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Student Health

Student Health

Student Health at Queen Mary

Student Health

There is a free Student Health Service available on Mile End campus 

It is very important that you protect your health while studying at Queen Mary.

The Student Health Service is provided by Suttons Wharf Health Centre  and is located in the Geography Building at Mile End Campus).

Students living in Queen Mary accommodation at Mile End or Whitechapel and students living in the borough of Tower Hamlets (postcodes E1, E2, E3 and E14) are encouraged to register with the Student Health Service.

Also, if it is clinically appropriate and practical in your individual case, the Student Health Service offers out of area registration without home visits for the students who live within inner London. 


If you live outside Tower Hamlets, and you wish to register with a doctor close to where you live, you can find a list of local doctors here.

To register as a temporary patient for the duration of your time at Queen Mary, download the Temporary Resident (GMS3) form [PDF 77KB], complete it and return it to the Student Health Service reception.

The Student Health Service provides a complete range of medical services including immunisations, sexual health advice and psychological counselling. 


To BOOK an appointment:

Select Book an Appointment on the GP homepage

Call: 020 7882 8710 



Students with a disability, mental health condition or specific learning difficulty

If you have a disability or long-term medical condition or specific learning difficulty that affects your ability to study effectively, you are advised to contact the Disability and Dyslexia Service to discuss any support that you may be able to access. All queries to the service will be treated in the strictest confidence, although if you will require support we will encourage you to permit us to discuss this with your school or academic department.

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