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School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Field trips

Fieldwork is an attractive option for students on our Biology and Zoology programmes, taking learning out of the lecture theatre and into the real world.

Whether it's hunting dinosaur fossils in Canada, filming leopards in South Africa, or looking for seals in Scotland, our field trips will give you a range of practical skills as well as being an unforgettable experience.

Ecological Interactions – Croatia


In this module students obtain knowledge of ecological practice and undertake fieldwork in Croatia, learning how to integrate theory with empirical observations and data collection. Students gain practical experience in the field and also observe researchers collecting scientific data for both terrestrial and freshwater aquatic ecosystems.

Savannah Ecology and Conservation – African Savannahs

African Savannahs

The module is taught as a field course based at Wits Rural Facility, South Africa. Topics covered in the module include the characteristics of savannah ecosystems, adaptations in tropical plants, conservation of small populations, wildlife management, hunting and conservation and human-wildlife conflict.

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