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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Quality and Standards

Academic quality and standards and the 'quality framework' refer collectively to the policies and procedures that provide assurance and identify and manage the potential for risks and opportunities in our provision. The quality framework is informed by:

 Queen Mary's quality framework comprises:

Staff are advised to consult the individual web pages above for specific advice on each component of the quality framework. These provide the contact details of staff within the Directorate of Governance and Legal Services (DGLS) who can help with any particular questions. 

Responsibility for quality and standards

Senate is the custodian of quality and standards at Queen Mary, and its work is informed by reports from the Principal and Vice-Principals and the Chairs of its Boards. Monitoring and review processes also report directly to Senate, which has oversight of these key quality assurance mechanisms.

The Queen Mary academic governance structure places responsibility for quality and standards on individuals rather than committees. The Vice-Principal (Education) has responsibility for quality and standards, and specifically for undergraduate and postgraduate taught provision. The Vice-Principal (Research) has responsibility for quality and standards in research, and specifically for research degree programmes. The Vice-Principals are supported by advisory groups with representation from all faculties, the Students’ Union and relevant Professional Services departments, and make regular reports to Senate. Faculty Vice-Principals and Executive Deans, Deans for Education and Deans for Research and School/Institute leads for teaching and research have responsibility for quality and standards at Faculty/School/Institute level.

The Directorate of Governance and Legal Services (DGLS) advises the Vice-Principals on the effectiveness of Queen Mary’s policies and procedures for the management of academic standards and for quality assurance.  DGLS monitors and reviews the operation of these policies and procedures within Schools and Institutes with the aim of ensuring a set of consistent approaches across Queen Mary. DGLS staff are able to provide advice on all aspects of quality and standards. Colleagues in Schools/Institutes are encouraged to contact DGLS staff with any queries that they may have.

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