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School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Antonio Enea Romano (Antioquia): Effects of dark energy on the propagation of gravitational waves

When: Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Where: Physics (G. O. Jones building) Room 516 & online, Mile End

Speaker: Antonio Enea Romano (Antioquia)

We derive a model independent equation for the propagation of gravitational waves (GW) in terms of an effective GW speed c_T related to the anisotropy of the effective stress energy tensor, showing that it can depend on  time, frequency, and polarization. An equivalent derivation is also given using an effective Lagrangian, showing that the effective speed depends on the interaction of the graviton with other fields and itself. The modified friction term induces a time, frequency and polarization dependent difference between GW and electromagnetic luminosity distance, given by the relation d_L^{GW}(z) = c_T(z) d_L^{EM}(z). We discuss the prospect of constraining dark energy models with the GW luminosity distance of bright and dark sirens.

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