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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

"Machines & Morality: Can AI Know the Difference Between Right and Wrong?" Podcast.

Farheen Rajwani released her first podcast episode on behalf of qLegal titled 'Yours Lawfully'.


Farheen Rajwani and a group of speakers

Farheen Rajwani (Corporate and Commercial Law LLM, 2023) wrote: "In this intriguing discussion, I had the pleasure of hosting two exceptional guests, Zaineb Bilal (Commercial and Corporate Law LLM, 2023) and Naman Khatri (Commercial and corporate Law LLM, 2023), who brought their unique perspectives and expertise to the table. Together, we dove deep into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI) and ethics, exploring the question of whether AI can truly grasp the complexities of moral decision-making. I'd like to extend my heartfelt thanks to them for their valuable contributions to this enlightening discussion. Their expertise and willingness to share their insights truly made this episode an exceptional learning experience. I am also incredibly grateful for the opportunity and guidance provided by qLegal and its exceptional team, including Karen Watton, Bella Berkpinar Public International Law LLM, 2019), Janan Foster (qLegal Project Coordinator), Clemence Tanzi (International Business Law LLM, 2014) and everyone else involved. Your support and expertise have been instrumental in making this podcast episode a reality. Thank you for giving me the chance to delve into such a fascinating subject and for providing invaluable guidance throughout the process. I'm truly appreciative of the opportunity to work with such a dedicated and knowledgeable team.

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Listen to the podcast online.

So, whether you're an AI enthusiast, an ethics aficionado, or simply curious about the future of technology, I invite you to tune in and join the conversation. Let's explore the profound question of whether AI can truly understand right from wrong!

If you enjoy the episode, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could share your thoughts, feedback, and reflections especially since this was the first time I ever hosted a podcast. Feel free to leave a comment, like, or share the episode with your network. Your support would mean the world to me and help me in creating more engaging and thought-provoking content in the future if ever given the opportunity.

Thank you for joining me on this exciting podcasting journey, and I look forward to sharing many more fascinating discussions in the future!".



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