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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

India - UK Achievers Honors

Siddharth Chandrashekhar sent us his reflection on being shortlisted for the India-UK Achievers Honours.


 Siddharth Chandrashekhar (Commercial and Corporate Law LLM, 2012) wrote: “As I sit down to type these words, I find myself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. Being shortlisted for the prestigious India-UK Achievers Honours is an incredible honour that fills me with profound gratitude and humility. This recognition serves as a testament to the dedication and perseverance that has fuelled my journey in the legal realm.
To be acknowledged among a cohort of accomplished individuals from diverse fields is both humbling and inspiring. The India-UK Achievers Honours recognizes and celebrates excellence and innovation, making the shortlisting an affirmation of the impact I strive to create through my work in the field of law. It signifies not only my personal achievement but also the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of society.
Reflecting on my legal career, I am reminded of the myriad experiences that have shaped my professional trajectory. From navigating complex commercial cases to advocating for justice and human rights, each challenge has been a stepping stone towards growth and learning. 

One of the most interesting elements of my career has been the opportunity to contribute to emerging areas of law in India, such as arbitration, media, technology & Intellectual Property Rights. These dynamic fields present unique legal challenges that demand innovative solutions and a forward-thinking out-of-the-box approach, especially where client advisory is concerned.
Among the highlights of my journey, I am particularly proud of my involvement in landmark cases that have set legal precedents and promoted social justice. Whether representing the marginalized (persons and communities) or championing animal welfare causes, I have always strived to use my legal expertise as a force for positive change. Additionally, I have had the privilege of mentoring aspiring lawyers and participating in pro bono initiatives aimed at increasing access to justice for underserved populations.
As I reflect on my experiences, I am reminded of the invaluable lessons I have learned along the way. To my fellow QMUL alumni and aspiring legal professionals, I offer the following advice:
1. Embrace lifelong learning: The legal landscape is constantly evolving, requiring professionals to stay updated on emerging trends and developments. Continuously seek opportunities for professional development and skill enhancement.
2. Foster meaningful connections: Building strong relationships within not just the legal community but beyond can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations. Cultivate a network of mentors, mentees, clients and most importantly friends who can offer guidance and support throughout your career.
3. Stay true to your values: In a field where ethical dilemmas abound, it is essential to uphold integrity and uphold the principles of justice. Stay committed to ethical conduct and advocate (no pun intended) for fairness and equality in all your endeavors.
4. Give back to the community: As legal professionals, we have a responsibility to use our skills and resources to serve the greater good. Engage in pro bono work, volunteerism, or advocacy efforts that align with your values and contribute to positive social change.
In conclusion, being shortlisted for the India-UK Achievers Honours is not just a personal milestone but a reminder of the collective impact we can achieve through dedication, passion, and a commitment to excellence. As I continue on my journey, I am filled with a sense of purpose and a renewed determination to make a difference in the world.”




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