Professor Rupert PearseNIHR Professor of Intensive Care MedicineCentre: Translational Medicine and TherapeuticsEmail: +44(0) 20 3594 0351Twitter: @rupert_pearseProfileResearchKey PublicationsProfile ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4373-5934 Rupert Pearse graduated in 1996 from St George’s Hospital Medical School, London, UK. He also completed much of his clinical training in the south-west Thames region. His clinical duties are based on the busy Adult Critical Care Unit at the Royal London Hospital where he oversees the care of patients with critical illnesses of various causes. In 2006, Rupert was appointed Senior Lecturer in Intensive Care Medicine at Queen Mary University of London and was promoted to Professor in 2014. He is an active member of several national and international societies for anaesthesia and intensive care medicine. He leads the Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine Research Group. Rupert’s main research interest is in improving patient outcomes following major surgery, and has led numerous large multi-centre randomised trials, epidemiological studies and mixed-methods research projects in his field. Research Group members Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine Research Group Summary My research is focused on improving the care pathway for patients before, during and after major surgery. This includes the study of risk factors for poor health, interventions during surgery which may improve patient outcomes, through to better ways to make decisions about surgical treatments together with patients. Increasingly, my work involves the care of patients who need surgical treatments in low and middle-income countries as well as high-income countries. Publications Lloyd P, Fowler AJ, Wozniak A et al. (2025). Environmental impact of commonly used anaesthetic agents: systematic literature review with narrative synthesis. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1016/j.bjao.2024.100362 QMRO: qmroHref Ackland G (publicationYear). Preoperative activation of the renineangiotensin system and myocardial injury in noncardiac surgery: exploratory mechanistic analysis of the SPACE randomised controlled trial. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2024.10.040 QMRO: Pearse R, Hamborg T (2024). Cardiac output-guided haemodynamic therapy for patients undergoing major gastrointestinal surgery: the OPTIMISE II randomised clinical trial.. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1136/bmj-2024-080439 QMRO: Vickery NJ, Fowler AJ, Prowle J et al. (2024). Association between multimorbidity and quality of life after hip replacement surgery: analysis of routinely collected patient-reported outcomes. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2024.08.037 QMRO: Crowther M, Dyer RA, Bishop DG et al. (2024). Cross-Sectional Survey to Assess Hospital System Readiness for Hemorrhage During and After Cesarean Delivery in Africa.. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1213/ane.0000000000007192 QMRO: Giannas E, Dias P, Janssen H et al. (2024). Clinical management of stopping or continuing perioperative angiotensin II converting enzyme inhibitors and/or angiotensin receptor blockers: a survey of clinical opinion. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1016/j.bjao.2024.100313 QMRO: Kifle F, Iverson KR, Belay E et al. (publicationYear). Towards Establishing a National Perioperative Quality Improvement Network in LMICs: Implementation Experiences From Ethiopia. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1097/as9.0000000000000480 QMRO: Watson S-L, Fowler AJ, Dias P et al. (2024). The lifetime risk of surgery in England: a nationwide observational cohort study. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2024.06.028 QMRO: Hewitt-Smith A, Bulamba F, Patel A et al. (2024). Family supplemented patient monitoring after surgery (SMARTER): a pilot stepped-wedge cluster-randomised trial. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2024.06.027 QMRO: Hussain N, Jovaisa T, Puthucheary Z et al. (2024). Peripherally administered vasopressors in critically ill adult patients: A survey of UK healthcare professional practices, attitudes and experiences. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1177/17511437241259443 QMRO: View Profile Publication Page Back to top