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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

Dhwani Mainkar (2019)

Dhwani Mainkar graduated with a Commercial and Corporate Law LLM in 2019 is currently working as an Assistant Lecturer for Jindal Global Law School in India.


What influenced your decision to study at CCLS, Queen Mary?

I secured my LLM Degree in Commercial & Corporate Laws with a Distinction from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) in September 2019. QMUL’s unique LLM degree enables you to have a perfect blend of the modules of your choice (precisely why it topped my list). My interest for Taxation & Corporate Laws commenced when I was in my first year of under-graduate studies. Later by practising specifically in the field of Indirect Taxes in India, it merely grew stronger. My decision to pursue a Masters abroad was predominantly to obtain a global perspective in this field.

What piece of insight or advice would you offer for future students?

I would like to recommend all prospective applicants looking at studying abroad, to research thoroughly the course that interests you, and the specialisation towards which your inclination lies. With the edifice of this clarity, you should then get on a quest to select the appropriate university. I listed my universities and commenced working on the most crucial aspect, i.e. my Statement of Purposes and Letter of Recommendations well in advance. By advance, I mean six to seven months prior to the intake. Apart from my sheer love for the city of London, heading to UK was a logical extension to my LLB degree from India, since both the countries are Commonwealth Nations with pari materia legal principles. A course abroad definitely does entail a major financial investment; I would staunchly recommend it despite the costs, as it more than mitigates the expenses compared to the opportunities it offers.

While I reminisce my LLM days, it’s an honest piece of advice to young aspirants to proactively network in all the open days & legal career fairs. Owing to this very networking skill, I was fortunate enough to grab a short internship at Norton Rose FulBright LLP. Lastly, don’t hesitate to take up a part time job (I taught at schools) along with your course. You not only learn to juggle chores, but you also get a first-hand experience of independently fending for yourself along with pursuing your academics. Your year away from home shall hone your skills and mould you towards being a confident lawyer.

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