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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

CV Devices Hub award (2018-2023)

Cardiovascular Devices Hub

A one-stop shop for innovation: Linking SMEs to engineers, clinicians, researchers, regulators & business support specialists.


The Cardiovascular Devices Hub’s novel, cross-specialty team is drawn from academics, clinicians, regulators and IP and commercialisation experts. The team support collaborations between academic, clinical and industrial innovators to develop clinically and commercially viable cardiovascular healthcare technologies.

The project is partly funded by the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020 (€6.75m; Prof Anthony Mathur), Barts Charity and a Wolfson Award.

So far, the CVDHub has provided specialist support to over 100 UK cardiovascular SMEs with 1200+ hours of industry interaction. The team have raised ~£9 million in grant funding for companies, and have developed a series of first-in-man trials and pilot projects. 

For more information on the CVDHub’s services and team, or to get in touch, please visit or email 

Clinical Director: Prof Anthony Mathur
Scientific Director: Prof Rob Krams
Commercial Director: Chas Taylor
Industrial Champion: Nigel Lambert

Key Clinicians and Researchers: Prof Andreas Baumbach, Prof Silvia Schievano, Dr Ryo Torii, Prof Peter Groves, Prof Amrita Ahluwalia, Dr Malcolm Finlay


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