Dr Suzanne EldridgeSenior Lecturer of Musculoskeletal Regenerative MedicineCentre: Experimental Medicine and Rheumatology Email: s.e.eldridge@qmul.ac.uk Twitter: @TheReGenLabProfileResearchKey PublicationsSponsorsNewsProfileDr Suzanne Eldridge is a molecular biologist with a background in engineering whose main research interest is in the regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues. During her PhD she discovered the role of Agrin in cartilage homeostasis. Her predominant aim is to develop new therapeutic technologies which will either prevent cartilage breakdown or enhance cartilage repair, for use in disease (such as osteoarthritis) and following cartilage trauma.ResearchGroup members Aida Barawi (PhD student); Manasi Sayilakshmy (Technician); Zara Khan (PhD student) Summary Dr Eldridge is a molecular biologist with a background in engineering whose main research interest is in the regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues. During her PhD she discovered the role of Agrin in cartilage homeostasis. Her predominant aim is to develop new therapeutic technologies which will either prevent cartilage breakdown or enhance cartilage repair, for use in disease (such as osteoarthritis) and following cartilage trauma. Opportunities in the group Dr Eldridge has a range of projects available to students including: Short/long term undergraduate projects (either as part of a degree programme or independently) MSc projects PhD studentships (funded when possible) Please email Dr Eldridge at s.e.eldridge@qmul.ac.uk for more information.Publications Caxaria S, Kouvatsos N, Eldridge SE et al. (2022). Disease modification and symptom relief in osteoarthritis using a mutated GCP-2/CXCL6 chemokine. nameOfConference DOI: 10.15252/emmm.202216218 QMRO: https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/82578 Thorup A-S, Dell’Accio F, Eldridge SE (2023). A Mouse Model of Acute Cartilage Injury and Repair. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2839-3_24 QMRO: https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/82668 Eldridge S, Barawi A, Thorup AS et al. (2022). AB0156 INTRA-ARTICULAR AGRIN PROVIDES DIRECT PAIN RELIEF IN OSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE DEFECTS. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2022-eular.3483 QMRO: qmroHref Thorup A-S, Wilson J, Strachan D et al. (2022). BLOCKING ROR2 IMPROVES CARTILAGE INTEGRITY AND PROVIDES PAIN RELIEF IN OSTEOARTHRITIS, IN PART BY MODULATING YAP SIGNALLING. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2022.02.201 QMRO: https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/95161 THORUP A, Caxaria S, Dell'Accio F et al. (2022). In vivo potency assay for the screening of bioactive molecules on cartilage formation. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1038/s41684-022-00943-y QMRO: https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/76951 Eldridge S, Barawi A, Wang H et al. (2021). AB0039 AGRIN REPAIRS BONE AND CARTILAGE IN VIVO. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2021-eular.2584 QMRO: https://uat2-qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/73100 Thorup AS, Strachan D, Caxaria S et al. (2021). OP0200 BLOCKING ROR2 IMPROVES CARTILAGE INTEGRITY AND PROVIDES PAIN RELIEF IN OSTEOARTHRITIS. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2021-eular.2358 QMRO: qmroHref Thomas B, Eldridge S, Nosrati B et al. (2021). WNT3A-loaded exosomes enable cartilage repair. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1002/jev2.12088 QMRO: https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/68377 Nalesso G, Thorup A-S, Eldridge SE et al. (publicationYear). Calcium calmodulin kinase II activity is required for cartilage homeostasis in osteoarthritis. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-82067-w QMRO: https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/70801 Thorup A-S, Strachan D, Caxaria S et al. (2020). ROR2 blockade as a therapy for osteoarthritis. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aax3063 QMRO: https://uat2-qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/67172 View Profile Publication Page Sponsors Versus Arthritis Rosetrees Trust MRC FOREUM UCB News Doubling down on osteoarthritis (Nature), October 2020 New molecule repairs cartilage and relieves symptoms of osteoarthritis (Queen Mary University of London), September 2020 BBC Radio 5 Live interview (14:38), (BBC) September 2020 Agrin induces long-term osteochondral regeneration by supporting repair morphogenesis (Science Translational Medicine), September 2020 ROR2 blockade as a therapy for osteoarthritis (Science Translational Medicine), September 2020 Preventing the pain of osteoarthritis - do molecules and proteins hold the answers? (Centre for Sport, Exercise & Osteoarthritis Research / Versus Arthritis), August 2017 Back to top