Please find all the information you need on the How to pay your fees page.
If you are paying by bank transfer via Flywire, you will be presented with Flywire's bank details which are not the same as Queen Mary's bank account. Please do not be alarmed, the payment will still be routed to Queen Mary University bank account via Flywire.
If you would like to pay by direct bank transfer to QMUL bank account, please go to our website and choose the 'Pay by Direct Bank Transfer' option.
You must pay your tuition fees before full enrolment each academic year. Enrolment dates can be found on the Enrolment & Temporary Enrolment Deadlines page.
You will not be fully enrolled until you have paid or made arrangements to pay your fees by 31st January.*
Your fee amount is shown on your offer letter, your invoice, MySIS (My Finances) and our website
New Student Fees:
Continuing fees:
*New students who do not pay by this date will be given temporary enrolment with a payment deadline of 07 February 2025.
If your tuition fee is more than £1000, you can arrange an instalment plan with the Fees office to pay by instalments. This does not apply to Pre-sessional programmes, short courses and one-semester Study Abroad Associate programmes.
Full details can be found on the tuition fee instalment page and the link to the online instalment plan portal.
There is a non-refundable administration fee of £50 to pay by instalments. This charge does not apply to home fee-paying undergraduate students. This fee can be paid online.
Your fee status determines the rate of fees that you will pay for your course at Queen Mary.
The Admissions Team will assess the information in your application with UK Government regulations to set your fee status.
Please visit our fee status assessment page for information on how fee status is assessed.
The fee status assessment will remain in place for the course of your studies. Please refer to the UKCISA guidance for full information on limited circumstances in which students could be considered for home fees after starting their course.
If you meet one of the UKCISA categories, you will need to complete a fee status questionnaire, which can be found our fee status assessment page.
If you are on a full year abroad or industrial placement as part of your course you will be charged a reduced fee. Please refer to the university fee schedules.
You will only receive your invoice after you have successfully completed the Online Enrolment task on MySIS, depending on how you have told us you will be paying your fees. Please be advised it will be sent to you via email within a few working days of completing the task.
You will, however, receive an email shortly after completing your Online Enrolment with guidance on how to pay your fees and who to contact if you need support. Contact details will differ depending on the method you will be using to pay your fees so please refer to this email in the first instance. The subject line is 'Tuition Fees - Funding Option'.
If you would like to make a fee payment before mid-late August and your Admissions status is Unconditional Firm (UF) please visit MySis where the amount payable can be found in the My Finance section.
If you have not received your invoice, please check your email junk folder. If you would like a copy of your invoice, please email along with your Student ID Number.
Your invoice will always quote your full tuition fees as shown on your offer letter. The invoice will not deduct any upfront payments or deposit payments.
You are not expected to pay the full invoice amount if you have already made a payment towards your fees. You are only expected to pay the balance after deducting your upfront payments.
An up-to-date statement of your account is shown under the MyFinance section of MySIS. This will show your current balance and amount to pay.
Total fee: £20,000
Deposit paid £2,000
(Invoice will show £20,000)
Amount to pay: £20,000 - £2000 = £18,000
If you are paying in full before enrolment to take advantage of the 1% discount you must also deduct the 1% discount. The 1% discount is against the invoice amount. In the example above the 1% discount would be £200 therefore you would pay £18,000 - £200 = £17,800
You should receive an automated receipt by email. Below is a estimated timeline of when your email receipt will be sent depending on the payment method used:
Online payment: 1 working day
International payment: 4-7 working days
Bank transfer: 2-3 working days
If you have not received your receipt, please check your email junk folder.
Please email along with your Student ID Number and proof of payment if you have not received your receipt after the estimated time.
Students whose university fees are £10,000 or higher will receive a 1% discount if they pay their fees in full before enrolment. The prompt payment discount applies to students who pay the overseas rate of fees on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and Home students on postgraduate programmes.
It does not apply to 'Home fee' paying undergraduate students and Channel Islands or Isle of Man students, where the fees are regulated by the UK government.
You are strongly advised to deduct 1% from the full tuition fee and pay 99% rather than paying full fees with the view of applying for a refund. If you have already paid full tuition fees, you will need to submit a refund request via MySIS before January 31st for September starters and before 30th April for January starters.
To request a refund, click the 'Request a refund' button located within the ‘My Finance’ section of MySIS.
Refunds will only be made by the same method, back to the same card from which the original payment was made and are normally issued within 21 days of the receipt of the refund request and supporting documentation where eligible.
Please ensure that you have read the full University Fee Regulations regarding tuition fee refund and eligibility.
Some courses include compulsory field trips, the cost of which is additional to tuition fees. You will be notified of any additional fees with your offer of admission.
The University may increase future university fees for continuing students each academic year.
For undergraduate Home students, the fee will not increase above the fee cap set by the UK government for the year which is £9535 from September 2025.
For all other students, the increase will not exceed three percent of the previous year’s fee.
There are certain exceptions, such as for students returning from a period of interruption, students progressing from Year 0 to Year 1 in an undergraduate degree with an integrated foundation year and medical/dental students progressing from the non-clinical to clinical years of their programme.
When the increase is applied, fees are generally rounded up to the nearest £10 or £50.
You will be charged a reduced fee if you are on a full year abroad or placement as part of your course. Please refer to the tuition fee schedules for current fee charges.
We have a wide range of opportunities with different eligibility criteria and application routes. Please refer to our Scholarships database.
It is possible that your department has not yet notified the Fees Office of your scholarship. Please email a copy of your scholarship confirmation letter to and we will update your invoice.
If your fees will be paid by a sponsor, please email an official sponsorship letter to letter should include the following on a company-headed paper.
Please note Queen Mary will only accept sponsors if they pass a credit check and are agreeing to pay the fees directly to Queen Mary. Families and friends will not be accepted as official sponsors.
You may be eligible for a Queen Mary Bursary if you have applied to your regional student funding authority for income assessed UK government financial support. Further details can be found on this page
If you are in receipt of an NHS bursary, please email a copy of your NHS bursary award letter to along with your student ID number and we will invoice NHS directly.
The bank letter (correctly named Student Status Letter) can only be given to student who are fully enrolled. You will need to pay your fees before you are fully enrolled therefore you will need to find an alternative way to pay your fees other than via a UK bank account.
Payments can be transferred directly to Queen Mary University bank account or payment can be made by card online. Full payment details here
You will need to log into the instalment plan portal using your Queen Mary username. This will be in the format ab123456 and is sent to you by Queen Mary IT services within 72 hours of being sent the email inviting you to complete Pre-Enrolment. If you have not received this username or are unable to log in, please contact IT services.
Our Advice and Counseling Service have a range of comprehensive guides and information related to the cost associated with studying at Queen Mary.
You can find out more information on funding and fees on the following webpages:
You are welcome to contact our Advice and Counselling Service for individual, confidential advice about your eligibility for funding, planning your budget, applying for student finance or any other financial or practical issue. You can contact us at any time before starting your course, and throughout your studies. We particularly encourage students from a care background, or who otherwise have no contact with their family, or are living alone in the UK to contact us for advice in advance of starting their course.
An unpaid fees flag is placed on the records of students with overdue fees. The outstanding fee might be tuition fees, a field trip, or other charges. You can view your fee account under the My Finances section on MySIS. If you need further information about this outstanding amount or believe that there is an error, please contact the Fees office.
You may also be flagged for unpaid fees if you are a sponsored student and we have not yet processed your sponsor letter. If you believe this may be the case with your red flag, please contact
If you are a new student unable to pay your fees, you won’t fully enrol until you have paid your tuition fees or arranged an instalment plan.
If you are enrolled and unable to pay your fees by the deadline, please refer to Section 19: 'Failure to Pay' of the Tuition Fee Regulations.
Please refer to the Advice and Counselling funding guides for further information about financial support. If you need any further assistance, please email