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School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Year 12 Work Experience Week

A free, week-long, non-residential programme available to Year 12 students who wish to gain an insight into working in academia.

The Year 12 Work Experience week will take place from the 14th - 18th July 2025 at Queen Mary University of London's Mile End Campus.

The aim of the programme is to give Year 12 students the opportunity to learn what it's like to work in academia through attending seminars, lab sessions, and undertaking a research project. 

Throughout the week, participants will work with a partner to create a poster related to one of the research areas in the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences. At the end of the week, participants will present these posters to academic staff and students in an informal, conference-style poster session. 

Please note that the seminars and lab sessions for this programme focus on physics. 

To apply for this programme, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You are currently in Year 12
  • You are studying Physics and Mathematics at A-level (or Higher Level Mathematics and Higher Level Physics in the International Baccalaureate Diploma).
  • You have permission from your parent/guardian and from your school to attend
  • You must be able to attend for the whole week
  • You are able to travel to and from Queen Mary University of London on each day of the programme (this is a non-residential programme, and no accommodation will be provided)

If the programme is oversubscribed, applications will be prioritised from students who meet one or more of the following widening participation criteria. Students who meet the highest point score will be prioritised.

Are currently, or have previously lived in local authority care, or is permanently estranged from both parents. 2
Has a disability defined under the ‘Equality Act 2010’. A physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.  2
Be living in an area of high deprivation (IMD Quintile 1 or 2) or be living in an area of socio-economic disadvantage (ACORN group M, N, P, Q, R, S or U).  1
Are a young carer (you look after a relative with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem). 1
Were previously entitled to Free School Meals during Key Stage 4, or are currently in receipt of the 16-19 bursary.  1
Are living in an area of low-participation to higher education (TUNDRA Quintile 1 or 2).  1
Neither parent or carer has attended higher education in the UK or abroad. 1

Are a refugee or asylum seeker.

Are from Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller background, inclusive of Showmen and Boater communities. 1

How to apply

Applications will open in Spring 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr Eliza Hunt, Outreach, Widening Participation and Public Engagement Officer: 

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