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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Suzanne Eldridge


Senior Lecturer of Musculoskeletal Regenerative Medicine

Centre: Experimental Medicine and Rheumatology

Twitter: @TheReGenLab


Dr Suzanne Eldridge is a molecular biologist with a background in engineering whose main research interest is in the regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues. During her PhD she discovered the role of Agrin in cartilage homeostasis. Her predominant aim is to develop new therapeutic technologies which will either prevent cartilage breakdown or enhance cartilage repair, for use in disease (such as osteoarthritis) and following cartilage trauma.


Group members

Aida Barawi (PhD student); Manasi Sayilakshmy (Technician); Zara Khan (PhD student)


Dr Eldridge is a molecular biologist with a background in engineering whose main research interest is in the regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues. During her PhD she discovered the role of Agrin in cartilage homeostasis. Her predominant aim is to develop new therapeutic technologies which will either prevent cartilage breakdown or enhance cartilage repair, for use in disease (such as osteoarthritis) and following cartilage trauma.

Opportunities in the group

Dr Eldridge has a range of projects available to students including:

  • Short/long term undergraduate projects (either as part of a degree programme or independently)
  • MSc projects
  • PhD studentships (funded when possible) 

Please email Dr Eldridge at for more information.


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