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Student Advice and Signposting Hub

Academic Integrity

Investigations undertaken in partnership with Queen Mary students suggests that there is a considerable amount of confusion and concern about academic integrity, plagiarism and collusion. As an Advisor you may have a valuable contribution to make in raising awareness about academic integrity for your Advisees.

To address this, QMplus course: Academic Integrity at Queen Mary has been developed and is available to all taught students.

This module is just one part of efforts to reduce incidents of misconduct and it will focus on clarifying issues for students and helping them develop their understanding of the issues.  It is up to individual schools or programmes to decide how they wish to use the course, with some asking all students to obtain a certificate of completion. You may find it helpful to refer your Advisees to the course at the start of their studies, during busy assessment periods, or if an Advisee asks you for support following an academic misconduct investigation.

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