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Blog: The Gendered Aspect of Nuclear Weapons and War
15 December 2017

Last weekend, we sponsored one of our Global Health alumni to travel and attend the Nobel Peace Prize celebrations in Oslo, Norway. In this blog post, Krishen Samuel reports from the Nobel Peace Lecture and discusses gender issues in the context of debates about nuclear war.

Blog: Why nuclear deterrence is dangerous and bound to fail
13 December 2017

Last weekend, we sent two alumni from Queen Mary’s Global Public Health Unit to the Nobel Peace Prize celebrations in Oslo, Norway. They accompanied Professor David McCoy, who was involved in the coalition that won this year’s Prize. In this blog post, David discusses how we might move on from this year’s spotlight on nuclear disarmament and ensure that politicians and academics work to finally eliminate these weapons.

Blog: HPV jab and better tests mean women will need only three cervical screens from 2021
10 November 2017

Rebecca Landy, Cancer Screening Statistician at Queen Mary University of London, writes in The Conversation about why women who have a HPV jab may only need three cervical screens in a lifetime.

Blog: Westminster harassment: this is not just about sex, it’s about power
3 November 2017

Rainbow Murray, Professor of Politics at Queen Mary, writes for The Conversationabout the sexual harassment scandal in British politics.

Blog: Challenges and opportunities for EU energy policy
31 October 2017

A new book from QMUL's Professor Rafael Leal-Arcas presents, for the first time, a comprehensive overview of the most important research and latest trends in EU energy law and policy. In this article, he talks about some of the major challenges facing the EU in terms of energy policy. 

Blog: No push for a domino effect: Brexit doesn’t loom large in populist radical right parties’ campaigns
28 September 2017

Dr Stijn van Kessel writes for UK in a Changing Europe on how Brexit didn’t create a surge of populist radical right parties (PRR) wanting to leave the European Union.

Blog: To me, golliwogs are racist – but a tearoom tangle and a new poll shows Britain disagrees
20 September 2017

Professor Tim Bale writes for The Conversation on a study that reveals the majority of British people don’t really have a problem with golliwogs.

Blog: The Pap smear isn’t used to diagnose cancer – but it could be
19 September 2017

Anita Lim writes for The Conversation about her latest research, published in the British Journal of General Practice, which found evidence that the Pap smear is an excellent test for finding cervical cancer in young women.

Blog: What is the Wind in Europe’s Sails?
15 September 2017

This week European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker claimed that the 'wind is back in Europe's sails'. Andrew Hines from QMUL's School of Languages Linguistics and Film takes a look at his use of metaphor and asks, what force will push Europe forward?

Blog: Rohingya crisis: this is what genocide looks like
15 September 2017

Alicia de la Cour Venning writes for The Conversation on the humanitarian catastrophe on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border and the historical isolation of Rohingya Muslims.

Blog: I asked artists to create films using real sounds from space – this is what they came up with
31 August 2017

Art and science are often seen as complete opposites: art is subjective, while science aims to discover objective facts about nature. Dr Martin Archer writes for The Conversation about how collaborating the two can result in insightful creations.

Blog: Robert E Lee, George Washington and the trouble with the American pantheon
25 August 2017

Professor Erik Mathisen writes for The Conversation about the growing debate surrounding the Confederate monuments and how America now has to finally face its troubled history.  

Blog: Why abseiling spiders don’t spin out of control – new research
9 August 2017

Seeing an abseiling spider descend gracefully using its dragline silk instead of spinning unpredictably and uncontrollably is a magnificent sight. Professor David J Dunstan and Dr Dabiao Liu write for The Conversation, and try to understand the science behind it.

Blog: Anchoring Labour Rights More Effectively In EU Trade Agreements
13 July 2017

Professor Adrian Smith and Dr Liam Campling write for Social Europe about strengthening labour rights in UK and EU trade agreements. 

Blog: Trial and error in Northern Irish abortion law
7 July 2017

Dr Ruth Fletcher from QMUL's School of Law co-authors an article about abortion law reform in Northern Ireland. 

Blog: Tory humiliation down to campaign length and cult of May – Norman Tebbit interview
29 June 2017

The following interview with Lord Tebbit took place at the House of Lords on 28 June, 2017. He was interviewed by Tim Bale, Professor of Politics, Queen Mary University of London. Norman Tebbit was Conservative MP for Epping (1970-1974) and Chingford (1974-1992) and served as a Junior Minister in both the Department of Trade and the Department of Industry. In the Cabinet, he was the Secretary of State for Employment, Trade and Industry, and Chairman of the Conservative party from 1985 to 1987. He now sits in the House of Lords as Baron Tebbit of Chingford.

Blog: Trump’s loyalty fixation recalls one of the US’s most disastrous presidencies
28 June 2017

Erik Mathisen, Teaching Fellow at Queen Mary University of London, writes about the parallels between Donald Trump's presidency and that of Andrew Johnson, who served as the 17th president from 1865-69. 

Blog: Help us find out what our possibly habitable exoplanet neighbour is actually like
26 June 2017

A lot of excitement surrounded Proxima b when it was discovered – a potentially habitable exoplanet around our nearest neighbour star, Proxima Centauri. Located a mere 4.24 light years away, Dr Martin Archer discusses in The Conversation how we can explore this new planet

Outside the European Court of Justice Blog: Why the European Court of Justice isn’t going away
26 April 2017

One of the most contentious issues in Britain’s exit from the EU is the role of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) during and after Brexit. This is because Brexit is ultimately a question of sovereign authority. Who decides the rules of the game when things go awry: a UK judge, or their EU counterpart? Davor Jancic from QMUL's School of Law examines the ECJ’s impact on British sovereignty by reflecting on the contents and implementation of withdrawal.

Jeremy Corbyn Blog: Corbynism might not actually end – even if Labour loses the election
26 April 2017

Professor Tim Bale and David Jeffery from QMUL's School of Politics and International Relations write about Corbyn's leadership post-election, and whether a bad result for the party might not be so bad for 'Corbynism'. 

Ban Ki-moon and Joseph Kabila Blog: Now is not the time for the UN to run from the DRC
20 April 2017

Dr Reuben Loffman from QMUL's School of History writes about why the UN should stay the course in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

Theresa May at Chatham House Blog: Snap election a win-win for Theresa May: crush Labour and make Brexit easier
18 April 2017

A snap election makes perfect sense for Theresa May, says Professor Tim Bale. Writing in The Conversation he said she'll crush Labour and make Brexit a little easier. 

Blog: ‘Machine folk’ music shows the creative side of AI
31 March 2017

Dr Bob Sturm, from the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, and Kingston University's Dr Oded Ben-Tal explain their research creating artificial intelligence that can write folk music and whether this can open new areas of creativity. 

A photo by Albert Londe of a ‘hysterical’ woman taken around 1890. Wellcome Library Blog: The Victorians are to blame for assumptions that self-harm is just attention-seeking
6 March 2017

Dr Sarah Chaney, researcher at QMUL's School of History, writes for The Conversation about our attitudes to self-harm and where they come from. 

Blog: Viceroy’s House is very watchable – but its account of Indian independence is limited
3 March 2017

Dr Ashvin Immanuel Devasundaram, Lecturer in World Cinema, Queen Mary University of London, reviews Gurinder Chadha’s latest film: Viceroy’s House.

Blog: Awesome, erotic, everyday: the literary story of electricity
2 March 2017

Sam Halliday, Senior Lecturer in Nineteenth-Century American Literature at QMUL's School of English and Drama writes about a new exhibition at the Wellcome Library: Electricity, The spark of life.

Blog: Searching for Corbynism: why no one’s quite sure what Labour stands for
24 February 2017

Karl Pike, PhD candidate and Teaching Associate at QMUL's School of Politics and International Relations writes for The Conversation about what Corbyn's Labour stands for. 

Thomas Browne Blog: The man who invented popular science used a 17th-century version of clickbait
31 January 2017

Harriet Phillips, Research Associate at QMUL's School of English and Drama, writes for The Conversation about the fascinating legacy of 17th century polymath Thomas Browne. 

Blog: Hacksaw Ridge promised to champion pacifism – but the film is sadly just jingoistic
30 January 2017

Dr Guy Westwell, Senior Lecturer in Film Studies at QMUL reviews Hacksaw Ridge for The Conversation

Blog: UK Supreme Court’s Brexit Ruling: Parliamentarisation or business as usual?
25 January 2017

Davor Jancic, Lecturer at QMUL's School of Law writes about yesterday's Supreme Court judgement on Article 50.

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