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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Mohey Eldin El Shikh


Senior Lecturer, Education Lead (Centre for Experimental Medicine and Rheumatology), Lead (WHRI Work Experience Programme)

Centre: Experimental Medicine and Rheumatology

Telephone: +44(0) 20 7882 8202


In 2009 Dr El Shikh discovered the ability of immune-complex-loaded follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) to induce T cell-independent immunity to T cell-dependent antigens in responses co-stimulated with FDC-derived BAFF and C4bBP. He has recently described a novel pathway of antigen processing and presentation by FDCs to B cells in germinal centres that is potentially involved in autoreactive B cell activation, breach of B cell tolerance, and perpetuation of autoimmunity. His recent findings that B cell tolerance to self-TNF-alpha, -IgE, -ECDII, and -HEL can be broken in well verified models of tolerance by self-antigen presentation by FDCs support the hypothesis that presentation of self/neo-antigens to B cells by activated FDCs induces autoreactive GC formation, auto-Ab secretion, and perpetuation of B cell autoimmunity. He is currently dissecting the molecular mechanisms underpinning this hypothesis which will not only advance our understanding of the mechanisms involved in autoreactive B cell activation and breakage of tolerance but also potentially open up a novel therapeutic avenue by inducing high affinity self-regulated auto-Abs to target endogenous mediators of chronic autoimmune and hypersensitivity diseases like TNF-alpha IgE, and ECDII. 


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