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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

The Fox Got You project visits WHRI for lab visit


A London-based swiss artist, horticulturalist and founder of The Fox Got You project has recently published the findings from her visit to the William Harvey Research Institute. The WHRI was one of three biochemistry laboratories visited by Francoise Sergy as part of the project. She wanted to use photography to capture some of the work taking place at the institute and to see how biochemistry research is done on a day-to-day basis. 

As part of her visit Francoise also got to interview Professor Roderick Flower, who described his work as a scientist and explained the action of platelets in the blood as well as the role of aspirin. Roderick Flower is Professor of biochemical pharmacology at the WHRI and was part of the team who worked with Nobel Laureate Sir John Vane (discoverer of the action of aspirin and prostacyclin). 

Read a summary and listen to the full interview on aspirin and platelets.

Read more on visits to biomedical research laboratories

Further information

The Fox Got You is an art and science project celebrating common plants at the origin of medicinal drugs 



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