Edoardo Teso (Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University)
Title: TBC
Rafael Jimenez (Bocconi)
"Toxic content and user engagement on social media: Evidence from a field experiment"
Dominic Rohner (HEC Lausanne)
Title: TBA
Carolina Arteaga (Universtiy of Toronto)
Michela Tincani (UCL)
"How Far Can Inclusion Go? The Long-term Impacts of Preferential College Admissions"
Zoe Cullen (Harvard Business School)
Helene Ollivier (Paris School of Economics)
Oyebola Okunogbe (The World Bank)
"Becoming Legible to the State: The Role of Identification and Collection Capacity in Tax Compliance"
Gabriel Kreindler (Harvard University)
"Demand for Urban Exploration: Evidence from Nairobi"
Binta Zahra Diop (Stanford)
Simon Quinn (Imperial College Business School)
Roland Rathelot (ENSAE)
Matthew Turner (Brown University)
"The Value of Piped Water and Sewers: Evidence from 19th Century Chicago"
Michèle Belot (Cornell University)
"Gender Diversity and Diversity of Ideas” (joint with Madina Kurmangaliyeva and Johanna Reuter)
Martin Hackmann (UCLA)
Shaoda Wang (University of Chicago)
Raffaele Saggio (University of British Columbia)
"Disentangling the Effects of Domestic Outsourcing: Evidence from Italy"
Leopoldo Fergusson (Universidad de los Andes)
Speaker: TBD
Ethan Kaplan (University of Maryland)
“Political Control Over Redistricting and the Partisan Balance in Congress [PDF 317KB]"
Namrata Kala (MIT)
"Money (Not) to Burn Payments for Ecosystem Services to Reduce Crop Residue Burning"
Imran Rasul (UCL)
Title: tba
Clare Balboni (MIT)
"Firm adaptation in production networks: evidence from extreme weather events in Pakistan"
Theodore Papageorgiou (Boston College)
"Understanding Port Performance and the Role of Infrastructure"
Luca Braghieri (Ludwig Maximilian University)
"Social Media and Mental Health"
Nathan Lane (University of Oxford)
Marleen Marra (Sciences Po)
"Competitive award of scarce airport slots: an empirical analysis"
Cevat Giray Aksoy (King's College London)
"(Successful) Democracies Breed Their Own Support"
Melanie Xue (LSE)
"High-Value Work and the Rise of Women: The Cotton Revolution and Gender Equality in China"
Lucie Gadenne (University of Warwick)
"Informality, Consumption Taxes and Redistribution"
Barbara Biasi (Yale University)
"The Education-Innovation Gap"
Mar Reguant (Northwestern University)
"The Value of Infrastructure and Market Integration: evidence from Renewable Expansion in Chile"
Joan Monras (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Immigration and Spatial Equilibrium: the Role of Expenditures in the Country of Origin
Mounu Prem (Universidad del Rosario)"Landmines: The Local Effects of Demining"
Sebastián Otero (UC Berkeley, Columbia)
“Affirmative Action in Centralized College Admission Systems”
Thiemo Fetzer (University of Warwick)
"How Big is the Media Multiplier? Evidence from Dyadic News Data"
Ceren Baysan (University of Essex)
"Persistent Polarizing Effects of Persuasion: Experimental Evidence from Turkey"
Amrita Kulka (University of Warwick)
"Local Barriers to Housing Density and Reducing Costs [PDF 4,913KB]"
Ameet Morjaria (Northwestern University)
"Acquisitions, Management, and Efficiency in Rwanda's Coffee Industry"
Camille Terrier (HEC)
"From Immediate Acceptance to Deferred Acceptance: Effects on School Admissions and Achievement in England [PDF 6,394KB]" (joint with PA Pathak and K Ren)
Mara Squicciarini (Bocconi University)
"Technology Adoption and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Industrialisation in France" (joint with Reka Juhasz and Nico Voigtlaender)
Amitabh Chandra (Harvard Kennedy School)
"The health costs of cost sharing"
Konrad Burchardi (Stockholm IIES)
"Credit Constraints and Capital Allocation in Agriculture: Theory and Evidence from Uganda"
Golvine De Rochambeau (Sciences Po)
"Informational Barriers to Market Access: Experimental Evidence from Liberian Firms"
Modibo Sidibe (Duke University)
"Police Officer Assignment Mechanisms and Neighborhood Crime"
Ralf Martin (Imperial College)
Clara Martinez-Toledano (Paris School of Economics)
"Paraísos Fiscales, Wealth Taxation and Mobility"
Mitch Downey (Stockholms IIES)
"Limiting Bureaucratic Discretion: Evidence from Federal Prosecutors" (joint with Ben Grunwald)
Benjamin Marx (Sciences Po)
"Islam and the State: Religious Education in the Age of Mass Schooling" (joint with Samuel Bazzi and Masyhur Hilmy)
Peter Nilsson (Stockholm University)
"What Happens when Discrimination in Academia Becomes Salient?"
Alexandra Roulet (INSEAD)
"Revisiting the Contribution of Firm Pay Policies to the Gender Wage Gap"
Anne Brockmeyer (World Bank/IFS)
"Taxing Property in Developing Countries:Theory and Evidence from Mexico"
Monika Martinez-Bravo (CEMFI)
"Political Power, Elite Control, and Long-Run Development: Evidence from Brazil" (joint with Claudio Ferraz and Federico Finan)
Mark Shepard (Harvard Kennedy School)
"Automatic Enrolment in Health Insurance: Evidence and Policy Trade-offs"
Mike Callan (London School of Economics)
"Does Revolution Work? Evidence from the Birth of Nepal's Federal Democracy" (joint with Rohini Pande, Bhishma Bhusal, Saad Gulzar, Soledad Artiz Prillaman, and Deepak Singhania)
Maria Guadalupe (INSEAD)
"Learning, Clarity and Credibility in Teams: Evidence from an Agile Organization"
Oriana Bandiera (LSE)
"Why do people stay poor?"
Marco Tabellini (Harvard Business School)
Sandra Sequeira (London School of Economics)
"Identity, Media and Consumer Behaviour"
Guillermo Cruces (CEDLAS-UNLP and University of Nottingham)
"Low Take-Up and Financial Inclusion: Experimental Evidence from Argentina’s Cash Transfers"
Clement Imbert (University of Warwick)
"Migrants and Firms: Evidence from China [PDF 2,569KB]"
Stefano Fiorin (University of California)
"Reporting Peers’ Wrongdoing: Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Financial Incentives on Morally Controversial Behavior [PDF 672KB]"
Anouch Missirian (Columbia University)
"Yes, in your backyard: Forced technological adoption and spatial externalities"
Clemence Tricaud (Ecole Polytechnique)
"Better Alone? Evidence on the Costs of Intermunicipal Cooperation [PDF 3,561KB]"
Carlo Schwarz (University of Warwick)
"From Hashtag to Hate Crime: Twitter and Anti-Minority Sentiment [PDF 2,652KB]"
Dita Eckardt (LSE)
"Are Chemists Good Bankers? Returns to the Match between Training and Occupation [PDF 1,806KB]"
Jose Pablo Vasquez-Carajal (University of California)
"The Effects of Multinationals on Workers: Evidence from Costa Rica" (joint with Alonso Alfaro-Urena and Isabela Manelici)
Selim Gulesci (University of Bocconi)
"Repayment Flexibility and Risk Taking: Experimental Evidence from Credit Contracts" (joint with Marianna Battaglia and Andreas Madestam)
Guilherme Lichand (Univeristy of Zurich)
"Harming to Signal" (joint with Simon Haenni)
Stephen J. Machin (LSE)
"Jihadi Attacks, Media and Local Hate Crime" (joint with Ria Ivandic and Tom Kirchmaier)
Stefano Caria (University of Bristol)
"Captured Labor Markets: Social Structure and Labor Market Performance in the Philippines" (joint with Julien Lebonne)
Camille Landais (LSE)
"Retirement Consumption and Optimal Pension Design" (joint with J. Kolsrud, D. Reck and J. Spinnewijn)
Mark Stabile (INSEAD)
"The Effects of Self and Temporary Employment on Mental Health: The role of the Gig Economy in the UK" (joint with Bénédicte Apouey)
Mirko Draca (Warwick)
"How Polarised are Citizens? Measuring Ideology from the Ground-Up" (joint with Carlo Schwarz)
Ruixue Jia (UC San Diego)
"Student Quality, College Selectivity and the Birth of Firms" (joint with Chong-en Bai, Hongbin Li and Xin Wang)
Jerome Adda (Bocconi University and IGIER)
“There’s More to Marriage than Love: The Effect of Legal Status and Cultural Distance on Intermarriages and Separations” (joint with Paolo Pinotti and Giulia Tura)
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya (PSE)
"Diffusion of Gender Norms: Evidence from Stalin’s Ethnic Deportations"
Mathias Thoenig (UNIL)
"The Refugee’s Dilemma - Jewish Outmigration from Nazi Germany"
Albrecht Glitz (UPF)
"Labor Market Competition and the Assimilation of Immigrants"
Michele Pellizzari (UNIGE)
"Distance Learning in Higher Education: Evidence from a Randomised Experiment" (joint with Paula Cacault, Christian Hildebrand and Jeremy Laurent-Lucchetti)
Francesco Sobbrio (LUISS)
"War of the Waves: Radio and Resistance During World War II" (joint with Stefano Gagliarducci, Massimiliano Gaetano Onorato, and Guido Tabelli)
Alexey Makarin (Northwestern University)
"Trading with the Enemy: The Impact of Conflict on Trade in Non-Conflict Areas [PDF 5,748KB]"
Quoc Anh Do (Sciences Po)
"Friendship Networks and Political Opinions: A Natural Experiment among Future French Politicians"
Jonas Tungodden (Berkeley)
"Preferences for Competition: Children Versus Parents [PDF 2,551KB]"
Giulia Giupponi (LSE)
"When Income Effects are Large: Labor Supply Responses and the Value of Welfare Transfers"
Giuseppe Sorrenti (University of Zurich)
"Money vs. Time: Family Income, Maternal Labor Supply, and Child Development [PDF 2,593KB]"
Valeria Rueda (University of Oxford)
"Sex and the Mission: The conflicting effects of early Christian missions on HIV in sub-Saharan Africa"
Shan Aman-Rana (LSE)
"Meritocracy in Bureaucracy? Evidence from Pakistan"
Simon Franklin (LSE)
"The demand for government housing: Evidence from lotteries for 200,000 homes in Ethiopia [PDF 1,989KB]"
Francois Gerard (Columbia University)
"Job Displacement Insurance and Consumption: Evidence from Brazil"
Gabriel Ulyssea (University of Oxford)
"Formal and Informal Firm Dynamics"
Tobias Klein (Tilburg University)
"Does the framing of patient cost-sharing incentives matter? The effects of deductibles vs. no-claim refunds"
Attila Lindner (UCL)
"Skill-Biased Innovation Activities: Evidence from Hungarian Firms"
David Yanagizawa-Drott (University of Zurich)
"Misperceived Social Norms: Female Labor Force Participation in Saudi Arabia"
Andrea Weber (CEU)
"Job Displacement, Family Dynamics, and Spousal Labor Supply" (joint with Martin Halla and Julia Schmieder)
Elias Papaioannou (London Business School)
"Inequality and Intergenerational Mobility in Africa" (joint with Alberto Alesina, Sebastian Hohmann, Stelios Michalopoulos)
Gabriella Conti (UCL)
"Workforce Quality in Early Years Interventions: Evidence from a Large-Scale Home Visiting Program" (joint with Sarah Cattan and Nicolas Libuy)
Aline Buetikofer (NHH Norwegian School of Economics)
"The Impact of Paid Maternity Leave on Maternal Health."
Noam Yuchtman (UC Berkeley)
"Political Identity: Experimental Evidence on Anti-Americanism in Pakistan"
Christina Felfe (St. Gallen)
"More Opportunity, More Cooperation? Birthright Citizenship and "Us Versus Them" Among Immigrant Youth"
Carol Propper (Imperial Business School and University of Bristol)
"Internet and Health Choices: Evidence from the UK"
Sule Alan (University of Essex)
"Belief in Hard Work and Altruism: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment [PDF 1,797KB]"
John Morrow (Birkbeck University of London)
"Swimming Upstream: Input-Output Linkages and the Direction of Product Adoption"
Christian Fons-Rosen (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
"Foreign Investment and Domestic Productivity: Identifying Knowledge Spillovers and Competition Effects [PDF 1,250KB]"
"Protests as Strategic Games: Experimental Evidence from Hong Kong’s Democracy Movement"
Mathieu Couttenier (University of Geneva)
"The Violent Legacy of Victimization: Post-Conflict Evidence on Asylum Seekers, Crimes and Public Policy in Switzerland"
Michel Serafinelli (University of Toronto)
"Politico-economic Regimes and Attitudes: Female Workers under State-socialism" (joint with Pamela Campa)
Harald Fadinger (University of Mannheim)
"The real exchange rate, innovation and productivity"
Uta Schönberg (UCL)
"Technological and Organizational Change and the Careers of Workers"
Thiemo René Fetzer (University of Warwick)
"Does Democracy Moderate Resource-induced Conflicts?" (joint with Stephan Kyburz)
Italo Colantone (Bocconi)
"The Trade Origins of Economic Nationalism: Import Competition and Voting Behavior in Western Europe."
Andrea Ichino (EUI)
"The cognitive cost of daycare 0–2 for children in advantaged families"
Jordi Blanes I Vidal (LSE)
"Face-to-Face Communication in Organisations"
Julien Labonne (University of Oxford)
"Making policies matter: Voter responses to campaign promises" (joint with Cesi Cruz, Phil Keefer and Francesco Trebbi)
Claire Lim (Cornell University)
"The Political Economy of Medicaid: Ideology, Eligibility, and the Consequences of Cost-Saving Measures"
Giacomo De Giorgi (University of Geneva)
"Necessity is the mother of invention: The emergence of the reluctant entrepreneur"
Nico Voigtlander (UCLA)"The Medieval Roots of Inclusive Institutions: From the Norman Conquest of England to the Great Reform Act*"
Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia University)"Intergenerational Wealth Formation over the Life Cycle: Evidence from Danish Wealth Records 1984-2013"
Rachel Griffith (Institute of Fiscal Studies)"How well targeted are soda taxes?"
Dominic Rohner (University of Lausanne)"The Violent Legacy of Victimization: Post-Conflict Evidence on Asylum Seekers, Crimes and Public Policy in Switzerland [PDF 664KB]
Guy Michaels (London School of Economics)"Upgrade slums or invest before they form? Evidence from Tanzania"
Imran Rasul (UCL)Title: TBA
Paola Conconi (Université Libre de Bruxelles)"Abortion, Environment and Guns: How Single-Minded Voters Shape Politicians’ Decisions"
Daniel Sturm (London School of Economics)Title: TBA
Sonia R Bhalotra (Essex)"Maternal depression impacts on parenting and child human capital- evidence from a randomized control trial"
Jan Stuhler (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)"Shift-Share Instruments and the Impact of Immigration"
Jacopo Ponticelli (Chicago Booth)"Capital Allocation Across Regions, Sectors and Firms: Evidence from a Commodity Boom in Brazil [PDF 2,091KB]"
Leonardo Bursztyn (UCLA Anderson)"Status Goods: Experimental Evidence from Platinum Credit Cards"
Fernanda Brollo (University of Warwick)
"The Political Economy of Enforcing Conditional Welfare Programs: Evidence from Brazil"
Alessandro Tarozzi (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)"Child Nutritional Status and Intergenerational Transmission of Health: Evidence from Indian Migrants in England"
Rocco Macchiavello (University of Warwick)"Supply Assurance, Relational Contracts and Vertical Integration: Evidence from Costa Rica's Coffee Chain"
David Dorn (University of Zurich)"Foreign Competition and Domestic Innovation: Evidence from U.S. Patents"
Joan Monras (Sciences Po)"Immigration and Wage Dynamics: Evidence from the Mexican Peso Crisis"
Tommaso Valletti (Imperial College)"Internet and Politics: Evidence from U.K. Local Elections and Local Government Policies [PDF 2,290KB]"
Ian Crawford (University of Oxford)
"Non-parametric analysis of reference dependence"
Pietro Biroli (University of Zurich)"Genetic and economics interaction in the formation of health: the case of obesity"
Kaivan Munshi (University of Cambridge)"Insiders and Outsiders: Local Ethnic Politics and Public Good Provision [PDF 571KB]"
Juan Jose Dolado (European University Institute)"Moving towards a Single Labour Contract: Transition vs. Steady State [PDF 292KB]"
Melissa Dell (Harvard University)"State Capacity, Local Governance, and Economic Development in Vietnam"
Ruben Durante (Sciences Po)
"Attack When the World is Not Watching? International Media and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict"
Guilhem Cassan (University of Namur)"Affirmative Action, Education and Gender: Evidence from India"
Thomas Dohmen (Uni Bonn)
"Patience and The Wealth of Nations [PDF 2,034KB]"
Lucie Gadenne (UCL)"Non-linear commodity taxation in developing countries: theory and an application to India"
Paolo Pinotti (Universita' Bocconi)
"Equality of opportunity for immigrant students: Evidence from a large-scale field experiment"
Hannes Mueller (IAE-CSIC)
"Predation or Protection: A Firm Level Perspective"
Katja Kaufmann (IGIER)
"Marriage-Market and Intergenerational Effects of Elite Higher Education: Evidence from Chile"
Oskar Nordstrom Skans (IFAU)
"Mismatch of Talent? Evidence on Match Quality, Job Mobility, and Entry Wages"
Valentino Dardanoni (Università degli Studi di Palermo)
"The Welfare Cost of Unpriced Heterogeneity in Insurance Markets"
Roland Rathelot (Warwick)
"Mismatch Unemployment and the Geography of Job Search."
Robert Dur (The Erasmus School of Economics)
"Team Incentives, Social Cohesion, and Performance: A Natural Field Experiment."
Luigi Pascali (Warwick)
"The Wind of Change: Maritime Technology, Trade and Economic Development"
Gabrielle Fack (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
"Improving College Access and Success for Low-Income Students: Evidence from a Large French Need-based Grant Program."