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Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations

About us

The Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations (CAGCR) is housed in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures within the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film, as a Research Centre in the faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The CAGCR has three main goals:

  • The facilitation of innovative research on Anglo-German cultural relations with special reference to the fields of literature, language, intellectual history and comparative cultural practice, to be published in the Centre's refereed Yearbook, ANGERMION.
  • The provision of high-quality postgraduate teaching on Anglo-German cultural relations through an MA programme and through PhD supervision.
  • Outreach to the academic and general public through important Anglo-German themes and questions with a significant Anglo-German dimension.

The CAGCR was inaugurated on 1 December 2005 by the German Ambassador, Thomas Matussek. The guest of honour for this occasion was Dr Paul Oestreicher, the Dean of Coventry Cathedral and initiator of the Dresden Trust. The CAGCR was established in order to promote the study of cultural transfers and interrelations between Britain and the German speaking world (including Austria and the German-speaking parts of Switzerland). The founding Director of the CAGCR was Professor Rüdiger Görner.

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