The University successfully retained Silver Institutional Athena Swan status in the January 2022 round via the Post-May 2015 standard application process. Queen Mary University of London - Silver Athena Swan Application (redacted version) - Jan22 AS Round - Post May 2015 Application [PDF 4,197KB]
Note: Redactions have been made using white boxes in line with Advance HE guidance on publishing applications and internal advice to remove any personal or confidential information about individuals in accordance with GDPR 2016.
Gender Impact Plan (2022 - 2027) [PDF 473KB]
School of Engineering and Materials Science
School of Medicine (covering Barts Cancer Institute; Blizard Institute; Institute of Health Sciences Education; William Harvey Research Institute; Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine)
School of Business and Management
School of Geography
School of Economics and Finance
School of Mathematical Sciences
School of History
School of Law (covering Department of Law and Centre for Commercial Law Studies)
School of Politics and International Relations
If you have any further questions about Athena Swan at Queen Mary, please email