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School of Languages, Linguistics and Film

Reading modules

Struggling with all the new vocabulary specific to your discipline? This module is designed for international students who wish to expand their vocabulary knowledge in their subjects. The module explores many online tools and resources to enable you to investigate the writing and speaking practices of your discipline(s) and research areas. You will have an opportunity to analyse texts from your reading lists to focus on the vocabulary you need, and to develop your own word and phrase bank, so that you can be more precise when writing your essays, assignments, and dissertation.

Key words: academic vocabulary, discipline specific, glossary 

The knowledge of vocabulary helps us to read more quickly, listen more effectively and express ourselves more clearly in both speaking and writing. This module will help you to understand how words are used in various combinations and contexts, explore techniques at remembering words as well as noticing patterns when word building, and using the latest corpora and research tools to improve your range. Our interactive exercises focus on world-building, word formation, and word families will help you in your written assignments and presentations. This module is a must for international students who wish to improve their flexibility with English vocabulary.

Key words: vocabulary strategies, recycling your words, independent learning 

University tutors expect students to think critically and often complain that student writing is ‘too descriptive’, ‘has no evidence’ or ‘shows no argument’. This module unpacks what is meant by ‘a critical approach’ and gives students practice in reading and evaluating texts, planning, and writing arguments and ensuring precision in both written and oral logic and language. It is suitable for students from every discipline, for undergraduates and postgraduates and will equip you with the practical skills needed to excel in your studies.

Key words: argument precision, critical framework, evaluation 

Are you an international student keen to learn more about the English language and deepen your understanding of English-speaking cultures? This module gives students from all disciplines an opportunity to read and discuss both classic and modern writers in English from Charles Dickens to Benjamin Zephaniah. This is a wonderful place to share your ideas and thoughts, learn more vocabulary and gain new perspectives. This is not a course in expert literary criticism so come along whatever your discipline is. All you need is a love of culture and an open mind. 

Key words: classic and contemporary literature, rhetorical devices, discussions

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