Unit Lead: Richard Hooper
Deputy Lead: Dr Clare Robinson
Evaluations – of drugs, devices, behavioural interventions, organisational change, public health interventions, and policy – are the cornerstone of population health research. The example of the COVID epidemic has demonstrated the importance of innovation and efficiency in delivering these evaluations, and sound research methods must lie at the heart of evaluations if they are to have quality and integrity. The Methodology Research Unit (MRU) brings together people with interests and expertise in a number of different methodological areas, and acts as a focus for research activities that together aim for better research through better methods.
NIHR Research Support Service Imperial College London and Partners Hub: funded by the National Institute for Health & Care Research (NIHR), and part of the NIHR Infrastructure, RSS provides free and confidential advice to health and social care researchers across England who are seeking public or charitable funding for research in health and social care, including advice on research design and research methods. We are proud to be a partner in the RSS Hub delivered by Imperial College London & Partners. The RSS leads at QMUL are Richard Hooper, Jill Russell and Liz Steed.
The Unit has an international reputation for its methods research, particularly on the topics of cluster randomised trials, stepped wedge trials, pilot and feasibility studies, and trials within cohorts. Some useful resources are highlighted below.
Zeenat Kauroo, z.kauroo@qmul.ac.uk
Yvonne Carter Building
58 Turner Street
E1 2AB