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School of Business and Management

QMUL colony now chartered as Chi Eta (XH) the New Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi

Alpha Kappa Psi (AKPsi)- the most prestigious business fraternity with roots going back to 1904 is now chartered at Queen Mary University of London as Chi Eta (XH).

This is the first fraternity in London and second in the UK with thanks to three QMUL students- Klara Klarowicz and Elena Burykina studying Business Management, and Daniel Bui studying Economics.



The founding three students studied abroad at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida where they became brothers of Beta Bi Chapter in the Fall of 2015.

Upon returing to QMUL, they successfully attracted members to the organisation and the QM colony was born. The fraternity teaches professionalism to succeed in both personal and professional life. As well as the importance of giving back to the community and encouraging lifelong learning.


Together the 34 members of the fraternity at QM show strong commitment to AKPsi creating a respected organisation on campus; holding weekly meetings including, guest speakers hosting workshops and networking events. Giving back to the community is a key part of the organisation, as such, members participate in volunteering, community service and fundraising events to help charities and others. Notably, AKPsi have been supporting Oxfam Society and have more collaborative events to come.

On Friday 24th March, AKPsi members had a Insight day at Barclays where members received careers advice pertaining to working in a financial institution and opportunities the sector provides, specifically looking at different roles in private banking. 

After months of hard work and preparation, on 25th March 2017, the QM colony was chartered as London's first student Chapter of this professional business fraternity.

Senior officers from AKPsi’s Head Office in Indianapolis, including the President Alexander Sultan, Executive VP- Mike Dickerson, Chief Operating Officer-Brian Parker and Regional Director- Jason Weinstein flew to London to conduct the installation of Chi Eta (XH) and share their expertise with fellow brothers.

The event included interview sessions, workshops & leadership academy. 



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