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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Professor Patricia McGettigan


Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Medical Education (HCC)

Centre: Clinical Pharmacology and Precision Medicine

Telephone: +44(0) 20 7882 7128


ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9757-9754

Patricia McGettigan is a Clinical Pharmacologist and Consultant Physician at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and Barts Health NHS Trust. She graduated in pharmacy and in medicine from the University of Dublin, Trinity College and trained in Clinical Pharmacology at Trinity College, Dublin and the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. She is head of MBBS clinical pharmacology, therapeutics and prescribing teaching at QMUL and co-leads final year Clinical Trials and Regulatory Affairs teaching in QMUL’s BSc in Pharmacology and Innovative Therapeutics.

She is Deputy Chair of the Medical Schools Council’s national Prescribing Safety Assessment Standard Setting Group and an External Examiner for pharmacology at University College Cork, Ireland. In her clinical role, based at Barts Health Royal London Hospital, she cares for cardiology in-patients and provides specialist HIV-cardiovascular risk management for out-patients.

She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and the British Pharmacological Society and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Active in both national and European medicines regulation, she is a Member of the UK’s Commission on Human Medicines Pharmacovigilance Expert Advisory Group and is appointed by the European Commission to the Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Committee of the European Medicines Agency.


Patricia McGettigan’s research focuses on pharmacoepidemiology and medicines regulation using large health registers, drug sales databases, and regulatory records. In pharmacoepidemiology, major interests relate to drug-associated adverse events, medicines utilisation, and HIV-co-morbidities. Her regulatory research is on the authorisation of medicines, including fixed dose combination products and regulatory system failures in India, and the role of patient/disease registries in supporting post-authorisation medicines evaluation.


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University of Copenhagen, Denmark: Dr Anne-Marie Schjerning-Olsen, Dr Morten Lamberts, Professor Gunnar Gislason; University of Newcastle, UK: Dr Petra Sevcikova, Mr Peter Roderick, Professor Allyson Pollock; Indian Council of Medical Research: Professor Nilima Krishsagar; Public Health Foundation of India: Dr Habib Hasan Farooqui; University of Dundee, Scotland: Dr Daniel Morales.


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