Andrea Galeotti (London Business School)
"Robust Market Intervention"
Laura Doval (Columbia Business School)
The Core of Bayesian Persuasion [PDF 201KB]
Alessandro Lizzeri (Princeton University)
"Facts and Opinions"
Ryota Iijima (Yale University)
Title: TBA
Nicolas Vieille (HEC Paris)
Stationary social learning in a changing world [PDF 312KB] (joint with Raphaël Levy and Marcin Peski)
Wolfgang Pesendorfer (Princeton University)
"Lorenz Expected Utility"
Larbi Alaoui (Pombeu Fabra University, Barcelona)
"Attitudes towards success and failure"
Ran Spiegler (Tel-Aviv University and UCL)
News Media as Suppliers of Narratives (and Information) [PDF 269KB] (joint with Kfir Eliaz)
Yuval Salant (MEDS Kellog, Northwestern University)
"Complexity and Satisficing: Theory with Evidence from Chess"
Peter Klibanoff (MEDS Kellog, Northwestern University)
"Persuasion with Ambiguous Communication" joint with Xiaoyu Cheng, Sujoy Mukerji and Ludovic Renou
Sudipta Sarangi (Virginia Tech)
"Social Networks and Intergenerational Mobility"
Leeat Yariv (Princeton University)
"Strategic Decentralized Matching: The Effects of Information Frictions" (joint with Andrew Ferdowsian and Muriel Niederle)
Sandro Ambuehl (University of Zurich)
"Competing Casual Interpretations: An Experimental Study"
Deniz Kattwinkel (UCL)
"Allocation with Correlated Information: Too good to be true"
Yusufcan Masatlioglu (University of Maryland)
"Attention Overload [PDF 315KB]"
Ina Taneva (The University of Edinburgh)
"Strategic Ignorance [PDF 198KB]"
Ludvig Sinander (University of Oxford)
"Comparative statics with adjustment costs and the le Chatelier principle" (joint with Eddie Dekel and John K.-H. Quah)
Franz Ostrizek (Sciences Po)
Vague by Design - Performance Evaluation and Learning from Wages [PDF 794KB]
Rahul Deb (University of Toronto)
"How Informed Do You Want Your Principal To Be?" (joint with Mallesh Pai and Anne-Katrin Roesler)
Bart Lipman (Boston University)
"Sequential Mechanisms for Evidence Acquisition"
David Ahn (Washington University in St. Louis)
Jeanne Hagenbach (Sciences Po)
Title: tba
Laurent Bouton (Georgetown University)
Agathe Pernoud (Stanford University)
Andrew Ellis (LSE)
Rossella Argenziano (University of Essex)
"Data Linkages and Privacy Regulation"
Ben Brooks (Chicago University)
Margaret Meyer (Oxford University)
A Welfare Analysis of a Steady-State Model of Observational Learning [PDF 83KB]
Basil Williams (NYU)
"Incentive Design for Talent Discovery"
Kemal Yildiz (Bilkent University)
"Modular and equitable stable matching rules [PDF 357KB]"
Paweł Dziewulski (University of Sussex)
Comparative statics with linear objectives normal demand, monotone marginal costs, and ranking multi-prior beliefs [PDF 393KB]
Paula Onuchic (University of Oxford)
"Signaling and Discrimination in Collaborative Projects"
Andy Zapechelnyuk (University of St Andrews)
“A model of debates: Moderation vs Free Speech”
Aditya V. Kuvalekar (University of Essex)
Curtailing Competition [PDF 231KB]
Piotr Dworczak (Northwestern University)
"Redistributive Allocation Mechanisms"
Daniel Garrett (University of Essex)
"Relational contracts: Public versus private savings"
Friederike Mengel (University of Essex)
"Non - Bayesian Statistical Discrimination"
Daniel Reck (LSE)
"The Welfare Economics of Reference Dependence" (joint with Arthur Seibold)
"Decision Making with Recommendation" (joint with Paul Cheung)
Helios Herrera (Warwick University)
"Echo Chamber Elections" (joint with Ravideep Sethi)
Balázs Szentes (LSE)
"Smart Contracts and the Coase Conjecture"
Roberto Weber (University of Zurich)
"What Money Can Buy: How Market Exchange Promotes Values" (joint with Sili Zhang)
Dezső Szalay (University of Bonn)
"Communication in the shadow of catastrophe" (joint with Inga Deimen)
Sarah Auster (University of Bonn)
"Simultaneous Search and Adverse Selection" (joint work with Piero Gottardi and Ronald Wolthoff)
Santiago Oliveros (University of Bristol)
"Endogenous Contribution Cycles" (joint with Matias Iaryczower and Parth Parihar)
Marc Fleurbaey (Paris School Economics)
"Universal social welfare orderings and risk" (joint with Stephane Zuber)
Aislinn Bohren (University of Pennsylvania)
"Misinterpreting Social Outcomes and Information Campaigns" (joint with Daniel Hauser)
Mallesh Pai (Rice University)
"Optimal Incentives for Financial Analysts" (joint with Rahul Deb and Maher Said)
Todd Sarver (Duke University)
"An Evolutionary Perspective on Updating Risk andAmbiguity Preferences"
Nageeb Ali (Pennsylvania State University)
"How to Sell Hard Information"
Nina Bobkova (Rice University)
"Diversity and Evidence in Minipublics"
Yingni Guo (Northwestern University)
"Robust Monopoly Regulation" (joint with Eran Shmaya)
Ian Ball (Microsoft/MIT)
"Scoring Strategic Agents"
Colin Raymond (Purdue University)
"Don't Stop Believing: Information, Dynamics and Distorted Beliefs" (joint with Yusufcan Masatlioglu and Evan Piermont)
Joshua Lanier (European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics)
"A Luce Model for Continuous Consumption"
Gabriel Ziegler (Northwestern University)
"Adversarial Bilateral Information Design [PDF 808KB]"
Fan Wang (HEC Paris)
"Comparative Ambiguity Attitudes [PDF 624KB]"
Denis Shishkin (Princeton University)
"Evidence Acquisition and Voluntary Disclosure [PDF 248KB]"
Evan Friedman (Columbia University)
"Stochastic Choice and Noisy Beliefs in Games: an Experiment"
Mira Frick (Yale University)
"Stability and Robustness in Misspecified Learning Models" (joint with Ryota Iijima and Yuhta Ishii)
David Dillenberger (University of Pennsylvania)
"Time Lotteries and Stochastic Impatience" (joint with Patrick DeJarnette, Daniel Gottlieb and Pietro Ortoleva)
Archishman Chakraborty (Yeshiva University)
"Subversive Conversations" (joint with Nemanju Anti and Rick Harbaugh)
Willie Fuchs (McCombs School of Business)
"Optimal Arrangements for Distribution in Developing Markets: Theory and Evidence" (joint with Brett Green and David I. Levine)
Omer Tamuz (Caltech)
"Blackwell Dominance in Large Samples" (joint with Xiaosheng Mu, Luciano Pomatto and Phillip Strack)
Hannu Vartiainen (University of Helsinki)
"Super strong history dependent stable set as a solution to abstract decision problems".
Jay Lu (UCLA)
"Repeated Choice: A Theory of Stochastic Intemporal Preferences" (joint with Kota Saito)
Philipp Strack (Berkeley)
"The Cost of Information"
Filip Matejka (Cerge-Ei)
"An Attention-Based Theory of Mental Accounting" (joint with Botond Koszegi)
Andrew McClellan (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
"Which Models to Trust?"
Dana Foarta (Stanford GSB)
"Wait-and-See or Step in? Dynamics of Interventions [PDF 549KB]"
Alessandra Casella (Columbia)
"Trading Votes for Votes: An Experimental Study [PDF 855KB]"
Ian Jewitt (Oxford)
“Optimal Selection from an Endogenous Pool of Applicants”
Juuso Välimäki (Aalto)
"'All-Pay Auctions with Affiliated Values [PDF 804KB]" (joint with Chang Koo Chi and Pauli Murto)
Sinem Hidir (Warwick)
"The Race to the Base"
Roland Benabou (Princeton)
"Narratives, Imperatives, and Moral Reasoning [PDF 505KB]"
Doruk Cetemen (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
"Moral Hazard and Time Inconsistency: Dynamic Contracting with Non-exponential Discounting [PDF 112KB]" (joint with Felix Feng and Can Urgun)
Pierpaolo Battigalli (Bocconi)
"Beliefs, Plans, and Perceived Intentions in Dynamic Games [PDF 470KB]"
Prajit Dutta (Columbia)
"Asynchronous Games with Transfers: Optimality and Uniqueness"
Stefania Minardi (HEC)
"Time for Memorable Consumption"
Jack Fanning (Brown University)
"Mediation in reputational bargaining"
Johannes Abeler (Oxford University)
"Preferences for Truth Telling" (joint with Daniele Nosenzo)
Shengwu Li (Harvard)
"Credible Mechanisms" (joint with Mohammed Akbarpour)
Nikita Roketskiy (UCL)
"Dynamic Demand and Sequential Monopoly: A Model of Endogenous Screening" (joint with V Bhaskar)
Jose Apesteguia (ICREA-UPF and Barcelona GSE)
"Seperating predicted randomness from noise"
Alexander Wolitzky (MIT)
"Revelation Principles in Multistage Games"
Stephen Morris (Princeton)
"Crises: Equilibrium Shifts and Large Shocks"
Mehmet Ekmekci (Boston College)
"Costly advice, protests and nonbinding voting" (joint with Stephan Lauermann)
Shaowei Ke (University of Michigan)
"Social Discounting and Individual Long-Run Discounting"
Bård Harstad (University of Oslo)
"Pledge-and-Review Bargaining"
David Pearce (NYU)
"Reputation and information Design" (joint with Laurent Mathevet and Ennio Stacchetti)
"Optimal Monitoring Design" (joint with George Georgiadis)
Jakub Steiner (University of Edinburgh)
"On Second Thoughts, Selective Memory, and Resulting Behavioral Biases"
Colin Stewart (Toronto)"Rational Inattention Dynamics"
Alessandro Bonatti (MIT)"The Design and Price of Information"
David Myatt (LBS)"Strategic Voting in Plurality Rule Elections"
Matt Elliott (Caltech)
"Commitment and (In)Efficiency: a Bargaining Experiment"
Frank Riedel (Bielefeld University)Title: TBA
Antonio Penta (Wisconsin - Madison)
"Full Implementation and Belief Restrictions"
Juan Ortner (Boston University)"Collusion in Auctions with Constrained Bids: Theory and Evidence from Public Procurement [PDF 830KB]" (joint with Sylvain Chassang)
Terri Kneeland (University College London)"Bounded Reasoning: Rationality or Cognition? [PDF 667KB]"
Francois Maniquet (Universite Caholique de Louvain)"Well-Being, Poverty and Labor Income Taxation : Theory and Application to Europe and the U.S."
Bram De Rock (ECARES)"Marital Matching, Economies of Scale and Intrahousehold Allocations [PDF 243KB]"
Andrew Ellis (London School of Economics)"Complexity, Correlation and Choice" (joint with Michele Piccione)
Gary Charness (UCSB)Creativity and Financial Incentives [PDF 4,183KB]"
Peter Eso (University of Oxford)
"Persuasion and Pricing"
Jawwad Noor (Boston University)"Bounded Attention in Intertemporal Choice [PDF 210KB]" (joint with Norio Takeoka)
Marco Battaglini (Cornell University)"Influencing Connected Legislators"
Peter Wakker (Erasmus University)"Measuring Ambiguity Attitudes for All (Natural) Events [PDF 398KB]"
Alp Atakan (Koc University)"Market Selection and the Information Content of Prices" (joint work with Mehmet Ekmekci)
Joyee Deb (Yale University)"Reputation building under uncertain monitoring" (joint with Yuhta Ishii)
Erik Snowberg (California Institute of Technology)
"Experimenting with Measurement Error: Techniques with Applications to the Caltech Cohort Study"
Piero Gottardi (European University Institute)"Can there be a Market for Cheap Talk Information? Some Experimental Evidence" (joint with Antonio Cabrales, Francesco Feri and Miguel Melendez)
Tomas Rodriguez Barraquer (Autonomous University of Barcelona)"Classification versus Ranking: A model of competitive signaling [PDF 264KB]"
Sven Rady (University of Bonn)
"Strongly Symmetric Equilibria in Bandit Games"
David Cooper (Florida State University and University of East Anglia)"Silence is Golden: Communication Costs and Team Problem Solving"
"Skewed Noise"
Eduardo Perez-Richet (Ecole Polytechnique)"Communication with Evidence in the Lab"
Peter Buisseret (Warwick)"Dynamics of Policymaking: Stepping Back to Leap Forward, Stepping Forward to Keep Back"
Ana Mauleon (Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles)"Stability of Networks under Level-K Farsightedness"
Daniel Martin (Paris School of Economics)"To Disclose or To Hide? Experimental Evidence"
Alexander Teytelboym (MIT)
"Cascades in networks: a simple theory and applications"
Amanda Friedenberg (Arizona State University)
"Bargaining Under Strategic Uncertainty"
Nick Baigent (University of Graz)
"Total Violence."
Jean-Pierre Benoit (London Business School)
"Attitude polarization - theory and evidence."
Santiago Oliveros (University of Essex)
"Competing for Loyalty: The dynamics of Political Support" (joint with Matias Iaryczower)
David Martimort (AI)
Robert Axtel (AI)
Erik Eyster (AI)