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Global Opportunities

Destinations in Europe


Students should confirm with their departmental coordinator that their degree programme includes an option to study abroad on exchange.

Our exchange destinations offer a diverse range of cultural and social environments, and you should be aware that societal attitudes and norms can be quite different from those in the UK. These differences are often reflected in the legal environment. You should familiarise yourself with these differences and bear them in mind when selecting destinations in your application for the Student Exchange Programme.

You need to consider whether you are going to be comfortable living and studying abroad in your chosen destination. You should pay particular attention to differences in areas such as: freedom of political expression and rights to free speech; freedom of sexual expression and attitudes to same sex relationships; attitudes and the law pertaining to alcohol and other drugs. When choosing a destination you should also consider the potential impact of your race, ethnicity and/or skin colour. The age limits for participating in various activities varies according to location, and in most (if not all) countries, ignorance of the law is not a defence against prosecution. 


How to consult which destinations in Europe are open to you for an exchange abroad:

  1. Consult the filterable table further down this page that specifies which institutions are eligible destinations for each academic department and intended exchange duration. Please type your academic department/school in the search bar and use the filters to narrow down and sort the options available to you based on both your degree programme and your intended duration.
  2. Consult the new hyperlinked destination sub-pages (where available) for each institution that a) interests you and b) where you're eligible to go (see links directly below, organised alphabetically by Country). More European sub-destination pages will be published in the upcoming weeks and months.
  3. Discuss with your academic department to verify that your desired destinations are suitable for your path of study.
Academic School Name of Institution Country Academic Year abroad (as part of a four / five year degree) Semester abroad (sem 1 of year 2: as part of a three year degree)
School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences (Psychology only) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam The Netherlands YES NO
School of Business and Management
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Italy YES YES
School of Business and Management
Università Cà Foscari di Venezia Italy YES YES
School of Business and Management
Universidad Pontificia Comillas  Spain YES YES
School of Business and Management Stockholms Universitet  Sweden YES YES
School of Economics and Finance Københavns Universitet (University of Copenhagen) Denmark YES YES (sem1 of year 3: as part of a three year degree)
School of Economics and Finance Koç Üniversitesi Turkey YES YES (sem1 of year 2 or sem1 of year 3: as part of a three year degree)
School of Economics and Finance Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Italy NO (due to module inavailability) YES (sem1 of year 2 or sem1 of year 3: as part of a three year degree)
School of Economics and Finance Universidade do Porto  Portugal YES YES (sem1 of year 2 or sem1 of year 3: as part of a three year degree)
School of Economics and Finance Universitat Pompeu Fabra Spain YES YES (sem1 of year 3: as part of a three year degree)
School of Economics and Finance Universität Zürich (University of Zurich) (Swiss-European Mobility Programme) Switzerland YES
NO (due to academic calendar)
School of English and Drama (English only) Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III France YES
School of English and Drama (English only) Universiteit van Amsterdam
The Netherlands  YES
NO (due to academic calendar)
School of English and Drama (English only) Universität Zürich (University of Zurich) (Swiss-European Mobility Programme) Switzerland YES NO (due to academic calendar)
School of Geography Roskilde Universitetscenter Denmark YES NO (due to academic calendar)
School of Geography Stockholms Universitet Sweden YES YES
School of Geography Universität Zürich (University of Zurich) (Swiss-European Mobility Programme) Switzerland YES NO (due to academic calendar)
School of History Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen Germany YES NO
School of History Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin  Germany YES NO
School of History Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam The Netherlands   YES NO
School of History Universiteit Utrecht The Netherlands   YES NO
School of History Koç Üniversitesi Turkey YES NO
SLLF - Comparative Literature Universiteit Utrecht  The Netherlands YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universitat Jaume I Spain YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Université catholique de Louvain Belgium YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Université d'Avignon France YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Université Catholique de Lille France YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Aix-Marseille Université France YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) (Sorbonne Université) France YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Université de la Réunion France YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Université Francois Rabelais (Tours) France YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Université de Genève (Swiss-European Mobility Programme) Switzerland YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Otto-Friedrich-Universitat Bamberg Germany YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Freie Universität Berlin Germany YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Technische Universiteat Dresden Germany YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg Germany YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Germany YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universitat Mannheim Germany YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Muenchen Germany YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universitaet Potsdam Germany YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen Germany YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universität Zürich (University of Zurich) (Swiss-European Mobility Programme) Switzerland YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universidad de Almeria Spain YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Spain YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spain YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universidad de Málaga Spain YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universidad de Murcia Spain YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universidad de Oviedo Spain YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universidad de Salamanca Spain YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla Spain YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universitat Pompeu Fabra Spain YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universitat de Valencia Spain YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universidad de Vigo Spain YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universidad Santiago De Compostela Spain YES NO
SLLF - Linguistics Universitaet Potsdam (University of Potsdam) Germany YES TBC
SLLF - Linguistics Universität Zürich (University of Zurich) (Swiss-European Mobility Programme) Switzerland YES
NO (due to academic calendar)
SLLF - Modern Languages Universidade de Coimbra Portugal  YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Universidade de Lisboa Portugal YES NO
SLLF - Modern Languages Daugavpils Universitāte Latvia YES NO
School of Law Universität Wien (University of Vienna) Austria YES NO
School of Law Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium  YES NO
School of Law Københavns Universitet (University of Copenhagen) Denmark YES NO
School of Law Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne *tuition in French France YES NO
School of Law Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2) *tuition in French France YES NO
School of Law Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin *tuition in German Germany YES NO
School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita' di Bologna Italy YES NO
School of Law Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Italy YES NO
School of Law Universiteit Leiden The Netherlands   YES NO
School of Law Universiteit Utrecht The Netherlands   YES NO
School of Law Universidad Complutense de Madrid *tuition in Spanish Spain YES NO
School of Politics and International Relations Universität Wien (University of Vienna) Austria YES
School of Politics and International Relations Københavns Universitet (University of Copenhagen) Denmark YES NO
School of Politics and International Relations Freie Universität Berlin Germany YES NO
School of Politics and International Relations Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Italy YES NO
School of Politics and International Relations Universiteit Leiden The Netherlands YES NO
School of Politics and International Relations Universidad Pontificia Comillas Spain YES NO
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