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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

Professor Ioannis Kokkoris, BA Economics (Essex), MPhil Economics (Cambridge) LLM (Warwick), PhD (Kings College London)


Professor of Competition Law and Economics; Director of CCLS

Room Number: Lincoln's Inn Fields


Professor Ioannis Kokkoris was appointed as Director of the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary University of London in September 2022. He holds a Chair in Competition Law and Economics. He is also an Ordinary Member (Judge) of the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal.

He served as the Dean for International for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences between 2020-2022 and as the Director General of QMUL Paris at Queen Mary between 2021-2022. Professor Kokkoris' main research interests span all areas of competition law and policy including comparative competition law/economics and policy focusing on EU, US, BRICS and ASEAN. He is also focusing on issues of national security concerns and FDI in US, UK and EU. Professor Kokkoris has formerly served at the UK Office for Fair Trading (now UK Competition and Markets Authority), DG Competition, European Commission and US Federal Trade Commission.

Professor Kokkoris has led and worked on funded projects by the European Commission, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank, the OECD, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe and other international institutions. He is a special advisor to a number of competition authorities globally and frequently advises companies on competition enforcement issues in a number of jurisdictions. Professor Kokkoris also delivers training programmes for companies, competition authorities and courts.

Professor Kokkoris has more than 100 publications including more than 22 authored/co-authored/edited books, more than 70 articles and 25 chapters in edited volumes. Professor Kokkoris is on the editorial board of various international journals, he frequently speaks at conferences globally and is frequently interviewed by international media. Professor Kokkoris holds a BSc Economics (Essex), MPhil Economics (Cantab), LLM (Warwick) and PhD in Competition Law (Kings College London) and has conducted research at Harvard Law School.


Research Interests:

Ioannis' main research interests are in the area of competition law, competition economics, comparative competition law/economics and policy (EU, US, China, ASEAN). He has also been heavily focusing on issues of national security and the assessment of FDI.

Ioannis is currently working on comparative research projects on the development of competition law and competition enforcement in EU, US and China as well as the ASEAN region. He is also working on projects on the national security regimes in US, UK and EU.


Monographs/Edited Volumes


  • Kokkoris I., The Digital Markets Act: A Commentary, Edward Elgar, 2025
  • Kokkoris I., A Commentary on EU Merger Control, Edward Elgar, 2025
  • Kokkoris I. et. al, Competition Enforcement in China, US and the EU. A Comparative Approach, Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2025 (c 250000 words), (Monograph)
  • Kokkoris I., Shelanski H., EU Merger Control: A Legal and Economic Analysis, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2022. (c. 200,000 words) (Monograph)
  • Kokkoris I., National Security, and Foreign Direct Investment Screening: A Comparative Perspective, Oxford University Press (c 150000 words) forthcoming 2024. (Monograph)
  • Kokkoris I., Public Interest in US Merger Control, (c 150000 words), forthcoming 2024, Oxford University Press, (Monograph)


  • The New Energy Market Model in Greece, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2023 (c. 115000 words) (Monograph, in Greek)
  • Kokkoris I., (ed.) Research Handbook on Competition Enforcement, Edward Elgar, 2023
  • Kokkoris I., Research Handbook on Global Merger Enforcement (Co-Editor with Nick Levy, Cleary Gottlieb), Edward Elgar, 2023


  • Kokkoris I., Shelanski H., EU Merger Control: A Legal and Economic Analysis, Oxford University Press and Law Press China, 2018. (Chinese language edition)
  • Kokkoris I., Maniatis S. (eds.), Competition and IP in China, Oxford University Press, 2018.


  • Kokkoris I., Shelanski H., EU Merger Control: A Legal and Economic Analysis, Oxford University Press, 2014. [c. 300,000 words], (Monograph)


  • Kokkoris I. The Treatment of Non-Collusive Oligopoly Under the ECMR and National Merger Control, Routledge, 2010. [293 pages], (Monograph)
  • Kokkoris I., Olivares-Caminal R., Antitrust Policy in the Wake of Financial Crises, Cambridge University Press, 2010. [535 pages], (Monograph)
  • Kokkoris I. (ed), Competition Cases from the European Union. The Ultimate Guide to Leading Cases from EU, EFTA and Member States, Sweet and Maxwell, 2010. [1388 pages]
  • Kokkoris I., Etro F., (eds) Competition Law and the Enforcement of Article 102, Oxford University Press, 2010. [224 pages]


  • Kokkoris I. Is There a Gap in the Enforcement of Article 82, BIICL, 2009 [120 pages]. (Monograph)
  • Kokkoris I. Assessment of Coordinated Effects in Mergers, Sakkoulas, 2009 [152 pages]. (Monograph)
  • Kokkoris I., Lianos I., (eds) The Reform of EC Competition Law: New Challenges, Kluwer, 2009 [578 pages].


  • Kokkoris I., Lianos I., (eds) Reform of EC and Greek Competition Law, Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2008, [452 pages].


  • Kokkoris I. (ed), Competition Cases from the European Union. The Ultimate Guide to Leading Cases of the EU and all 27 Member States, Sweet and Maxwell, December 2007. [1445 pages]


  • Kokkoris I., Deredaki M., Triantafylakis G., Ελεύθερος Ανταγωνισμός (Free Competition, in Greek) Nomiki Bibliothiki, November 2005 [488 pages] (Monograph)

Journal Issues - Guest Editor

  • Kokkoris I., Volpin C., Symposium: The parameter of innovation: New approaches in EU competition law, the Antitrust Bulletin, 2019
  • Kokkoris I., (ed), Special Issue of the Antitrust Bulletin on Divergence of US and EU Competition Enforcement, 2014.
  • Kokkoris I., (ed), Special Issue of the Antitrust Bulletin on EC Competition Law, 2010.

Chapters in Edited Volumes


  • Privacy and Data Considerations in Merger Control, in Ioannidou M., Mantzari D., Research Handbook in Competition Law and Data Privacy, Edward Elgar, 2024.


  • Kokkoris I., National Security concerns in EU Merger Control Kokkoris I., Levy N., Global Merger Control, Research Handbook on Global Merger Enforcement, Edward Elgar, 2023.
  • Kokkoris I., and Levy N., Introduction to Global Merger Enforcement, in Kokkoris I., (eds.) Research Handbook on Global Merger Enforcement, Edward Elgar, 2023.


  • Kokkoris I., Introduction to Handbook on Competition Enforcement, in Kokkoris I., (ed.) Research Handbook on Competition Enforcement, Edward Elgar, 2022.
  • Kokkoris I., Skourtis A., A Reconceptualisation of the Aims of Competition Law. Is There Room for Populism?, Research Handbook in Competition Enforcement, Edward Elgar, 2022.


  • Merger Enforcement in Tzouganatos D., (ed.), Competition Law, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2019, 2nd edition.
  • Exempted Anticompetitive Agreements, in Tzouganatos D., (ed.), Competition Law, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2019, 2nd edition.


  • Kokkoris I. and Ioannidou M., Competition enforcement in developing markets, in Figueroa P., Competition and Trade law in the Pharmaceutical Industry, 2018, Edward Elgar.
  • Kokkoris I., Maniatis S., and Gao Y., Introduction to IP and Anti-Monopoly Legislation and Practice in China in Kokkoris I., Maniatis S. (eds.), Competition and IP in China, Oxford University Press, 2018.


  • The special nature of banks and its regulatory challenges, in Gray J., Cecco F., Research Handbook on State Aid in the Banking Sector, Edward Elgar, 2017.
  • Competition law in financial markets in Galloway J., The Intersections of Antitrust: questions of design and enforcement, Oxford University Press, 2017.


  • The pharmaceutical sector between Patent Law and Competition Law in UK, in Muscolo G., and Pitruzzella G., Competition and Intellectual Property Law in the Pharmaceutical Sector: An International Perspective, Kluwer, 2016.
  • The pharmaceutical sector between Patent Law and  Competition Law in Greece, in Muscolo G., and Pitruzzella G., Competition and Intellectual Property Law in the Pharmaceutical Sector: An International Perspective, Kluwer, 2016.
  • Resolution of Banks and the State Aid Regime, (with Olivares Caminal R.) in Singh D., Binder J., 2016.


  • Expedited Corporate Debt Restructuring: Competition Law Implications in Olivares Caminal R., Expedited Corporate Debt Restructuring: Different Alternatives in the European Union, Oxford University Press, 2015.
  • The full functionality concept in EUMR, in Georgopoulos L., (ed.), publication in honour of John C. Dryllerakis, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2015.


  • Excessive Pricing as an Abuse of Article 102“ with Marcus Glader, chapter in González Díaz E., Snelders R. (eds.), Volume V, by Claeys & Casteels 2013.
  • Substantive Aspects on Merger Control, in Lianos I., Geradin D., (eds.) Research Handbook in European Competition Law Edward Elgar, 2013.


  • Marsden P. and Kokkoris I. The Role of Competition and State Aid Policy in Financial and Monetary Law, in Lastra R., Cottier T., Jackson J., International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetary Affairs, OUP, 2012
  • Merger Enforcement Theory and Practice in Tzouganatos D., (ed.), Competition Law, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2012.
  • The Approach to Exempted Anticompetitive Agreements in EU Competition Law, in Tzouganatos D., (ed.), Competition Law, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2012.


  • To Divest or Not to Divest: That is the Question in Olivares-Caminal R., Singh D., Lambrosse J., Managing Systemic Risk in the Financial System, Edward Elgar, 2011.
  • Competition Enforcement in Crisis (Ανταγωνισμός σε κρίση), in Greek, in Εpitropaki Ο., Ζarkos S., Κυriakopoulos Κ., (eds) Management in times of Crisis (Το μάνατζμεντ σε καιρούς κρίσης), Kastaniotis 2011.


  • Are we Underenforcing Article 102 tfeu“, in Kokkoris, Etro (eds.), Competition law and the Enforcement of Article 102, by Oxford University Press, 2010.
  • Toward an Economic Approach to Article 102 tfeu“ with Federico Etro, in Kokkoris, Etro (eds.), Competition Law and the Enforcement of Article 102, by Oxford University Press, 2010.
  • Critical Analysis of the Substantive Reforms in the ECMR“, in Kokkoris I., Lianos I., The Reform of EC Competition Law: New Challenges, with K. Katona, Kluwer, 2010.


  • Failing Firm Defence in Failing Markets“, in Olivares-Caminal R., Lambrosse J. R., Singh D., Financial Crisis Management and Bank Resolution, Informa-Lloyds of London, 2009.


  • Legal and Economic Implications of Vertical Restraints“ (in Greek) in Kokkoris I., Lianos I., Reform of EC and Greek Competition Law, Nomiki Bibliothiki, October 2008.


  • Implications of Merger Legislation for Corporate Debt Restructuring“ in Olivares-Caminal R. ed. Expedited Debt Restructuring: An International Comparative Analysis, September 2007, Kluwer.

Articles (in Refereed Journals)

  • Kokkoris I., Public Interest and Non-Price Considerations in Merger Control, Canadian Commercial Law Review, forthcoming, vo. 36(3), pp. 1-40.
  • Kokkoris I., Media Plurality Assessment as a Public Interest concern in Merger Control in the UKCompetition and Regulation in Network Industries, 2023, pp. 158-173.
  • Kokkoris I., Assessment of National Security Concerns in The Acquisition Of US And UK AssetsJournal of National Security Law and Policy, Georgetown University Law School, 2022, pp 349-378.
  • Kokkoris I., Introduction, Special Issue of the Antitrust Bulletin on Competition Enforcement in Digital Markets: Too much, Too little or Just right?, 2022
  • Kokkoris I., Gabison G., Pahari N., Inability to Pay in Cartels, World Competition: Law and Economics Review, Vol. 44, No. 2, 2021, pp. 125-146.
  • Kokkoris, I. Can Competition Considerations Trump Trade Marks RightsChicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property, Vol. 20, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 91-127.
  • Kokkoris I. National Security as a Public Interest Consideration in UK Merger ControlJournal of Strategic Security, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2021, pp. 47-73.
  • Kokkoris I., Lemus C., A Few Reflections on the Recent Case Law on Algorithmic CollusionCompetition Policy International, July 2020.
  • Kokkoris I., Valleti T., Innovation Considerations in Horizontal Merger ControlJournal of Competition Law & Economics, nhaa008, April 2020, pp. 220-261.
  • Kokkoris I., Innovation considerations in merger control and unilateral conduct enforcementJournal of Antitrust Enforcement, Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2020, pp. 56–85.
  • Kokkoris I., Gavriilidou L., Mergers and Acquisitions in online platforms: some thoughts from the EU and national case law, Foreword, E-competitions, February 2019.
  • Kokkoris I., The Google Saga: Episode IEuropean Competition Journal, July 2018, pp. 462-490. 
  • Kokkoris I., Altman Z score as defence in cartel fines (in Greek) in Δίκαιο Επιχειρήσεων και Εταιριών (Business and Company Law), June 2018.
  • Kokkoris I., The Google Case in the EUAntitrust Bulletin, May 2017, 62, pp. 313-333.
  • Kokkoris I., Kurniawan A., Will Basel III help to prevent a future crisis? Financial Policy International, November 2016.
  • Kokkoris I., and Anagnostopoulou M., An Account of the Performance of the Greek Stock Market, International Corporate Rescue September, 2016.
  • Kokkoris I., Foreword on Merger Remedies, Special Issue, Concurrences, October 2015.
  • Kokkoris I., and Ozbek O., Predicting Bankruptcy. The Altman Z-score model, a multi purpose tool that requires cautious use, International Corporate Rescue, vol 12 issue 5, 2015.
  • Kokkoris I., and Skourtis A., Behavioural Economics and some Implications for Competition Law, International Corporate Rescue, Vol 12 (2015) - Issue 2.
  • Kokkoris I., Introduction, Special Issue of the Antitrust Bulletin on Divergence of US and EU Competition Enforcement, 2014. 
  • Kokkoris I., Competition vs. Financial Stability in the aftermath of the crisis in the UK, Antirust Bulletin, Spring 2014.
  • Kokkoris I., Should China Harmonize Its Merger Assessment With US and EU, Tsinghua China Law Review, volume 7, issue 1, 2014.
  • Kokkoris I., Merging Banks in Time of Crisis, Journal of Banking Regulation, 2014, vol. 15, issue 3-4, pages 313-324.
  • Kokkoris I., The Two Shades of Grey: The Aegean/Olympic Air Transaction in 2011 and 2013, International Corporate Rescue, vol. 11 issue 2, 2014.
  • Kokkoris I., Papadakis K., Mergers in the Greek Banking Sector (Συγχωνεύσεις στο Ελληνικό Τραπεζικό Σύστημα υπό το πρίσμα του Δικαίου Ανταγωνισμού), Δίκαιο Επιχειρήσεων και Εταιριών (Business and Company Law), 7/2013 1107.
  • Kokkoris I., The Limits on Cooperative Association and its Members in the EU, Global Legal Issues 2013, Korea Legislation Research Institute, Winter 2014.
  • Kokkoris I., The crisis is finally biting! The response of the EU Merger Control Regime to the need for corporate restructuring, International Corporate Rescue vol. 11 issue 2, 2014. 
  • Kokkoris I., State Aid Law v Single Resolution Mechanism: David v Goliath or vice versa?, International Corporate Rescue, vol 10, issue 6, 2013.
  • Kokkoris I., Olivares Caminal R., Lessons from the Financial Crisis for Competition EnforcementBusiness Law Review, volume 34, pp. 13-23.
  • Kokkoris I., Olivares Caminal R., Papadakis K., Galazoula The DOs and DON’Ts of Credit Default Swaps (CDS) in the Context of the EU Sovereign Debt Crisis, Journal of International Banking Regulation, March 2013
  • Expedia and Booking.Com: Agent or Distributor, Competition Policy International, January 2013.
  • Kokkoris I., “Should Crisis Cartels Exist Amidst Crises?” Antitrust Bulletin, December, 2010, pp. 727-756.
  • Kokkoris I., Marsden P., “The Role of Competition and State Aid Policy in Financial and Monetary Law”, 2010 13(3), Journal of International Economic Law, pp. 875-893. [70% own contribution]
  • Kokkoris I., “Meeting Competition: Abuse or Defence”, 2010, Hellenic Review of European Law, pp. 75-109.
  • Kokkoris I., Olivares-Caminal R., Papadakis K., “The Greek Tragedy: Is There a Deux ex Machina?” 2010 7(4), International Corporate Rescue, pp. 213-219. [30% authored]
  • Kokkoris I., Zevgolis N., “Competition Policy post-Lisbon Treaty”, 2010 1, Hellenic Review of European Law, pp. 29-37.
  • Kokkoris I., Olivares-Caminal R., Papadakis K., Guest Editorial “The Greek Tragedy”, 2010 11, Journal of Banking Regulation, pp. 257–259. [30% authored]
  • Kokkoris I., “Cartels Amidst Crises”, 2010, (in Greek) Δίκαιο Επιχειρήσεων και Εταιριών (Business and Company Law), April, pp. 307-311.
  • Kokkoris I., “Assessment of Efficiencies. Should the DG Competition follow the OFT example?” 2009 30(12), ECLR, pp. 581-592.
  • Kokkoris I., “The Marine Hoses Cartel. Multijurisdictional Cooperation and Criminal Liability” 2009, (in Greek) ΔίκαιοΕπιχειρήσεων και Εταιριών (Business and Company Law), June, pp. 1-4.
  • Kokkoris I., Leanne D., “Buyer Power in UK Merger Control”, 2009, 30(4), ECLR (European Competition Law Review) pp. 176-188 [50% own contribution].
  • Kokkoris I., “Was There a Gap in the ECMR”, 2009 1, Concurrences, pp. 1-12.
  • Kokkoris I. (2009), “The EC Remedies Notice: A Comment”, in Concurrences, 4- 2009.
  • Kokkoris I., “Assessment of Vertical Mergers: Application of the EC Non-Horizontal Merger Guidelines”, 2008 10, (in Greek) Δίκαιο Επιχειρήσεων και Εταιριών (Business and Company Law), pp. 1-4.
  • Kokkoris I., “Concerted Practices: Object or Effect Infringement?”, 2008 3, (in Greek) Εφαρμογές Δημοσίου Δικαίου(Enforcement of Public Law), pp. 923-940.
  • Kokkoris I., “Abuse of Superior Bargaining Position/Abuse of Economic Dependence and the inapplicability of Article 82” 2008, Hellenic Review of European Law, International Edition.
  • Kokkoris I., “Legal and Economic Implications of Resale Price Maintenance” (in Greek) 2008, Δίκαιο Επιχειρήσεων καιΕταιριών (Business and Company Law), October, pp. 1105-1111.
  • Kokkoris I., “Potential Competition and its implications for mergers”, (in Greek) 2008 Επιθεώρηση Εμπορικού Δικαίου(Commercial Law Review), March.
  • Kokkoris I., “Assessment of Mergers Inducing Coordinated Effects in the Presence of Explicit Collusion” 2008 31(4), World Competition, pp. 499-522.
  • Kokkoris I., and Olivares-Caminal R., “Lessons from the Recent Stock Exchange Merger Activity”, 2008 4(3), Journal of Competition Law and Economics, pp. 837-869.
  • Kokkoris I., “The Development of the concept of Collective Dominance in the European Community Merger Regulation. From its Inception to its Current Status”, 2007 30(3), World Competition, pp. 419-448.
  • Kokkoris I., “Purchase Price Fixing: A Per Se Infringement?”, 2007 28(9), ECLR, pp. 473-487.
  • Kokkoris I., and Olivares-Caminal R., “Regulation of Stock Exchanges in the Recent Wake of Mergers”, 2007 22(8), Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation, pp. 469-474. [60% authored]
  • Kokkoris I. (2007), “Developments in the Leniency Programme”, (in Greek) in Νομικά Νέα, 30 April 2007.
  • Kokkoris I., “Event Studies in Merger Assessment. Successes and Failures”, 2007 3(1), European Competition Journal, pp. 65-99.
  • Kokkoris I., and Olivares-Caminal R., “Competition and Regulation Aspects in Cross-Border Stock Exchange Mergers”, 2007 29 (2), University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, pp. 455-526. [70% authored]
  • Kokkoris I., “Current Situation in the Assessment of Collective Dominance after Airtours and Impala”, (in Greek) 2007, Δίκαιο Επιχειρήσεων και Εταιριών (Business and Company Law), September, pp. 891-899.
  • Kokkoris I., “Failing Firm Defence: A Success or Failure for Corporate Restructuring?”, 2007 4(3), International Corporate Rescue, pp.149-156.
  • Kokkoris I., “Failing Firm Defence under the Clayton Act?”, 2007 28(3) ECLR, pp. 158-166.
  • Kokkoris I., “Parallel trading after CFI’s decision in GlaxoSmithKline v. Commission”, (in Greek) 2006, Δίκαιο Επιχειρήσεωνκαι Εταιριών (Business and Company Law), November, pp. 1138-1141.
  • Kokkoris I., “Failing Firm Defence in the European Union. A Panacea for Mergers?”, 2006 27(9), ECLR, pp. 494-509.
  • Kokkoris I., “Buyer Power Assessment in Competition Law”, 2006 29(1), World Competition pp. 139-164. This article had been shortlisted for the 1st World Competition Young Writer Award.
  • Kokkoris I., “CFI’s views on evidential burden and collective dominance in IMPALA v. Commission”, (in Greek) 2006,Δίκαιο Επιχειρήσεων και Εταιριών (Business and Company Law), October, pp. 1017-1020.
  • Kokkoris I., “Do Merger Simulation and Critical Loss Analysis Differ Under the SLC and Dominance Test?” 2006 27(5), ECLR, pp. 248-259.
  • Kokkoris I., “Liability of Swaps Dealers Against Users”, 2006 17(2), International Company and Commercial Law Review, pp. 63-73.
  • Kokkoris I., “Critical Loss Analysis: Critically Ill?” 2005 26(9), ECLR, pp. 518-525.
  • Kokkoris I., “Merger Simulation: A Crystal Ball for Assessing Mergers”, 2005 28(3), World Competition, pp. 327-348.
  • Kokkoris I., and Zevgolis N., “Assessment of trade associations’ decisions and collusion of constituting members with or without the direct involvement of the association. The value of a conduct based approach for the assessment of concerted practices and non formal agreements. Some thoughts and some case law examples”, December 2005, Hellenic Review of European Law, pp. 97-118. [50% authored]
  • Kokkoris I., “Weak-Form Tests of Market Efficiency in Corporate Debt Restructuring”, 2005 2(6) International Corporate Rescue, pp. 337-343.
  • Kokkoris I., “Market Definition in Competition Law”, (in Greek), 2005 Δίκαιο Επιχειρήσεων και Εταιριών (Business and Company Law), December, pp. 1279-1285.
  • Kokkoris I., “The SYFAIT v GlaxoSmithKline case”, (in Greek) 2005 Δίκαιο Επιχειρήσεων και Εταιριών (Business and Company Law), September, pp. 958-966.
  • Kokkoris I., “Does the ΣΕΣΜΕ Decision of the Hellenic Competition Commission follow European Commission’s Decisions?” (in Greek), 2005, Δίκαιο Επιχειρήσεων και Εταιρειών, (Business and Company Law), June, pp. 677-681.
  • Kokkoris I., “The concept of Market Definition and the SSNIP test in the Merger Appraisal”, 2005 26(4) ECLR, pp. 209-214.
  • Kokkoris I., “The reform of the European Community Merger Regulation in the aftermath of the Airtours case. The eagerly expected debate: SLC v Dominance test”, 2005 26(1), ECLR, pp. 37-47.

Public Engagement


Please see more interviews under 'Related news' further down this page.

Speaking Engagements

  • Panel Chair, GCR Live Foreign Investment Control 2024, December 2024
  • Speaker at National Fair, Competition Conference, organised by State Administration for Market Regulation, Wuhan, China, September 2024 
  • Speaker on Innovation and Non-Price Competition, EU Merger Control conference, Informa, Brussels, September 2024
  • Speaker on Competition Law in the Financial Sector, Informa, London, September 2024
  • Speaker on Competition law and Sustainability, International Chamber of Commerce, London, September 2024
  • Speaker on FDI and FSR, Informa, May 2024
  • Panel Chair on Merger Remedies, International Mergers Conference, Concurrences and UCL, May 2024
  • Merger Control in the Gaming Industry, Stanford Law School, March 2024 
  • Serial Acquisitions, OECD Competition Week, Paris December 2023
  • Foreign Investment Control, (panel Chair), Global Competition Review, London, December 2023 
    The future of the As Efficient Competitor test, China Institute of International Antitrust and Investment (CIIAI), December 2023
  • Non price factors in merger assessment, Canadian Bar Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, November 2023
  • Competition Enforcement and Sustainability, Marrakech, EU Twinning Program, November 2023
  • FDI Screening of Tech sector deals: a regime fit for purpose? (panel Chair), ESCP, Paris, June 2023
  • A Critique of the EU FDI regime, China Institute of International Antitrust and Investment (CIIAI), Beijing, May 2023
  • Brexit, the Day After, Concurrences and UCL, May 2023
  • Remedies in merger control, UCL, London, April 2023
  • Theories of Harm in non-Horizontal mergers, QMUL, March 2023
  • UK merger enforcement in digital markets, Computer and Communication Industry Association, Washington March 2023
  • FDI rules and their impact on the EU’s investment climate, Brussels, Informa, December 2022
  • Developments in Competition Enforcement in Digital Markets, Haveriana University, Colombia, October 2022.
  • Challenges in EU enforcement, Legal500, September 2022
  • FDI control in EU, Brussels, Informa, September 2022
  • National Security and Merger Control in EU, Brussels, Informa, June 2022
  • National Security and Merger Control in UK and US, London, Informa, June 2022
  • Keynote Speech by Professor Ioannis Kokkoris on the EU Digital Markets Act, coorganized by Fundacao Getulio Vargas and Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos de Concor­rência, Consumo e Comércio Internacional Sao Paulo August 2022
  • January 2022, National Security in Merger Assessment, Jeantet Law Firm, Paris
  • 24 August 2022, Keynote Speech by Professor Ioannis Kokkoris on the EU Digital Markets Act, coorganized by Fundacao Getulio Vargas and Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos de Concor­rência, Consumo e Comércio Internacional Sao Paulo
  • December 2021, Foreign Investment and Protectionism, London, Global Competition Review
  • November 2021, 3rd Annual BIICL/Linklaters Tech Antitrust Roundtable, London
  • Can regulation promote innovation and competition, while guarding against harms online? OFCOM and BIICL, November 2021, London
  • November 2021, Compass Lexecon Rising Stars, London
  • September 2021, Competition Law in the Financial Services Sector, panel on Merger Control and FDI
  • June 2021, Protectionism in FDI, Chair, British Institute of International and Comparative Law and Queen Mary University London
  • March 2021, Industrial Strategy and Competition and Competition Enforcement, Chair, British Institute of International and Comparative Law and Queen Mary University London
  • November 2020, Failing Firm Defence in Merger Enforcement, ICN Working Group Webinar
  • October 2020, Tsinghua University Law Forum, M&A transactions and National Security Considerations
  • September 2020, State Aid enforcement after the Apple tax case, Chair, British Institute of International and Comparative Law
  • September 2020, Chair at the 5th Annual Conference of the China Institute of International Antitrust and Investment and UNCTAD
  • July 2020, UK CMA Market Study on Online Advertising, Chair, British Institute of International and Comparative Law
  • June 2020, Buyer power in retail markets, Hellenic Competition Commission
  • March 2020, Algorithmic Antitrust: Enforcing Competition Rules in the Age of Algorithms, Linklaters
  • February 2020, Merger Control: a changing and challenging landscape
  • February 2020, 1st International Mergers Conference, University College London
  • January 2020, Manila Competition Forum, Philippines Competition Commission
  • November 2019, Chair at the 4th Annual Conference of the China Institute of International Antitrust and Investment and UNCTAD, Beijing
  • September 2019, Rebates after Intel, EMEOD Conference, Volos
  • June 2019, AI: Decoding IP, WIPO, London
  • May 2019, Innovation Considerations in Merger Enforcement, Kuwait
  • February 2019, Competition Advocacy in Public Procurement, ICN, Kiev
  • December 2018, Taming the 4th Power, UCL, London
  • September 2018, 3rd Annual Conference of the China Institute of International Antitrust and Investment and unctad, Chair of the first day of the conference
  • June 2018, 10th Annual IMEDIPA Conference, Chair of the Merger Control panel
  • June 2018: Limits to Merger Enforcement, Interaction between corporate law and governance and competition law, Lund 
  • May 2018: Algorithmic Collusion, ICC-Baker McKenzie Annual Conference 2018
  • April 2018: 5th Annual Sino – UK Annual Conference on Competition Law, Beijing, Chair of the competition enforcement panel
  • March 2018: Fideres Workshop, Antitrust Damages
  • March 2018: Trends in Competition Enforcement, Pakistan Competition Commission
  • February 2018, Remedies in Merger Enforcement, Training for Judges on EU Competition Law, Athens
  • February 2018: Concurrency in Energy, Telecoms and Banking, Philippines Competition Commission
  • February 2018: Digital Platforms and the Widening EU/US Competition Law and Regulation Gap, A Gap in Google, University College London
  • December 2017: 3rd Annual International Conference, Antimonopoly Policy: Science, Practice, Education “Digital Economy and Competition Policy”, New approaches to defining markets when establishing dominant position and considering transactions on economic concentration and Digital economy and cartels, Russian Competition Authority, Moscow
  • November 2017: Lectures in Competition Analysis, Sharing Economies and Cartels, Workshop for CADE (pre-BRICS series of events), Brazil
  • November 2017: Transformation of Competition Law, New Trends in Merger Enforcement, University College London
  • November 2017: Remedies in Brazil and the EU, Workshop for CADE, Brazil
  • November 2017: 10th Anniversary of the AML: Trends, Challenges and Successes, Recent Developments in Refusal to Deal & Internet and a review of current cases & “Big data” and its relevance to Chinese antitrust enforcement & The shift from “per se” prohibitions to proof of effects in antitrust investigations
  • May 2017: EBRD Annual Meeting, Bid Rigging and Public Procurement, Nicosia
  • April 2017: 4th Annual Sino-UK Conference on Commercial Law
  • March 2017: European University Institute, Training on Merger Control, Florence
  • February 2017: Review of Competition Law, Tbilisi
  • June 2016: 3rd Sino – UK Annual Conference on Competition Law, London
  • April 2016: 9th IMEDIPA Annual Conference on Competition Law and Policy, Athens
  • March 2016: Cross Border Challenges in Competition Enforcement, London
  • February 2016: Competition Enforcement in Digital Markets, London
  • December 2015: The Future of MFNs, Budapest
  • November 2015: Google and European Commission, Bangkok
  • November 2015: Google in the EU and US, Jakarta
  • October 2015: Abuse of dominance v Innovation, Beijing
  • April 2015: International Convergence in Competition Enforcement in China, 2nd Sino – UK Annual Conference on Competition Law, Beijing
  • December 2014: Importance of Competition Advocacy in Competition Enforcement,10th Asian Competition Forum, Hong Kong  
  • November 2014: How does the revamped UK mergers framework (including strengthened suspension and reverse powers) compare internationally? Westminster Business Forum, London
  • October 2014: The role of consumer needs in competition advocacy, World Bank Competition Policy Advocacy Awards, Washington DC
  • October 2014: Abuse test, or lack of, in non-price based abuse of dominance cases, Swedish Competition Authority
  • September 2014: Resale Price Maintenance: Economists Vs Justice Breyer, 11th Baltic Competition Conference, Vilnius
  • June 2014: 8th IMEDIPA Annual Conference on Competition Law and Policy, Istanbul
  • April 2014: First Sino-UK conference on Corporate Law, Beijing
  • March 2014: Single Resolution Mechanism v State Aid Control, Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC), Tilburg
  • February 2014: Merger Control for the ASEAN region, 5th Annual Conference of Competition Enforcement in CEE, Bratislava
  • December 2013: 9th Asian Competition Forum, Hong Kong
  • October 2013: Crisis Management Directive Symposium Tubingen
  • September 2013: Greek Public Policy Forum, Chania
  • June 2013: 2nd Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Policy, Singapore
  • June 2013: Balance of Competition Policy and Financial Regulation, Ottawa
  • June 2013: Consolidation in the Banking Industry, Athens
  • April 2013: Is Deterrence enough? Taipei
  • March 2013: Cartels and Deterrence, Lithuanian Competition Council, Vilnius
  • March 2013: Market Definition in Media Markets, Lithuanian Competition Council, Vilnius
  • June 2012: Economic analysis in Mergers, Bucharest
  • June 2012: Judges Training, Budapest
  • March 2012: Deutsche Borse/NYSE: The Saga Continues, Beijing June 2012
  • December 2011: Financial stability and bank mergers, New Delhi,
  • October 2011: Banking Stability and Competition, OECD, Paris
  • June 2011: State Aid Policy in 2008-2010, Washington DC
  • May 2011: Competition Issues in Bank Mergers, Athens
  • March 2011: New Substantive Merger Guidelines, Warsaw
  • March 2011: Bank Mergers and Financial Stability, Hong Kong
  • October 2010: Competition Policy amidst Crisis, Michigan
  • April 2010: “Bundling in Article 82”, Rome.
  • April 2010: “Failing firm Defence for Failing Banks”, Coventry.
  • April 2010: “Inadequacies in National Merger Legislations”, Brno.
  • January 2010: “Is there a Gap in Article 82?” London.
  • September 2009: “Liberal Professions”, Bucharest.
  • July 2009: “Criminal Cartels”, Rome.
  • May 2009: “Efficiency Defence in Horizontal Mergers”, Athens
  • April 2009: “Merger Policy in the Wake of Financial Crises”, Budapest.
  • April 2009: “Failing Firm Defence in Failing Industries”, Warwick University.
  • March 2009: “Is There a Gap in Article 82
  • February 2009: “Collective Dominance in ECMR and Article 82”, University of Thrace.
  • October 2008: “Corporate Governance Issues in Stock Exchange Mergers”, invited to speak at the OECD, Paris.
  • September 2008: “Competition Policy in Developing v. Developed Network Markets”, at Which competition policy for regulated industries?: Governance and sector-specific perspectives, Istanbul
  • July 2008: “Criminal sanctions in the fight against cartels”, at Italian Competition Authority, AGCM,
  • July 2008: “Event Studies in Merger Assessment”, at Competition and Regulation European Summer School and Conference,
  • July 2008: “The Development of the Concept of Collective Dominance in the ECMR”, at International Conference on Law, Athens.
  • April 2008: “A Critical Assessment of the ECMR Reform”, at the 11th Competition Law Scholars Forum, Glasgow
  • March 2008: “Non-Horizontal Merger Assessment”, “The Gap in the ECMR” at the OECD Workshop, Budapest.
  • February 2008: “UK Merger Control”, presentation to the University of Warwick.
  • June 2007: “SLC v. Dominance. Evidence of the Gap”, presented at “The Reform of EC and Greek Competition Law”, Athens
  • June 2007: “The Coordinated Effects Saga”, Democritus University Law School.
  • February 2007: “Stock Exchange Mergers”, British Institute of International Commercial Law.
  • February 2007: “UK Merger Control, theory and practice”, University College London
  • January 2007: “Competition and Regulation Aspects of Stock Exchange Mergers”, University of Warwick.
  • July 2005: “Countervailing Buyer Power under Articles 81 and 82”, Office of Fair Trading.

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