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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Student feedback

As part of Queen Mary's quality assurance and enhancement processes, feedback is sought from students by a variety of means. Internal mechanisms include:

Nationally Queen Mary University of London participates in surveys including the National Student Survey, the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey, and the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey. 

Student Voice Committees (SVCs)

Formerly Student-Staff Liaison Committees, the purpose of Student Voice Committees is to ensure that there is an effective channel for formal communication between students and staff in each school or institute, through which students can reflect and give feedback on their programme of study as an integral part of Queen Mary's systems and procedures for assuring academic standards and enhancing the student experience. The minutes of individual school and institute meetings are uploaded to the SVC webpage.

Guidance and Templates

Guidance documents and templates are listed below (please note some items are currently being revised):

A number of schools have resources for their SVCs on their intranet and QMplus pages.

SVC minutes are submitted to the Directorate of Governance and Legal Services (DGLS) and Students' Union so that their overall functioning can be monitored, examples of good practice identified and areas of concern identified.

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