Miss Silvia RognonePostgraduate Research StudentEmail: s.rognone@qmul.ac.uk Room Number: Mathematical Sciences Building, Room: MB-402ProfileTeachingPublicationsProfileResearch Keywords: Null models in coloured spatial networks, Spatial heterogeneity in complex systems, Dynamical processes on networks and random walks Research supervisor: Vincenzo Nicosia Project Title: “Measuring correlations and heterogeneity in spatial patterns through random walks on coloured graphs” Silvia’s current research interest lies in the field of coloured spatial networks and it is double-pronged: on one hand, she focuses on how deeply a structural indicator could be affected by spatial noise if it is normalised according to different null models; on the other hand, she is interested in the development of new null models for coloured spatial networks and in highlighting the importance of being careful when choosing a null model in this specific case. She worked on quantifying and characterizing spatial motifs emerging on a coloured spatial network when a specific colouring process is implemented, showing how even in the case of a regular 2D lattice and a uniformly random colouring process P, extended structures are observed when the number of colours is small. Silvia presented this work at Networks2021 and she won the internal contest at the School of Mathematical Sciences at Queen Mary University of London presenting a poster on this study. Silvia is also working on two projects for real-life applications of her models. In the first project, she quantified the presence of correlations and heterogeneity on coloured networks obtained from the street patterns of 190 cities, considering the inter-class Mean First Passage Time (MFTP). The second project is focused on paleontological data and community detection in multilayered coloured spatial networks. This work aims to understand how the spatial distribution in different times of the Phanerozoic fossils influenced three major biotic transitions. She also worked on contact tracing and networks in a paper where is proposed a decentralised heuristic to improve its effectiveness. Before joining Queen Mary, Silvia studied Physics at the University of Roma 3 (BSc) and Theoretical Physics of Matter at Sapienza University of Rome (MSc), in Italy. She also enjoys soft pastels and watercolour painting, cooking and meditation. TeachingAY 2021/2022 - Semester 2 TA - MTH6142 - Complex Networks - @QMUL AY 2020/2021 - Semester 2 TA - MTH6142 - Complex Networks - @QMUL AY 2020/2021 - Semester 1 TA - MTH6141 - Random Processes - @QMULResearchPublicationsPre-prints or in reviewing for submission S. Rognone, V. Nicosia. “Correlations and heterogeneity in uniform randomly coloured lattices” A. Bessolas, A. Santoro, S. Sousa, S. Rognone, V. Nicosia, “Optimising the mitigation of epidemic spreading through targeted adoption of contact tracing apps” Papers in international journals A. Lai, M. Pedicini, S. Rognone. “Quantum Entanglement and the Bell matrix”, Quantum Information Processing, July 2016, Volume 15, Issue 7, pp 2923-2936