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Institute of Dentistry - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry


我们发展了这一套基于完整实证的图谱,它同时运用牙齿发育与齿槽萌发的阶段来评估介於胚胎发育28週到23岁之间个体的年纪。此图谱所呈现的是一个接续性的图解,期间没有发育年龄上的间隔或重复 1

资料的来源是来自于能够确认死亡年纪的72颗产前及104颗产后的头颅骨骸(男性91,女性72,未知性别13),它们均选自由英格兰皇家外科学院及英国伦敦国立历史博物馆的馆藏中2, 3。资料也有的是来自归档的存活者之牙科X光片(男性264,女性264)4。这个图谱在所有年龄分期中,均是以牙齿发育及萌发的中间值来建立的。牙齿发育是依据Moorrees,Fanning及Hunt的研究 5,6,萌发则以与齿槽骨高度的相对高度来评估 7, 8。检验者的重现率在755颗牙齿(65个个体)中,使用Kappa计算为0.85。




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  1. AlQahtani S J (2008). Atlas of tooth development and eruption. Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry. London, Queen Mary University of London. MClinDent.
  2. Stack M V (1960). Forensic Estimation of Age in Infancy by Gravimetric Observations on the Developing Dentition. Journal of the Forensic science Society 1(1): 49-59.
  3. Liversidge HM, T I Molleson. (1999) Developing permanent tooth length as an estimate of age. Journal of Forensic Sciences 44:917-920.
  4. AlQahtani S J, H M Liversidge, M P Hector (2010). Atlas of tooth development and eruption. American Journal of Physical Anthropology;142(3):481-90
  5. Moorrees C F A, E A Fanning, E E Hunt (1963a). Age Variation of Formation Stages for Ten Permanent Teeth. Journal of Dental Research 42: 1490-502.
  6. Moorrees C F A, E A Fanning, E E Hunt (1963b). Formation and Resorption of Three Deciduous Teeth in Children. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 21: 205-13.
  7. Bengston R G (1935). A study of the time of eruption and root development of the permanent teeth between six and thirteen years. Northwest University Bulletin 35: 3-9.
  8. Liversidge H M, T I Molleson (2004). Variation in crown and root formation and eruption of human deciduous teeth. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 123(2): 172-80.


Dr. Sakher Jaber AlQahtani: PhD student

Dr. Helen Liversidge, PhD supervisor

Prof. Mark Hector: PhD supervisor


著作权登记号码: VAu000979741

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