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Human Resources

Starting Salary and Additional Payment Guidance

The starting salary guidance is broken down into bite sized topics. Each topic can be reviewed separately below or you can download the full Starting Salary and Additional Payment Guidance [PDF 133KB] and Salary Pro Forma [DOC 28KB].

Queen Mary recognises the need to ensure equity and consistency in determining starting salaries for all staff. This is important not only to fulfil the legal requirements of current equal pay legislation, but also to ensure fairness for both new employees and existing staff across the University.

A fair and equitable approach must always be applied in the review and offer of salaries. The salary offer should be considered within a wider context, which includes the impact it may have on current staff (internal relativities) and with both equal pay and fairness in mind. 

The guidance below sets out a range of steps and requirements which must be followed in order to ensure equity and consistency in our practice.

The guidance set out in this document applies to both internally and externally funded posts, including secondments and re-graded posts.

For the purpose of this document, the Hiring Manager is the general term used to describe those authorised/responsible for making remuneration and pay decisions.

  • The starting salary for a member of staff is not determined by the level of grant funding. The availability of funding in a grant will therefore not be viewed as justification for placing a member of staff at either a higher or a lower point on the designated grade.
  • Salary offers are typically offered at the minimal salary point of the evaluated grade for the position.
  • Higher salary point offers, up to the midpoint of the grade, are permissible, and the Hiring Manager will be required to justify a salary above the minimum salary point. The justification must reference both: 

(i) the relevant skills, knowledge and experience that the candidate brings which justify a higher starting salary; and (where applicable).

(ii) a comparison with salaries paid to existing jobholders with the same/similar skills, knowledge and experience (in order to ensure pay equity).

  • As a rule of thumb, and taking into consideration other factors, a Hiring Manager may apply the general principle of one additional salary point, equivalent to each year of given experience in the same or similar role.
  • Where it is proposed to offer a salary above the mid-point of the grade, the Hiring Manager must set out a written case (using the salary offer pro forma) and seek approval from the Strategic HR Business Partner prior to a salary offer being made.

Appointment to a post at the same grade

  • Queen Mary staff appointed to a new or additional post, including secondments, which is at the same grade as their current post, will not receive an additional increment. In such cases, the salary remains the same. Incremental progression within the grade will continue.
  • There may be circumstances where additional increments for moving internally are warranted. Therefore, any proposal to offer a higher salary must set out a clear justification by reference to 

(i) the relevant skills, knowledge and experience that the candidate brings which justify a higher starting salary; and (where applicable).

(ii) a comparison with salaries paid to existing jobholders with the same/similar skills, knowledge and experience (in order to ensure pay equity).

  • A Hiring Manager must set out a written case for a higher salary (using the salary offer pro forma) and seek approval from the Strategic HR Business Partner. This must be done prior to a salary offer being made.

 Appointment to a post at a higher grade

  • Staff appointed to a new or additional higher-grade post will receive either;

(a)the first point on the new grade where the scale minimum is higher than their current salary or;

(b) one additional salary point (above the current salary) where the scale minimum is lower than their current salary

  • There may be circumstances where additional increments for moving internally are warranted. Therefore, any proposal to offer a higher salary must set out a clear justification by reference to

(i) the prior relevant skills, knowledge and expertise that the candidate brings which justify a higher starting salary and (where applicable).

(ii) a comparison with salaries paid to existing jobholders with the same/similar skills, knowledge and experience (in order to ensure pay equity).

  • A Hiring Manager must set out a written case for a higher salary (using the salary offer pro forma) and seek approval from the Strategic HR Business Partner. This must be done prior to a salary offer being made.
  • Salary offers for staff appointed to another fixed-term post within Queen Mary on a secondment basis, will be made in accordance with the "internal staff appointments" arrangements as set out above.
  • Upon completion of the secondment, a member of staff will revert to the (original) grade and salary point of their substantive role. Where relevant, this will include any automatic incremental progression they would have received in their substantive role during the secondment period.
  • Research salaries are regulated and governed by specific provision and are not at the discretion of the Hiring Manager and/or (where applicable) the Principal Investigator.
  • Documents accepted as proof of a PhD award are as follows;
    a) copy of the award certificate or;
    b) a copy of the formal award letter, confirming the award date and title of thesis (this is appropriate where receipt of the degree certificate is pending).
  • For the avoidance of doubt, PhD candidates who have completed their oral exam and are in the process of corrections (very minor, minor or substantial) are still subject to formal approval for a degree. At this stage, a degree has not been awarded.

 Researchers (non-PhD) 

  • Salary points 25 and 26 comprise the Junior Research Training Zone (JRTZ) of the published Grade 4 pay scale. The JRTZ points are only for researchers who are currently completing a PhD; they should not be used for any other job family, e.g. non-research role.
  • Where a Researcher is awarded a PhD whilst they are in the training zone, their pay will be increased to the minimum entry point for PDRA roles – i.e. point 29, Grade 4.

Researchers (PhD)

  • Newly appointed Researchers will commence from salary point 29 Grade 4.
  • The salary points for Researchers at Grade 4 are 29, 31 and 33. A new starter with relevant previous experience may be appointed to one of these points rather than the minimum, where it is objectively justified.
  • A Hiring Manager must set out a written case for a higher salary above point 31 (using the salary offer pro forma) and seek approval from the Strategic HR Business Partner. This must be done prior to a salary offer being made.
  • Where a Researcher reaches the top of Grade 4 point 33, and provided they meet the criteria for Grade 5 as set out in the PDRA job profile, they will increment to Grade 5 point 35, followed by single increment for a further two years until they reach Grade 5 point 37.

Grade 5 Lecturers

  • Newly appointed Grade 5 Lecturers commence from Grade 5 point 37.
  • There is a 3-year probationary period for a newly appointed Lecturer, with automatic salary progression up to Grade 5 point 39.
  • Grade 5 point 40 is a single discretionary point for Grade 5 Lecturers and is used where a probationary period has been extended (as agreed by the Strategic HR Business Partner) due to specific personal circumstances.
  • Where a probationary period has been extended due to performance or capability, the salary will remain at Grade 5 point 39.
  • Following successful completion of a probation, a Lecturer will be appointed on Grade 6 point 40.

Grade 8 Staff (Professional Services)

  • Professional Services Grade 8 roles are banded into four pay levels.
  • Specific pay ranges are associated with these four levels of role. The four levels are:
    + Enterprise Lead (8a)
    + Strategic Lead (8b)
    + Functional/Commercial Lead (8c)
    + Specialist/Service Lead (8d)

Salary offers are typically offered at the minimal salary point of the evaluated band.

Higher salary point offers are permissible, and the Hiring Manager will be required to justify a salary above the minimum salary point. The justification must reference both: 

(i) the relevant skills, knowledge and experience that the candidate brings which justify a higher starting salary; and (where applicable)

(ii) a comparison with salaries paid to existing jobholders with the same/similar skills, knowledge and experience (in order to ensure pay equity).

  • As a rule of thumb, and taking into consideration other factors, a Hiring Manager may apply the general principle of one additional salary point, equivalent to each year of given experience in the same or similar role.
  • Where it is proposed to offer a higher salary, the Hiring Manager must set out a written case (using the salary offer pro forma) and seek approval from the Strategic HR Business Partner prior to a salary offer being made.

Grade 8 Staff (Professorial: non-clinical)

  • Professorial level appointments commence from salary point 58.
  • External appointments are managed by the relevant academic interview panel (as described in Appendix 1 of the Recruitment and Selection Policy) and salary offers will take into account the following;

(i) the candidate’s experience and overall academic contribution within their field of expertise and

(ii) comparative academic contribution and salaries of current Queen Mary Professors within the same discipline.

  • Internal promotions are managed by the Academic Promotions Group and salary offers will take into account the following;

(i) the candidate’s experience and overall academic contribution within their field of expertise and

(ii) comparative academic contribution and salaries of current Queen Mary Professors within the same discipline.   

  • Where appropriate, HR will provide salary benchmarking information to inform salary discussions.  
  • The University applies the Clinical pay scales for Doctors and Dentists (consultant level and junior level) as agreed by UCEA.
  • The current scales can be found here.
  • To assist with the appropriate setting of starting salaries, a current payslip must be obtained from the candidate.

Consultant Clinical Academics 

  • The basic pay is currently determined by a national 5-point pay scale.
  • The appropriate salary for a consultant new to the University, will be informed by whether they are a;

(o) Newly qualified consultant

  • Consultants starting in their first consultant appointment after gaining the CCT will generally start on the bottom of the consultant pay scale.
  • Where there are objectively justifiable reasons, a consultant may be offered a higher starting salary point. The Strategic HR Business Partner must be consulted ahead of any formal offer.

(o) Consultant joining from another HEI or NHS Trust or from elsewhere

  • Starting salary for consultant clinical academics is determined by their length of service in positions of relevant experience, referred to as 'seniority'.
  • Relevant experience would normally be at similar Senior Lecturer, Reader or Professorial level roles, but can include time as a locum consultant or time spent abroad in a consultant level post and time spent in extended training.
  • All previous NHS service in the consultant grade, along with any equivalent experience in the EU are also relevant when considering length of service to determine salary.
  • Consultant clinical academics may also be paid national excellence awards or national clinical impact awards as an additional component of their salary.
  • National excellence and national clinical awards are transferable from an NHS or University employer.
  • The terms of payment and length of these awards will need to be confirmed by ACCIA.

Senior Academic GP’s Consultants

  • To calculate an appropriate starting salary for a senior academic GP (Consultant) the seniority is based on the principle that a GP reaches Consultant level ten years after graduating from Medical School.
  • The number of years of ‘seniority’ and threshold point on the Consultant scale is determined by considering how many years the individual has been working at Consultant level (i.e. not the number of years the individual has been working as a GP).

Junior Doctors

  • The salary for academic Clinical Lectureships/ Clinical Research Fellow positions must reflect the current level reached as a clinical trainee.
  • The starting salary will be in line with their stage of training at the appropriate nodal point. Please note that they may be eligible for additional pay premia relating to their specialty or achievement of a higher degree.

Health and Care Professionals (sometimes referred to as Allied Health Professionals)

  • There are currently no nationally agreed pay scales for this group for use within the UK university sector.
  • When planning to recruit health and care professionals please seek advice from Employee Relations Manager/Faculty Strategic HR Partner on the appropriate grading and pay.
  • Any salary setting exercise undertaken will take into account the NHS agenda for change pay band for the relevant profession.

Acting up Allowance

  • Where staff are required to undertake temporary duties of a higher graded post, they may be eligible for an Acting Up Allowance.
  • Grade 1 – 7 staff are eligible for an Acting Up Allowance and payment is appropriate in the following scenario;
  • A staff member is fully or substantially covering the responsibilities and duties of a higher-grade role.
  • The cover is for a minimum of one month.
  • The cover is temporary and for a period that does not initially exceed 6 months.
  • Any extension beyond a 6 month period must be agreed with the Strategic HR Business Partner.

An Acting Up Allowance calculation is based on either;

(a) The first point on the new grade where the scale minimum is higher than their current salary or; 

(b) One additional salary point (above the current salary) where the new scale minimum is lower than their current salary.

  • An Acting Up Allowance is non-pensionable.
  • An Acting Up Allowances requires approval from the Strategic HR Business Partner, prior to agreement with the individual.

Responsibility Allowance

  • Where staff are required to undertake temporary duties of a higher graded post, they may be eligible for a Responsibility Allowance.
  • Grade 1 – 7 staff are eligible for a Responsibility Allowance in the following scenario;
    A staff member is partially covering the responsibilities and duties of a higher-grade role;
    The cover is for a minimum of one month;
    The cover is temporary and for a period that does not exceed 12 months.
  • A Responsibility Allowance calculation is based on either;

(a) The first point on the new grade where the scale minimum is higher than their current salary or; 

(b) One additional salary point (above the current salary) where the new scale minimum is lower than their current salary.

  • The amount of allowance paid, may be calculated on a proportionate basis, determined by the cover provided. For example, staff might receive 25% 50% or 75% of the full responsibility allowance amount to reflect limited or part-undertaking of (other) duties.
  • A Responsibility Allowance is non-pensionable.
  • Where the additional duties are at the same grade then no allowance is payable, however consideration can be given to nominating the individual for an award under the Staff Bonus Scheme (or overtime/TOIL arrangements may apply in the usual way).
  • A Responsibility Allowance requires approval from the Strategic HR Business Partner, prior to agreement with the individual.

Market Supplement

  • A detailed overview of the market supplement process can be found here
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