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Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Blizard Institute building - Barts and The London

Research Integrity

FMD is committed to an environment that supports the highest standards of research integrity

Deputy Dean for Research Integrity

Professor Jonathan Grigg is FMD’s Deputy Dean for research integrity with a long standing interest in the subject. He has set out his views on the subject in an article published in the BMJ

Professor Grigg advises FMD on emerging Research Integrity themes from sources such as Retraction Watch, the Committee on Publication Ethics, the World Conference in Research Integrity, and the UK Research Integrity Office.

Developing an open research environment

We support an environment where auditing other researchers data is regarded as a normal part of the research process. 

Sharing and management of research data, and reproducibility

We are developing the capacity of researchers to deposit their raw data at time of publication on our publicly-accessible institutional publications repository.  Over the next year the FMD Research Deanery will be looking into the issue of reproducibility.

Ensuring that our research is conducted within the appropriate ethical, legal and professional frameworks

FMD is committed to the principals of the UUK Concordat to Support Research Integrity with Queen Mary's Vice-Principal (Research and Innovation) having the overall responsibility for Research Integrity including the publication of the Annual Report.

Allegations of misconduct are investigated according to standard protocols and Faculty Leadership are always available to discuss Research Integrity concerns. Finally Professor Jonathan Grigg can be contacted  via email

Introduction for research integrity [PPT 9,344KB]

Male scientist conducting an experiment


How can we foster research integrity?

A webinar with Lex Bouter; Professor of Methodology and Integrity at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam -  How can we foster research integrity [PDF 2,729KB]

Research Integrity: eCPD training app

As part of our strategic objectives, the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry puts a great deal of importance on ensuring our research staff are trained on research integrity. Research Integrity training is available to staff as a free career and professional development app, available in the Apple and Android App Stores.

Once downloaded, staff can register using their QMUL email address. To find the module in the app, click on ‘search’ then ‘my interests’ and then ‘research’. Once staff have successfully completed the research integrity module, a certificate will be emailed to them.

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