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Queen Mary Alumni

40th Anniversary of The London (Medics) 1973 starters

21 September 2013

Time: 6:00pm
Venue: Great Hall, St Bartholomew's Hospital, West Smithfield, London, EC1A 7BE

On 21st September 2013 a reunion was held at the Great Hall in Barts Hospital for those who had started at the London Hospital Medical School in October 1973. The event was organised by Harry Walmsley, one of the alumnus of that year. Dave Starritt organised getting a potted written life history from most who attended. Only 13 of the 83 in the year were not contactable, although unfortunately 20 of those contacted couldn`t make it. Fifty people came along, many with partners, so a total of 83 had a lovely evening. Some came from as far afield as Canada, Australia and Mauritius. It was great catching up. 

Entertainment included a display of our student photos and a list of historical events from the years 1973 - 1978. A table magician kept people entertained through dinner. The after dinner speech was given by Dr David Walmsley, Harry`s father, also a graduate of LHMC having qualified in 1954. Aged 81, he gave an excellent talk about his student and junior doctor days without any notes! He proposed a toast to the LHMC and at the end of his speech received a standing ovation. Some of the year had already retired and others are planning to do so in the next year or so. I expect by the time of the next reunion in 2018 there will be no one still working.

Dr A J "Harry" Walmsley MBBS FRCA
Consultant Anaesthetist, Eastbourne

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