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English and Drama

Visiting Scholars

There are three schemes through which external scholars can apply to spend time as a visiting or honorary scholar in the School of English and Drama at QMUL.

Visiting PhD Students

The Department of Drama invites suitably qualified students enrolled on PhD programmes at other institutions to visit Queen Mary as Postgraduate Research Visiting Students for a period of one to six months.

Students are assigned a mentor with whom they can meet to discuss their project (though not for formal supervision). Students have access to libraries at Queen Mary University of London and to the University of London’s Senate House Library, as well as QMUL networks and relevant buildings. They can also use other London resources such as those at the British Library and elsewhere. Students are encouraged to participate in the research culture at QMUL and in London by attending seminars and relevant research training events in the School and elsewhere in the university, at the University of London, and beyond. The School has hosted students from a number of countries including Brazil, France, Spain, Turkey and the UK.

Prospective Associate Students should contact the Director of Graduate Studies for Drama, Professor Nicholas Ridout to discuss their suitability. There is a fee of £100 per month that goes towards costs to the University (in extraordinary circumstances, this may be adjusted; the fee is payable prior to registration).

Get more information and apply


QMUL Distinguished Visiting Fellows

The School of English and Drama welcomes academics as part of QMUL’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Distinguished Visiting Fellows Scheme. Recent Distinguished Visiting Fellows in Drama include Martin Harries (University of California, Irvine), Tavia Nyong’o (New York University), David Getsy (University of Virginia), Shannon Jackson (UC Berkeley), and Erin Hurley (McGill University). The scheme provides free on-campus accommodation for a period of between one and three weeks. Fellows on this scheme are expected to present research in the Department and to contribute to PhD training.

If you are interested in applying to this scheme, please contact a colleague with shared research interests in the Department.

School of English and Drama Visiting and Honorary Scholars

The School of English and Drama at Queen Mary University of London invites suitably qualified scholars of postdoctoral standing to visit us as Visiting Scholars or Honorary Scholars for a period of up to three years. Both groups of titles are important means by which the university establishes relationships with people who are distinguishing themselves either in their own academic institutions or elsewhere in fields of activity where Queen Mary would benefit from association.

Honorary and Visiting titles apply to different circumstances. 'Visiting' reflects a person of equivalent standing in another academic institution, whereas 'Honorary' reflects someone bringing skills and experience that may have been developed in a different environment.

Visiting and Honorary Scholars may be assigned a mentor with whom they can meet to discuss their research (though not for formal supervision). Visiting and Honorary Scholars have access to QMUL premises and facilities (as agreed in each case), usually including IT and library services; and are encouraged to participate in the research culture of the Department by attending research seminars and other events. 

Further information on the policy and procedure is available here. More information is available here

Prospective applicants should submit the following to the Head of Department, Professor Dominic Johnson, in the first instance:

  • an up-to-date CV (maximum 15 pages)
  • a statement of their plans for research and broader contributions while at QMUL (maximum three pages)

Due to pressures on space, we cannot offer office or desk space within the School; we also cannot offer administrative support. Ideally, please submit your query six months before you propose to come to QMUL.

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