Freedoms?” July 2021) and on national radio Radio 4’s Law in Action (2013) and Woman’s Hour (2013) and BBC Digital Planet (2021). She was an invited expert on ODR to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law for the Working Group III, at the Inaugural Session in Vienna 2010 and New York, 24-28 March 2014. In 2014-2015 she acted as member of the Advisory Group on Online Dispute Resolution of the English Court Service’s Civil Justice Council.Related newsDeepfakes and the Law: Why Britain needs stronger protections against technology-facilitated abuse 24 January 2025 Can banks help stop gambling harm? 5 June 2024 New Report reveals innovative approaches by financial institutions can make a crucial difference to individuals affected by gambling-related harms 19 February 2024 New Horizons at QMUL: Interviews with Ukrainian research fellows at CCLS 12 October 2023 Queen Mary School of Law academic shortlisted for THE Awards 8 September 2023 Professor Julia Hörnle wins two awards at Queen Mary’s inaugural Research and Innovation Awards 6 June 2023 Does Twitter allow free speech to everyone? 16 December 2022 Regulating content won’t make the internet safer - we have to change the business models 18 March 2022 Professor Julia Hörnle discusses internet regulation 23 July 2021 Queen Mary Professor publishes a new book on internet law and jurisdiction 4 February 2021 Online gambling: Children among easy prey for advertisers who face few sanctions 14 June 2019 Call for children's charities, ISPs and the adult industry to work together to protect kids from online porn 13 December 2013 Preiskel and Co essay competition offers QM students chance to win an internship 18 November 2013 CCLS Professors Hörnle and Mistelis giving open guest lectures in Singapore in August 12 August 2013 Professor Julia Hornle discusses 'Revenge Porn' BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour on Monday 15 July 12 July 2013 Professor Julia Hörnle on Sky News: Child abuse and the internet: What role should ISPs play? 20 June 2013 Professor Julia Hörnle on BBC Radio 4's 'Law in Action' - Internet Companies' Terms of Service 13 June 2013 Dr Julia Hörnle joins Authority for Television On-Demand 14 March 2011 Dr Julia Hörnle on Mobile phones: "Gambling and gaming: prison or a safe bet?" on 30 September 2010 23 September 2010