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Queen Mary in Malta


Get answers to your all your questions relating to the MBBS, from entry requirements, interviews and your qualifications.

Successful students will be awarded a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from Queen Mary University of London. The MBBS is very well recognised internationally. It (or a variant) is the standard medical qualification offered by all universities in the UK.

Please visit MBBS Malta entry requirements for a list of all country-specific qualifications, including language requirements.

Yes, all candidates must sit the UCAT. You must score in the third decile and above. SJT Band 4 will not be considered. 


Yes, UK, European and overseas students can apply.  Please check the entry requirements for more information. We also ask you to ensure that you check with the Medical Council of the country or countries where you intend to practise after graduation.  

As an MBBS Malta graduate, with a degree validated by the UK General Medical Council (GMC), you will be able to apply for a Foundation Doctor position in the UK. The UK Foundation Programme regards all QMUL MBBS graduates as equal, regardless of whether they have been based in London or Malta.  QMUL will amalgamate the two lists of students, producing our overall list of graduates for consideration by the UK Foundation Programme.  However, the ability to proceed with an application for the UK Foundation Programme depends on an individual’s immigration status and right to work in the UK, i.e. his or her eligibility. Students who have British Citizenship will already have the right to work in the UK. UK immigration rules change frequently and are complex and it is the responsibility of the students themselves to determine their eligibility since only they will be fully aware of their individual circumstances.  

No. Transfer applications are not accepted. Furthermore, we do not accept applications from candidates who have already started a medical course elsewhere.

We look to recruit on average 60 students per year.

Yes, the programmes are the same. The core curriculum is identical which includes early in-depth clinical experience, problem-based learning (PBL), practical sessions in laboratories, and opportunities to undertake an intercalated undergraduate science degree at Queen Mary's London campus. There will be the possibility of undertaking SSCs in London too. Students will take the same assessments at the same time as MBBS students in London.

No, applicants apply directly to the University, not UCAS. This means that applicants applying to UK universities can use up their five UCAS choices (four for Medicine), then can apply separately to study Medicine MBBS Malta.

For example, an applicant applying to six UK university courses:

UCAS Choice



Queen Mary, Medicine MBBS London (A100)


Medical school X


Medical school X


Medical school X


Non medical subject X e.g. Biomedical Science

Direct Application



Queen Mary, Medicine MBBS Malta


Yes, applicants can apply to study Medicine MBBS London (A100) and also Medicine MBBS Malta.


No. You must apply to both the programmes if you wish to be considered for shortlisting or offer. Acceptance on either course is not transferable and students will not be able to move to London from Malta.

There is no application fee for this programme.

You can upload copies of the results of all qualifications to support your application, and we will look at those documents when assessing your application. We encourage candidates to bunch their applications and include qualifications of the same type in the same document. If this is not possible, then we would encourage candidates to submit their application and send any outstanding documents to our admissions team.  The application ID must be included in this email.

Annual University Fees for students starting with us from September 2025 are €37,500 for all students (UK, EU, and international students).

Further details can be found on our costs page.

Tuition fees must be paid to the Euro bank account below:

Bank Name

Barclays Bank Plc

Bank Address

1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP

Bank Account Name

Queen Mary University of London

Account Holder Address

Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS

Bank Account Number


Bank Sort Code

20 57 30


GB91 BARC 2057 3058 5859 66

Swift Code


Alternatively, fees can be settled online via credit card payment in Euros:

UK students studying in Malta are not eligible to apply for a student loan via the Student Loans Company. International students will need to check whether a student loan is available from their home country.

The academic staff who teach the programme are Queen Mary staff. Some of them have many years of experience teaching the programme in London and now have moved to Malta where they are delivering the same programme. Other members of staff, while being based in London, fly to Malta to deliver parts of the programme. In addition, we now have a group of Queen Mary academics who have been employed to teach on the Malta Campus course. As is true on the London course, local clinicians are also employed on a sessional basis to deliver clinical teaching.

In the first two years of the programme you will be taught mainly on the Gozo campus. In addition, you will have GP placements in the first year, and placements at Gozo General Hospital as well as St Vincent de Paul (Malta). In the third, fourth and fifth year, you will spend time on the wards and clinics in Gozo General Hospital, Karen Grech Hospital (Malta), St Vincent de Paul (Malta), Mater Dei Hospital (Malta) and other relevant clinical facilities in primary and secondary care.

MBBS Malta students who meet the academic criteria (and dependent on their right to study in the UK) will be given the opportunity to study an intercalated science degree in London, taken over one year. Two week SSC projects may be available at other points in the course on an exchange basis with MBBS London students.  This may incur additional costs if the project is undertaken outside of Queen Mary, i.e. a clinical environment such as the NHS or private organisation. Students are expected to meet their own costs for travel, accommodation and subsistence.

The MBBS programme is taught in English. English is one of the two official languages in Malta.  Some patient doctor communication may be in Maltese but the doctor will explain the interaction to you and you will discuss the case in English. All discussions between your clinical tutors and other healthcare professionals will be in English.

According to the latest Eurobarometer poll, 98% of Maltese people can speak Maltese, 88% can speak English, 66% can speak Italian, and more than 17% speak French. English is an official language of Malta, along with Maltese. All official documents are written in both languages. English is also taught in schools, and is the language of instruction in secondary and tertiary education. 

Nationals of EU member countries aged 18 or over are allowed to drive in Malta on their existing licences, or exchange them for a Maltese one after having lived in Malta for six months. Non-EU nationals aged 18 or over can drive on their existing valid licence for a maximum of twelve months from the date of their last arrival in Malta.

Applications for a Maltese licence must be made in person at the Licencing and Testing Directorate (LTD) on the DRV.01 application form (available from the Malta Transport Authority website). You also need to submit a colour passport-sized photo, current driving licence, passport and Maltese identity card, if available. A fee is payable on collection of your Maltese licence. You are not allowed to hold more than one EU-issued driving licence, so your previous licence will be returned to its country of origin. Please visit the Malta Transport Authority for further information.

Yes, students have access to a dedicated Student, Academic and Pastoral Support Office in Malta. This Office is responsible for student support throughout the undergraduate programme. It plays a key role in student welfare, including the management of physical and mental illness. At any time, students can make appointments with the Student, Academic and Pastoral Support Unit, who will be available to listen and give advice.

We have a well-developed network for pastoral and academic support with links back to the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry in London. This network is a vital resource for medical students, who take much of the responsibility for their own learning during their challenging courses. At every stage, you will receive support from staff who are experienced in helping and advising students. The Student, Academic and Pastoral Support Office adheres to the GMC guidelines on Pastoral Support. 

Find out more about the Student, Academic and Pastoral Support Office here.

For MBBS Malta selection details, including interviews, please visit MBBS Selection Criteria

The interview is an online panel-style interview that is conducted via Zoom. Notes cannot be used during the interview - we want a genuine account of your experiences and competencies.

We usually provide an outcome to candidates around two weeks following interview. However, in busy times, this may take longer. Should a candidate be concerned, then they are encouraged to contact our admissions team for an update.

The deadline for accepting the offer will be found in the offer letter. 

The exact wording on the certificate is Queen Mary University of London - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery - Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry.

The course is accredited by the General Medical Council (GMC).  The GMC helps protect patients and improve medical education and practice in the UK by setting standards for students and doctors. Visits by the GMC monitor organisations in their compliance with the standards and requirements as set out in Promoting Excellence: Standards for medical education and training.

Please check with your home Medical Council before applying for the programmes. Please contact us if you require further information. 

Different countries have a variety of routes into practising medicine and it is very important that you satisfy yourself that neither the degree nor your immigration status will be a barrier to your career ambitions on graduation.

Yes, as an MBBS Malta graduate you will be able to apply for Foundation School posts in Malta. The right to work in Malta will depend on what immigration rules are in place at the time you graduate. 

Yes, all Foundation School doctors in Malta will receive a salary.

You can sign up to our mailing list to receive more information.

For any further questions please contact our Admissions Team.

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