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Institute of Dentistry - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Mark Viner, FCR, MSc, PhD, HDCR, DipHSM, DipFMS, DipFHID, MCFS, CertRP


Senior Tutor in Radiography

Telephone: +44 20 7882 6338
Room Number: Office 9, Floor 4, Institute of Dentistry


Mark has over 37 years’ experience as a radiographer, radiology manager and NHS senior manager in London Teaching Hospitals. Throughout his career he has been actively involved in radiography education, as a visiting lecturer and external examiner at a number of UK universities and presenting at national and international conferences. He took up the position of Senior Tutor in Radiography in 2014 and teaches on the undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in dentistry. He also lectures in forensic radiography at Cranfield University, Shrivenham and is a Fitness to Practice Panel member for the UK Health Care Professions Council.


Centre: Centre for Teaching and Innovation 


 Teaching in Dental Radiography for BDS, postgraduate and Dental Hygiene Therapy courses




Research Interests:

Mark has a specific interest in dental & forensic imaging and forensic human identification and has authored a number of papers and book chapters on the subject, gaining his PhD by prior publication (The Development of Policy, Protocols and SOPs in Forensic Radiography) in 2020. He is module lead for Dental and Maxillo Facial Radiography of the NHS E-learning for health on-line learning programme and has recently co-authored a series of articles for Dental Practice Magazine. He is co-editor of the second edition of Brogdon’s Forensic Radiography and is a founder board member of both the International Association of Forensic Radiographers and The International Society of Forensic Radiology & Imaging and a founder editorial board member of the Journal of Forensic Radiology & Imaging.

He has been awarded the Fellowship of the College of Radiographers, The Gold Medal of the Society & College of Radiographers and a Winston Churchill Fellowship.


Scientific Papers & Articles


Doyle, E., Hunter, P., Viner, M.D., Kroll, J.J.K., Pedersen, C.C., Gerrard, C.Y., (2020) IAFR Guidelines for best practice: Principles for radiographers and imaging practitioners providing forensic imaging services, Forensic Imaging, Volume 22, 200400, DOI 10.1016/j.fri.2020.200400.

Rachwal, J., Viner, M.D., Andiappan, M., Roberts, G., Lucas, V.S., (2020) Buccal bone width adjacent to the lower left third molar and loss of Root Pulp Visibiliy (RPV), Forensic Imaging, 22, 200383. DOI: 10.1016/j.fri.2020.200383

Carew, R., Viner M.D., Conlogue, G., Marquez-Grant, N., Beckett, S., (2019), Accuracy of computed radiography in osteometry: A comparison of digital imaging techniques and the effect of magnification. Journal of Forensic Radiology & Imaging, 19, p. 100348.

Doyle E., Márquez-Grant N., Field L. Holme T., Arthurs O., van Rijn R, Hackman L., Kasper K., Lewisk J., Loomis P., Elliott D., Kroll J., Viner M.D., Blau S., Brough A., Martín de las Heras S., Garamendi P.M., 2019, Guidelines for best practice: Imaging for age estimation in the living, Journal of Forensic Radiology & Imaging, Volume 16, March 2019, Pages 38-49

Rutty G., Alminyah A., Apostol M., Boel W., Brough A., Bouwer H., O'Donnell C., Fujimoto H., Iino M, Kroll J., Lee C, Levey D., Makino Y., Oesterhelweg L., Ong B., Ranson D., Robinson C., Kaur M., Singh C., Villa C., Viner M.D., Woodford N., Watkins T., Wozniak K, (2018) Radiology Disaster Victim Identification Reporting Forms: Positional statement of the members of the Disaster Victim Identification working group of the International Society of Forensic Radiology and Imaging; Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging, Volume 15, December 2018, P 4-7

Bourne S., Viner M.D., Intra-oral radiography techniques, 2017 Dental Practice Magazine, October 2017

Loughlin A., Viner, M.D., Bourne, S., 2017 Practical aspects of radiation protection in dental radiography, Dental Practice Magazine, September 2017

Viner, M.D., Robson., J, 2017 Post-Mortem Forensic Dental Radiography – a review of current techniques and future developments. Journal of Forensic Radiology & Imaging, 8 (2017) 22-37

Viner, M.D., Bourne, S., Loughlin, A., 2017 Intra-Oral Radiography Imaging Systems, Dental Practice Magazine, April 2017

Loughlin, A., Viner, M.D., Bourne, S., 2017 Interpreting Dental Radiographs – An Introduction, Dental Practice Magazine, February 2017.

Middleton A., Alminyah A., Apostol A., Boel W., Brough A., Develter W., Heinze S., Makino Y., Mulcahy L., O'Donnell C., Gorincour G., Hofman P., Iino M., Oesterhelweg L., Ranson D., Robinson C., Ruder T., Rutty G.N., Singh, M. K.C., Villa C., Viner M.D., Woźniak K., Yoshida M, Forensic odontology radiography and imaging in disaster victim identification: Positional statement of the members of the Disaster Victim Identification working group of the International Society of Forensic Radiology and Imaging; Journal of Forensic Radiology & Imaging, September 2016, Volume 6, Pages 28-30

Viner, M. D. et al, 2015 Use of Radiography & Fluoroscopy in Disaster Victim Identification; Positional statement of the members of the Disaster Victim Identification working group of the International Society of Forensic Radiology and Imaging,  Journal of Forensic Radiology & Imaging June 2015

Morgan B., Alminyah A., Cala A., O׳Donnell C., Elliott D., Gorincour G., Hofman P., Iino M., Makino Y., Moskata A., Robinson C., Rutty G.N., Sajantila A., Vallis J., Woodford N., Woźniak K., Viner M.D. Use of post-mortem computed tomography in Disaster Victim Identification. Positional statement of the members of the Disaster Victim Identification working group of the International Society of Forensic Radiology and Imaging; Journal of Forensic Radiology & Imaging July 2014, Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages 114–116

Edwards K., Viner M.D., Schweitzer, W., Thali, M. Determination of biological sex from MDCT scans of the Foramen Magnum, Journal of Forensic Radiology & Imaging July 2013

Viner M.D, Lewis P.J, Newnham K.M, 1982 “Student attitudes to radiographic training and related aspects”, Radiography July 1982


Books & Book Chapters 


Conlogue, G.J., Lombardo, R., Hennessy, W., Viner M.D., Giaimo, A., (2020) Plane Radiography, Digital Radiography, Mammography, Tomosynthesis and Fluoroscopy in Conlogue G.J., Becket, R.G., (eds) Advances in Paleoimaging, CRC Press, Boca Raton. Chapter 4, pp27-84

Conlogue, G.J., Beckett, R.G., Viner, M.D., Determining Imaging Needs in Conlogue G.J., Becket, R.G., (eds) Advances in Paleoimaging, CRC Press, Boca Raton. Chapter 9 Section 2, pp 193-198

Conlogue, G.J., Beckett, R.G., Viner, M.D., Workflow (throughput) – systems design for field research in Conlogue G.J., Becket, R.G., (eds) Advances in Paleoimaging, CRC Press, Boca Raton. Chapter 9, Section 3 pp 199-202

Beckett, R.G., Viner, M.D., Field Paleoimaging - Safety and Health Challenges in Conlogue G.J., Becket, R.G., (eds) Advances in Paleoimaging, CRC Press, Boca Raton. Chapter 9, Section 7 pp 221-230

Viner, M.D., Conlogue, G.J., Radiation Protection and Safety in Conlogue G.J., Becket, R.G., (eds) Advances in Paleoimaging, CRC Press, Boca Raton. Chapter 9, Section 8 pp 231-242

Viner M.D., Conlogue G., 2018 Imaging Techniques in Bone Analysis  in Encyclopaedia of Global Archaeology 2nd Edn , Smith C, (Ed) Spinger

Viner M.D., 2017  Overview of Advances in Forensic Radiological Methods of Human Identification in New Prespectives in Forensic Human Skeletal Identification, Latham K.E., Bertelink E.J., Finnegan M. (Eds), Academic Press 2017

Viner M.D. (Ed) 2017: Day, A., Loughlin A., Image Interpretation – Dental & Maxillo-Facial Radiography: Session 4 HEE e-learning for Healthcare. 2017

Viner M.D (Ed) 2015: Woodhouse A, Boland N. Image Interpretation - Dental and Maxillo-facial Radiography: Sessions 1, 2 & 3 HEE e-learning for Healthcare. 2015.

Viner M.D., 2014 The Role of Radiology in Commingled Human Remains: Methods in Recovery, Analysis and Identification, B.J. Adams and J.E. Byrd. (eds), Academic Press 2014

Viner M.D., 2012 Radiography in Forensic Ecology Handbook, Marquez-Grant N., Roberts J., (Eds), Wiley-Blackwell, 2012

Viner M.D., Conlogue G., 2012 Imaging Techniques in Encyclopaedia of Global Archaeology, Blau S., Fondebreider L., Ubelaker D., 2012

Thali M., Viner M.D., Brogdon B.G., 2011 Brogdon’s Forensic Radiology, CRC Press

Viner M.D.,2009 Radiology in Wiley Encyclopaedia of Forensic Sciences, Jamieson, A., Moenssens, A (eds) John Wiley & Sons., Chichester, UK pp 2233-2240,

Viner, M.D., 2008 The Role of Radiology In Mass Fatality Incidents in Retrieval, Analysis And Identification Of Co-Mingled Human Remains, Adams B Byrd J Humana Press, Totowa, NJ,

Viner M.D.,  2008 Forensic Radiology in Forensic Medicine For Lawyers Cowan S., Hunt A.C., Tottel Publishing, Haywards Heath,

Anderson, A., Cox, M., Flavel, A., Hanson, I., Hedley, M., Laver, J., Perman, A., Viner, M. and Wright, R., 2007. Protocols for the Investigation of Mass Graves. In: Cox, M., Flavel, A., Hanson, I., Laver, J. and Wessling, R., eds. The Scientific Investigation of Mass Graves: Towards Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 39-108.

Anderson, A., Hanson, I., Schofield, D., Scholtz, H., Vellema, J. and Viner, M., 2007. Health and Safety. In: Cox, M., Flavel, A., Hanson, I., Laver, J. and Wessling, R., eds. The Scientific Investigation of Mass Graves: Towards Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 109-147.

Anderson, A., Scholtz, H., Vellema, J. and Viner, M., 2007. Mortuary Procedures I – Pathology, radiography and the role of the anatomical pathology technologist. In: Cox, M., Flavel, A., Hanson, I., Laver, J. and Wessling, R., eds. The Scientific Investigation of Mass Graves: Towards Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 268-292.

Hines, E., Rock,C., Viner, M.D., 2006, The Role of Radiology in Human Identification, Thompson T., Black, S., CRC Press, Boca Raton,

Viner M.D, 2006, Radiography and Forensic Medical Investigation – A study of forensic radiography in South Africa, Argentina and the USA, Winston Churchill Memorial Trust,

Viner M.D., 2008 Forensic Investigation – How good is the Medical Imaging Contribution? Imaging and Oncology, College of Radiographers, 2008, p6-11

Viner, M.D., Forensic Investigation, 2001: The Role of Radiography in Forensic Medicine, ISRRT Newsletter, International Society of Radiographers & Radiologic Technologists, Vol 37 No 2 p 4-7

Viner, M.D., 2001 The Radiographers Role in Forensic Investigation, Hold Putsen: Journal of The Norwegian Society of Radiographers, Nr 9/2001 October, Oslo


Published Abstracts

Viner, M.D., Farmer, M.F., Loe, L., Hoban, W.H., Anderson, A., Brady, K., Loveless, T., Barker, C., Cox, M., 2018 The Battle of Fromelles,

July 1916:The value of radiography in historical human identification. Proceedings of the ISFRI and IAFR Joint Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 2018

Viner M.D., 2018 The Integral Role of The Radiographer in the Forensic Imaging Team, Proceedings of the ISFRI and IAFR Joint Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 2018

Viner M.D., “An overview of technological advances in dental and maxillo facial imaging” Proceedings of The SA 2017 RSSA & SORSA Imaging Conference Durban, South Africa 2017

Viner M.D. “Ethics in Forensic Radiography” Proceedings of The SA 2017 RSSA & SORSA Imaging Conference Durban, South Africa 2017

Viner M.D., “Terrorist Incidents in London 1990-2005: Implications for Radiology Proceedings of The ISFRI & IAFR Joint Congress, Odense, Denmark 2017

Viner M.D., 2016 “Forensic Dental Radiography” Proceedings of The ISFRI & IAFR Joint Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2016

Viner, M.D., Optimising Image Quality – What do you do if you don’t have CT ? Proceedings of The ISFRI & IAFR Joint Congress, Leicester, UK 2015

Viner M.D., 2014 “All you need to know about becoming a forensic radiographer or radiologic technologist” Proceedings of The ISFRI & IAFR Joint Congress, Marseilles, 2014

Conlogue G., Viner M.D., “Making the best use of your expensive x-ray equipment.”  Workshop, Proceedings of The American Academy of Forensic Sciences 65th Meeting, Las Vegas 2016,

Conlogue G., Viner M.D., Beckett R., Bekvalac J Post-Mortem Evaluation of the Degree of Mobility in an Individual with Severe Kyphoscoliosis Using Direct Digital Radiography (DR) and Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT)  Proceedings of the 80th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, California, April 15-19 2015

Gonzalez R, Conlogue G, Viner M.D., Bekvalac J,  A Mutli-Modality Imaging Study of a Skeleton Diagnosed with von Recklinhause’s Neurofibromatosis. Proceedings of 41th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association Calgary, Ontario, Canada, April 8-9, 2014

Conlogue J, Viner M.D. Bringing Field Radiography into the 21st Century,  Proceedings of 41th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association Calgary, Ontario, Canada  April 8-9, 2014

Viner M.D., What to do if you find yourself being called to give evidence. Procedings of the European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, March 2014, p233

Wessling R, Viner M.D., “Ready for the Olympics?” Disaster Victim Identification Training and Exercising as part of a Capacity Building Programme for UK Police Forces. Proceedings of The American Academy of Forensic Sciences 65th Meeting, Washington DC 2013, p217

Smyth A.M., Viner M.D., Conlogue G., Blyth T., An Evaluation of the Use of Modern Medical Imaging Techniques for the Determination of Biological Sex From Craniometric Measurements, The American Academy of Forensic Sciences 64th  Meeting, Atlanta, 2012, p361

Walls R., Viner M.D., Conlogue G., Blyth T., An Evaluation of the Use of Modern Medical Imaging Techniques for the Estimation of Human Stature. The American Academy of Forensic Sciences 64th Meeting, Atlanta, 2012, p365

Viner, M.D., The Bone Detectives. Proceedings of Congress of the Canadian Association of Radiologic Technologists, Saskatoon, June 2011

Viner, M.D, Picking up the Pieces, The Role of Radiography following Mass Disasters, Proceedings of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago 2010

Conlogue G., Viner M.D., Farmer M., Gulliver D., Beklavac J., Eggleton D., Tales from the Crypt: Preliminary Findings of a Digital Radiographic Study of Skeletal Remains Under St Bride’s Church in London, England. Proceedings of 38th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2011

Jones J., Conlogue J., Viner M.D., Blyth T., An Evaluation of Digital Radiography and Multi Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT) in Gunshot Wound Trauma. The American Academy of Forensic Sciences 63rd Meeting, Chicago 2011, p175

Viner, M.D., The Bone Detectives. European Radiology, ECR 2009 Book of Abstracts Volume 19 Supplement 1 March 2009 pS78

Conlogue G.J., Viner M.D., Forensic Field Radiography: In the Trenches with MacGuyver The American Academy of Forensic Sciences 61st Scientific Meeting, Denver  2009

Hutchings K.E., Viner, M.D., Wessling, R., Experiential Learning; An effective Method of Training for Radiographers Involved in Mass Fatality Incidents, TheAmerican Academy of Forensic Sciences 61st Scientific Meeting, Denver  2009

Viner, M.D., Rock, C., Hunt, N., Martin, A.W., MacKinnon, G, Forensic Radiography, Response to the London Bombings on 7th July 2005  - Proceedings of the ISRRT World Congress Durban 2008 p37

Hutchings K.E., Viner,M.D., Wessling, R Experiential Learning; An effective Method of Training for Radiographers Involved in Mass Fatality Incidents, Proceedings of the ISRRT World Congress Durban 2008 p12, Proceedings of The American Academy of Forensic Sciences 60th Scientific Meeting, Washington DC (2008),p270


Viner M.D., The Role of The Radiographer in Forensic Medical Investigation, Proceedings of The American Academy of Forensic Sciences 60th Scientific Meeting, Washington DC (2008),p270

Viner, M.D., Invited Review: The Bone Detectives. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2007. BJR Congress Series, BIR (2007), p57 College of Radiographers William Stripp Memorial Lecture – Eponymous Lecture

Viner, M.D  Forensic Radiography, An International Perspective. ISR 2006 Book of Abstracts The 24th International Congress of Radiology, Cape Town, September2006, (2006) p290

Viner, M.D., Rock, C., Hunt, N., Martin, A.W., MacKinnon, G, Forensic Radiography, Response to the London Suicide Bombings on 7th July 2005, Proceedings of The American Academy of Forensic Sciences 58th Scientific Meeting, Seattle WA, (2006), p176

Viner, M.D., The role of radiography in forensic medicine – an international comparison Proceedings of UK Radiological Congress, Birmingham UK, BJR Congress Series, British Institute of Radiology (2006), p76

Viner, M.D., Rock, C., Hunt, N., Martin, A.W., MacKinnon, G, Forensic Radiography, Response to the London Suicide Bombings on 7th July 2005, Proceedings of UK Radiological Congress, Birmingham UK, BJR Congress Series, British Institute of Radiology (2006), p77

Viner, M.D., Hoban, W., Rock, C., Cassidy, M.T., The Role of Radiography in the Investigation of Mass Incidents, Proceedings of The American Academy of Forensic Sciences 55th Scientific Meeting, Chicago, IL (2003), p130

Viner, M.D., Forensic Radiography: A Framework for the Future?, Proceedings of the ISRRT 12th World Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands, ISRRT (2002), p52

Viner, M.D., Forensic Investigation: The Role of Radiography, European Congress of Radiology, European Radiology, Supplement to Volume 11, Number 2, February 2001 (2001) p95

Viner, M.D., Cassidy, M., Treu, V., The Role of Radiography in a Disaster Investigation Radiology 1998 Imaging Science and Oncology; Published Abstracts, British Institute of Radiology, Birmingham (1998) p69

Viner, M.D., Schweiso, J., Hadley-Rowe, R., Fisher, J., Chan, O., The Royal London Hospital Experience of The Docklands bombing: radiographic experience of a major incident. Radiology 1997 Imaging Science and Oncology; Published Abstracts , British Institute of Radiology, Birmingham (1997) p43



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