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Academic perspective – what drives them, and what do they love the most.

Central to the student experience are our academics. They are passionate about their subject, and are able to observe all the ups and downs that learning entails – but what is it that specifically drives them?

Dr Dominic Hurst, Senior Clinical Lecturer in Primary Dental Care, gives us some insight into why he loves his subject and what about it is most rewarding.

In addition to his technical teaching responsibilities, Dr Hurst is the student support lead and looks after evidence-based aspect of the undergraduate curriculum.

“There are many things I love about this subject. There are the patients, and the opportunity to improve their oral and general health. It’s a privilege to be able to do that.

“As subjects go, it’s varied and there’s a lot of flexibility within jobs and roles, whether that’s general practice, hospitals or academia – and it’s practical and real!”

“The aspect I enjoy which is specific to my work is all the interaction it allows me. I do a mix of things, clinical and non-clinical, research and audit supervision, student support and all of this mean I interact with colleagues, patients and students.

“It’s a very sociable role with loads of opportunity to improve things.

“Which brings me on to the student journey. Yes, it’s great to see them move from being novices to relatively independent clinicians – it’s a process which is technical, practical, visual and intellectual as they weigh up and overcome the various complexities of studying the subject.

“So, it’s also seeing that maturity develop which is very rewarding.”

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