The policy secondment scheme is designed to facilitate collaboration between Queen Mary academics and external organisations, using Queen Mary research to drive policy impact. The scheme is open to all Queen Mary academics who have passed their probation period, and to any external organisation who can demonstrate a clear plan to engage with Queen Mary research expertise in order to impact the policymaking process. The scheme supports a broad range of policy impact such as economic, societal, or health, and can be delivered in collaboration with governments or relevant organisations.
The broad aim of the scheme is to facilitate knowledge exchange, network and partnership building through engagement with the policy-making process, working towards significant policy impact across a wide range of areas underpinned by Queen Mary research.
The scheme has been designed as a service and all projects must be supported by a relevant Impact Officer to ensure wrap around support.
Submit a short ‘intention to apply’ email to with
an overview of your idea
the research it builds on
intended policy impacts
information about your external partner
likely size of funding requested.
This will trigger the service.
Policy Impact Secondment Guidance [PDF 622KB]
For general queries, please contact the Queen Mary Impact Team at