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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Dr Olga Makarova, Ph.D


Senior Lecturer in Russian Studies

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8313
Room Number: Arts One 2.12
Office Hours: By appointment on campus or online


Olga is a native speaker of Russian. She is a Moscow University graduate, having an MA in Linguistics and also an MPhil in Russian Language from the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In Britain, she has been teaching Russian to speakers of other languages at Queen Mary since 1998. Being a professional translator from English into Russian, Olga has published in Moscow a number of translations, some of them book length. Olga has a PhD degree from Queen Mary, University of London for a thesis about the life and works of the publishing tycoon Aleksei Suvorin in late 19C Russia. Olga is a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy. In the Department of Modern Language and Cultures, Olga is an Admissions officer and a co-convenor of the Language Teaching and Scholarship Forum.


The modules I teach:

  • Introductory Russian
  • Russian I & Russian II Intensive
  • Russian II
  • Russian III
  • Rusian IN, IIN, and IIIN (Heritage speakers of Russian) - translation; consecutive interpreting; research project supervision
  • Culture and Language (Linguistics block)

Modules designed and taught by me:

  • Russian Vocabulary and Word-Formation
  • Russian Syntax
  • Styles of Russian
  • History of Russian
  • Advanced Oral Competence in Russian




1) The Diary of Aleksei Suvorin (textology, foreword, commentaries, index; together with D. Rayfield), Moscow, London, 1999 (2nd ed. 2000). 667 pp.

2) The Garnett Book of Russian Verse (co-edited with D. Rayfield, J. Hicks, A. Pilkington), Moscow, London, 2000. 750 pp.

3) Samuil Marshak. Translations: W. Shakespeare, W. Blake, R. Burns, G. Byron, R. Kipling (with parallel English texts), from the Jewish poetry. Compiled and co-edited with Iu. Polevoi. Voronezh, 2012. 240 pp.

4) ‘The Woman Question’ in the Life and Works of Aleksei Suvorin, Moscow: NLO Publishers, 2019. 276 pp.


1) '«Destiny has somewhat fatefully placed me in your way»: The case of Nastasia Kairova in the life of Aleksei Suvorin', in Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (Moscow), vol. 75 (2005), pp. 92-121

2) '«If it were not for Aniuta who had a great influence on me...»: A sketch of Aleksei Suvorin's family portrait against the background of the women's liberalisation', in Adam & Eva. Al'manakh gendernoi istorii (Moscow: Institute of General History), vol. 12 (2006), pp. 145-170

3) 'If even Suvorin, who invented her, turned away...»: The case of Shabel'skaia and the involvement in it of the editor of Novoe vremia', in Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, vol. 85 (2007), pp. 100-120

4) 'Non-Commercial Footnotes', in Inostrannaia literatura(Moscow), No 7 (2009), pp. 284-286

5) 'The First Book by Aleksei Suvorin', in Kniga: Issledovaniia i materialy (Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences), vol. 92 (2010), pp. 212-218

6) '«The woman question is not an integral part of public consciousness yet»: Feminist issues in Suvorin's early journalism', in Adam & Eva. Al'manakh gendernoi istorii (Moscow: Institute of General History), vol. 19 (2011), pp. 242-266

7) '«Playwrights in Petticoats»: Developing some plots in Donald Rayfield's book Anton Chekhov: A Life', in When the Elephant Broke out of the Zoo: A Festschrift for Donald Rayfield. Co-edited with A. Schonle and J. Hicks, vol. 38 (2012) (Stanford Slavic Studies), pp. 87-107

8) 'Aleksei Suvorin in the Diaries of Sofia Smirnova-Sazonova', in Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (Moscow), Part I: vol. 6 [130] (2014); Part II: vol. 1 [131] (2015)

Translations into Russian:

1) Peter Dickson, Marketing Management (Moscow, 1998, 2nd ed. 2000), 556 pp.

2) David Lodge, Changing Places. Moscow, 2000 (a George Soros Award), 310 pp.

3) David Lodge, The Lives of Graham GreeneInostrannaia literatura (Moscow), No 12 (2001), pp. 190-216

4) David Lodge, Small World (Moscow, 2004), 428 pp. 

5) Robert Chandler, Forgotten by Memory. Baltiiskii filologicheskii kur'er (Kaliningrad), No 4 (2004), pp. 337-345

6) Donald Rayfield. Anton Chekhov: A Life. Moscow, 2005, 2nd ed. 2006, 3rd ed. 2007, 4th ed. 2008, 5th ed. 2010, 6th ed. 2011, 7th ed. 2014, 8th ed. 2015


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