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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Dr Natalie Tegama, PhD

Post-doctoral fellow in Global Health Cancer Research



My Research focuses on the use of digital health interventions in  Sub-Saharan African health systems. I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow on an NIHR Global Health Group working on timely diagnosis of breast, cervical and colorectal cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa. My current interests are in the use of digital health initiatives to support health providers in advancing early cancer diagnosis. 

I am a recipient of several academic awards & grant funding, including the UKRI’s Global Challenges Research Fund Scholarship for my doctoral studies which I completed at The Open University, UK. My doctoral worked focused on and the use of digital technologies in supporting clinical knowledge amongst health providers in Ghana and Kenya and employed decolonial methodologies for global health education. I am an alumnus of University College London where I studied my Masters. I have previously been visiting fellow at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. 


Research Interests:

My research interests sit at intersection of digital technologies and global health education. I am particularly interested in the use of digital and mobile technologies in resource constraint settings including  in fragile, conflict-affected, and vulnerable settings. My work focuses on low-and-middle income countries with a particular interest in the Sub-Saharan African region. At present my research is focused on the use of digital health interventions, including clinical decision support tools, referral and patient management tools that are geared towards advancing early detection and diagnosis of cancer in Southern Africa. I maintain a special interest in digital tools that are geared toward tackling antimicrobial resistance in Sub-Saharan Africa and decolonial methodologies in global health education.

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