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School of Law

Professor Johanna Gibson's new book 'The Logic of Innovation - Intellectual Property, and What the User Found There' is published


Professor Johanna Gibson's new book 'The Logic of Innovation - Intellectual Property, and What the User Found There' has been published by Ashgate. Johanna Gibson is Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law at Queen Mary University of London.

Professor Gibson's book examines the efficacy and relevance in a digital environment of intellectual property and the nature of innovation and creativity, by means of an interlocutory through literature and the imagination of new scenarios for language, business and legal reform. Using an original and therapeutic approach she presents a new theory of familiar production to account for the kinship that has emerged in both informal and commercial modes of innovation, and foregrounds the value of use as crucial to the articulation of intellectual property within contemporary models of production and commercialisation in the digital.

‘Using Alice’s travails in Wonderland as her diagnostic tool, in this book Johanna Gibson deconstructs the relationship between intellectual property rights and innovation with all the verve of Lewis Carroll as well as her own remarkable inter-disciplinarity in literature, philosophy and socio-linguistics along, of course, with law.’ Hector L. MacQueen, University of Edinburgh, UK



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