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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

CCLS Alumni Reunion in Athens

A Summer Tradition in the Making.


CCLS Greek Reunion photo

On Thursday 15th June 2023 we held an alumni reunion in Greece, which was attended by nearly 40 of our alumni.

CCLS Alumnus and Chapter Committee Member Byron Vogiatzis (Shipping Law LLM, 2018) commented: “In a warm summer night at a rooftop bar with Acropolis as the background our first summer reunion took place.

A number of alumni attended, with a graduating class difference of 35 years.

Yet despite their age gaps they all could agree on 2 grounds:

  1. Ifgiven the chance they would go back and study at QM and do everything the same all over again.
  2. Their willingness to assist in seeing our newly formed society grow. 

Furthermore, it is interesting to note that attendees were able to connect and discuss common experiences related to classes and professors as well as university life in London, despite their significant age differences.    

CCLS Greek Reunion alumni group photoUnfortunately, the COVID era graduating class could only imagine what university life would have been like. Yet they did contribute to the conversation by sharing their experience with the group on how they coped with the global pandemic, social isolation and the exams procedures.

On that note the importance of reunions and other PR events was a thought that was shared by the group, they all agreed that such events and the liberties we enjoy must never be taken for granted as circumstances can change our life in an instance.

The highlight of the event was the honourable attendance of Dr Miriam Goldby and Dr Filip Saranovic, with whom their previous students were delighted to reconnect with and share how their life has been post LLM. 

Overall, the event was a success. It will remain close to my heart, as what better way to celebrate my birthday than with a special group of individuals who share the same love and passion for our home away from home, where we spent a small yet very important part of our lives”. 

This event was hosted by the CCLS and School of Law staff members: Dr Miriam Goldby, Professor of Shipping, Insurance; Dr Filip Saranovic, Senior Lecturer in Shipping Law; Angeliki Polatou, Distance Learning Course Coordinator; and Thomas Atkins, QMUL Communications Officer.

You can see photos from the event online.



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