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Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Extenuating Circumstances for Prospective Applicants

Applications for Extenuating Circumstances for 2025 entry for MBBS London, MBBS Malta and BDS are open. 

Applicants who have taken or will take an additional year (or more) to complete their qualifications and achieve the minimum academic entry requirements (e.g. A*AA or 2:1) can ONLY be considered if their extenuating circumstances fall within the Equality Act 2010. Extenuating circumstances can not be applied for in regards to a UCAT score.

Extenuating circumstances that fall within this criteria must be approved by the EC panel prior to making a UCAS application. To be considered, applicants must complete the Extenuating Circumstances form and provide as much relevant supporting evidence as required to support their request. Once all of the documents have been received, this will be passed on to our Extenuating Circumstances panel for review. We would not recommend submitting an application without having received a decision from the EC panel.

Queen Mary University of London has a ‘fit to sit’ policy, which applies to all assessments. This means that if you sit an exam or submit an assignment, you are declaring yourself fit to do so and will approach extenuating circumstances with respect to examinations being taken for the purpose of admission in the same vein. Being ‘fit’ generally means that you are feeling well and functioning effectively. Therefore, if you are feeling unwell because of medical or personal difficulties, you should not sit an exam or submit an assignment. 

MBBS 5-year A100, MBBS GEP 4-year A101 and BDS 5-year A200

Extenuating circumstances form and supporting evidence must be provided to by 15th September of the year of application to receive a decision from the EC panel before the UCAS deadline. Extenuating circumstances that do not fall within the Equality Act 2010 will not be considered. 

Extenuating Circumstances Request Form [DOC 86KB]

MBBS Malta

Malta applicants must submit the relevant extenuating circumstances form and supporting evidence to by 30th April in the year of entry.

Malta Extenuating Circumstances Request Form [PDF 157KB]

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